Chapter 153 Do we have the murderer’s DNA?

Tao Hanhui ignored Wu Muyang and the others' chatter and observed all directions without missing any corner.

Ten minutes later, he said: "Old Liu is right. The feng shui of this place is simply excellent. It can be ranked among the best in the whole Jiangcheng. It's just not very obvious. If you don't study it carefully when you pass by, it's really obvious. can not tell."

Hearing this, the 60- to [-]-year-old Liu grinned: "Look, what did I say?"

Wu Muyang was still uninterested: "The feng shui in the first few places was good, and we didn't find anything."

"Old Tao, you've got it right."

Tao Hanhui walked down the hill and said, "Just make sure and let's go."

Seeing this, Wu Muyang stood up "with difficulty" and caught up with Tao Hanhui with a few friends.

When he arrived at the first point, Tao Hanhui lowered his head and looked around, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me water."

Taking the water from his friend, Tao Hanhui sprinkled it on the ground in front of him.

Then, it’s all about waiting.

Wu Muyang and others watched silently, they naturally knew what Tao Hanhui was doing.

The first priority when stepping on the plate is to find a place that is suspected to be a tomb. There may be many such places, several, dozens, or dozens, and they need to be verified one by one.

Therefore, eye recognition is not only a technical job, but also a skill job. Sometimes it requires staying in the same place for several days.

Tao Hanhui's actions were a verification.

Look at the color of the grass and traces of mud. This is a more intuitive way to find ancient tombs.

When ancient tombs were backfilled with earth, in order to prevent moisture and water from entering the tomb due to bad weather such as rain, the earth would be burned or stir-fried in a pot.

In this case, the sealing soil will be very dry.

If you sprinkle water on it, the location of the tomb will dry faster than the normal ground next to it.

After waiting for a while, Tao Hanhui determined that there was nothing special here, and then left for another place.

The search took two or three hours.

"No, let's take a break."

Wu Muyang panted and sat on the ground again, unable to walk anymore.

He is the oldest among the few and his physical fitness cannot keep up.

Tao Hanhui ignored him and continued walking forward.

Another hour passed, and when the last location was confirmed, Tao Hanhui stood there and frowned.

"No? No, this place is indeed very suspicious. Is there something wrong?"

Tao Hanhui whispered to himself.

Someone said: "Old Tao, are you in the grass on the mountain?"

"Cao Li?"

This sentence seemed to remind Tao Hanhui of something, and he turned around and shouted: "Old Wu!"

Lao Wu turned his head: "Huh??"

Tao Hanhui said loudly: "When you talked to Officer Chen before, did you say it might be a filter pit?"

Lao Wu also said loudly: "Yes! It may be a filter pit!!"

After receiving the affirmation, Tao Hanhui turned around and looked at his surroundings, his eyes flashing.

"follow me."

A few people pushed aside the weeds and went deep into the jungle.

Another hour later, Tao Hanhui stopped in front of a lush grass.

He looked left and right, his eyes fixed.

"See the problem?"

Lao Liu immediately said: "There is something wrong with the plants. Someone scattered the seeds."

When some tomb robbers fill in their holes, they are used to spreading a layer of fast-growing grass seeds on top. In this way, it won't take long for the surrounding area to be covered with vegetation, leaving no big holes.

Even an experienced colleague passing by would not be able to tell it without careful observation.

"Shovel down." Tao Hanhui took a step back.

"it is good."

Lao Liu stepped forward and dug his long shovel into the ground. When he pulled it out, it had already brought out the deep soil.

Several people gathered around to observe, all with focused gazes.

"Living soil!"

"That's it!"

Someone was pleasantly surprised.

Tao Hanhui's expression remained unchanged, he bent down, picked up some soil, smelled it, and said, "Clean the tomb."

Old Liu and others turned their heads, but they did not expect that after more than 20 years, Tao Hanhui's skills were not unfamiliar at all, and the four-character formula of "look, hear, ask, and understand" was still innocent and innocent.

This is not Chinese medicine, but the ability that experienced eye recognizers need to possess.

Once you master the skills of looking, hearing, asking, and feeling, determining the location of a tomb is basically as simple as determining the gender of a man or woman.

At this moment, Tao Hanhui noticed something was wrong, sniffed hard again, and his expression changed.

"There's something wrong with the taste, and I've died!"

The soil in the depths is relatively moist, and the unusual smell can still be smelled.

"Old Wu! Found it!!"

Hearing the shout, Wu Muyang in the distance got excited and quickly got up and ran over.
"Found it? Where is it?"

When he came closer, he looked at the hole dug by the shovel and then at the soil.

"Wuhuatu, this must be it." He said.

Five-flower soil and live soil have similar meanings. They are a mixture of cooked soil and raw soil.

Tao Hanhui took out his mobile phone: "Notify Officer Chen."


On the other side, Chen Yi, who was still visiting and investigating, hung up the call from Tao Hanhui and immediately ordered: "Notify all trace inspection and forensic doctors in the city bureau to withdraw some investigators."

"Mr. Tao found something there."

Although it may not be the tomb of that year, we cannot let go of any possibility.

Zhao Qiming looked solemn: "Yes!"

Soon, the police gathered, and two hours later the police car arrived at the foot of the mountain where Tao Hanhui was.

"Officer Chen."

Seeing Chen Yi, Tao Hanhui came up to him and spoke with a smile.

Chen Yi said politely: "Mr. Tao, thank you very much. Leave the rest of the work to us."

"Mr. Wu worked hard too, and you guys worked hard too."

Wu Muyang and others nodded in response.

After saying that, he waved his hand, and all the police officers stepped forward to prepare for excavation. Forensics and trace inspection were on standby, including Xinzhuoyun and others, who also joined the excavation work.

Zhao Qiming stood behind Chen Yi.

"Mr. Tao, what's the specific situation?" Chen Yi asked.

At the moment, Tao Hanhui fully and carefully explained the process of discovering the tomb to Chen Yi. He knew that every clue might be useful to him.

"Cleaning the tomb? Someone died?"

"Spreading seeds?"

Chen Yi frowned slightly, feeling something wasn't right.

"Mr. Tao, do you mean this is the work of the last wave of tomb robbers?"

Tao Hanhui nodded: "Probably."

Hearing this, Chen Yi and Zhao Qiming looked at each other and understood what each other was thinking.

If someone died, then this tomb might be the tomb from 25 years ago.

Suppose the murderer is a descendant of the seventh person.

Then, this place should have been excavated at least three times.

The last time, it was the murderer who did it.

When he committed the first crime to kill Sun Jianli, the first thing he wanted to do was to ask for the whereabouts of the tomb.

If Sun Jianli didn't say it, then there would still be Tian Youwei. If Tian Youwei didn't say it, there would still be Liang Wu. There would always be someone who would say it.

After asking for the exact address, he will come to confirm and dig out what he wants, such as the bones of his relatives.

In this case, will he scatter the seeds?
After pondering for a while, Chen Yi asked Tao Hanhui a question.

After listening, Tao Hanhui said: "I think it's possible."

"The photos of the six locations that Officer Chen gave me were very targeted in their selection, which shows that the person involved has done some research on Feng Shui. We do not rule out the possibility that he is knowledgeable."

"Since you know your stuff, it's not surprising that you can fill the hole and then scatter the seeds to prevent others from discovering it."

Tao Hanhui's words made Chen Yi nod: "I understand."

If it was the murderer's handiwork, then he was not guarding his peers, but the police.

When I was investigating the case, I used my identity as a police officer and sought help from Tao Hanhui and others. It took so much effort to find out here.

The murderer had nothing at the time and could only rely on his own brain.

Then, integrating into this industry is the fastest shortcut.

The excavation work continued into the evening, with lights all around.

Soon, a complete robbery cave appeared in front of everyone. From the outside, it looked bottomless and it was unclear where it led.

Tao Hanhui said that it is absolutely safe inside and can be entered with confidence.

Subsequently, forensic doctors and trace examinations got in one after another.

The investigation work continued until ten o'clock in the evening. No one had eaten, nor did they feel tired or hungry, because they all felt that the murderer was getting closer and closer to the police.

The first thing to come out is the trace inspection.

At this time, a trace inspection officer already had a transparent evidence bag in his hand, which contained a few pieces of black stuff, and it was hard to tell what it was.

"Team Leader Chen, look." The police officer handed the evidence bag to Chen Yi.Chen Yi took it and looked at it, but didn't see anything interesting, so he handed it to Tao Hanhui, who had not left yet.

At this moment, Wu Muyang and the others also gathered around.

"Tang Dynasty Sea Beast Grape Mirror?!" The speaker was Wu Muyang, his voice full of surprise, "Is this really this thing?!"

When I was chatting with Chen Yi before, I thought I was just casually mentioning a possibility, but I didn't expect that I actually saw it today.

And it's still... broken.

"What a pity!" Wu Muyang lamented, "It's worth more than 1000 million now!"

Although even if it is complete, it cannot belong to him, but he is in this business, and it is equally distressing to see something as precious as broken.

If this thing is broken, then there will be one missing.

Who is so wasteful?
Tao Hanhui didn't speak. He stared at the things in his hands for a while, and took out a flashlight to carefully identify every detail.

After a while, he said: "Old Wu, it doesn't seem to be true. Let's take a look."

With that said, he handed it to Wu Muyang.

"not true?"

Wu Muyang was surprised. After taking it, he started studying it with a few friends.

I own an antique shop, so I naturally have the ability to identify people. Even if I am not particularly good at identifying things, I can still tell the truth when there are many people.

"What do you think, Old Liu?"

"There is indeed something wrong, what do you think?"

"I don't think it's right either."

Several people discussed it, and finally Wu Muyang's expression softened a little and said: "There is a dispute, it is probably fake."

He handed it to Tao Hanhui, and Tao Hanhui gave it back to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi was not surprised. He had already guessed that this was Cao Maojun's trick.

"Put it away and go back to the city bureau to check it carefully." Chen Yi said.

Police officer beside him: "Yes!"

Wu Muyang is still discussing here.

"The Tang Hai Beast Grape Mirror appears in the tomb. Whether it is true or not, it at least shows that the owner of the tomb is of high status, right?"

"Yes, it should have something to do with the court, otherwise there is no need."

"There is a Tang Hai Beast Grape Mirror, so there must be others, but the probability of it being a fake is relatively high. Anyone who falls into this tomb will be really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

"It all depends on luck. It would be good to take away some Qingmin kilns and Qingguan kilns, especially the official kilns, which are relatively valuable. At least they can get their money back."

Along with their whispers, the forensic doctor came out at this moment.

They were a little dirty, but their faces were full of excitement.

"Team Leader Chen, Team Zhao!" It was He Zhinian who spoke, "Blood stains have been extracted!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. This was the biggest gain.

"Director He, can you give me the results tomorrow?" he asked.

He Zhinian nodded: "I will go back immediately and I will definitely give you the report tomorrow."

Chen Yi: "Okay, thank you, Director He."

After speaking, he turned to look at Tao Hanhui and the others: "Mr. Tao, thank you so much for this matter. It helped us a lot."

"After this case is over, I will definitely pay you a visit."

Tao Hanhui smiled and said: "Officer Chen, you don't have to be polite. Didn't I tell you that you are Shang Li's friend and my junior, the same."

"If you have any questions, please call me at any time. I have been gathering with some friends in Jiangcheng in the past few days. I won't go back to Yangcheng yet."

Chen Yi: "Okay, all Mr. Tao's expenses in Jiangcheng will be mine."

Tao Hanhui waved his hand: "No, no, no, there is Lao Wu. This old guy is very unreasonable. I will definitely criticize him seriously."

What he was referring to was Wu Muyang's collection of money.

These words made Wu Muyang angry.

What does it mean to be unauthentic?That's business!

Besides, every time I add money, this guy takes the initiative. If he takes the money as money, it has nothing to do with me.

"Leave this tomb to the relevant personnel. I will inform Tao Shangli. I may have questions to ask him then."

During the chat, Chen Yi finally spoke.

What is going on in this tomb needs to be clarified. The police are not professional and archaeologists must intervene.

Tao Hanhui smiled and said, "Okay, thank you very much, Officer Chen."

If Tao Shangli knew about this tomb first, it would be very helpful for his future career development.

At this moment, on the hill in the distance, the moonlight shines down, and a figure stands behind the tree, with one eye exposed.

The eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and inexplicable viciousness.

Watching the police car leave, the figure looked away, turned around and disappeared into the night.


The time came to the next afternoon.

The forensic office worked all night, and He Zhinian finally brought a test and identification report to the case handling hall.

Seeing He Zhinian's appearance, Chen Yi and others who had been waiting for a long time stood up and looked over.

He Zhinian said with a tired look on his face: "The blood belongs to two people, but it does not belong to the five victims more than ten years ago and Cao Maojun and his son."

"However, these two people have a father-son relationship. One is older and the other is closer. They did not stay at the same time."

As he spoke, he handed the test report to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it and turned directly to the last page: the probability of biological parentage is 90.00% nine point nine.

In the silence, Zhao Qiming on the other side immediately became excited.

"The clues match!"

"The father is the seventh man, and the son is the murderer, right?! When he went to dig up his father's bones, he was too excited and accidentally left traces of his own blood!"

"Team Leader Chen, we have the murderer's DNA?!"

As he spoke, Zhao Qiming's hands were trembling a little.

It’s been 15 years, and now we have the murderer’s DNA!

Master will be very happy if he finds out!

"Old He, compare the database."

Chen Yi looked calm and handed the appraisal report to He Xin.

Shi Xin's mood was the same as Zhao Qiming's, with a solemn expression: "Okay!"

If the corresponding person can really be found in the database, doesn't it mean that the case has entered the... arrest stage? ?
It also means that the case is going to be solved?

The deadline given by Fang Songping was only half over.

The case handling hall became quiet at this moment, and everyone was a little nervous.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous. After a month of difficult investigation into this case, I finally found the shadow of the murderer.

Time passed slowly.

1 minutes.

2 minutes.

In the end, He Xin stared at the computer, his expression gradually turning ugly.

"Looking...can't find it."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming clenched his fist.

If they can't be found, it means that neither of them has a criminal record, nor do they fall into any other circumstances that require registration in the DNA bank.

Chen Yi had a cigarette in his mouth. He didn't raise his hand to light it until the results were given.

Everyone looked at Chen Yi.

No one can be found through DNA, which means that this clue is not very useful to the police at this moment.

The person can be found and compared and identified, but it cannot be extensively investigated based on DNA.

Facing the gazes of Zhao Qiming and others, Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and said, "At least we are sure that such a place exists, we also know the meaning of the mirror, and we also know that the suspect... has been to that place."

"There is no wrong direction."

"As long as it's going in the right direction, that's good news for us."

Several people were silent. Even so, they were not happy.

It was as if the murderer was close at first, but in the blink of an eye, the person was gone and he had to look for the needle in the haystack again.

Chen Yi said: "Do you think the murderer was in that place yesterday?"

"Huh? What?"

Zhao Qiming didn't understand.

Chen Yi: "After confirming that this tomb is related to the case, I remembered something."

"The murderer is a smart man. For half a month, the police in the city have been working hard to visit him all the time, and there is a lot of movement."

"Outsiders may not be able to detect it, but the murderer who is highly related to the case should be clear, right?"

"Even our people, at a certain time on a certain day, will come face to face with the murderer and have a few words."

Zhao Qiming frowned. He had never thought about this before.

Chen Yi continued: "The purpose of the investigation and visit is very clear. If the murderer notices it, he will definitely be able to deduce the progress of the police investigation."

"Yesterday we dug the grave with great fanfare. It's possible that the murderer came over to take a look at it when he had nothing to do."

Zhao Qiming: "Are you saying that when we inspected the scene yesterday, the murderer was observing from a distance?"

Chen Yi: "This is a game. If I were the murderer, I would definitely pay attention to that tomb. The discovery of the tomb means that the police are very close to me."

Zhao Qiming thoughtfully said: "It is indeed possible. If he really goes, then our opponent will be very difficult."

"It's a pity that I wasn't sure at the beginning, otherwise I could have ambushed him, and maybe I would have caught him directly."

"Team Leader Chen, why don't you try searching? If he really comes, maybe we can find some clues, including footprints."

(End of this chapter)

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