I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 247 Orochimaru: I'm so tired, can you end the war?

Chapter 247 Orochimaru: I'm so tired, can you end the war?

Orochimaru's rise to power went smoothly.

The death of the Third Hokage was downplayed. The residents at the bottom were busy with their lives. The genin preferred Orochimaru who could bring victory. No one at the middle level or above asked about the situation of the Third Hokage.

In the Jonin Conference, Orochimaru received almost unanimous trust, and those who opposed him were regarded as clowns.

In the City of Fire, because Tsunade accompanied Orochimaru, the daimyo carefully confirmed that Tsunade supported Orochimaru and immediately expressed 100% agreement.

There is no way, Tsunade is the elder sister with the power of blood suppression to the daimyo.

Although the daimyo is two years older than Tsunade, when they met as children, they were often beaten by Tsunade and were forced to become his younger brother.

During the entire process that the Fourth Hokage went through, Uchiha Yuu did not appear.

He focused his attention within the Uchiha clan and dealt with various troubles within the family.

It is said that Uchiha Yuu has defeated Uchiha Fugaku and has become the strongest man in Konoha Village. He will become the clan leader step by step and should not have any trouble.

However, Uchiha Yuu had no intention of following the steps. As soon as he returned to Konoha Village, he made a clear announcement that he would make major changes to the Uchiha clan.

Major changes mean that everyone's cake will be touched, which means that the familiar environment will change, and people's hearts will naturally become unstable.

Especially the direct family, which holds the overwhelming majority of interests in the family. They are not familiar with Yu Uchiha, and their opposition is still very strong.

Even the attitudes of the two elders, Uchiha Yuichiro and Uchiha Yuya, who were originally under Uchiha Yuu, have changed as a result.

They stood together with Uchiha Shigata, the last hard-line elder, to oppose Uchiha Yu's major changes to the family system.

Then they knew what it meant to be the strongest ninja in Konoha Village.

That is force majeure! !

The three of them together couldn't withstand a look from Uchiha Yuu.

Ever since they were glanced at by the three-ringed Mangekyō Sharingan, they couldn't express the various objections they had in their hearts on any occasion.

Uchiha Yuu is not Uchiha Madara. His attitude towards the Uchiha family is rather cold, especially towards the senior members of the family. He is simply unfriendly.

If you are obedient, then speak well; if you are disobedient, then stop talking.

Moreover, the reforms that Yuu Uchiha wants to carry out will be beneficial to more than 90% of the Uchiha clan, and the real opponents are only such a small group.

Behind these three elders, the only ones who really suffered losses were their direct blood relatives.

Even their subordinates will gain considerable benefits from this redistribution of interests.

Moreover, these benefits are systematically planned by the new patriarch, so everyone can stand and gain the benefits without having to grovel and pray for benefits.

For the Uchiha ninja who is very proud at heart, this is the biggest temptation.

The three elders, who were forced to shut up, watched helplessly as their power collapsed, and their inner perseverance continued to waver.

In the end, even their youngest children or grandchildren shouted slogans such as "Restore the glory of Uchiha" and stood on the side of the clan leader Uchiha Yu.

After more than a month of torture, the three elders finally gave in and agreed with the patriarch's reforms.

It was at that moment of heartfelt resignation that they found themselves able to speak.

This time, I was completely convinced.

Uchiha Yuichiro muttered: "If Madara had such means, he wouldn't have been driven away in the first place."

Uchiha Sifang sighed: "Yes, I really can't accept it."

He was looking at the new rules and regulations of the Presbyterian Church. The more he looked at them, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked at them, the more he admired them.

In this month, Uchiha Yuu redistributed all the family's financial, material and human resources. He even split the power of the clan leader.

The overall power of the elders has been greatly expanded, but because collective decision-making has been strengthened, very little power is concentrated on each elder.

Uchiha Yu's power has also been greatly reduced, even far less than Uchiha Fugaku two months ago.

He has his own family rules and control over his head, and a whole team is restricting him. His money is limited, his power is also limited, and he is even supervised by an annual family meeting.

To put it bluntly, the Uchiha clan could continue to function without him as the clan leader.

Uchiha Yu's current authority relies on his personal force and war prestige, as well as his widely admired behavior style among the younger generation.

He went from being a patriarch who could manage everyone in the family to a patriarch who could only passively serve his people.

Uchiha Shifang sighed: "I don't understand, what does Uchiha Yu want?"


Uchiha Yu heard the same question from Miwa Masashi and answered without hesitation: "Of course it's just to be lazy."

Cihuamao: "Meow?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and asked: "Rika-chan, you know me, what do I want?"

"I know, Meow. You and I have been talking to each other for four years, Meow."

The civet cat stretched out its little white paws and counted them one by one: "Food, wine, safety, and longevity."

Uchiha Yu praised: "Everything is correct."

"Which of these can power bring?"

Miwa Masashi thought for a moment, raised his paws and tried to answer: "Everything except Immortality? Meow!"

Uchiha Yu covered the head of the raccoon cat with his hand, and said with hatred: "Stupid cat, can I compare with those useless nobles?"

"Tell me, who can cook better than me?"

"It seems that there is no Meow. Yuu's cooking is the most delicious."

"Then who can make wine that tastes better than what I make myself?"

"I don't know, meow. I don't drink, meow."

"Uh..., then, who in the ninja world is more powerful than me now?"

"It seems there is no more Meow."

"So, all I want is help from my underlings. The power I have now is more than enough. No matter how powerful you are, it's useless."

"When I have time to fight for more time, I might as well spend more time practicing. It would be nice to just play with you."

"Really, meow? Let's go play together, meow?"

"... It's not possible now. I'm going to change the security department soon. This is still quite troublesome work."

"Then come on, meow."

"But meow, I want to eat braised fish tonight, spicy meow, with lots of chili."

"Lihua-chan, your taste is getting stronger and stronger, and you don't look like a ninja cat at all. Is there really no problem?"

"Yu, you checked me out, there must be nothing wrong with me, nya."

"..., I always feel like you are becoming more and more human, maybe that's a good thing."


The next day, Uchiha Yu summoned all the cadres at the Security Department Center and announced the reform plan for the Security Department.

The Uchiha ninjas who saw the plan immediately broke out into huge discussions.

"Establish the Ministry of Public Security, recruit ordinary ninjas and ordinary villagers to take charge, and also conduct population registration for all villagers. God, how much time will this take?"

"Establishing an Intelligence and Security Department to be responsible for counter-intelligence and intelligence secrecy is not bad."

"Establishing a Special Operations Department and selecting elite Uchiha ninjas to deal with violent rebels and infiltrators from outside the village. This is great!"

"I don't understand the separation of the prison part into the Prison Department, and the separation of the prison area into two levels: incarceration and guarding, but it seems very good."

"But there is no need for the village appearance management brigade and the traffic management brigade. Aren't they just responsible for taking care of small businesses, vendors and vehicles? Why do we need to establish special forces when we can just do the things we do casually?"

"The Malignant Cases Department, which deals with murders, robberies, rapes and other vicious crimes, actually has to be an independent department?"

"The Information and Propaganda Department is responsible for external publicity and publicizing the various rules and regulations of the Security Department, personnel changes, and case execution. Chief, is it necessary?"

"That's right, we are Uchiha, we can do whatever we want, no need to explain at all."

Uchiha Yu turned a deaf ear to the discussions of the cadres and waited until they had all read it before reaching out and knocking on the conference table. In an instant, everyone was silenced.

Uchiha Yu said: "What I show you is my decision. It is for you to implement, not for you to discuss. Do you understand?"

Under the control of the hints set by Uchiha Yu using the kaleidoscope, none of the Uchiha cadres could open their mouths, and they even nodded involuntarily.

Their bodies completely betrayed their will, causing cold sweat to run down the Uchihas' spines.

Uchiha Yuu continued: "Moreover, this is only the first version. I will continue to make modifications based on the specific circumstances after subsequent implementation. Everyone must understand it in time and follow my steps to make changes."

"By the way, today's patrol is suspended. Until the reorganization work is completed, all patrol work is stopped. Patrols are meaningless anyway. They can only increase the confrontation between the Uchiha clan and the villagers."

Uchiha Yu didn't bother to explain, he didn't think he had the ability to explain it.

The ninjas of the Uchiha clan are emotional animals, not rational people. Reasoning will definitely not make sense. They only believe in feelings.

Instead of explaining to these ignorant Uchiha ninjas, it is better to force them to execute, then feel the changes during execution, and understand their intentions through the facts of the changes.

This is a hundred times easier than convincing them.

In fact, the Uchihas had long been tired of patrols and had become numb. When they heard that patrols were suspended, they were filled with joy.

Moreover, it is not just the Uchiha who need factual education. The villagers of Konoha Village also need factual education. They cannot be allowed to enjoy Uchiha's services while feeling that Uchiha is annoying.

The work of the Security Department was pressed on the pause button, and the Uchiha patrol team suddenly disappeared from Konoha Village.

On the first day, the Konoha villagers were surprised and confused, but they did not dare to take any particularly big action.

But on the second day, they became convinced that Uchiha would not come out to patrol, so various operations to let themselves go appeared.

In fact, it was just some small things, such as dumping garbage or pushing the stall a little further to the street. Not only did no one think it was wrong, but everyone found it very convenient.

On the third day, there were even rumors that there was something wrong within the Uchiha clan and they could no longer handle it.

But by the tenth day, the garbage began to pile up, and people smelled the stench and felt uncomfortable.

The streets have also become congested. Walking is not as smooth as before, and more time is spent on the road.

There was a minor dispute between neighbors, and no one came forward to mediate it, and there was no Uchiha to act as their common enemy. The quarrel developed from a quarrel to a fight, and from a minor injury to a serious injury.

Then petty theft began to increase, and the sense of security quickly declined.

In just ten days, the villagers of Konoha Village felt from their own changes that the Uchiha patrol was not idle or deliberately looking for trouble.

They are really useful.

But the Uchiha patrol team from the Security Department did not show up, and what the Konoha villagers didn't know was that no Uchiha patrol team would appear in front of them in the future.

After more than half a month, some ordinary Konoha ninjas appeared on the streets.

They patrolled the streets in pairs, dealing with thefts, fights and other security matters, turning a blind eye to street congestion and garbage piles.

A few days later, some villagers who were not ninjas began to patrol in uniforms. They managed and fined those who occupied the roads and dumped garbage everywhere.

Oh, and they also charge various management fees and garbage removal fees, and hire other villagers to pick up the garbage.

After almost a month, the functions of the security department were basically restored, but they were changed into a comprehensive public security and law enforcement department by Uchiha Yu.

He subdivided each intelligence and hired ordinary ninjas and even ordinary people to perform tasks, completely liberating the Uchiha ninjas.

From then on, ordinary villagers could not easily see Uchiha ninjas. They could only go to the security department or the wall of Konoha Village to see them.

In addition, only when a vicious case occurs, or encounters spies from other villages, or even enemy ninjas who are armed to resist, will the Uchiha ninjas appear as fighters in front of the villagers.

The so-called distance creates beauty.

The villagers of Konoha no longer come into contact with Uchiha because of trivial matters, nor do they stand on the opposite side of their own personal interests, nor do they suppress rogue gangsters who are unable to resist.

The Uchiha ninjas they saw were conscientiously patrolling the border, fighting bravely in front of the enemy, and discerning the details of murder scenes like gods.

The reputation of the Uchiha clan quickly improved.

As time went by, the memories of the villagers in Konoha gradually became blurred, and the impression of the Uchiha clan in the village was completely reversed.

Of course, this all happened gradually later.

One month after the death of the Third Hokage, the change in the reputation of the Uchiha clan had just begun. When only a few wise men could see the future trend, Orochimaru and Uchiha Yu avoided everyone and met quietly.

Orochimaru did not wear a Hokage hat or a Hokage haori, but was wearing casual clothes and appeared on the head of the third Hokage at Hokage Rock.

Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masashi arranged sumptuous food, snacks, and tea, and have been waiting here for a long time.

After Orochimaru appeared, he took a deep breath and praised: "It smells so good. It's actually Yu-kun's homemade food. I'm in a good mood today."

Uchiha Yu pointed to the seat opposite and invited: "Please sit down. All the food today is specially prepared for the Fourth Hokage. You should be satisfied."

Orochimaru sat down unceremoniously, threw a piece of snack into his mouth, chewed it a few times and praised: "It is indeed very delicious, and it was indeed prepared for me. It suits my needs very well."

Orochimaru picked up the tea and said to Uchiha Yu: "Today is not a good time to drink, so I will drink tea instead of wine and give you a toast."

"Please!" x2

A hearty meal lasted until midnight.

Uchiha Yu sent Miwa Masayo away, Orochimaru cleaned up all the garbage, and the two peaks of power in Konoha Village began a formal dialogue.

Orochimaru complained first: "Yu-kun, I didn't expect that you would reform the Uchiha clan so quickly, and you would complete the family integration several steps ahead of me."

Uchiha Yu responded with a smile: "Yondaime, I acted as I should."

"Although the Uchiha clan is troublesome, it is only a family after all. It cannot be compared with the huge Konoha Village."

"You are maintaining the war while eliminating all the remaining troubles. It is only natural that you act slowly."

Orochimaru stretched and said, "It's just a small thing to be slow, but the changes you made to the security department really surprised me."

"I didn't realize the problem until I saw what you did. I didn't expect that the Second Hokage would actually lay such a big surprise for me here at the Security Department."

Orochimaru's expression became very serious, and he said sincerely: "Yu-kun, some functions of the security department must be separated."

Uchiha Yu nodded and agreed: "It should be."

"The separated independent department cannot exclude the participation of Uchiha ninjas, and cannot add any new regulations that discriminate against Uchiha."

Orochimaru also nodded in agreement: "No problem. Other departments no longer have any explicit restrictions. As for those invisible restrictions, I will gradually lift them."

Uchiha Yu said gratefully: "Yondaime, thank you for your hard work, but please do it as soon as possible."

Orochimaru made a new request: "Tiger troops need to leave Konoha Village as soon as possible. From now on, only snake troops can be stationed in the village."

Uchiha Yuu replied without hesitation: "I agree, but Yondaime you must communicate with me which battlefield the Tiger Force will go to."

Orochimaru asked directly: "Which battlefield do you want them to go to?"

Uchiha Yu pointed to the southwest and replied: "In the country of Kawakawa, Uchiha ninjas have more advantages against Sunagakure ninjas than Kirigakure ninjas and Kumogakure ninjas."

"I agree."


There is an extremely tacit understanding between the two of them. Every request they make has been considered over and over again by the other party, and almost always agrees immediately.

And every supplementary condition was passed immediately.

In just one hour, the two reached an agreement on the adjustment of the power structure of Uchiha and Konoha Village.

In the end, Uchiha Yuu still looked relaxed, but Orochimaru was so tired that he was dripping with sweat.

Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh at himself: "The job of Hokage is really not easy to do."

"I really want to do some fun experiments in the laboratory."

Uchiha Yuu could only console him: "You have to work hard, Yondaime. When the war is over, you will be able to relax."

Orochimaru suddenly asked: "Yu-kun, can you step forward to end the war?"

"With your strength, you should be able to suppress an era of peace just like the first generation."

Uchiha Yu smiled and asked: "Do you really want such peace?"

(End of this chapter)

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