I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 4: Foundation Establishment

Chapter 4 The Hundred Days of Foundation Establishment
Today is a day for Uchiha Yu to absorb natural energy.

He felt changes, the speed of natural energy absorption was getting faster.

In fact, it was not his initiative. All the fire-attribute natural energy in the entire Konoha Village centered on the small courtyard was restless and actively gathered towards him.

The natural energy of the fire attribute automatically crowds out other attributes, forming a red energy vortex, which surges into Uchiha Yu's body and integrates into the meridians without any hindrance.

[Too fast, really too fast. 】

【A bit scary...】

[But I don’t feel any discomfort in my body, so it should be fine...]

[No, it’s so comfortable, I...can’t stop...]

The natural energy of the entire Konoha Village is rioting.

If there is a strong celestial being in Konoha Village, he will be able to detect the terrifying natural energy vortex and follow the flow of energy to find Uchiha Yu.

Fortunately, there are no strong celestial beings in Konoha Village at this time, not even ninjas who can vaguely sense natural energy.

Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is a born politician, Shinobu Shimura Danzo is obsessed with conspiracy, and people with dirty hearts are not qualified to feel the energy of nature.

Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, is gifted. Her grandfather is the strongest senjutsu master, and he inherited her sensitive natural perception talent.But Tsunade's heart was not stable, and she even suffered from a mental disease called hemophobia. It was like a thick black cloth covering her eyes. She could no longer sense natural energy.

Besides, Tsunade is currently away from home and not in Konoha Village.

Toad Sage Jiraiya has a pure soul and has successfully practiced the magic of Mount Myoki. Of course he can sense the changes in natural energy, but he is stranded in the Land of Rain and not in the Leaf Village.

Leng Jun Orochimaru, the scientist, truly understood natural energy. He had to wait until he found Jugo 20 years later. In this child who could automatically transform into a sage, he had an intuitive understanding of natural energy and developed a curse seal before he could officially understand nature. energy.

Because no one knows, there is maximum security.

Without anyone to disturb him, Uchiha Yu gradually entered a state where he forgot both things and himself, wandering in the void. The natural energy of fire attribute in the meridians in the body became stronger and stronger, and finally forced the last trace of chakra out and was forced to return to the body cells.

There is only pure natural energy in the meridians, and the speed of the red torrent naturally speeds up, creating stronger suction. More natural energy pours in, and the red torrent becomes denser and denser, gradually showing signs of atomization.

Thick atomized natural energy flows at high speed in the meridians, and in the natural state of Uchiha's tranquility and inaction, it converges on the two meridians of Ren and Du in the center of the body.

From the Qugu point near the perineum upwards, it moves along the midline of the body, driving the qi and blood upwards. After meeting the head, the qi and blood surge, yin and yang are harmonious, and the nature of the Qi and blood changes slightly.

[It turns out that this is the so-called intersection of dragon and tiger, and the yin and yang are in harmony. It's really... very exciting! 】

After the intersection, the natural energy turns around and continues downward along the Ren and Du meridians, passing through the sea of ​​yin meridians and the sea of ​​yang meridians of the human body, and converges again at the Qugu point.

The two natural energies collided with each other, causing ripples and resonating with the area three inches above the Qugu point. The outline of the Dantian, which does not exist in reality, became increasingly clear.

[Is this the Dantian that I have been searching for but can’t find?It turns out that the Dantian was not found, but developed by oneself. 】

The natural energy after the collision will turn upward again and start a new cycle.

After going back and forth for twelve rounds, Uchiha Yuu lost all sense of the outside world as if he was struck by lightning. He felt an inexplicable falling sensation at a very fast speed. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had entered a chaotic space.

The red mist in the space was thick and steaming, just like the clouds pressing down on the city before a heavy rain. The depressing atmosphere impacted Yuu Uchiha, and his light and peaceful state of mind gradually became unstable.

He felt a crisis, and it seemed that after his mental breakdown, he would encounter fatal danger.

At the same time, something was also gestating in the red mist. His intuition told Uchiha Yu that what was gestating was the hope of eliminating the danger. He couldn't help but start urging.

[Hurry, hurry up, no matter what the change is, come on, come on, come on, come on! 】At the same time, he encouraged himself.

[Hold on, I won’t die because of such a trivial matter. 】

I don't know how long I persisted, but suddenly there was a thunderous thunder in the clouds, and the thick red fog condensed into red raindrops, which fell in a steady patter.

Uchiha Yuu's heart suddenly relaxed, and an unprecedented ecstasy surged out. Everything he felt and knew was transparent and clear, and his whole body felt as good as flying.

super cool! ! !
Although Uchiha Yuu had never smoked grass in his life, he just felt that it was better than smoking grass now.

If cultivating immortality is like this, then being addicted to cultivating immortality is simply a matter of course.

Just when Uchiha Yuu was intoxicated in cultivating immortals, the red raindrops became more and more numerous and bigger, and a heavy rain broke out in the space.

The red mist quickly faded, and when it almost disappeared, layers of red mist poured in from all directions, and immediately turned into a downpour.

Uchiha Yu watched as water began to accumulate below the space. There was obviously no ground, and the rainwater just accumulated out of thin air, forming a small puddle.

As the precipitation continued, the water surface gradually increased in area, and Uchiha Yuu's heart became clearer and clearer, breaking away from the intoxicating feeling of refreshment.

He looked at the puddles that were gradually growing, and his heart was filled with deep peace and joy.

This is the feeling of happiness.

When the body of water became large enough to be called a pool, the influx of red mist stopped and the red rain gradually stopped.

Uchiha Yuu felt himself rising involuntarily, his perspective getting farther and farther, his speed getting faster and faster, and he soon saw the entire space.

It was an oval heaven and earth like an egg, with upper and lower divisions, but no difference between heaven and earth. There was a faint red mist above, and a sparkling pool below.

【Dantian! 】

Intuition tells Uchiha Yu that this is Dantian, a miracle that exists between reality and illusion and can accumulate natural energy.

And he, Uchiha Yu, had just condensed the gaseous natural energy into a liquid state, greatly increasing the density and purity of the energy, which should be called foundation building.

[Exactly one hundred days have passed since I absorbed the first red light spot, and it took a hundred days to build the foundation. 】

[What will happen if the foundation building cannot be completed today? 】

Uchiha Yuu did not continue to think about it. He had successfully built the foundation, and there was no point in thinking about things that were impossible to happen.

As the rising feeling became stronger and stronger, he suddenly woke up and found himself lying on the bamboo couch in the posture of a reclining Buddha.

This was the sleeping posture he had unknowingly assumed. It was obviously a strange and twisted posture, but with the natural energy flowing like rivers in his meridians, his body felt more comfortable than imagined.

It's like the wonderful feeling of comfort you get under the pain of muscles when you successfully perform yoga movements and stretch your body to the extreme.

Now he doesn't have any pain and therefore feels more comfortable.

Wherever the natural energy in the meridians flows, it is like the earth moistened by spring rain, awakening vitality.

Uchiha Yuu felt that every cell in his body was cheering, and the rich natural energy turned into powerful resources for the cells, pushing the body to become stronger and constantly changing.

It really is foundation building.

(End of this chapter)

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