Chapter 125 Yes, it’s her

"Come here."

At the bar counter, Wu Lin gave an affirmative answer.

Chen Yi: "What was she wearing at that time?"

Wu Lin: "Ordinary casual wear, T-shirt, white, with a cartoon logo on it."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Do you remember it so clearly?"

Wu Lin smiled and said: "Because I mixed the wine for her that night, and then... uh, then she left."

Chen Yi: "You wait a moment, and then what?"

Wu Lin smiled awkwardly: "Nothing, nothing."

Chen Yi: "Did you tease her? To be honest, details are very important to us."

"Don't you have a dream to be a police officer? Helping the police solve crimes is half of the dream."

Hearing this, Wu Lin hesitated and said helplessly: "Okay, it's not teasing, just chatting. I saw that she wasn't very happy, so I didn't go to Dong Yubo, thinking it was a quarrel."

Chen Yi asked: "What's the result?"

Wu Lin: "The result is that he didn't say anything practical and just talked to me about some vague things that I couldn't understand."

Chen Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Be specific, for example?"

Wu Lin recalled: "For was always like this before, why didn't it work this time?"

"I asked her what was useless. She said that if you are good to others, others will be good to you, and you can get what you want. But why is it useless?"

"Oh, I can't remember clearly. It's just a mess. I think she had a fight with Dong Yubo. Girls who fall in love are like this, nagging."

Chen Yi was thoughtful.

Although I can't tell much from these simple words, I can imagine that Hong Shanshan must have had some emotional problems at that time, as if she was drinking and thinking about life under extreme depression.

However, Hong Shanshan is optimistic and cheerful today. She must have come out of the gloom, or faced the disguise of the police.

"What time did she leave?"

Wu Lin: "I had two drinks here and left after a while, around nine o'clock."

Chen Yi: "Did she tell you where she was going?"

Wu Lin shook his head: "No, there were many guests at that time, and I was too lazy to care about her."

Chen Yi: "How is the relationship between Hong Shanshan and Peng Mo?"

Wu Lin was stunned: "With Peng Mo? Then I don't know. Peng Mo is Dong Yubo's friend, and Hong Shanshan is Dong Yubo's girlfriend. I guess we should have a good relationship, right?"

"But it's not necessarily true. We have to avoid suspicion. It varies from person to person. The relationship between my girlfriend and my buddy is average and there is basically no contact because I get jealous."

Chen Yi seemed to be saying to himself: "You are right, this is the normal interpersonal relationship between men and women."

If your girlfriend is very close to your buddy, there is a high probability that there will be something wrong.

Wu Lin's eyes lit up: "Did I remind you of something? If the case is solved, it will be considered a meritorious service, right?"

Chen Yi said casually: "Count it as a meritorious service and receive a verbal commendation."

Wu Lin shook his head helplessly, lost interest, turned around and continued to wipe the wine glass.

Chen Yi: "Mr. Wu, have you heard anything unusual about Hong Shanshan and Peng Mo?"

Wu Lin looked over and regretted that he had never heard of it.

Chen Yi: "What about Dong Yubo and Peng Mo?"

Wu Lin: "No, they are just good buddies, there is nothing abnormal about them."

Chen Yi: "Does Peng Mo have a girlfriend?"

Wu Lin: "That's not clear. I haven't seen it anyway."

"Peng Mo is usually cold and cold. Except for his good relationship with Dong Yubo, he doesn't like others very much. It's strange that girls like this kind of character."

"I think he's the only one in the whole bar who's single."

"By the way, would you like some wine? I'm very good at bartending. It's free."

Chen Yi shook his head: "Sorry, alcohol is prohibited during work."

Wu Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I almost forgot. That's a bit frustrating. I'm really not made to be a police officer."

"Then have a cigarette."

With that said, he casually picked up the cigarette case and placed it in front of Chen Yi.

Chen Yi seemed to be thinking about something. He picked up the cigarette box with his left hand and turned it around twice, but did not take out the cigarette inside.

"If you look into many normal things, there may be abnormalities." After a moment, he looked at Wu Lin, "When it comes to finding a girlfriend, bar staff have innate convenience, which is much better than male customers who come to pick up girls. Advantage, huh?”

Wu Lin: "This is true, especially the bartenders who can make fancy drinks, which are very attractive to many girls who come to spend money."

Chen Yi chuckled: "Like you?"

The two seemed to become familiar with each other, and the topic turned to small talk.

Wu Lin said confidently: "It goes without saying that I have many years of bartending experience. I can meet dozens or hundreds of different girls every day, and I have good looks."

"Officer, what do you think of my appearance?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Very handsome."

Objectively speaking, he is really good-looking, and with his good figure, status as a bartender, and his experience and speaking skills, he will definitely have no shortage of girlfriends.

Not only will there be no shortage, but there are probably a lot of discounts, especially for women in their 45s or even [-]s.

"You have a good eye, haha."

Wu Lin laughed and was in a good mood. He looked more and more pleased with Chen Yi and almost forgot the identity of the other detective.

Today's young detectives are really different from those in the past. Those in the past were too serious, and they would feel panic even if they didn't commit any crime.

"By the way, who died?" Wu Lin still couldn't hold back and asked.Chen Yi: "I can't say it now. You might know it later."

"By the way, did Hong Shanshan have a bag with her at that time?"

Wu Lin: "It doesn't seem like it? I have no impression. I probably didn't bring it, but I can't guarantee it."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you. Thank you Mr. Wu for your cooperation. You are busy."

After saying that, he put down the cigarette case in his hand, turned around and left with Qin Fei.

Wu Lin, who was standing at the bar, was a little disappointed. His curiosity was not satisfied, and his whole body was scratched like a cat's claws.

But just now the other party has been asking questions around Dong Yubo, he must be one of them, right?
"I didn't expect that one day there would be a murder case around me. To be's a bit scary."

Wu Lin muttered to himself

After leaving the bar, Chen Yi lit his cigarette at the door and quietly watched the traffic ahead.

Beside him, Qin Fei did not interrupt. He guessed that Chen Yi had asked for some useful information, but he couldn't figure it out.

Recalling the conversation just now, it seems that it can only prove that Hong Shanshan did come to this bar the night before yesterday, but left quickly.

As for where he went after leaving, it is unknown.

If you really want to check it, it's not impossible. Cooperate with the transportation department and rely on the Skynet system, maybe you can find it.

However, if the other party deliberately avoids monitoring, it will be more difficult to handle.

Also, when Hong Shanshan came to this bar at eight o'clock the night before yesterday, she was wearing a white T-shirt, but the suspect under surveillance was wearing black clothes and wrapped herself tightly.

If this case was really done by Hong Shanshan, then she should have changed her name midway.

Wu Lin said she didn’t bring her bag, where did she change it?

The other thing is Hong Shanshan's mood. The so-called Shen Shen Nao Nao must have had a great impact on her state of mind.

Is it because of the breakup with Dong Yubo?
If so, it means that Hong Shanshan has deep feelings for Dong Yubo, and the speculation of cheating on Peng Mo is difficult to establish.

There is also a possibility that he cheated on her in a moment of confusion, and Peng Mo took advantage of it and broke up. In this case, the motive for the murder is barely reasonable, but it is a bit far-fetched.

Killing is not a trivial matter, so why kill someone?

There is no point in guessing at the moment, we still need to investigate.

Qin Fei could integrate this information in a short time by himself, but the rest was unclear. He knew that Chen Yi was definitely not thinking about these simple issues.

Halfway through the cigarette, Chen Yi said nothing and asked Qin Fei to get in the car and return to the city bureau.

At this time, Zhuo Yun was leading the team to the place where the suspect got off the car and started investigating the area.

This is a T-shaped intersection, with three paths extending into the distance, and old residential areas can be seen around it.

In some places, surveillance is complete, but in other places there are blind spots and dead ends.

Most importantly, the surveillance is mostly on the road and is very conspicuous and easy to avoid.

The police officers spread out and searched for places where things could be hidden.

The process is slow.

The nearby sewer was an old-fashioned rectangular one with neatly arranged water outlets. The investigating police officers first shined a flashlight into it and then opened it with force.

It's lightweight and can be used by one person.

The busy figure attracted the attention of passers-by. They looked over curiously, wondering what the police were doing.

As time went by, the scope expanded. Finally, a police officer put his head into the sewer in front of him and took a look. His expression changed, and then he reached out and pulled out a black plastic bag.

"Found it!!" The police officer was very excited.

It is impossible to throw such a big plastic bag into the sewer casually. It must be done deliberately and the lid must be opened.

Zhuo Yun in the distance heard the shouting and ran over quickly.

He put on his gloves and carefully opened the black plastic bag. Inside was a suit of black clothes, a hat, and gloves.

Inside the clothes, there was a blood-stained hammer and the remaining super glue.

"Take it with you and go back to the city bureau immediately!"

Zhuo Yun looked serious.



City Council.

After the murder weapon was found, the forensic department was busy again. First, they had to determine whether the blood stains on the hammer were consistent with the deceased, and secondly, the consistency of the wounds.

Although the answer is readily available, authoritative evidence is needed to make a final decision.

"Invite Peng Mo to Dong Yubo's house, kill the person with a hammer, wipe off the fingerprints and leave footprints, then take a taxi and drive seven kilometers away, throwing away the crime tools."

"There is counter-reconnaissance awareness, but not much."

In the case handling hall, it was Zhuo Yun who spoke.

Putting aside the murderer's motive and bizarre behavior, the overall crime process looks very much like a "beginner" committing a crime for the first time.

You may be a little clever and have a certain understanding of counter-detection, but it is difficult to escape the comprehensive investigation of modern criminal investigation methods.

Chen Yi said nothing and quietly waited for the results from the technical department.

"Chen Yi."

Soon, Lu Yongqiang came to the case handling hall and handed the comparison results to Chen Yi.

"A pair of shoes at Hong Shanshan's home are completely consistent with the footprints left by the suspect at the scene. The comparison is consistent, and it is definitely her."

This sentence made everyone in the case handling hall breathe a sigh of relief.

The case was solved the next day, which was quite fast.

(End of this chapter)

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