Chapter 143 Sun Family Mother and Son
At ten o'clock in the morning, the vehicle arrived at Fangyi Town, and its first destination was the plate processing factory where Sun Jianli's son worked.

Sun Jianli's son is called Sun Tengshan.

This factory seemed to be quite large in scale. When Shen Chenyi and others arrived, a truck full of plates just drove out and slowly drove away.

"Business is doing well, making a lot of money." Zhao Qiming looked back and said.

Several people walked into the factory.

When they saw Sun Tengshan, he was sitting leisurely in the office drinking tea.

Sun Tengshan had a hijab. The room was relatively warm, so he wore white short-sleeves, which stretched out his bulging muscles. You can clearly see a large tattoo on his arm.

"Police?" Sun Tengshan glanced at the five people and said quietly: "I don't know how many of you are here. I wonder where they are from?"

Zhao Qiming said calmly: "City Bureau."

Chen Yi: "Provincial Department."

When Sun Tengshan heard this, he was immediately startled. The tea cup in his hand was not steady, causing the tea to overflow and wet his clothes.

He quickly put down his tea cup and patted the water on his clothes, and then smiled: "It turns out they are police officers from the municipal bureau and the provincial...provincial department, disrespectful."

"I'm so sorry. I've lost all my etiquette. Come on, come on, have some tea. It's just been brewed."

He thought it was a police officer from another police station, but he was a little surprised that it was so big.

Looking back on your work and life during this period, it wasn’t anything big, right?At most it has something to do with public security. Why did we recruit people from the provincial department and the municipal bureau?

Chen Yi looked at Sun Tengshan pouring tea and said, "Mr. Sun, you don't have to be polite. We are here because of your father's affairs."

Hearing this, Sun Tengshan paused and his smile faded.

He did not stop and continued to pour tea, and then slowly placed several cups of tea in front of Chen Yi and others.

"My dad's case? So that's it, I understand."

"It's been 15 years. Are you planning to re-examine?"

Chen Yi: "You can say that."

Sun Tengshan quickly judged Chen Yi's status and focused on him: "The provincial department came in person. It seems that they attach great importance to it. It's a bit sudden. Can you tell me why?"

Chen Yi: "It is our duty to investigate the case, what else is needed?"

"Mr. Sun must also want to know what happened when Sun Jianli died."

Sun Tengshan was silent for a while and fiddled with the tea cup in front of him: "At that time, after the case happened, the police came every now and then. They investigated everything that needed to be investigated, asked everything that needed to be asked, and told everything I knew."

"Now ask me again, what new tricks can you come up with?"

Chen Yi said: "Maybe, because we have new clues."

"Huh?" Sun Tengshan suddenly raised his head, "What new clue?"

Chen Yi looked at him and said, "Did Sun Jianli go to the tomb 15 years ago?"

Sun Tengshan was surprised: "Go to the grave? What kind of grave? What do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "Literally, tomb robbing."

If such a thing had happened, he would have definitely asked about it back then, unless he had concealed it. He went straight to the point to observe the change in Sun Tengshan's expression.

These words made Sun Tengshan stunned: "Tomb robbing?? Why is it related to tomb robbing? I have never heard of it. You are mistaken."

Chen Yi ignored Sun Tengshan's doubts and said, "In other words, you have never heard of the relevant news?"

Sun Tengshan shook his head: "No, no, this has never happened."

Chen Yi: "What was your father's main source of income back then?"

Sun Tengshan replied: "I farm, and when I have free time, I also go to the town's construction sites to do small jobs."

Chen Yi: "Recall carefully, go back and recall from when you were young. Was there a certain period of time when the living conditions at home suddenly improved."

Sun Tengshan answered quickly: "No."

Chen Yi frowned slightly: "Why don't you think about things that have happened for so long?"

Sun Tengshan was helpless: "What's there to think about? When I was a child, the living conditions in the village were just like that. I had enough to eat and warm clothes. During the Chinese New Year, I could buy a new clothes, eat a plate of dumplings, and eat some chicken, duck, and fish. That's the biggest thing. happiness."

Chen Yi did not ask further. Life in the village 30 years ago was indeed like this. It was not very good. You could not get everything you wanted, but you could still have enough food, clothing, clothing and occasional surprises.

He changed the question: "In your memory, 15 years ago, did he ever leave home for no reason? He might have been gone for a day or two, three or four days, or longer."

Hearing this, Sun Tengshan's face became tangled. After looking at Chen Yi, he sighed: "This... police officer from the provincial department, it is really difficult for me to answer these questions of yours."

"My memory was blurry when I was a child, and it was normal for my dad to leave home. Either he went to make money or did other things. I wouldn't ask."

"Even if I asked, I can't remember it now. Anyway, there is no impression in my memory."

Chen Yi was silent for a moment, then said: "Does he have any hobbies? For example... he likes archeology and antiques."

The new question made Sun Tengshan rub his forehead: "What about antiques? Did you still have spare money to buy antiques? It would be good if you can eat enough."

Chen Yi: "Whether you have the money to buy it is another matter. I generate electricity for love. I just like it and am interested in it."

"Is there an impression?"

Sun Tengshan shook his head: "No, I have very little communication with my dad. I don't even ask about his affairs, and he won't take the initiative to talk to me."

"Why don't you go ask my mother, she's at home."

"Husband and wife definitely know more than me, the son."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, we will go. By the way, is the old house still there?"

Sun Tengshan: "It's no longer there. It was demolished long ago and turned into a small western-style building."

When talking about the small foreign building, you can see a touch of pride rising on Sun Tengshan's face.

After dropping out of junior high school and his father died, he could only carry the family alone. Now he not only has a big business, but he can also build a luxurious mansion on the homestead in the village. This is a very honorable thing and something to be proud of.

Sun Tengshan was only young when Sun Jianli was killed, and his journey was not easy.

The murderer not only killed five people, but also destroyed five families. Sun Tengshan's situation was considered good.

The worst thing is that of Cao Yuning. The lives of his father and son disappeared one after another within eight years. The only thing worth comforting is that Cao Yuning still has a younger son, who can be regarded as leaving a legacy for the Cao family.

After leaving the plate factory, Chen Yi and others went to the village where Sun Jianli once lived and met Sun Tengshan's mother.

The house is indeed a small Western-style building, and it has three floors. It looks very grand from a distance and up close. It is probably a blueprint bought at a high price.

But to be honest, building a house like this in a village is a bit... exaggerated, and there is a lot of bragging involved.

My grandma is less than 60 years old, but she looks as if she is seventy, with a stooped back, a wrinkled face, and most of her black hair has turned white.

Rural women often do heavy work. If they are not taken good care of, they will indeed age quickly. Moreover, the situation of Sun's mother must be one of the reasons why Sun Jianli was killed.

Her husband died and she left behind three children. You can imagine how desperate the grandma was at that time.

"Excuse me, did Sun Jianli leave anything valuable? For example... antiques or something like that."

After Chen Yi chatted with Sun Mu for a while, he asked a more critical question.If this case is really related to tomb robbing, and the financial conditions of the Sun family have not changed significantly, it is very likely that they have not been sold, and there is the idea of ​​using them as family heirlooms.

This thing is generally not given to the son first, and should be given to the wife first.

Grandmother shook her head: "We are just ordinary farmers, where can we get antiques?"

Chen Yi: "Then has he ever talked to you about antiques?"

Grandmother thought for a while and said, "I think we had a chat when we were young, just casual chatting."

"Oh?" Chen Yi asked, "What were you talking about?"

Grandmother said: "Just... just chatting, saying that some antiques are very expensive. If you are lucky enough to buy them, you will definitely make a fortune and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

"I can't remember exactly. I think we were talking about making money, and we also talked about buying lottery tickets and the like."

Chen Yi caught one word: "Buy? Has Sun Jianli ever bought antiques?"

Grandma: "I don't know, there probably isn't one. Isn't that thing expensive?"

Chen Yi: "Then has he ever been to an antique market or any place related to antiques?"

Grandmother looked embarrassed: "When he goes out to work, he doesn't come back for a long time. I don't know where he goes after he's done working. We've never talked about it."

Chen Yi: "When you go out to work, you mainly go to construction sites, right?"

Grandmother nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi recalled the files. Regarding this level of interpersonal relationships, Kong Hanyong had already investigated it very clearly and asked all the questions that needed to be asked.

When Sun Jianli was working at the construction site, everything was normal. If he had to find something abnormal, it would be that he was not very gregarious. Because of this, the investigation was more difficult.

For a person who likes to act alone, no one knows what he will do.

"Sun Jianli... was there anything unusual 15 years ago?" Chen Yi continued to ask.

Kong Hanyong asked this question back then, but did not get an answer. He wanted to ask it again.

Grandmother shook her head: "No."

Chen Yi did not give up: "It's not necessarily abnormal. For example, I was very happy at a certain time, very sad and angry at a certain time. These emotional changes are all counted."

Sun's mother looked at Chen Yi strangely: "That's not too much."

Chen Yi: "I mean it happened suddenly, not because of you and the child, maybe because of... other things you don't know."

"Please think carefully, we are not in a hurry, we have plenty of time."

Grandmother was quiet, as if reminiscing.

Chen Yi waited silently.

I don't know how much time had passed, but Sun's mother raised her head and said: "Once, after returning home, I suddenly lost my temper over a trivial matter and beat the boss for no reason."

Chen Yi: "Is the boss you are referring to Sun Tengshan?"

Grandmother: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "When did this happen?"

Grandma: “25 years ago.”

At this time, the expressions of Zhao Qiming and others changed slightly, and then they looked strange.

Chen Yi was also stunned for a moment and said: "It has been so long, are you sure you remember it clearly?"

To accurately tell what happened 25 years ago requires a deep impression.

Grandmother nodded: "I can remember it clearly because the boss was eight years old at the time and his nose was bleeding, so I remember it."

Chen Yi: "Oh... So that's it. You don't know why he lost his temper, do you?"

Grandmother: "I don't know, maybe I brought it back from outside. A rat carries a gun and is hiding in a den. He just knows how to take out his anger on the children. He has no ability at all."

There was resentment in her tone.

My husband has been dead for 15 years. No matter how he died, the sadness is basically gone, only resentment remains.

It doesn't matter if others kill you. If you don't mess with others, why will others kill you? This is the idea that Sun's mother has gradually developed over the years, and it still makes sense.

Most of the murder cases are just a slap in the face, the victim is more or less at fault, and the proportion of truly innocent victims is not large.

Chen Yi: "Is this common?"

Grandmother: "Not many, I remember that one time."

Chen Yi's eyes fluctuated: "What happened next? How was his mood a few days after losing his temper?"

Grandmother shook her head: "I don't remember."

Chen Yi did not ask any more questions. He had already asked about other details earlier. They were not particularly important or objective issues, so he did not repeat them again.

Several people quickly left Sun's mother's house.

Arriving at the entrance of the village, Zhao Qiming said: "If the tomb robbers were motivated by money, they should definitely have gained something. It seems that they have not. Sun Tengshan didn't lie, did he?"

"Do you want to check him out? He looks like a courageous person."

He said it more euphemistically, meaning that Sun Tengshan had the courage to do things that were against the law and discipline.

Criminal police officers are also human beings, and they are not immune to appearance.

For example, if an ordinary person dressed normally and a tattooed person with a large gold chain and a ferocious appearance are naturally more wary of the latter.

Chen Yidao: "When we think about the problem now, we must have a premise, that is, there is no connection between the five people at all, at least it is a connection that is difficult to find."

"They didn't know each other or their friendship broke off quickly after they met, and it's been a long time."

"In the early years, communications and the Internet were not as developed as they are now. It is normal that this situation cannot be detected."

"Even today, we met someone alone, but we did not exchange contact information, add each other as online friends, or monitor each other. After a while, we lost contact. If the police want to investigate in a few years, it will be very difficult."

"If it's really a tomb robbery, and a few people who don't know each other or have a very shallow relationship get together, they will definitely need a matchmaker, or an organizer."

"If this organizer requires everyone to strictly keep secrets, make money in silence, and not say anything about kissing his wife, plus it's such a long time ago, it's not surprising that Captain Kong couldn't find anything back then."

"So, if Sun Tengshan was a minor 15 years ago, I think it's normal that he doesn't know."

"In this matter, we mainly rely on the information provided by Sun Tengshan's mother."

Zhao Qiming: "You mean what you just asked... 25 years ago?"

"Sun Tengshan was eight years old at that time, and Sun Jianli was 27 years old. Could something so early have really anything to do with this case?"

Chen Yi took out his cigarette case and knocked it, but did not smoke. He said, "It's normal for a man to get angry when he gets angry outside. I didn't say it must be related. It's just a small thing in life."

"However, he is the victim in this case and we need to magnify the small things."

(End of this chapter)

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