I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 77 The mentality has changed

Chapter 77 The mentality has changed

The flames ignited the entire battlefield, destroying almost all the loot.

Even among Keisuke Umino's high-level puppets, only the three with the best fire resistance survived. The others were all burned by the fire. Even metal products such as shurikens and kunai were burned and deformed. , has no recycling value.

However, Uchiha Yu also collected five corpses, including three jonin and two genin.

The corpse is also valuable. If it is killed during the mission, he can be handed over to the intelligence department of Konoha Village. There will be some bonus, mainly because of the merit.

It's a pity that this time it's private work.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Yu couldn't explain how he, a chuunin, could kill four jounin, one chunin and five genin?
Once the results of this battle are announced, the team killed on the other side of the barrier lake will soon be linked to him by someone who is interested, and they will become completely famous by then.

From then on, he will get a promotion and salary increase, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of ninja?

Uchiha Yu is not a real young man, so he would not believe that things would be so simple.

The most important thing is that what he wants is not success and fame, it is just the moment of brilliance that short-lived species only pursue when they have no choice but to pursue it.

And he, Yu Uchiha, wanted only one thing after his enlightenment, and that was to cultivate immortality well and seek the fruit of eternal life.

There is another way to withdraw the value of the corpse. There may be a reward for the three jounin at the money exchange.

This is also possible, Konoha 43 years is not Konoha 60 years. Frequent wars have made the economic development of various countries difficult. All forces are forced to spend all their money on the military, and there is not so much money to invest in gold exchanges.

Therefore, many jonins do not have bounties on their heads. Even for jonins on the assassination list, their heads are worth at most two or three A-level mission bonuses. After all, not all jonins are Asumas, and they have special abilities. Identity bonus.

It is very likely that after a hard journey, the final income will be less than 20 taels. How can Uchiha Yu care about such a small amount of money now?

But these corpses can't all be burned to ashes, that would be too wasteful.

Maybe it was worth the trip.

When Miwa heard Uchiha Yu's idea, he jumped three feet high, and she roared furiously:
"Yu! Are you stupid, or have your mind turned upside down? Why do you have such strange thoughts?"

"I guess it makes sense..."

"What kind of reason can make you go to Sand! Hidden! Village when a war may break out at any time!!"

"You know, I set off four fireworks in Konoha Village. I was out of my mind and wanted to make a big deal, so I messed up everything."

"Although I only used natural energy at that time, all clues were cut off, and no one could find me."

"But Shimura Danzo's idea was different. He couldn't find any clues and so he blindly targeted the Uchiha family. To this day, he is still staring at the Uchiha family like crazy."

"I have shot myself in the foot. Even if I am a little transparent, I am still being monitored and targeted, and my life will be difficult."

"I know all this, meow, what next?"

"If I set off fireworks inspired by natural energy in Sunagakure Village, do you think Danzo and Nebe's attention will be drawn away?"

Miwa Masashi thought for a while and agreed with Uchiha Yu's idea, but still did not support him in taking risks.

"Yu, although Danzo caused trouble for you and me, in fact it didn't have much impact on us."

"Besides, now that we have left Konoha Village, there is no need to take risks in Sunagakure Village. The gains outweigh the losses, nya."

Uchiha Yu shook his head, and kept shaking his head. He was silent for a long time, and then said: "There is indeed no big problem with the current situation, but the problem is that I understood one thing in the battle just now..."

He pointed at himself and said with emotion: "Who would have thought that the two of us are so powerful?"

"The current ninja world is no longer as dangerous to me as it was in the past. To put it bluntly, there are no more than five, ten,... well, definitely no more than thirty people in the ninja world who can threaten my life."

"Most of them are the top leaders of the five great ninja villages. They are in high positions and will not run around and encounter me so easily."

Miwa Masashi sat upright, tilted his head and asked: "So what?" Uchiha Yu was stunned by the question, and then smiled awkwardly: "Yeah, so what..."

"Masashi, the problem is that my mentality...has changed."

"I may not be able to take it calmly even though I know the roots are watching me like I did in the past. I may not be able to bear it in the future."

"Even now when I think about my roots, I have the thought of never returning to Konoha Village."

Miwa Masashi laughed meowly: "Actually, I am the same meow."

"I am so powerful and the ninja world is so big. I can't go anywhere or live anywhere. Why does it have to be in Konoha Village?"

"Yu, where should we go? Why not go to the south coast first? I heard that the crabs there are delicious and the coconuts are delicious."

"Also, the crab sauce in the Land of Waves is super delicious. We can go see how to make it, and you can make it for me to eat in the future."

"There is also the witch from the Kingdom of Ghosts. It is said that she is the most powerful ancient seal expert. There is also the Kingdom of Snow, which is covered with snow all year round. I am very curious about what they can eat, and..."

Uchiha Yuu was stunned. He didn't expect that the little tabby cat was even wilder than him and had already started planning where to go after defecting.

He knocked the raccoon cat's brain with "Du", and Uchiha Yu said in a dumbfounded voice: "I just have an idea, but you actually have a plan."

"I haven't made up my mind to defect. You little cat fairy, what are you thinking about?"

Miwa Masayo held his head and muttered: "I only dare to think about it, but I don't dare to do it. If you don't do it, just meow! You just know how to bully me..."

Uchiha Yu picked up the raccoon cat, gently rubbed her head, and comforted her for a while before continuing: "Rika-chan, where do you think the most comfortable place to live in the ninja world is?"

Miwa Masashi lightly bit the shoveler's hand to show his dissatisfaction with the name, and then replied: "Of course it's Konoha Village, you can buy everything, you can eat everything except live sea fish, and Have the best neighbors.”

"Yes, Konoha Village is the busiest place in the ninja world and has the best living environment."

"So, why should I defect? ​​I want to live well, so why should I leave this most comfortable village? It doesn't make sense."


"The Uchiha family is the founder of Konoha Village. As an Uchiha, why can't I enjoy life in the village founded by my ancestors?"

"Is the Uchiha family really so hated?"


"Since I'm so strong, I can live well even if I defect, then why should I defect directly? Why can't I try to turn Konoha Village upside down?"

"Anyway, if you fail, it's just defection."

"Fan Tian? Yu, you, what do you want to do?"

"Let the Third Hokage retire on time and truly retire."

"Even if the Uchiha family cannot produce a Hokage immediately, as long as the fourth generation Hokage is not ignored by the third generation Hokage group, the Uchiha family's life will definitely be much easier."

"And I don't have to face the suspicion and targeting of high-level officials. I can enjoy life in Konoha with peace of mind and practice wholeheartedly."

He looked down at the civet cat in his arms: "Practice with Lihua Jiang."

"If we get tired of staying in Konoha Village, we will go to the ninja world and wander around, and then go home when we are tired."

Miwa Masato was moved, looking forward to the life described by the shit shoveler, and added: "You can think of more delicious food for me to eat."

Uchiha Yu laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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