Chapter 124: Taken back for interrogation
Mixue Xiancao is a national milk tea chain chain that focuses on the mid-range price market and is very well-known. Franchise stores can be found almost everywhere in Yangcheng, especially near the campus.

For working-class young people, this is a very good place to spend money.

27-year-old Hong Shanshan is the store manager of one of the franchise stores. She is not the boss, she is just employed. The salary is not bad, with a basic salary of [-] plus various subsidies.

When Chen Yi saw Hong Shanshan, she was busy with the clerks in the store.

This milk tea shop is located in a bustling commercial street, and there are still many customers. Even on a weekday morning, there are still people coming and going, and they still have to take takeaway orders into account.

Hong Shanshan was surprised to learn that the police came to her door, but she did not refuse to cooperate and took Chen Yi and Qin Fei to the second floor of the milk tea shop.

The second floor was much wider and there were few customers. The three of them came to sit in the corner by the window. From here, they could see the pedestrians and traffic on the street.

Hong Shanshan looks very young. She is actually 27 years old but has a girl-like appearance. At first glance, she looks only eighteen or nineteen years old.

However, her mature way of dealing with others and her slightly social gaze show that she is deeply involved in the world and is not as simple as she appears.

"Why are the police looking for me?" Hong Shanshan blinked her beautiful big eyes and asked her question first.

Chen Yi said: "A criminal case occurred yesterday. We need to find Miss Hong to understand the situation. Excuse me."

Hearing this, Hong Shanshan's face changed slightly: "Criminal case?! Are you a criminal police officer?"

The other party was wearing plain clothes, and she didn't look at his ID carefully. At first, she thought it was a police officer from a nearby police station, but she didn't expect it to be so serious.

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Hong Shanshan frowned: "Wha...what case?"

Chen Yi: "Murder case."

Hong Shanshan was startled, with a look of astonishment on her face. For ordinary people, the murder was still too far away.

"Who... who died?"

Chen Yi did not answer, but asked: "Miss Hong, do you know Peng Mo?"

Hong Shanshan nodded subconsciously: "We know him. He is my boyfriend's good brother. What's wrong?"

Chen Yi: "What's your boyfriend's name? What does he do?"

Hong Shanshan: "Dong Yubo is a bartender in a bar, but... we broke up a few days ago."

Chen Yi: "How is your relationship with Peng Mo?"

Hong Shanshan: "It's okay. He also works in that bar and we meet him often."

After chatting for a few words, Chen Yi looked at Hong Shanshan and said, "Miss Hong, are you...1.6 meters and a half?"

Hong Shanshan didn't know why: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "What size shoes should I wear?"

Hong Shanshan: "No. 38...Why do you ask these questions?"

Hearing this, Qin Fei, who was next to Chen Yi, hardened his eyes and almost couldn't help touching the handcuffs around his waist.

According to what we know now, the suspect who appeared in the surveillance footage last night was exactly 1.6 meters and a half tall, and the footprints left at the scene were also size 38 shoes.

In addition, knowing the password of the door lock of Dong Yubo's house, the Hong Shanshan in front of her was obviously suspected of committing a crime.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Hong Shanshan seemed like a gentle and weak girl, and it was difficult for him to connect her with Peng Mo's murderer.

You can imagine the scene. Hong Shanshan raised her slender arm, held the murder weapon in her hand, and hit Peng Mo on the head. Then she calmly cleaned up the scene, fixed Peng Mo's body under the bed, and finally calmly leave.

When leaving, don't forget to wipe off the fingerprints on the combination lock.

This...this contrast is too great.

Chen Yi acted very calmly and was not affected in any way. He continued to speak as if chatting: "Where were you after ten o'clock the night before yesterday?"

Hong Shanshan recalled: "At ten o'clock the night before yesterday... Oh, I was in a bad mood. I drank some wine and wandered on the road."

Chen Yi: "What time did you drink and where did you drink?"

Hong Shanshan: "It's at Dong Yubo's bar. I went there around eight o'clock."

Chen Yi: "What time did you leave?"

Hong Shanshan shook her head: "I can't remember clearly, I didn't check the time."

Chen Yi: "What time will you get home?"

Hong Shanshan was silent for a while and said, "I spent the night wandering outside."

Chen Yi smiled: "Ms. Hong, think about it clearly. Did you spend the night wandering on the street after drinking?"

Hong Shanshan was dissatisfied: "What's there to think about? Is it weird to spend a night shopping? I'm very sad because I'm broken up and don't want to go home."

Chen Yi: "Do you remember the route?"

Hong Shanshan shook her head: "Aimlessly, I can only remember roughly."

Chen Yi: "Alone?"

Hong Shanshan: "Alone."

Chen Yi shrugged: "Okay, Miss Hong, based on what we know now, we need you to go back to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment for investigation. Please come with us."

Hearing this, Hong Shanshan was immediately angry: "Why?!"

Chen Yi stood up: "Because you are highly suspected of committing the crime, please cooperate. There are many people outside, so I won't handcuff you."

All clues point to Hong Shanshan, and according to the murder investigation process, she must be interrogated.

When she heard the handcuffs, Hong Shanshan became frightened. After her expression changed a few times, she had to stand up.

"I have something to do when I go out. Please take care of me in the store."

Before leaving, Hong Shanshan did not forget to say something to the clerk.

The three of them quickly returned to the city bureau, and Hong Shanshan was immediately taken to the interrogation room.

"Chen...Team Chen, she should be the suspect, right?" Qin Fei couldn't help but speak in the case handling hall.

Chen Yi took a sip of water and said: "In most murder cases, the facts are not complicated. The murderer committed the crime for the first time, and his committing methods were rough. He took the anti-detection awareness for granted. Based on the traces left at the scene and the interpersonal relationships of the deceased, we conducted a short period of time. You can know who is suspected of committing the crime within a few seconds.”

"As a criminal police officer, don't think of unknown cases too simply, nor too complicated. Just follow the steps."

"At present, Hong Shanshan is only suspected of committing the crime, but whether it is her or not requires interrogation and subsequent investigation and evidence collection."

Qin Fei looked solemn: "I understand Captain Chen,"

Chen Yi hummed and came to Jiang Xiaoxin with a water glass: "Sister Jiang, how is the surveillance investigation going?"

Jiang Xiaoxin said: "The suspect got into a taxi. I have contacted the taxi driver. The drop-off point is seven kilometers away, but in the opposite direction to Hong Shanshan's home."

Chen Yi: "What about the monitoring after getting off the car?"

Jiang Xiaoxin: "There are blind corners and blind spots, and there is no trace."

Chen Yi: “Where are the payment records?”

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Cash."

Chen Yi: "Have the flowers gone out?"

Jiang Xiaoxin was embarrassed: "I didn't ask."

Chen Yi didn't pay attention: "Ask again, if he doesn't spend it, ask him to send it to the city bureau to get the fingerprints on it."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Chen Yi: "Also, wait for Brother Yun to come and tell him, then investigate the surrounding area from where the suspect got off and continue to look for the murderer's tools."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay, I understand."

Chen Yi entered the interrogation room.Hong Shanshan was a little nervous as she sat there. Although she was not handcuffed, the cold chairs, the serious atmosphere, the shocking slogans on the wall, and the police officers standing nearby impacted her mind every second.

Seeing someone coming in, she became even more nervous.

Chen Yi sat opposite Hong Shanshan, while Qin Fei chose to stand nearby and watch.

"Hong Shanshan, you can't prove where you were during this period from 04 o'clock the night before yesterday to 30:[-] last night, right?"

Chen Yi spoke the first sentence.

In a homicide investigation, the interrogation of the suspect is just the beginning. Even if there is no evidence for the time being, the possibility of a direct confession from the suspect cannot be ruled out.

At that time, it will be much easier for the police to find evidence based on the suspect's confession than it is for the police to find it themselves.

At least the exact location of the murder weapon doesn't have to be so troublesome.

This situation often occurred during the investigation of murder cases in the past. Many suspects had very poor psychological quality and did not take chances. As long as the police came to the door, they would immediately confess.

Therefore, the trial is necessary and will not take much effort.

Hong Shanshan clenched her fists and replied: "Didn't I tell you that I'm shopping? You can check the surveillance."

Chen Yi asked back: "If you don't provide the specific route, how can you check the surveillance?"

Hong Shanshan lowered her head and whispered, "That's your business."

Chen Yi looked at her: "Hong Shanshan, don't you ask why we need to determine your whereabouts during this period?"

Hong Shanshan: "Do you even need to ask? It's not like I haven't watched the TV series before. I just need to prove my alibi."

"Who is dead?"

Chen Yi: "Peng Mo."

Hearing the name, Hong Shanshan raised her head and said in surprise: "Peng Mo? How did he die?"

Chen Yi: "Homicide, how did you die?"

Hong Shanshan paused for a moment, pointed at herself and said in shock: "Do you suspect that I killed him?"

Chen Yi: "It's just a routine investigation. I didn't say you were the murderer."

Hong Shanshan was confused for two seconds, then she suddenly understood and cursed angrily: "You are crazy! Why should I kill him?!"

These words made Qin Fei frown and said coldly: "Hong Shanshan! Pay attention to your wording, this is the interrogation room of the Criminal Investigation Detachment!"

Hong Shanshan was unmoved: "What's the matter? You wrongfully accused me of murder, and I can't even curse you?!"

Chen Yi stopped Qin Fei and said, "So your answer is that you didn't kill Peng Mo, right?"

Hong Shanshan affirmed: "Of course! Why should I kill him, am I free??"

Chen Yi nodded slightly and said, "Based on your understanding of Peng Mo, does he have any enemies?"

Hong Shanshan snorted: "I don't know!"

He seemed angry and unwilling to answer the police's questions.

Seeing this, Chen Yi stood up and said, "Okay, think about it again. If you think of something or want to say something, tell the police officer next to you."

Hong Shanshan stopped him quickly: "Wait a minute! I can't leave? Do you have any evidence to lock me up?"

Chen Yi turned back: "Sorry, you can leave when the time is up."

After saying that, he left the interrogation room and entered the technical department without stopping.

"Brother Qiang," Chen Yi said as he walked, "Take someone to Hong Shanshan's house to look for shoes that match the footprints of the crime. Her number is 38."

Lu Yongqiang: "Okay, I understand."


After lunch, Chen Yi and Qin Fei went to the bar where Dong Yubo was and met the Wu Lin that Dong Yubo mentioned.

There were very few people in the bar at this time, and Dong Yubo was not seen at first glance, probably because he was greatly stimulated by Peng Mo's death.


Wu Lin is a handsome young man who probably works out regularly. His clothes hold up his muscle lines. He should attract the attention of many girls when he walks on the road.

When the police came to his door, Wu Lin's first reaction was nervousness, and he reflexively began to recall what he had done during this time.

After confirming that there was no illegal crime, his expression softened slightly and his back hardened.

"What did the police want to do with me? I didn't commit any crime!"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "I didn't say you committed a crime, it was just a routine investigation. Thank you Mr. Wu for your cooperation."

Seeing that the other party had a good attitude, Wu Lin couldn't just sit around and quarrel with the police, so he also smiled and said, "Okay, if you want anything, you can ask."

He stood behind the bar, wiping his glass in his hand.

Chen Yi said: "I heard that you have a bad relationship with Peng Mo and Dong Yubo?"

Wu Lin did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, the relationship is very bad."

"These two guys are robbing me of my business and my customers. In the past, I had to show them some color."

"Uh... don't get me wrong, I said what if."

Chen Yi didn't care about the details and continued to ask: "Where were you from ten o'clock to early morning the night before yesterday?"

Wu Lin: "I'm at the bar. I've been working at the bar this month and haven't even taken a vacation."

Chen Yi: "In other words, many people know about this?"

Wu Lin nodded: "Yes, my boss, colleagues, and some customers and friends can all prove it to me."

After saying that, he put down the cup, approached Chen Yi and asked curiously: "Officer, if you ask this, did someone die? Someone was killed? And I know him!"

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows, this guy was a bit interesting.

Seeing this, Wu Lin smiled: "I'm right, I also have a dream to be a police officer, but unfortunately the conditions don't allow it. Fighting illegal crimes is my dream."

Chen Yi smiled half-heartedly: "So you used to work in an entertainment venue and earned a lot of gray income, right? Was it as a manager, a waiter, or something else?"

Hearing this, Wu Lin's expression froze, he looked around and cursed: "Which bastard poked my tire?!"

"Police officer, how is this possible? I am a law-abiding citizen, a law-abiding citizen."

Chen Yi did not talk much about this topic: "Hong Shanshan, do you know her?"

Wu Lin was unfamiliar with this name: "I don't recognize it."

On the side, Qin Fei took out a photo of Hong Shanshan.

Wu Lin took a look and recognized her immediately: "Oh, isn't she Dong Yubo's girlfriend? She's very good-looking. Look how cute she is, as if she's underage."

Chen Yi: "She often comes to the bar?"

Wu Lin: "Well, I come here often. I'm a girlfriend, but I can't visit my boyfriend every day and get free drinks."

Chen Yi: "How is her relationship with Dong Yubo?"

Wu Lin: "It's good. It looks good. We are in love."

Chen Yi: "You've been doing well these past few days?"

Wu Lin thought for a while and said: "In recent days... it's not common. Moreover, Dong Yubo and Peng Mo always ask for leave. They didn't come at all today. Officer... forget it, you continue."

He may have wanted to ask if the person who died was one of them.

Chen Yi: "Has Hong Shanshan been to your bar after eight o'clock the night before yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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