Chapter 144 Let’s not check anymore
"Small things are magnified? How to put it?"

Zhao Qiming asked, and he felt that Chen Yi seemed to have thought of some possibility.

Chen Yi just opened the cigarette case in his hand and took out a cigarette from it.

When lit, smoke rises and sounds follow.

"Didn't Sun Tengshan's mother say that this happened only once?"

"Regardless of whether she forgot or it was really just once, we just think it was only once, at least it was only once that she got so angry."

"Then, if there is only one incident, it means that Sun Jianli must have encountered something that made him very angry, and it can even be said that it exceeded his psychological endurance, which led to him losing control of his emotions."

"What could it be?"

"Wait a minute." Zhao Qiming interrupted at this time, "Team Leader Chen, what you are saying now is based on the assumption of the tomb robbing incident, and the two cases involve the same murderer, right?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course, judging from the clues we have so far, this is the most likely possibility."

Zhao Qiming: "Okay, Team Leader Chen, please continue."

Chen Yi took a puff of his cigarette and said, "I'll tell you a few key words and you can think of them yourself."

"Grave robbing, harvest, anger, financial situation has not changed, no heirlooms in the family."

"Have you thought of anything?"

This time, Qin Fei was the fastest to respond. He blurted out: "Fake!"


Zhao Qiming and Shi Xin turned their heads at the same time.

"Fake?" Shi Xin also reacted, "Yes, if Sun Jianli spent a lot of effort and finally took out a very valuable thing from the tomb, and finally found out that it was fake and worthless, Don’t be mad at this.”

"It was precisely because of this incident that he became furious after returning home after the appraisal, and even beat Sun Tengshan until his nose bled. Sun Tengshan's mother was deeply impressed by this incident. She still remembers it carefully after 25 years. stand up."

Zhao Qiming's eyes widened when he heard He Xin's words.

Ouch, shit!Isn't this... this connection there?Sun Jianli and Cao Maojun both went to their graves!
However... it is just an inference, and the basis is not solidly convincing. It is somewhat subjective guess, and it is still based on a hypothetical premise.

Whether it is true or not is hard to tell.

But at least it makes sense.

The truth of the case seems to have begun to unfold.

This inference made Zhuo Yun take a breath of air and subconsciously looked at Qin Fei beside him. You react very quickly, you're faster than me!How can I protect my position with Chen Yi?

No, it’s two sentences high and low.

At the moment, he said: "If this is the case, the tomb robbing incident occurred at least 25 years ago."

"When Captain Kong investigated 15 years ago, at least ten years had passed. It is understandable that several people who have long lost contact cannot be traced."

Chen Yi nodded: "That's right."

"I personally think there is no problem with this direction."

"Thinking of going to the tomb, the murderer's way of committing the crime is very identifiable. The only thing that cannot be given a reasonable explanation is the mirror..."

After speaking, he thought for a moment and said, "Two possibilities."

"First, the mirror has nothing to do with the incident decades ago. The murderer placed the mirror as a means of revenge, purely to increase the victim's fear and let them watch themselves die."

"Secondly, the mirror is related to events decades ago, which needs to be broken down into several possibilities."

"Possibility one is that the victim was motivated to kill someone for money, or did not save the victim. There was a mirror or mirror-like cultural relics on the victim."

"Possibility two, there are mirror-type cultural relics in the tomb. The murderer in this case is highly related to the owner of the tomb. This is a symbol of revenge." "Possibility three, the murderer was blackmailed. The blackmailer's confidence is because the murderer has a mirror in his hand. artifacts, so the murderer placed the mirror to mock.”

After saying that, he fell silent and quietly smoked the cigarette in his hand, not knowing what else he thought of.

Zhao Qiming was a little surprised. Chen Yi's reaction was so fast and he could always give a variety of analyzes in a short time. But he felt it was very reasonable and couldn't find any point to refute.

If these are proven to be the truth in the future, then Chen Yi will not be great, but terrifying.

When the atmosphere was quiet for a long time, Chen Yi put out his cigarette and said, "Let's go meet Yao Jing's family and make targeted inquiries based on our inferences!"

More than ten years ago, it was a clueless inquiry, and a dozen years later it was a clue-based inquiry. The results of the two are different.

The same question, if asked in a different way, will often get different answers.


The situation in Yao Jing's family is different from that of Sun Jianli. His wife has remarried long ago, but she only brought her only son.

Yao Jing was 38 years old when he was killed, 11 years ago, when his son was only nine years old and had just entered college.

It’s not too late to have a baby at 27.

The factory where Yao Jing worked was a state-owned enterprise with a formal system. At that time, the second child policy was not yet allowed, so Yao Jing only had one son.

If he had not died, he and his wife might have had another child in a few years, which was a pity.

Several people came to the door at noon and did not leave Yao Jing's wife's home until 02:30 in the afternoon.

Like visiting Sun Jianli's family, there is still something to gain.

The advantage of targeted inquiry comes out. Yao Jing once liked antiques very early on, but later gave up because of his girlfriend's advice and quarrels.

The girlfriend was Yao Jing’s later wife.

Kong Hanyong didn't ask about this matter at the time. It was just a small matter of giving up his hobby. Moreover, more than ten years had passed, and it would have been easy to ignore it if the inquiry was not targeted.

This is just like quitting fishing, drinking, or quitting smoking. There will always be missing information.

Chen Yi and others were able to get this clue only because of the emergence of a new case. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to find out. One can imagine Kong Hanyong's powerlessness at that time.

"Yao Jing only agreed to his girlfriend on the surface, maybe because he was not married yet and was afraid of breaking up, but he definitely didn't know what he did secretly."

In the car, it was Zhao Qiming who spoke.

Following Chen Yi's train of thought, no matter how you look at this little thing, there are doubts and clues.

He Xin then spoke: "Yao Jing was only 25 years old 24 years ago, but he graduated from a technical secondary school and entered society at the age of 19. He is fully qualified and motivated to do something."

Zhao Qiming nodded: "Yes, but Yao Jing's wife said that there was nothing unusual about Yao Jing 25 years ago, and there was no windfall in the family, let alone antiques. This is true..."

"Is it fake again? Or is it hidden? Or is it a mistake in judgment?"

I thought I could get some new information in a targeted way, but it backfired unexpectedly.

After chatting for a few words, several people looked at Chen Yi.

"Team Leader Chen, who will be investigated next?" Zhao Qiming said.

Chen Yi shook his head: "Let's not investigate now. What we have found so far is enough to support the inference. It would be a waste of time to ask further. We need more conclusive evidence."

"Then change the direction and let the police in the city move."

"If this case is to be solved within two months, I'm afraid it will take a little bit of luck."

(End of this chapter)

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