Chapter 3 The Worst Qi Refiner
Uchiha Yuu cleaned up the mess of lunch and fights. It was already afternoon, the sun was obviously westward, and the burning sensation in the summer air had subsided a lot.

Yuu Uchiha set up a bamboo couch under the shade of a tree in his yard, with watermelons from a well water placed on the low table.

He didn't use a knife, he just broke it gently with his hands, and the watermelon was neatly divided into two halves, which were even smoother than those cut with a knife.

Uchiha Yu held a cattail leaf fan in his right hand and a watermelon in his left hand. While tasting the cold, crispy and sweet watermelon, he watched the tanuki Miwa Masashi meowing as he ate the watermelon.

Watching her completely burying herself in the watermelon and getting her hair soaked, watching her stomach become round after eating, she lay on the bamboo couch unable to move.

Looking at it, Uchiha Yu smiled.

His heart relaxed, and the tension of going out on missions for seven consecutive days was gradually relieved.

This is not a time of peace. The Third Ninja World War has begun. The security environment outside the Ninja Village is deteriorating day by day, and the risk of going out to perform missions is very high.

It was obviously a very ordinary B-level mission, but during the execution, we encountered several waves of unidentified ninjas.Even if there was no battle, Uchiha Yu had to be on full alert and did not dare to close his eyes for seven days before successfully completing the mission.

The tension doesn't just stem from this mission.

After he was dismissed from the security force, he had the possibility of being called to the front line, which was also a factor that made him extremely upset.

[It’s all Uchiha Setsuna’s fault, I want him to look good one day. 】

Only when he was with Miwa Masashi, could Uchiha Yuu completely relax and let a peaceful and tranquil mood permeate his heart.

Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching: "Go to the extreme of emptiness and keep quiet. All things are working together, and I can observe them again."

The general meaning is that when the mind reaches the state of emptiness and nothingness, it will be pure and self-contained, and it will be able to see things that could not be seen before.

During his steady breathing, countless light spots appeared in front of Uchiha Yuu's eyes, naturally gathering towards him as he breathed.

This is the natural energy that Jiraiya relied on to become the leader of the Sannin, and the foundation of senjutsu that Orochimaru now desires.

Uchiha Yuu, consciously or unconsciously, chose the red light particles to absorb into his body, and drove away the other dark yellow, cyan, blue and lavender light particles.

The red light spots merge into the body, merge into the meridians, and become one with the endless red torrent.

As the red torrent grew stronger, another trace of chakra flowing in the meridians was squeezed out. It was already as thin as a silk thread and could be completely disconnected at any time.

As a ninja, Uchiha Yuu was not worried at all that his chakra flow was about to be cut off. He continued to absorb the red natural energy light spots without surprise or surprise, weakening the chakra bit by bit.

Uchiha Yu began to absorb natural energy three months ago. The previous 18 years were wasted because of his uneasiness.

Traveling through time has become a trend in the 21st century, but it’s very embarrassing when it’s your own turn, especially in a world that is constantly war-torn.

What's even more terrible is that his last name is Uchiha, and he is destined to die a violent death. Who can accept it?
But after wearing it, you have to live no matter how difficult it is. You can't commit suicide to see if you can put it back on.

Besides, what's wrong with Uchiha? Uchiha has a ladder to heaven, Uchiha has handsome men and pretty women, and Uchiha is a rich family.

If I still have some talent and system, wouldn't it be developed?

What the hell is a night of genocide, that’s a big deal?
When I am invincible, I will trample Konoha F4 to death like an ant, kill Kenji Obito, give the senior dance king some big dicks, help Xiaohei liberate his mother, and let her conceive the fourth child...


Unfortunately, the system does not.

Talent is an ordinary and excellent Uchiha template.

He followed the trend of training, was admitted to the ninja school without any surprises, ranked first in four years, and graduated as the top student without any trouble.

Then his father died, dying in the war before dawn at the end of World War II.

Out of guilt, his father's captain accepted Yu Chiha, who had just graduated, into his team and sheltered him for two years as a veteran elite jounin.After that, Uchiha Yu quit the team and joined the security force, becoming the lowest patrol guard.

This is six years.

As Miwa Masayo entered Uchiha Yu's life, he gradually regained the feeling of his previous life, that of an ordinary security officer.

In his jurisdiction, not only the Uchiha clan members, but also ordinary Konoha villagers have established good interpersonal relationships with him.The exchange made Uchiha Yuu gradually familiar with him, and familiarity brought peace of mind.

My hometown is where my heart is at ease.

The panic of being helpless after time traveling and the madness after two years of fighting as a genin were all eliminated by the peace of mind of his second hometown.

Uchiha Yuu let go of his growing uneasiness and stopped seizing all the time to practice hard, just to be able to work hard on the last night.

The despair of certain death inspired the nature of a fighting nation. The crazy Uchiha Yuu had only one idea in his mind: kill one to get enough, kill two to make a profit.

Just three months ago, Uchiha Yu felt the natural energy in peace, like a drowning man grabbing a straw, and he began to absorb natural energy from then on.

Among his three views, cultivating immortality is always the strongest.

Uchiha Yu has no Taoist inheritance and has never read the Taoist scriptures well, but he knows the cycle of the five elements and the five attributes of chakra, which means he divides natural energy into five types.

It is not metal, wood, water, fire and earth, but water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, which corresponds to the chakra attributes one-to-one.

The mutually reinforcing relationship was in chaos.

According to the knowledge of ninjas, the restraint relationship between the five attributes is also cyclic: wind and clay, thunder and earth, earth and water, water and fire, and fire and wind.

But there is no mutual relationship at all. I don't know if the ninjas haven't understood it yet, or because the rules of the ninja world are special.

After trying it, Uchiha Yu found that he could absorb the red natural energy of fire. After absorbing it, he felt intoxicating and comfortable, and he could feel strong positive feedback.

But the other four natural energies must not be absorbed, otherwise there will be serious consequences.

If it is not absorbed enough, symptoms of meridians distortion, muscle spasm, and sometimes strong phantom pain will occur.

Absorbing too much will not only intensify the pain symptoms, but also cause changes in the body, such as calcification, lumbering, and even the growth of twisted scales.

One side is comfortable and strong, the other side is painful and weak.

Uchiha Yuu conscientiously absorbed a single natural energy and gradually strengthened the natural energy flow in his body.

But sometimes I can't help but laugh at myself. I am probably the worst Qigong practitioner, and I don't even have the power to practice. My cultivation relies entirely on pain and comfort, and I don't know what the final result will be.

Another attempt that can cause pain is to mix tamed natural energy with chakra to form the so-called senjutsu chakra.

This kind of chakra is very powerful. It can double the power of ninjutsu out of thin air, triple the body's defense, and especially increase the resistance to ninjutsu by more than ten times.

But synthetic Senjutsu chakra will feel pain.

Uchiha Yu is an official ninja. The training he received since childhood has given him a strong tolerance for pain, not to mention that the pain is not strong.

But he found in comparison that every time Senjutsu Chakra was created, the extraction of Chakra and the absorption of natural energy would slow down.

It can be seen from this that Senjutsu Chakra will damage the foundation of his body.

With his shallow Taoist knowledge, Uchiha Yuu knew that the most important thing in immortal Taoism was to build the foundation, and the foundation was pure and thick.

Damaging the foundation of the body will inevitably lead to the loss of potential and self-destruction of the future. From then on, he determined not to synthesize senjutsu chakra and honestly absorbed natural energy.

(End of this chapter)

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