I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 76: How can you beat the younger one without the older one?

Chapter 76: How can you beat the younger one without the older one?
The battle preparations of the two elite Jonin of Sunagakure Village did not attract Yuu Uchiha's attention. He was looking at "affectionately" with his Neko Sennin.

"I didn't expect that we are already so strong." x2
"Some plans have to be changed." x2
"Kill Umino Keisuke first..." x2
After three sentences in a row, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi laughed happily.

As for the two elite jounin of Sand Hidden Village, Dry Bone Ear in the Tomb, there is no need to care at all.

The previous trembling and scheming was all because Uchiha Yuu failed to do a good job and made a mess in "knowing oneself and knowing the enemy".

Not only did he overestimate his enemy, he also seriously underestimated himself.

In fact, Uchiha Yu's combat power is already very strong. Although he still cannot beat the Third Hokage, and he may not be able to kill Shimura Danzo, his killing efficiency against ordinary jounin and elite jounin is definitely better than those two.

As a time traveler, the ninja combat system he knows best is not the current one, but the future system nearly 20 years from now. That is the greatest summary of the Third Ninja World War and the culmination of 15 years of peaceful development.

It wasn't Yuu Uchiha's strength that crushed the jounin, but his ninjutsu system and fighting philosophy that completely crushed the jounin and even the elite jounin.

It's like when France faced Germany in World War II. It is clear that France's hard power far exceeds Germany's, but under the attack of blitzkrieg, its strong power cannot be exerted, and its soft weaknesses cannot be defended.

In less than two months, France had fought hard for 400 years and finally won the title of the first army in Europe, but it was completely crushed by De Meow, whose statistics were weaker.

Even though the battle preparations of the two elite Jonin were quite impressive, in Yuu Uchiha's eyes, they were unable to compete with his fighting system.

Whether it is large-scale sealing ninjutsu or eight puppets, they all take the route of using great power to produce miracles. However, because the operator is not strong enough, it takes up more chakra and attention, causing the reaction speed of the two of them to decrease.

For Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato who relied on crushing the enemy at high speed, the power displayed by the enemy was not threatening, but the fatal flaws exposed were more obvious.

Uchiha Yu stimulates chakra through natural energy, vents excess chakra, and continuously increases the temperature of the fire field until the toxin is ignited when it leaves Fusa's side.

In front of a ninja who is good at fire escape, using biological toxins with such obvious characteristics is really confusing.

Uchiha Yu didn't know what those toxins were, and he didn't care how much time it took Fusa to collect and refine them, but he was sure that those poisons left nothing behind in the bright blue-green flames except a smell similar to burning hair. Down.

Fuzha Jōnin struggled for a long time, but the poison that was his trump card was solved, and the large-scale sealing ninjutsu turned into a simple wind escape and Kamamitatsu Festival.

However, Wind Escape is restrained by Fire Escape.

Uchiha Yuu's whole body was covered in flames, and he used Muji Fire Release at will, destroying Fusa's Wind Release effortlessly.

The elite Jonin Fusa was desperate. His desperate mood and the inevitable chakra shock after using large-scale ninja were all accurately captured by Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu relied on staring at each other and used Sharingan illusion to amplify Fusha's despair, and took the opportunity to plant layers of negative emotional seeds into Fusha's heart.

At the same time, in the close combat, Fusha's chakra shock continued to increase, making all his self-rescue efforts unsuccessful, and his eyes repeatedly switched between dullness and despair.

Fusha's movements became slower and slower, the divine light in his eyes gradually disappeared, and finally his soul fell into a state of despair.When human beings are extremely desperate, their instinct to save themselves will close their hearts and prevent them from committing suicide in despair.

This self-rescue instinct was also used by Uchiha Yu. He added fuel to the flames and solidified Fusa's spiritual closure, turning him from an autistic patient into a spiritual prisoner.

After his heart was completely sealed, Fusa completely became a breathing and heartbeating doll.

He watched Uchiha Yuu walk over with dull eyes, and watched without any reaction as the enemy pierced his heart with a sword at will, and walked towards death calmly.

The performance of Umino Keisuke's eight puppets in the battle was even worse than when Fusa's ninjutsu was broken.

The experience gained by the puppet master in the past two large-scale wars made the Sunagakure ninjas believe that the combat effectiveness of the puppet master only depends on the quality and quantity of the puppets he controls, and the burden of operating the puppets is not considered.This is of course wrong.

When the puppet master is able to control multiple puppets with ease, and each puppet can exert its maximum combat power, but when the puppet master can barely control multiple puppets, all the puppets are unable to exert their combat power, and even have serious conflicts with each other. interference.

The most powerful puppet master in this era is the Red Sand Scorpion. He was the first to realize this path due to his talent, so he became obsessed with making puppets that were stronger, easier to control, and even able to actively cooperate.

There is no doubt that the human puppet that Shamen gave up halfway through development was most in line with Scorpion's needs, but it was resolutely stopped by Chiyo.

The Red Sand Scorpion, who was prohibited from studying human puppets, turned to pursuing better and more effective puppet manipulation methods, trying to break the limits of the puppet master's manipulation capabilities.

Although the Crimson Sand Scorpion reached the dead end of making himself a human puppet, he proved that his concept was correct and was the most powerful development direction for the puppet master.

But in today's Sand Hidden Village, no puppet master accepts the idea of ​​the Red Sand Scorpion.

The old people stubbornly believed that the Red Sand Scorpion was wrong. The reason was that he had not experienced war and lacked the necessary experience, so he had such an unreliable idea.

Most of the new puppet masters are poor. Compared with pursuing higher quality puppets, increasing the number of puppets is obviously more effective.

Now, Umino Keisuke is paying the price for this mistake.

Miwa Masayo's speed was already too fast for Umino Keisuke to handle. Now he was operating eight puppets at the same time and his attention was severely distracted. Coupled with the obstruction of vision and hearing caused by the defensive puppets, he completely lost control of the position of the civet cat.

Miwa Masayo casually stepped between the six puppets. Umino Keisuke's random attacks did not pose any threat at all, and could not even prevent the raccoon cat from destroying the defensive puppets.

Umino Keisuke is hiding among the puppets, but he doesn't feel the slightest sense of security.

He had no idea where the enemy was, and the sounds of enemies attacking the puppets rang out from all directions. His ears were filled with the crisp sounds of attacks and the tearing sounds of damaged movable structures.

The threat of death goes beyond the puppet being dismantled.

As the puppet was continuously attacked by the enemy, the outer shell of the puppet was heated to red hot. As the temperature was conducted to the inside of the puppet, Umino Keisuke felt like a roasted chicken about to be cooked by the hot air.

Because Uchiha Yuu tried his best and couldn't open the defensive puppet, he could only wrap the puppet with flames and suffocate Umino Keisuke to death in this iron can.

While cleaning the battlefield, Uchiha Yu suddenly said: "It's really strange."

"What's so strange, meow?"

"I beat the younger one, how could the older one not come out and fight with me?"


"Isn't Umino Keisuke Ebizo's son? I thought Ebizo would jump out to save his son."

"Why does Ebizo appear, meow? He can't fly meow."

"Isn't that what the stories say..."

"Is there such a story? Tell it to me, meow."

(End of this chapter)

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