I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 263 Give Hei Jue a small shock, but it’s a pity that he has no excretory function

Chapter 263 Gives Hei Jue a small shock, but it’s a pity that he has no excretory function

Uchiha Madara is dead.

The ninja Shura who competed with Senju Hashirama 60 years ago, joined forces to build Konoha Ninja Village 45 years ago, and looked down upon the five major ninja villages, is dead.

Uchiha Yu pulled out his arm, turned in front of Uchiha Madara, dug out the bulging Mangekyō Sharingan, and then flicked his hand to ignite the light gold and almost white flame.

The strange flame seemed to have no temperature. It burned in Uchiha Yu's hand. It did not ignite his clothes or hair, but only burned away Uchiha Madara's blood.

When the light golden and almost white flame gradually extinguished, Uchiha Yu put his hand on Uchiha Madara's body.

The flames suddenly burst out, turning directly into pale white, and silently burned Uchiha Madara's body to ashes.

The erupting pale white flames shot out countless sparks, igniting the entire battlefield. Anywhere with corpses burned particularly vigorously.

On this battlefield, not only Uchiha Madara's corpse, but also an unknown number of White Zetsu's remains were also set on fire at this time.

Not a single drop of Uchiha Madara's blood or hair was missed, and everything was carefully burned to ashes.

Even the ashes from the fire can continue to burn.

In the end, all the corpses disappeared completely, turning into wisps of rising smoke.

After doing all this, Uchiha Yu did not leave, but stood quietly, waiting for the time to pass little by little.

He was worried that Uchiha Madara would be resurrected.

This guy has a criminal record. After being beaten to death by the First Hokage 13 years ago, he sacrificed a Mangekyō Sharingan and cast the secret technique Izanagi, successfully resurrecting him one day later.

If the eyes in his hand were Uchiha Madara's original eyes, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble. He only needed to leave the mark of the Flying Thunder God here and he could leave peacefully.

Uchiha Madara's resurrection will inevitably bring his eyes with him, and the eyes poached by Uchiha Yuu turned into illusory bubbles.

This is a very clear signal. When the time comes, Flying Thunder God will come back directly, catch Uchiha Madara and kill him again, twice at most, and he will have no chance at all.

After all, not everyone is like Danzo Shimura, who has the courage to inlay dozens of eyes on his arms to make himself look like Crusu.

But Uchiha Yu knew that the eyes in his hand were definitely not Uchiha Madara's, and they might not be restored if he was resurrected.

So he could only use the stupidest method to prevent Uchiha Madara from escaping the fate of death by guarding the corpse.

Sensing that the battle was over, Miwa Masayo ran over quickly, circled around the shoveler three times, looked up and down several times, and then felt relieved after confirming that his body was intact.

Although he knew that Uchiha Madara was definitely no match for Yuu, the civet cat was very worried.

After all, his opponent was Shura from the ninja world, Uchiha Yufei's direct ancestor, the most outstanding and powerful Uchiha ninja before him.

No one can guarantee what kind of trump card Uchiha Madara has.

Of course Uchiha Yuu knew it, but the source of his information was a secret, and it was the only secret that could not be shared with Miwa Masayo.

Therefore, despite his repeated assurances that he was absolutely sure, Ci Huamao just couldn't believe it.

Now that the battle is over, and it is confirmed that Uchiha Yu really defeated Uchiha Madara without any injuries, Miwa Masayo is completely relieved.

"Great meow, you beat me meow."

The tabby cat jumped on Uchiha Yu's shoulder, and when he was about to lie down, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Her favorite shoulder actually felt strange.

The civet cat measured it with its whiskers and found no problem. Then it smelled up and down and found the problem.

It turned out that the scent of Miwa Masayo on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder was also burned away by the pale flames.

How can this be!

The tabby cat twisted its body and rubbed its head behind Uchiha Yuu's ears, on his cheeks and on top of his head.

She rolled over and jumped up and down for a long time.

It wasn't until the surroundings were filled with her own scent that she lay down with peace of mind, squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "That's right, meow, this is my Youmeow."

Uchiha Yuya smiled like a thief.

He stretched out his finger and tapped the civet cat's head, and said: "I will stay here for a whole day, maybe two days, so you don't need to accompany me."

Miwa Masayo grabbed the shoveler's finger with her claws, put it in her mouth, bit it, and said, "It's okay if I don't accompany you, nya. There won't be anything delicious to eat when I go back."

Uchiha Yu reminded her: "You forgot, today is the seventh day, the little crabs I pickled should be fermented."

Miwa Masashi suddenly stood up, jumped off his shoulders without hesitation, turned around and said, "Okay, suck~ I won't accompany you anymore, nya."

"Don't worry, meow, suck it up~ I'll leave half of it for you, meow, suck it up~."

As soon as he finished speaking, the civet cat shot out a ball of fire smoke and then dived into it.

At the last moment before leaving, Miwa Masayo's two striped tails were playfully curled together and almost tied in a knot.

The civet cat screamed in the flames. After her tail was knotted and she lost her balance, she didn't know whether she hit her nose or her mouth.

When the flame disappeared, Uchiha Yu's gentle smile disappeared.

He looked straight ahead and said coldly: "Come out and talk, or should you get out right now?"

"Black Zetsu."

In the shadow where Uchiha Yuu was looking, Black Zetsu's head slowly emerged, with an incredible expression on his dark face.

Hei Jue has existed for more than a thousand years. During this long time, no one has ever found a trace of him unless he took the initiative to reveal his existence.

His self-confidence comes from this, because among the people who have never found his traces, include Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Otsutsuki Hamura, Asura, Indra, and Gamamaru.

These top beings in the ninja world for thousands of years, Black Zetsu have been close to each other, eavesdropped on conversations, stolen information, and even learned a lot of knowledge from them.

This was the first time in a thousand years that he had been seen through. You can imagine his surprise.

As a thousand-year-old silver coin, Hei Jue unexpectedly asked: "You can really find me?"

Uchiha Yu did not answer his question, but asked again: "Let's talk, or get out immediately?"

Black Zetsu snorted coldly and said nothing, but did not leave either. He exposed half of his head in the shadow and stared at Uchiha Yuu.

His meaning is very obvious, I can do whatever I want, what can you do to me?

Uchiha Yu stopped talking, but looked at Black Zetsu coldly, then closed his eyes and immersed himself in the world of Zifu.

Uchiha Yuu's consciousness did not stay in the Zifu world, but sank directly into his dantian, gently touching his golden elixir.

The light touch of the fingers represents the transmission of consciousness, and the golden elixir expands accordingly.

In the previous battle, Uchiha Yu's wooden clone had the maximum amount of natural energy attached to its hands and aimed at Black Zetsu, but did not touch his body.

At that time, he determined that there was a gap between two levels of natural energy and the essential power of Black Jue.

That is to say, across the six levels, natural energy cannot touch the blood inheritance snare.

But there is something in Uchiha Yuu's body that has a higher energy level and is even difficult to estimate, and that is his golden elixir.

He firmly believed that although the golden elixir he had worked so hard to condense was only written into two layers of rules, the illusory world that manifested must be far beyond the six-level existence.

That illusory world will definitely have an impact on Hei Zetsu.

After all, Black Zetsu is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. The shock quickly subsided, and he immediately realized that it was irrational for him to confront Yuu Uchiha now.

Doing something that has no benefit and is a waste of time is not his black style.

Uchiha Madara failed, was killed, and there was no hope of resurrection...so what?

This is not the first time that Hei Jue has failed. In the past thousand years, has he failed many times with Indra's host?

Besides, those samsara eyes are still in Nagato's eye sockets and are still under his surveillance.

No matter how powerful or difficult the Uchiha Yuu in front of him is, it is not a problem.

At worst, if he waits 100 years and boils this guy to death, can he continue to implement the plan to save his mother?

The important thing is that Black definitely doesn't want to talk to Uchiha Yuu now because he doesn't think he can convince him.

Uchiha Yu is too young. He has become the strongest ninja in the ninja world before he is 20 years old. Without any investigation, Hei Jue could conclude that this kid's life must be going smoothly.

Otherwise, why would he destroy the stone tablet without hesitation after discovering that the content of the six-path inscription was illogical?

Hei Jue believed that it was simply impossible for a young man who made such an impulsive decision to persuade him to join the Moon Eye Project.

Ultimately, it was because he was too young to realize the power of time and aging.

If he waits 20, 30, or even 40 years, by the time he is almost 60 years old, he will be old and have accumulated enough disappointment, helplessness and despair.

Couldn't Uchiha Yu become the second Uchiha Madara?

The reincarnation eye has been conceived. As long as Uchiha Yuu joins the plan, he can immediately stuff the eye into the eye socket and directly activate the infinite Tsukuyomi to save his mother.

Black Zetsu's shock and anger disappeared, and he decided to leave here and go find Nagato.

Now that Uchiha Madara is gone, it's time to think about how to control Nagato so that he can unknowingly serve the Eye of the Moon project.

Although Nagato is not a descendant of Indra and cannot fully exert the power of the Samsara Eye, he is capable of completing the preliminary preparations for the resurrection of the Ten-Tails.

Black Zetsu's mind was spinning, thinking about the reasons for deceiving Nagato, and his head slowly sank into the shadows.

Just as Black Zetsu's head sank halfway, he raised his eyes and glanced at Uchiha Yu, but suddenly found that the other party opened his eyes.

What surprised him even more was that the eyes of Uchiha Yuu were not the Mangekyo Sharingan, but a pair of dark pupils, but emitting a faint golden light.

At this moment, a pale golden interface that seemed real and illusory popped out of Uchiha Yuu's eyes, and instantly expanded into a ball with a diameter of 200 meters.

Just as the light golden interface swept across, Hei Jue felt nothing.

And neither the leaves on the branches, the dust on the ground, or even the invisible dust in the air were affected in any way.

Although nothing had changed, Hei Jue still felt the horror in his heart.

He speeded up his descent without hesitation and hid his whole body in the shadow interface, only then did he feel a little more at ease.

When Uchiha Yuu saw Black Zetsu disappear, he did not show any disappointment, but said softly: "Get out!"

With this sound, Hei Jue, who had been completely hidden in the shadow interface, was squeezed out with a "biu".

Perhaps because the "squeezing" force was too great and the exit was too small, Hei Jue was squeezed out of his human form.

I saw a long and thin noodle, twisting and turning in the air, and slowly falling to the ground.

During the falling process, the black noodle was still deforming, almost returning to its black shape before falling to the ground.

But he still fell to the ground in a panic, with dust flying in the air, and his dark body was covered with mud.

Hei Jue was extremely embarrassed and shocked at this time.

Since his birth, he may have often been out of shape, but he has never been dusty. This is determined by his nature beyond the six realms.

From Uchiha Yu's point of view, this is a bankrupt version of [Innocent Body] or [Innocent Golden Body]. Anyway, it is a very powerful ability.

But within the scope of the Golden Core Realm, the rules of the world have been distorted, and Hei Jue's physical characteristics have disappeared. Not only can he not enter the shadow interface, but he will also be covered with dust and filth.

He even felt so weak and exhausted that he couldn't stand up and was as weak as a little mouse.

The corners of Uchiha Yuu's mouth curled up, and he looked at Black Zetsu with malicious eyes, like a tabby cat with an ambush hand, looking at the prey that fell into his trap.

Hei Jue's whole body was cold, and for the first time in his life, he lost his confidence from the bottom of his heart, as if he was really being watched by a natural enemy.

His body gradually stiffened, and he even began to tremble uncontrollably.

Just when Hei Zetsu fell into despair and couldn't help shouting "spare my life", the 200-meter-diameter ball collapsed.

Uchiha Yuu's golden elixir realm was crushed by the rules of the world. This time it lasted a total of 1.7 seconds, which was a great improvement from the last time of less than 0.1 seconds.

As the Golden Core Realm shattered, the dust on Hei Jue's body was violently blown away, and the fear that overwhelmed his heart suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

As for the trembling of the body and the "spare my life" that ran to his lips, they naturally disappeared.

Black Zetsu's reaction speed was extremely fast. When he found that the connection between himself and the shadow interface was restored, he sank directly into it.

In just 1.7 seconds, the despair and fear brought to Hei Jue were so great that he almost lost all his thousand-year-old face.

When there is a chance to escape, he completely doesn't care about anything, he doesn't even care about identifying the direction, and escapes as fast as possible.

Uchiha Yuu didn't try to hinder him, because under the normal rules of the ninja world, he couldn't touch Black Zetsu who didn't want to touch him, and it was impossible to catch him.

He shook his head, sighed, and said to himself with emotion: "Sure enough, it is still too weak, and the growth of Jindan is far from enough."

"But I gained a lot today. I proved that I am capable of dealing with Black Zetsu. I gave him a small lesson. I guess he won't bother me for a while."

"Through the suppression of Hei Jue by the Golden Core Realm, I also proved that the Golden Core is a high-level power, a power that exceeds the level of the Six Paths of Hungry."

Uchiha Yu suddenly shook his head and said to himself: "No, the golden elixir should be stronger than the blood successor's snare, but it is not easy to verify."

Uchiha Yu looked up at the sky.

Under the bright sunshine, the blue sky and white clouds blocked the stars and the moon.

But the glowing atmosphere could not stop Uchiha Yu's gaze. His kaleidoscope directly saw the moon floating in space.

[Perhaps, after my golden elixir is stable and powerful enough, I should release this woman and use her as a standard to verify my strength. 】

Uchiha Yuu was very satisfied with his sudden idea, because Kaguya Otsutsuki was a weirdo.

She possesses extremely powerful power, comparable to the life essence of a god, but her fighting ability is extremely unreliable, and she can even be played by an idiot genin.

It can be said that it is perfect to use this goddess to verify one's own strength. It has the advantages of extremely high standards and extremely low risks.

From this, Uchiha Yu had new plans for his future goals.

The unshakable thing is naturally to cultivate immortality and enhance one's own strength.

But apart from this, he wants to steadily promote the development of Konoha Village, and on the basis of destroying Nagato and the four major ninja villages, he will take control of the entire ninja world step by step.

Use the resources of the entire ninja world to protect your own cultivation resources, explore the entire world, and completely understand all the information about this cradle.

The next step is to capture the three holy lands and establish a fairy breeding base.

Attack the moon and eliminate the threat to the ninja world from the descendants of Hamura.

The most difficult goal is to attack the Pure Land, eliminate the life and death loopholes controlled by Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and improve the rules of the world in order to seek possible feedback from the world.

The last step is to release Otsutsuki Kaguya and use her as the standard to verify his own strength.

As for what happened after Otsutsuki Kaguya was solved, Uchiha Yu didn't want to think about it for the time being.

These things are too far away from him now.

Uchiha Yu is now like an elementary school student who has no understanding of anything after the college entrance examination. How can he set goals to pursue as a graduate student?

Maybe he won't get into college at all, or maybe he won't have the chance to go to graduate school.

Thinking about anything after defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki now is unrealistic and too ambitious. The more you think about it, the greater the interference will be to your progress.

Converging his divergent thoughts, Uchiha Yuu put the Black Zetsu incident behind him and quietly continued to wait for the passage of time and the possible resurrection of Uchiha Madara.

After waiting for more than two hours, the memories and experiences of the wooden clone left in the south came back.

After getting these memories, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but frown slightly, and he discovered a problem.

The wooden clone that he separated from himself, every step he dealt with in his memory was something that he could understand and accept.

But after two days, as the number of contacts increased, the wooden clone's reaction accumulated a large enough deviation.

Especially after the battle with the Sunagakure ninja, the response made by the wooden clone was completely different from his own thoughts to a large extent.

 The extra update promised 12 hours ago is here



(End of this chapter)

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