I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 262 Ancestor, it’s better for you to be a fool

Chapter 262 Ancestor, it’s better for you to be a fool

As Uchiha Yuu puffed up his chest, a hot line of fire came out of his mouth and passed through the strange handprints formed by his hands.

The moment it passed through the handprint, the line of fire suddenly enlarged and widened, spreading out like a trumpet.

But the super magical chakra was filled in, and the temperature of the flame did not drop at all, but became stronger and more intense.

The thin line of fire expanded from a hundred meters away into a monstrous sea of ​​​​fire that was tens of meters high, and even reached a thousand meters in width, and was still extending to both sides.

Under Uchiha Yu's control, the front of the flame maintained a wide plane without any obvious protrusions.

From the perspective of the Sunagakure ninja, this sea of ​​​​fire looked more like a huge wall of fire, advancing towards them at high speed.

The huge wall of fire contained immeasurable heat, and the radiated light distorted the air, creating a mirage-like scene.

Looking from behind Uchiha Yuu, the Sunagakure ninja became shadowy, even twisting like a snake, which was really weird.

But soon the flames expanded further, and the Konoha ninja's field of vision was completely occupied by the huge wall of flames, and the Sunagakure ninja could no longer be seen.

They immediately felt the heat radiation coming towards their faces, and the water vapor evaporated instantly, and the temperature of the air suddenly increased by 40 to 50 degrees.

The Konoha ninjas all felt uncomfortable, as if they had entered an oven, and their breathing was completely messed up.

Inhaling the hot air will burn your nostrils and make you have to breath through your mouth. However, your mouth will be completely dried out every time, which makes you feel uncomfortable.

The exhaled exhaust gas is cooled in the lungs and exchanged with water vapor in the blood, making the nose and mouth feel comfortable and cool and moist.

Aburame Shi took a small breath of the burning air and felt that he had to quickly recycle the dispersed parasites into his body to prevent them from being ignited as the temperature continued to rise.

The wall of fire moved forward. The speed seemed slow, but in fact it was far beyond the limit of ordinary ninjas. It quickly pushed across the area of ​​​​Sunagakure ninjas.

Uchiha Yuu's spewing lasted for a full three minutes, until he exhausted the synthesized senjutsu chakra, and then he closed his mouth.

Without the continuous chakra push, the fire only lasted for 30 seconds and then quickly extinguished.

When the sea of ​​fire disappeared and their vision was restored, the Konoha ninjas were stunned.

In front of them, the earth was completely burned by the sea of ​​fire. Any protrusions on the earth disappeared, the trees turned into fly ash, and the rocks turned into lava.

There are crack-like cracks everywhere on the ground, with red magma flowing and billowing hot steam.

On the rock remnants between the cracks, the crystals that had begun to condense shone, as if they had been calcined into glass.

Most importantly, all the Sunagakure ninjas disappeared.

The sea of ​​fire covered a huge area, and except for the ninja at the very back, most ninjas were unable to escape using the teleportation technique.

As long as they can't fly or don't master the space and time ninjutsu, they can only withstand the burning of fire.

Obviously, none of the trapped Sunagakure ninjas could withstand such violent flames, and they didn't even leave any traces.

Clothes themselves are flammable, and the human body is also flammable at high temperatures. Metal objects such as weapons and tools have melted in the lava.

Uchiha Fugaku stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

He couldn't believe that someone could use just one ninjutsu. A ninja force of more than 4500 people was defeated and collapsed. Thousands of ninjas either died or fled.

This is just like the legendary Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Fugaku swallowed hard, but found that there was no saliva in his mouth. The hot air and nervousness made his saliva completely dry up.

Now he is finally convinced.

Not only Uchiha Fugaku was convinced, but all the Konoha ninjas present were basically completely convinced and full of admiration for Uchiha Yu's power.

At this time, only Minato Namikaze still had fighting spirit and wanted to catch up or even surpass Yuu Uchiha.

Soon, another ninja who had the same beliefs as Minato appeared.

"The Fourth Hokage-sama!"

Orochimaru clasped his hands and walked over with a depressed expression. Hearing the shouts of the Konoha jounin, he just nodded lazily.

He walked up to Uchiha Yu and complained to him: "I know Yu-kun is very powerful, but if you want to cause such a big scene, do you need to tell me first?"

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "What went wrong?"

Orochimaru pointed at both sides of the battlefield and said dissatisfied: "You know I am here to outflank the enemy. The snake troops must be deployed to the sides of the battlefield."

"You actually started such a big fire, and my people almost got involved."

Uchiha Yu looked in the direction Orochimaru pointed, and sure enough he saw some ninjas in snake troop uniforms. They seemed to be cleaning the battlefield.

He didn't care about Hokage, and naturally he wouldn't coddle Orochimaru. He opened his mouth and said back: "You can't blame me. This distance is not a suitable distance for ninjas to ambush and outflank."

"Orochimaru, you actually let the snake troops advance for a full 4 kilometers, and they almost hit the feet of the Sunagakure ninja. Isn't it natural that I accidentally injured you?"

Who knows, Orochimaru suddenly acted rogue and said to Uchiha Yu: "I am the Hokage, and I am the biggest in Konoha Village! It is your fault that you did not tell me in advance, so you have to compensate me."

Uchiha Yu laughed angrily at him and said with great joy: "How can there be such a rogue Hokage like you?"

Orochimaru smiled and replied: "You were the one who acted rogue first."

"And it's really dangerous. If I hadn't taken action personally, your fire would definitely have caused many casualties. Don't you appreciate it?"

Uchiha Yuu patted his head. He knew that Orochimaru was playing a trick of advancing, retreating, but he was not completely blameless in this matter, so he was indeed a little embarrassed.

So Uchiha Yuu asked: "The Fourth Hokage, what do you want?"

Orochimaru said with a serious expression: "I want your wood escape training experience and your senjutsu training skills."

Uchiha Yuu knew as soon as he heard that the experience of practicing Mujutsu was for Tenzo, and the skills of Senjutsu training were for himself.

"Yondaime, do you think you will be free soon?"

"Well, with your performance, I am confident that the Sunagakure Ninja Army will be destroyed here, and then I can talk to the Fourth Kazekage and the Wind Daimyo."

"Soon, the west side of Konoha Village will be completely calm, and I will have more time. Of course, I will continue to study senjutsu, and I will also officially accept a disciple."

"This time I will take Uchiha Shisui, Mitarashi Anko, and the wood-bending child at the root."

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Yu and added: "It is a formal fulfillment of the previous agreement."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said, "I'm very happy that you, Yondaime, can earnestly fulfill the agreement. But I have to be honest, you want too much."

Orochimaru heard what Uchiha Yu said and asked curiously: "Then... what do you mean?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said, "You have to pay more."

Orochimaru was happy: "Hehehe, Yu-kun's words are really interesting. What do you want?"

Uchiha Yuu suppressed his smile and said seriously: "I want Mt. Miaomu or Ryuji Cave. The Shiggou Forest is also possible."

Orochimaru also became serious and said: "Yu-kun, you want too much. According to what you said, now you...have to pay more."

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "Yondaime, if I only need a clue, which is to sign my name on the contract book, then I don't need to pay more, right?"

Orochimaru denied: "Yu-kun, you and I both know that you can fly the Thunder God Technique."

"No matter which one of the three holy places it is, as long as it gives you the book of contract, it is equivalent to handing over this holy place to you."

"So, we have to pay more."

Uchiha Yu nodded, agreeing with Orochimaru's conclusion.

Because they are all smart people, he never quibbles in front of Orochimaru, and Orochimaru doesn't lie in front of him, he only doesn't tell the whole truth.

Since Orochimaru guessed the truth that he didn't tell, Uchiha Yu would never deny it.

He asked: "Does the fourth generation want the secret of immortality, or is it the secret of the ninja world?"

Uchiha Yu's question hit Orochimaru's core, and his heart even stopped for a moment. He wanted the secret of immortality and the secret of the ninja world.

Unfortunately, Orochimaru knew that the only bargaining chip he had now was Ryūchi Cave, and he could not exchange two secrets at the same time.

Whether it's Tsunade's Book of Shigebone Forest Contract or Jiraiya's Book of Mt. Myoboku Contract, Orochimaru can actually get it.

But Orochimaru knows the true nature of Uchiha Yu, and after knowing what he cares about, the first thing he considers is eating.

When he sees anything, his first thought is whether it can be eaten, his second thought is whether it tastes good, and his last thought is what are the benefits of eating it.

If Yuu Uchiha like this gets the chance to enter the Holy Land, the destruction of the Holy Land will only be a matter of time.

The best outcome for the immortals would be like that giant octopus from the East China Sea, raised in captivity and harvested regularly.

If it really becomes like this, both Tsunade and Jiraiya will hate themselves.

Therefore, the only thing Orochimaru could exchange was Ryūchi Cave. So which secret should be replaced?

Until the second wave of Sunagakure ninjas rushed over, Orochimaru was unable to make a decision.

The long struggle made Orochimaru feel irritable. Looking at the Fourth Kazekage, Chiyo and Hagura walking in front of the Sunagakure ninja team, he stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek.

[Kill someone first to feel comfortable, and then decide. 】

Orochimaru looked at the dark Sunagakure ninja opposite, and asked: "Yu-kun, can the fire escape just now be used again to clear the area?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and replied: "Fire Release is not good. My Fire Release chakra has been exhausted. The most suitable ninjutsu now is Wood Release."


Orochimaru turned his head in surprise, looked up and down carefully, and after a long time he confirmed in surprise: "Wood clone?"

Uchiha Yu nodded.

"It's really amazing." Orochimaru took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "I always thought I knew you very well, but now it seems that I have always underestimated Yu-kun."

"I have decided that I want to know the secrets of the ninja world. I can also study the secrets of immortality myself."

"If Yuu-kun can do it, so can I."

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Okay, it's settled. After the incident in Sunagakure Village is over, Yondaime, you can make a deal with the main body."

"As for me, I'll just open a show for everyone."

The essence of the wood clone is wood escape. Once the wood escape is used with all one's strength, the result will inevitably be the disintegration of one's own existence.

After the usual prelude, Konoha Village's signature ninjutsu was activated.

Wood escape·The birth of the tree world

Along with the rumbling of the ground, it was scorched black, lava flowed, and countless big trees grew out of the devastated land.

Driven by Uchiha Yuu's consciousness, Daiki awakened his hunting instinct and actively looked for Sunagakure ninjas to hunt and kill.

Once entangled, it will be dragged underground, tightly bound in the layers of tree roots, and then like a towel, all the blood in the body will be squeezed out, becoming the nutrients that nourish the continued development of the tree.

Among the ninjas present, only Orochimaru and Uchiha Fugaku had seen this scene, but they were still shocked by the ferocity of the tree world.

It turns out that last time, Uchiha Yuu was cautious and did not deliberately drive the forest to actively kill people. The death of ANBU and root ninja was just the instinctive reaction of the trees.

It turns out that the first Hokage who founded Konoha Village was so terrifying. No wonder the four great ninja villages would forcefully endure it no matter how difficult it was.

It wasn't until the death of the first Hokage that the Ninja Village dared to start a war.

Along with the shaking of the big trees, the forest made a sound like the waves of the ocean, completely drowning out the screams of the Sunagakure ninja.

But so many people were strangled to death, and the emotions of terror, despair, helplessness, etc. had already been felt by the Konoha ninjas who were watching.

The sky seemed to be a bit gloomier.

But Uchiha Yu, who had personally caused huge carnage, didn't care. He was never afraid of dead people, only worried about the powerful cause and effect and the rejection of heaven and earth.

But he had already confirmed that when fighting hostile ninjas who actively entered the battlefield on the battlefield, no matter how exaggerated the killings they caused, they would not be despised by heaven and earth.

Because the heart of heaven is the heart of everyone.

Of course, the human heart cannot determine the heart of heaven. The human heart is fickle and ever-changing, and it is the most chaotic existence in the world.

Even any two people will think differently.

Even the same person will have different thoughts one second ago and the next second.

A person is chaotic and changeable, but when many people gather together, it is even less possible for them to be of one mind.

But the wonderful thing is that everyone always has the most consistent and weak thoughts in their hearts. The thoughts that come from the heart are always in line with the heart of heaven.

The human heart is a direct reflection of Heaven’s heart.

Therefore, the human heart hates killing, hates chaos, and hates abnormal death, which means that the same is true for Tianxin.

But war is an exception.

Because, my hero is his enemy.

As long as the killing is limited to the battlefield and the targets are the main participants in the battle, Tianxin will not dislike the killers.

A few minutes passed, and the body of Uchiha Yuuki's clone collapsed, and the ninjutsu ended completely.

With the end of the ninjutsu, the big tree stopped moving and turned into a real big tree. The sound of the waves in the sea of ​​trees also subsided, and the battlefield fell into absolute calm.

This is true silence.

There are no animals in the new forest, and there is absolutely no sound from the chirping of insects and birds. It does not make people feel peaceful, but only scary and eerie.

But this feeling of terror quickly disappeared from the hearts of Konoha ninjas.

This is the Wood Release of our Konoha Village. This is the ninjutsu performed by our companions. It is our miracle!

Why be afraid?

Suddenly, on the right side of the position, a young Snake Force ninja shouted: "This is Wood Release! Long live Wood Release! Long live Konoha Village!"

The cheers spread quickly, spreading throughout the entire battlefield in a very short time, and the cheers of Konoha ninjas resounded through the sky.

Seeing the huge forest created by Mu Dun, even the dullest Konoha ninja realized that victory was about to come.

No ninja village can resist such a ninjutsu, and the victory belongs to the Leaf Village.

The war has entered its third year.

For most Konoha ninjas, they do not have the opportunity to return to the village to rest like Uchiha Yu. As long as they are not seriously injured or disabled, they have to stay on the front line.

Their expectation for peace and their longing for their families have already accumulated to the extreme, and they have all turned into their desire for victory.

How can you not be crazy when you see the hope of victory?


The land of grass.

Uchiha Madara's excitement only lasted a few seconds before he realized something was wrong.

Uchiha Yuu was hit by dozens of large and small black thorns all over his body, but not a drop of blood came out. This is impossible.

Realizing that something was wrong, Black Zetsu broke away instantly and rushed toward the shadow at Madara Uchiha's feet.

During this process, a hand stretched out from the injured Uchiha Yuu and grabbed a handful of Black Zetsu in the air.

Uchiha Madara also jumped far back with a solemn expression.

In the battle just now against 1 wooden clones, Yuu Uchiha fully demonstrated his strength in close combat, which is definitely not something that the current Uchiha Madara can deal with.

If Uchiha Yuu fights, Uchiha Madara may be killed instantly.

Uchiha Yuu did not pursue him. He looked at his empty hands and said regretfully: "I really can't touch it."

"I never thought that the gap between the two classes means invincibility is actually valid in the ninja world."

"It seems that one must have power at the Six Paths level to be able to access the products of the Blood Succession Snare."

Uchiha Madara's eyes widened and he asked: "What is the Blood Successor Snare? What is the product of the Blood Successor Snare?"

Uchiha Yuu smiled slightly and replied: "The Blood Successor Snare is above the 'blood successor limit' and 'blood successor elimination', and consists of seven types of chakra: fire, wind, earth, water, thunder, yin, and yang. A super power formed by changing nature and perfect fusion.”

He raised a finger and continued: "There is only one word I can think of to describe Blood Successor Snare, and that is 'invincible'."

"As for the products of the Blood Succession Snare..."

Uchiha Yu looked at the nervous Uchiha Madara, suddenly smiled and said, "I won't tell you!"

Uchiha Madara's whole body was shocked. He lowered his head and saw a bloody hand stretching out from his chest, and that hand was holding a beating heart.

He raised his head and looked at Yuu Uchiha in front of him, as well as Yuu Uchiha covered in black thorns, all of which turned into wooden textures.

Uchiha Madara said with difficulty: "They are all wood clones. When did they happen?"

Uchiha Yuu behind him said: "My Yuzhi ancestor, in this ninja world where even death cannot keep secrets, it's better for you to be a fool."

Immediately, he used his five fingers to crush the heart that had left his body but was still beating endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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