I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 283 The Troubles of the Third Tsuchikage Ohno Kiwa

Chapter 283 The Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki is very distressed

Miwa Masayo ate a total of 21 pills, and successfully completed this breakthrough without any major movement.

But this is just appearance.

Uchiha Yuu's natural energy seeped into the whole body of the civet cat, and he observed the whole process of this breakthrough. He was dripping with sweat and frightened.

This is not an ordinary breakthrough, but a process in which Neko Sennin breaks through the innate pattern of ninja cats and breaks all the restrictions placed on her by the rules of the ninja world.

If a single living body challenges the rules of the world, it will naturally be counterattacked by the world.

The breakthrough when Uchiha Yu condensed the golden elixir was a huge scene. The thunderous thunder lifted up a layer of the ground, and then he was lucky enough to complete the breakthrough. The dangers he experienced during the period were obvious at a glance.

However, Miwa Masayo's breakthrough in growing her third tail was almost silent. The only two lightning strikes were triggered by her own body.

But the civet cat faced a greater danger this time. It was only after the second lightning burst that Uchiha Yu realized that the fatal danger was not in the open, but occurred within the 40 trillion cells in her body.

The power that restricts Miwa Masayo's breakthrough is herself, originating from the tiniest corner of her body and from the genetic information in every cell.

Miwa Masayo's breakthrough was not the development of bone buds visible to the naked eye, nor was it the growth of his tail. It was just the manifestation of the final result.

The real breakthrough is the natural energy of Lei Ling. After tearing apart the shackles of genetic information, new genetic information can be re-established without causing genetic collapse due to previous damage.

Every tear seems so easy, and every rebuild seems so magical.

There was no ready-made template, and reconstruction required a design drawing. Miwa Masashi instinctively referred to the powerful life form that he was most familiar with and at the same time was around him.

It has to be said that this kitten does not have a Y-type chromosome, otherwise she could have turned herself into a male cat, which would be really... terrible...


Uchiha Yuu's mood was indescribable, but he knew that the mutations in the cells were silent, but thunder was heard in the silent place.

Regardless of success or failure, the cell itself does not die immediately.

However, those cells that fail to reconstruct genetic information will completely lose their functions when the cell life span reaches the limit. When a sufficient number of them die, Miwa Masashi will lose some of the body's functions.

For those cells that have been successfully rebuilt, the next time they divide and metabolize, the new cells will be completely different from the original ones.

In a word, Miwa Masashi will change from the life form of a ninja cat to a brand new life form as time goes by.

Yes, she will become a cat girl in up to a year because of copying Uchiha Yu's genetic information.

It was completely different from the originally expected scene where Miwa Masayo shed all her fur and transformed into a human being on the spot after a natural disaster.

But in Uchiha Yuu's opinion, such steady changes seemed so reliable and practical.

The only change that Miwa Masayo made in one step was the meridians. The two lightning bolts not only exploded the fur, but also shattered the meridians in the body.

With the help of Uchiha Yu, the civet cat took advantage of the devastating blow in his body and rebuilt his meridian system with the help of powerful vitality.

Unsurprisingly, her reconstructed meridians resembled those of a human rather than a ninja cat.

With the reconstruction of her meridians, her chakra was completely excluded. What flowed in her meridians was pure natural energy, not magic chakra.

Miwa Masayo completely got rid of the traces of the immortal and embarked on the immortal path opened by Uchiha Yu.

When her third tail was fully grown, Uchiha Yuji saluted and said, "From today on, you and I are also fellow Taoists."

Miwa Masayo asked feebly: "Is it a Taoist friend like Black Eagle?"

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Of course not. You and I are on the same path. Even if we put aside the relationship between Taoists, we are also on the same path, and our relationship is far closer than that of Black Eagle."

After hearing Uchiha Yu's answer, the civet cat nodded with satisfaction: "That's good."

"I'm so tired, meow, take me home to rest meow."

"Yu, I'm so hungry and sleepy. I'll take a nap first. When I wake up, I want to have a big meal!"

"The elixir doesn't taste good at all, although it smells delicious."

"This elixir needs a name..."

Uchiha Yu held Miwa Masayo in his arms and returned to Konoha Village and their home at some point.

Upon hearing Masashi Miwa's request, he replied without hesitation: "Let's call it the Eight-Tailed Raidan."

Li Huamao was stunned when she heard this. Even though she was extremely exhausted, she couldn't help but laugh: "You actually named the main ingredient of alchemy alchemy. Isn't this too troublesome?"

Uchiha Yu laughed and said: "That's good. This name will always remind me that other tailed beasts also need to take time to visit. I don't know what kind of harvest I will get."

The civet cat asked doubtfully: "Yu, I remember that the original material was the shell of the Faith Gem, isn't there much left?"

"Can you still find something like this, Meow?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know, but since there is one, there must be more, and they can always be found."

"And this metal is produced on the shell of the Faith Gem. I may be able to grow this thing in the Kingdom of Ghosts."

Uchiha Yuu then talked a lot, but Miwa Masayo didn't hear the end. She gradually fell asleep in the sound of Uchiha Yuu's words.


Miwa Masayo's breakthrough was a huge event for her and Uchiha Yuu, but it was not alarming in the ninja world because the war between Iwagakure and Kumogakure villages reached its climax.

The two northern powers are about to decide the winner.

Different from history, Nagato of the Rain Country rose up strongly, cutting off the most important passage in the ninja world and separating the Wind Country and the Fire Country.

The third Tsuchikage was not distracted by the war in the south and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the war with Kumogakure Village.

The appearance of the third Tsuchikage on the front line was a major boost to the morale of the Iwagakure ninjas. Coupled with the large number of reinforcements he brought, the battlefield situation showed a slight turning point.

Dejected by the defeat, Iwagakure Village retreated into the Land of Earth and began their counterattack.

The reinforcements coming from the Iwagakure ninja this time were not only large in number, twice as many as the Kumogakure ninjas, but they also had more jounin, giving them an advantage in high-end combat power.

As we all know, Lei Dun restrains Earth Dun, which is one of the important reasons why Yunyin Village suppresses Yanyin Village.

But at the jounin stage, this restraint is not so obvious. The key to deciding the outcome between jounin is the use of one's own fighting system.

There are a large number of Iwagakure ninjas, and all of them master the earth release ninjutsu. The Iwagakure ninjas who can stand out and become jounin all have unique skills to face the thunder release.

Facing the surge in quantity and quality of Iwagakure ninjas, Kumogakure ninjas soon suffered enough and retreated to the border of Earth Country, almost retreating into Taki Country.

The Third Raikage, who originally stayed in the Land of Grass and controlled the reserve team to look for opportunities for victory, could no longer sit still.

He could only launch an attack in advance, leading the reserve team to cut into the Land of Earth from the Country of Grass, and caught the Iwagakure ninja by surprise from the flank.

This attack was very clever. If the Three Gorges Raikage hadn't been unlucky and happened to meet the Third Tsuchikage who was patrolling with his son, he would have probably defeated the main force of Iwagakure in one go.

Two major countries, two major ninja villages, two shadows, and more than 40,000 elite ninjas appeared on the same battlefield at the same time. A decisive battle to determine the fate of the major nations was about to break out.

"Crazy, Raikage is crazy!"

The Third Tsuchikage roared at his subordinates: "How dare he fight at this time?"

"This is a decisive battle! It's a bet on the fate of the country! Although the Third Raikage is a reckless man, he has never been so impulsive. What on earth did he think?"

Huang Tu said naively: "Father..."

The irritable Onoki glanced at his son and said dissatisfiedly: "Now you want to call me Tsuchikage-sama!"

The tall Tsuchikage, a tall 217cm tall man, was scolded by the 130cm tall Tsuchikage, but he did not refuse at all.

He immediately obeyed his father's order and responded: "Yes! The Third Tsuchikage-sama!"

Onoki asked: "What do you want to say?"

Huangtu replied: "Lord Tsuchikage, I don't think we need to care what the Third Raikage thinks, as long as we keep an eye on the Kumogakure ninja and destroy these enemies."

Ohnoki sighed and waved his son back. Apparently Huangtu didn't understand what he just said. "This is a decisive battle, a gamble on the fate of the country." It means that neither side is sure of victory, and it does not mean that Iwagakure Village has an advantage.

But when the jounin of Iwagakure Village heard Huang Tu's words, the atmosphere suddenly became heated.

They were discussing how to win this battle and drive all the damn Kumogakure ninjas out of the Land of Earth.

Hearing the discussion among his subordinates, Onoki once again felt deep despair.

To be honest, he was fully confident about winning the battle in front of him and even defeating Yunyin Village.

Because Ohnoki is not fighting alone.

Behind the Third Raikage, there was a group of Kumogakure ninjas whose interests had been damaged and who were dissatisfied with the Third Raikage. Ohnoki took the initiative to find them and turned them into his spies.

Even if the Third Raikage was aware of it and even took careful precautions, it could only limit the effectiveness of these spies and could not eliminate their harm.

For example, in this battle, Ohnoki didn't know where the Third Raikage was hiding, but he clearly knew how many Kumogakure ninjas the Third Raikage had brought and their strength.

Ohnoki is not culturally qualified enough to say the subtle saying "Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger", but as a war veteran, he clearly knows that he will never fail if he fully grasps the intelligence of both sides.

But after mastering the intelligence, you need to carefully design a plan, develop your own strengths, and attack the enemy's weaknesses. Only then can you pick the fruits of victory.

As Huang Tu said, if you rush forward and act recklessly, the value of intelligence will be completely lost.

As for the heated discussion among the Iwagakure jounin, Ohnoki summed it up by saying: "Come forward! Fuck him! Fuck him! Fuck him again! Victory will be ours!"

The more Onoki listened, the angrier he became, and the more he listened, the more annoyed he became, and the veins on his forehead gradually bulged.

Finally he had enough and yelled, "Shut up, you bunch of hopeless idiots!"

Even though Onoki was only 130cm tall, he had quite a loud voice. He roared loudly, making the tent tremble, and everyone covered their ears and shut up.

But there were also those who were not convinced. The fourth-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi covered his ears with his hands and said dissatisfied: "Just say what you want to say, why are you shouting so loudly?"

Ohnoki looked at Lao Zi angrily and said loudly: "Because what you are discussing is a stupid idea to send Iwagakure Village to hell."

Lao Zi also had a bad temper. When he heard this, he jumped up and said, "What we said doesn't make sense, so why don't you say it?"

"My idea is to retreat," Ohnoki said.

The Iwagakure jonins immediately burst into an uproar and questioned one after another:


"This is impossible!"

"We are fighting now, how can we retreat?"

Lao Zi even sneered: "The stupid idea of ​​retreating in front of the enemy can actually come out of your mouth. Lord Tsuchikage, are you confused?"

Onoki looked at him and asked, "Do you know how many ninjas are able to fight the enemy now?"

Looking at the dumbfounded Lao Zi, he continued without pause: "350 ninjas. Among the 350 Iwagakure ninjas, only ninjas can fight with the Kumogakure ninjas."

"The terrain here is too narrow. 350 people is the limit. Not only will no more ninjas be able to exert greater combat effectiveness, but it will increase our casualties."

"On the other hand, there are only so many ninjas that Cloud Shadow Ninja can send to fight us."

Ohnoki looked at Lao Zi and reprimanded him unceremoniously: "How can a mere 350 Kumogakure ninjas retreat in front of the enemy like this? Are your minds so rigid?"

"Or do you mean you don't know the fighting situation on the front line at all?"

Facing Tsuchikage's questioning, Lao Zi suddenly felt embarrassed.

He really didn't know the situation on the front line, but based on his previous experience, he made nonsense.

Ohnoki and Lao Zi have been classmates and rivals for many years. They knew what he was thinking just by looking at him. They snorted and ignored him.

The Third Tsuchikage faced the Jonin and said: "We have 20,000 troops. In this mountainous area on the border with Taki Country, our ability to display our strength will be severely restricted."

"So, we cannot fight Kumogakure here. Instead, we should go to a wider battlefield and give full play to the advantages of Iwagakure Village's numbers and discipline."

Lao Zi murmured and complained: "We also know that we shouldn't fight here, but ahead is the country of Taki with a more complex terrain. Is it necessary for this purpose to allow the Kumogakure ninja to enter the depths of the country of earth? "

He just complained out of habit, subconsciously causing trouble for the Third Tsuchikage.

But his complaint was approved by Ohnoki: "What Lao Zi said is good, and that's what I mean. In the mountains, we don't have the advantage of our numbers."

The Third Tsuchikage spoke loudly: "We should indeed retreat all the way to this valley."

Ohnoki pointed to a small piece of plain on the map and said: "On this rare piece of flat land, we will make full use of our advantage in numbers to surround and eliminate the Kumogakure ninjas."

"Then, we can chase the Kumogakure ninja's escape and drive the Kumogakure ninja and the cruel war back to the Kingdom of Thunder!"


The Jonin of Iwagakure heard the Tsuchikage's declaration of victory. Although they did not understand the reason for their victory, they immediately cheered.

Looking at his subordinates with high morale, Onoki let out a long sigh.

It was clear that victory could be expected in the future, and he could even kill the Third Raikage, but the Third Tsuchikage was particularly worried about the future of Iwagakure Village.

Before the war began, the third Kazekage mysteriously disappeared, and the village was replaced by the fourth Kazekage as the head of Sunagakure Village. Under the leadership of the Fourth Kazekage, Sunagakure Village did not fight a good war and was even defeated by Konoha Village.

But in Onoki's view, Rasa is already a rare talent. His failure is mainly because Sunagakure Village is too weak and is not qualified to be compared with Konoha Village.

Last year, the third generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village died unexpectedly. The fourth generation Mizukage Goju Yagura successfully took over the Kirigakure Village and carried out internal reforms and external wars with great success.

Onoki didn't know it at this time, but Kirigakure Village had already been replaced by the Fifth Mizukage.

In his eyes, Goju Yagura has excellent strength and brains, and is an absolutely qualified heir.

Two months ago, the Third Hokage, who was close to Onoki's age, died, and Orochimaru became the Fourth Hokage.

The fourth generation Hokage proved himself in the last war, taking over the power of Konoha Village extremely smoothly, and under his leadership, Konoha ninja became more and more powerful, even conquering Sunagakure Village.

Ohnoki believed that Orochimaru was impeccably excellent, and he really envied Hiruzen Sarutobi in real name.

In the ninja world, there is another ninja who is no less powerful than the Five Kages, and that is the demigod Hanzo of Amegakure Village.

He died earlier than the Third Hokage, but Nagato, the successor of Hidden Rain Village, was obviously so young, but he was a more powerful monster than a demigod.

Onoki is not even envious, but outright jealous!

Maybe in a few days, he would kill the Third Raikage with his own hands, but Ai from Cloud Shadow Village was the one who had already been confirmed as the fourth Raikage candidate.

Yunyin Village, which suffered a brutal defeat, would at most fall into a certain degree of decline, rather than fall into chaos in one fell swoop.

That’s the benefit of having great heirs.

Among all the Third Kage, Ohnoki is the eldest one and is now over 60 years old, but none of the Iwagakure ninjas can succeed him and become the new Fourth Tsuchikage.

Iwagakure Village didn't even have an outstanding Tsuchikage heir like Orochimaru, or even one who was barely qualified like Rasa.

How to do?

Tsuchikage Onoki was extremely distressed, but looking at the group of guys in front of him, he could only accept the reality helplessly.

[These guys are all idiots with stones in their heads. They are hopeless. 】

[Maybe I have to choose among the young people. Maybe there are still good prospects among the children today. 】

[Well, if you still can’t pick one out, it means there aren’t enough children in Iwagakure Village! 】

[When this battle is over, I will have to force this bastard Huang Tu to get married. If he can’t do it, my grandson may be a genius. 】

[If it doesn’t work, I will endure it for another fifteen years and raise my grandchildren. 】

[There is still hope for Iwagakure Village. 】

(End of this chapter)

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