I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 282 The third tail of Masashi Sanwa

Chapter 282 The third tail of Miwa Masashi

Miwa Masayo's reaction to swallowing the pill was much greater than Uchiha Yuu's.

Li Huamao is a fire spirit immortal. She mastered the natural energy of wind spirit during her last breakthrough, but because she didn't like wind, she didn't do much research and practice.

The main power contained in the elixir consumed this time was the natural energy of thunder spirit. The natural energy of fire spirit mixed in during refining was not the main force.

The natural energy of the thunder spirit that entered the body could not be directly absorbed and used by Miwa Masayo, resulting in a body alienation effect similar to the practice at Miaomu Mountain.

Miaomushan's celestial magic practice is extremely difficult to absorb and use natural energy. It is at least a super jump from 0 to 5, so the degree of physical alienation produced is very extreme.

When practitioners of Miaomu Mountain's celestial arts are smeared with toad oil by toads and introduced to natural energy, they will first be affected by the mixed information from the toads.

It is even inevitable that the human body will undergo frog transformation and grow frog organs and characteristics.

But the real test is the natural energy mixed with the five spirits. If the practitioner cannot adapt in one step, the frog transformation in his body will advance without limit until he turns into a real toad.

Physical changes will inevitably lead to extreme discomfort in the soul. The contradiction between spirit and body will destroy the foundation of life. Humans who have completely transformed into frogs are destined to die.

However, the natural energy will not let him die slowly. Instead, it will madly change the cells of the toad's body, squeeze out the chakra in the cells, and forcibly change it into inorganic matter.

In the end, the unlucky guy who fails to practice magic will turn into a stone toad statue.

Because the three snake immortals directly injected their poisonous fangs into the immortal arts practice in Longdi Cave, the transformation of snakes became more intense and the risk was higher.

However, when the practitioner completely transforms into a snake, he will also transform into an inorganic statue.

The toads in Mount Miaomu are kind-hearted. They will use sticks to try to save the practitioners. If they fail, they will sadly watch the practitioners die of petrification.

The snake immortals of Longdi Cave do not have this sympathy. They will deliberately inject more natural energy to make it more difficult for practitioners to adapt to natural energy, and swallow the unlucky ones after their practice fails.

The body of a cultivator who is completely transformed into a snake but not petrified is filled with natural energy. The total amount is a hundred times the natural energy injected by the Snake Immortal.

The chakra in their body cells is fully activated under the squeeze of natural energy.

For the Snake Immortal, this is the supreme delicacy. If you swallow it in one bite, it can at least compare to the results of ten years of hard training.

It is precisely because of this benefit that the three snake immortals can eat people tirelessly.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The big snakes in Longdi Cave follow the same example. Although they do not have such great benefits in eating ordinary people, they are obsessed with cannibalism, as if they can become snake immortals if they eat enough.

The adaptation to natural energy that Miwa Masayo now faces is not as difficult as those two practices.


What is absorbed into the body is the pure natural energy of Thunder Spirit. There is no other information in it, and there is no flaw such as a frog turning into a snake.

The only change that has occurred on the body of the civet cat is that the color of her hair has become lighter, especially the light-colored parts of the original tiger stripes, which look like silver threads.

Up to this point, Miwa Masayo's changes were within Uchiha Yu's expectations, but then her changes went beyond expectations.

The pain of the tabby cat was beyond Uchiha Yu's expectation, so he naturally frowned and began to check.

But after careful inspection, he found nothing wrong.

The veins are unobstructed, the qi and blood are unobstructed, and the chakra is stable and abundant. Judging from this, it should be a healthy ninja cat.

Uchiha Yu thought carefully and made a rather risky decision.

He extended his natural energy, carefully wrapped the civet cat, and penetrated into her body with the slightest movement.

Through the connection of natural energy, they can not only whisper mentally, but also share all senses.

But at this critical moment, this is the real adventure.

For Uchiha Yu, Miwa Masashi felt unwell due to taking pills. Sharing her feelings at this time was equivalent to sharing all her pain.

For the civet cat, the cause of her pain at this time is unknown. Perhaps Yu Uchiha's natural energy will detonate hidden problems and turn the pain into a fatal danger.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

Perhaps Uchiha Yuu's caution played its due role, and the senses of the two immortals merged into one through the intertwining of natural energy.

Li Huamao breathed a sigh of relief. She seemed to be suddenly wrapped in a sea of ​​natural energy. She felt very strong pain, which was suppressed by this sea.

Feeling comfortable, Miwa Masashi asked hummingly: "Have you found the reason?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "I already know the reason."

Then, he spoke seriously about his findings.

In fact, the problem is still very obvious. Uchiha Yu discovered the problem of Miwa Masashi the moment he came into contact with it.

The problem lies in the body of the Cat Immortal. Her instincts are uncontrollably restricting the integration of natural energy, and she is trying her best to repel it from the outside.

This conflicted with the pill she swallowed.

On the one hand, the elixir is naturally powerful when released quickly, on the other hand, the body is working hard to reject it. After the two were combined, natural energy flowed through her body at an extremely fast speed.

The natural energy of high-speed movement is destructive to the body of the civet cat. The meridians are scratched and the cells are detached from their original positions.

Her body was like a land hit by a flood, already in a mess, because a large amount of natural energy filled her body, which temporarily covered up the terrible damage.

When the natural energy fades, she will feel even more uncomfortable.

After listening to Uchiha Yu's introduction, Miwa Masashi closed his eyes and thought silently.

After a long time, she opened her eyes. Her eyes were empty and blank. Cihuamao couldn't think of anything.

So she looked at the shit shovel eagerly, her eyes full of hope and asked: "Yu, how can we solve this problem?"

She believed in Uchiha Yuu so much, because this cat sage who usually looked very mature was only five years old in real life.

Ever since he met Uchiha Yu, no matter how difficult things were, he could always find a way to solve them, and he had never encountered a problem that couldn't be solved.

Therefore, when Masashi Miwa encountered a difficulty that he could not solve, he naturally placed his hope on Yu Uchiha.

Uchiha Yu did not disappoint her: "There is indeed a way."

He noticed an important detail. Miwa Masayo's instinct was not to limit all natural energy, but only to limit the natural energy of Thunder Spirit.

After checking in this direction, the target was quickly locked on the root of the tail of the civet cat and the bloodline of the ninja cat.

During the last breakthrough, Miwa Masayo grew a second tail, and there were seven other small bone sprouts, proving that her maximum number of tails should be nine.

Both cats and foxes have nine tails, but the cat's nine tails represent not only power, but also life.

When Masayo Miwa grows her ninth tail, she should be called the nine-lived cat demon.

No, it should be the nine-lives fairy cat.

But now it seems that Miwa Masayo's third tail has completely different restrictions from the second one.

This restriction stems from the Ninja Cat itself, and even vaguely involves the rules of the world.

Just like when Uchiha Yu condensed the golden elixir, the ninja world gave him an unprecedented severe disaster, and the layers of brewing continued to advance, almost forcing him to a dead end.

In the end, the golden elixir was successfully condensed, which meant that Uchiha Yuu had officially broken the shackles of life, had no restrictions in all aspects, and embarked on the grand road of arbitrary development.

With a little care, he can absorb the power of faith, and use the vest to enshrine the gods, create divine power, and brew godhead.

The tricks Yuu Uchiha played on Shinto, no matter who it was, were seeking death.

For example, when the miko from the Kingdom of Ghosts saw the barrier of faith, her face turned pale with fright.

It wasn't until Uchiha Yuu explained that he would be the one to carry the core of the barrier that the miko Maitreya relaxed.

Later, she told Uchiha Yu that the power of faith is a very terrible poison, and once it is contaminated, it can never be gotten rid of.

The first few generations of shrine maidens did not always stay in the land of ghosts. They were able to travel freely in the ninja world, as long as the seals were repaired in time before the monsters escaped from trouble.

Because there was a lot of movement in sealing the monsters, I don’t know when the shrine maiden was believed by the people of the country of ghosts and unintentionally gained the power of faith. The power of faith greatly increased the witch's strength, making it easier to seal the monsters, which made her very happy.

Later, the witch discovered the terrifying power of faith.

The power of faith she received contains the expectations of the people of the Kingdom of Ghosts. They hope that the witch can protect themselves and the Kingdom of Ghosts forever.

The expectations mixed with faith slowly changed the miko's way of thinking. Her sense of responsibility for the country of ghosts became stronger and stronger, and she became less and less willing to leave the country of ghosts.

When the miko discovered the problem and made great efforts, even introducing a non-existent god as a shield and hiding behind the name of the god, she was able to prevent the power of faith from further eroding her thinking.

But the faith she had been tainted before permanently changed the miko, making her faintly imprisoned in the Kingdom of Ghosts and unable to leave at will.

This is the terror of the power of faith.

Uchiha Yuu faced the same power of faith, but used it indifferently, and even further transformed it into a more corrosive divine power, without any sign of being affected by his thinking.

This is the performance of Uchiha Itachi who is not restricted by the world after condensing the golden elixir and breaking through the confinement of the world.

If condensing the golden elixir represents Uchiha Yuu breaking through his own limitations, then growing three tails is proof that Miwa Masayo breaks through his own limitations.

In the ninja world, both the two-tailed Nekomata among the tailed beasts, the Cat Sennin Miwa Masato, and the leader of the Cat Castle, the Sennin Nekyou, are all two-tailed cats.

No matter how big the difference in strength between them is, no matter how exaggerated the difference in survival time is, they all have two tails.

Especially the two-tailed Nekomata. From the time he was created by the Sage of Six Paths to today, a thousand years later, his strength has increased thousands of times, but he has not grown an extra tail.

The top cats in the ninja world all have two tails.

And now, one of the seven small bone sprouts at the base of Miwa Masashi's tail is flashing with lightning, slowly increasing its size.

This bone sprout only accepts the pure natural energy of thunder spirits and actively rejects wind spirits and fire spirits.

Because Miwa Masayo's body rejects the thunder spirit, the natural energy that the bone bud can absorb from the thunder spirit is severely insufficient and cannot support the full development and growth of this bone bud.

Uchiha Yu even discovered that the invisible force that repels the natural energy of the thunder spirit is also suppressing the growth of bone sprouts.

Therefore, the solution is very simple, increase the supply of natural energy of thunder spirit, and at the same time prevent the leakage of natural energy, so that Miwa Masashi's body is filled with natural energy of thunder spirit.

With sufficient natural energy from the thunder spirit, the bone sprout may be able to break through the limitations of the invisible force, grow completely, and become Miwa Masayo's third tail, breaking her own life limitations.

"...This is my plan, what do you think?"

"I believe Yu, just do it, nya!"

"It might hurt a lot, just hold on."

"Don't worry, meow. I saw you when you condensed the golden elixir, meow. I'm prepared, meow."

"Then, let's clean up here first, and then move to another place."

Uchiha Yu first collected all the elixirs, and then cleaned up all the garbage produced by the alchemy, including the broken cauldron.

Finally, he used the flying thunder god's technique and took Miwa Masashi to the Kingdom of Wind, a secret room in the Snow Village where the Snow Clan lived in seclusion.

Without disturbing the children of the Snow Clan, he quietly flew to the depths of the desert with the civet cat.

Miwa Masashi asked: "Yu, why did you come to the Kingdom of Wind? I thought you would take me to the Kingdom of Thunder."

Uchiha Yu replied: "Because the desert is the environment where Ninja Cats were first born, it is more suitable to break through here."

The cihuamao nodded, then shook his head and said, "But you said that my breakthrough requires the natural energy of Thunder Spirit, meow."

"The natural energy of wind spirits is the strongest in the desert, but the natural energy of thunder spirits is relatively thin. Is there really no problem?"

Uchiha Yu rubbed the civet cat's head and replied: "This time is different, you don't need to draw the natural energy of thunder spirit from the outside world, you only need to take more pills to meet your needs, so there is no need to go to the land of thunder. "

"My biggest purpose in refining the elixir is to eat it, but it is also to be able to get rid of the restrictions placed on us by the environment at this critical moment."

"Lihua Jiang, I found out last time that you would be very at ease in the desert, and you would also be in a pretty good mood. Your mood is also helpful for breakthroughs."

"With elixirs, we don't need to worry about the natural energy in the environment. Of course, we can consider the impact of the environment on our mood."

Uchiha Yuu flew very fast, and soon found a remote no-man's land, and landed in it with Miwa Masashi.

Although the body was very uncomfortable, the civet cat's eyes lit up after it landed on the sand: "Yu, you're right, meow. When I stepped on the sand with my paws, I felt relaxed immediately."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "That's good, let's start now."

After saying that, he clasped his hands together and activated the ninjutsu.

Wood Release·Multiple Wood Ingot Wall

Densely packed wooden pillars emerged from the sand, and were bent to form ten layers of arches, protecting Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi underneath.

Uchiha Yu stood in the center of the wooden ingot wall and released a large amount of natural energy from the thunder spirit. Countless lightnings traveled along the gaps in the wooden rafts, but could not escape from the gaps.

After confirming that the wall of the wooden ingot was sealed perfectly and that no natural energy would be leaked, he took out a large handful of elixirs and handed them to Miwa Masashi.

He said to the civet cat: "Eat pear blossom jam one by one. Don't stop even if it hurts, but don't eat two at a time."

As he spoke, Uchiha Yu released more natural energy from the thunder spirit, causing the density in the space inside the wooden ingot wall to reach its limit, even penetrating into Miwa Masayo's body.

Through these natural energies, he has absolute certainty to control all changes in the body of the civet cat to prevent an irreversible situation.

"I'm ready, don't be afraid, Rika-chan, let's get started."

Miwa Masashi nodded, stuffed the first pill into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Feeling the hotness and numbness in his body, as well as the tearing pain that ran through his spine, the civet cat smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of meow. With Yu's help, there will definitely be no problem meow."

As before, Miwa Masayo's body continued to reject the thunder spirit, but because the concentration of the natural energy of the thunder spirit in the external environment was too high, the thunder spirit in her body could not be rejected.

Under the huge external pressure, Miwa Masayo didn't even feel the swelling in her body.

The bone buds on the tailbone finally came into contact with the rich natural energy of Thunder Spirit. The power of growth was fully supported, and there was a fierce conflict with the invisible force that prevented its growth.

A bolt of lightning exploded from the tail of the civet cat. The lightning tore the fur and hit the inside of the wall with blood.

At this moment, Miwa Masashi finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a scream.

Uchiha Yuu didn't stop the lightning.

Because the lightning broke out without warning, and the speed of lightning was so fast that it couldn't be predicted in advance and couldn't be stopped.

Moreover, although this lightning caused a lot of damage to the civet cat, its powerful vitality was also stimulated.

Under the stimulation of the huge vitality, the torn wounds healed quickly, and the newly sprouted bone buds were re-wrapped.

Judging from this subsequent performance, the lightning coming from Miwa Masayo's body was very similar to the thunder and lightning he encountered at the beginning, and it had the characteristics of destruction and vitality at the same time.

However, this lightning did not fall from the sky, but came from Miwa Masayo's bone sprouts.

The closed fur did not last long, and Bone Bud once again absorbed enough natural energy from the Thunder Spirit, and inspired a similar bolt of lightning, tearing its own fur apart again.

This time the bone buds did not give the fur a chance to heal. Each joint was developing and growing rapidly, and a white bone tail grew out like a bamboo shoot after the rain.

Immediately afterwards, the vitality inspired by the lightning spread to the white bone tail, and white fascia sprouted from between the joints, and pink muscles grew on the fascia.

In less than a minute after the white bones grew, the pink tail was able to swing flexibly.

After two minutes, the tail's skin development is complete.

Three minutes later, soft fuzz grew from the pores, and a golden ring-shaped cat tail grew out.

(End of this chapter)

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