I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 246 The old era of Konoha Village is over, and the future of Konoha Village is full of hope

Chapter 246 The old era of Konoha Village is over, and the future of Konoha Village is full of hope

Mito Uzumaki waited for an answer for five minutes. Finally, he let out a long sigh and said, "In the current situation, I want to kill you. Can you give me any reason to object?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent and shook his head silently.

He couldn't answer Mito Uzumaki's question, and naturally he couldn't come up with any reason to object to Mito Uzumaki's idea of ​​killing him.

In the past, Hiruzen Sarutobi was the Hokage and Mito Uzumaki was the Jinchūriki.

He is the overall situation of Konoha Village. For the sake of Konoha Village, Uzumaki Mito can only remain silent and swallow all the questions and bitterness in his stomach. He cannot even tell Uzumaki Kushina.

Now that Uzumaki Mito has died once, what else does she need to care about?

Even when Senju Hashirama faced Uzumaki Mito, he could only feel ashamed and kept saying sorry and thank you for your hard work. He didn't dare to say how he spared the monkey for the sake of Konoha Village.

After Uzumaki Mito retreated, Uchiha Yu kicked Uchiha Fugaku away and stood in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But he thought about it and suddenly realized that the cruelest thing Sarutobi Hiruzen had done to the Uchiha clan had not happened yet.

Whether it was the Uchiha mirror thing or the so many double Sharingan things, it was obviously Shimura Danzo's fault, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's responsibility was at most due to poor supervision.

The Second Hokage has already said this, and there is no point in saying it again.

Uchiha Yu actually smiled. In any case, he had prevented many tragedies.

Hinata Hizashi, Uchiha Shisui, and many more unlucky people you don’t know about, you all have to thank me.

He looked at Hatake Sakumo and said, "Well, Hatake-senpai, I don't think I have anything to say. Let me change it to you."

Hatake Sakumo is a very humble and polite person. For such a long time before, he had been waiting silently.

At this time, after hearing Uchiha Yu's words, he nodded gratefully and walked up to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This honest middle-aged man asked: "Why are you targeting me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said dryly: "I didn't expect you to die..."

Hatake Sakumo's fighting style is always straight to the point, and so is his speech.

He asked again in a stronger tone: "Why?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen swallowed, moistened his throat, and then replied: "As they said, your reputation is too high, and too many people want you to be Hokage. I...I can't help it."

Hatake Sakumo was almost angry, and his voice could not help but become louder. He asked, "Sandai, you know me."

"You should know that I have no intention of becoming Hokage. I just want to be an excellent Konoha ninja. I just want to protect Konoha Village!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head, looked at the angry man, and replied: "Sakumo, when I stood up in front of the teacher, I didn't think about becoming Hokage..."

"Just like there can't be two suns in the sky, Konoha Village can't have two cores."

Hatake Sakumo: "..."

"Then why did you use such despicable means to suppress Hatake-senpai?"

Uchiha Yu asked: "Issuing a false mission, personally creating a moral trap that is wrong no matter what you do, and then forcibly frame him, this is too rough."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice sounded so unconfident, and he explained calmly and forcefully: "Sakumo is a flawless Konoha ninja. Danzo and I have tried many methods, but none of them have worked. We can only use this method. "

"I do not know what to do……"

Uchiha Yu shook his head repeatedly: "You are the Hokage. You can't do anything to the left, and you can't do anything to the right. The last thing you can think of is to destroy the best Konoha ninja."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, are you a spy sent by other ninja villages?"

Uchiha Yu couldn't talk anymore. Thinking of the kidnapping of Kushina Uzumaki and the kidnapping of Hinata that had not happened yet, he didn't want to say anything except sneer.

When the situation in Konoha Village is good, what he wants is to suppress the outstanding ninjas of Konoha Village. When the situation in Konoha Village is bad, what he wants is to sacrifice the ninjas of Konoha Village in exchange for peace.

It is obvious that the poor situation of Konoha Village is the inevitable result of him suppressing the outstanding ninjas of Konoha Village for his own power, but instead of taking any responsibility, he further pushed other innocent ninjas to die.

Under his leadership, the ninjas of Konoha Village were really miserable.

The best ninja who, through unremitting efforts, wins on the battlefield and becomes a hero of Konoha Village will be targeted by the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo, and be forced to either be exiled or commit suicide.

Ordinary ninjas performed their duties conscientiously and successfully prevented the enemy's conspiracy, but were forced to commit suicide by the Third Hokage, just to calm the enemy down.

No wonder the smart people in the Nara family are all terribly lazy.

Uchiha Yu felt that what Sarutobi Hiruzen did and the starting point of thinking about the problem really gave him a damn familiar feeling.

It's so disgustingly familiar.

The more he thought about it, the more Yuu Uchiha felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen deserved to die.

And among everyone present, Uchiha Yuu was not the only one who wanted Sarutobi Hiruzen dead.

Senju Hashirama hugged Uzumaki Mito and urged in a light tone: "Tobirama, time has dragged on long enough, make up your mind."

After hearing Senju Hashirama's words, Senju Tobirama suddenly became excited.

Senju Hashirama is a person who attaches great importance to family, friends and feelings. He is a bit mad, a bit naive, and full of idealism. He always believes in the kindness of people and looks forward to peace wholeheartedly.

Senju Tobirama, on the other hand, has a cold temperament, attaches great importance to the logic and purpose of actions, rules and order, has a relatively dark mind, believes that people are inherently evil, and is always on guard against everyone.

But among the Senju brothers, Senju Hashirama, who is always smiling, is the truly ruthless guy.

Because Senju Hashirama is a true idealist. For his ideals, he can give his own life without hesitation, and he can also let others give their lives without hesitation.

During the establishment of Konoha Village, the number of people who died at the hands of Senju Hashirama was no less than the number of people who died at the hands of Uchiha Madara.

Because Wood Release is the strongest clearing ninjutsu, Senju Hashirama should have killed the most people.

He will kill anyone who dares to stand in the way of his ideals without hesitation.

Even Uchiha Madara was beaten to death by his own hands once.

A mere monkey would of course be crushed to death without hesitation.

On the contrary, Senju Tobirama said so many cruel words and attacked Danzo mercilessly, but he was not actually ready to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Faced with Uchiha Yuu's uncompromising and firm demand to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He knew that it was difficult to resist the general trend, but he was still delaying time subconsciously, hoping for some turning point.

Maybe more people will think that Sarutobi Hiruzen can survive and form a check on Uchiha Yuu, making him change his mind.

Even if it means saving this monkey's life, that's fine.

Unfortunately, a turning point did occur.

But Senju Hashirama changed his mind and wanted to kill the monkey too.

The first Hokage was the only one whose strength was at the same level as Uchiha Yu. When the two of them had the same idea, there was no room for redemption.

Senju Tobirama was not a hypocritical person. Seeing the last glimmer of hope disappear, a kunai from Tsunade accurately penetrated into the heart of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

To end his pain in the shortest time, it was Senju Tobirama, as a teacher, who gave Sarutobi Hiruzen the final care.

Sarutobi was killed.

There was not much pain when he died, but it was also silent.


In any world, big fists are the most important thing.

In the ninja world, big fists not only show that there are enough ninjas, but also show that the ninjas are strong enough.

The strength of a ninja is relative.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third Hokage of Konoha for 45 years, is not weak and can firmly occupy the top two positions among the Five Shadows.

But Hiruzen Sarutobi was so strong that he couldn't withstand Yuu Uchiha's strength, which was even more exaggerated.

When this guy had the strength to clear the copy of Konoha Village alone, Sarutobi Hiruzen's policy of being hostile and ostracizing the Uchiha clan came to a dead end.

He was not the strongest in the Leaf Village, but he was stubbornly hostile to the actually strongest ninja. Hiruzen Sarutobi refused to abdicate sensibly and give way to others, so his death was inevitable.

However, the death of the Hokage from internal strife has caused great harm to Konoha Village, and may even cause Konoha Village to collapse and disintegrate on its own.

In the original history, Orochimaru took advantage of his status as a rebel ninja to complete this last step.

Then he could use a "resurrection from the dead" trick to clear his identity and return to the rank of Konoha ninja.

This process was so smooth that it would never have been possible without the acquiescence or even active promotion of the vast majority of ninjas.

But now, Uchiha Yu doesn't want to wear the hat of a rebellious nin. He still wants to live comfortably in Konoha Village.

As the overall situation of Konoha Village today, of course his ideas must be respected.

After awakening the dead first-generation Hokage and discussing with the second-generation Hokage, the two first-generation Hokage endorsed Uchiha Yu's decision, and the second-generation Hokage personally took action to execute the third-generation Hokage. This is the best solution to the dilemma of Konoha Village.     What does it mean to put the overall situation first? This is the overall situation!

As long as Uchiha Yuu cares about the overall situation, no matter how difficult his ideas are, everyone must revolve around him and find ways to solve them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's body gradually cooled down, and Mito Gate Flame was controlled by the ninjas of the Snake Force.

The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama announced: The department is illegal at its roots and will be disbanded immediately.

Although there is another person named Xiaochun in the village, she is unable to make a comeback or even make any waves.

The era of the Third Hokage of Konoha Village is over.

Uchiha Yu picked up the bamboo hat belonging to the Hokage from the ground, dusted it off, picked off the broken branches and leaves, and then handed it to Orochimaru.


Orochimaru took it naturally and said with a smile: "Haha, what is there to congratulate about?"

Uchiha Yu: "Oh? You don't like being Hokage?"

"Yu-kun, you know me, how come I like being Hokage?"

"It's tiring, painful and annoying. Except for those few years when I was a child, I never thought about becoming Hokage."

Orochimaru sighed, put the Hokage hat on his head, and looked dimly at the rope tree who was chatting with Tsunade.

"I'm just realizing the dream for my disciples."

When Uchiha Yu heard Orochimaru's words, he was filled with emotion. Orochimaru is really an excellent and responsible teacher.

Jiraiya is also an excellent teacher, but he is too irresponsible. He always runs away after teaching, and he doesn't care about anything afterwards.

If he were half as responsible as Orochimaru, the Akatsuki organization would eventually become an important wing of Konoha Village, Namikaze Minato would not casually die in love, and Uzumaki Naruto would not have spent a miserable childhood.

So Uchiha Yuu made the final decision, and he said: "Although you don't like being Hokage, as a reward for me to help you clear the way to Hokage, you still have to accept a disciple I recommend."

Orochimaru nodded and agreed: "Uchiha Shisui, the grandson of Uchiha Mirror, right? I promise you."

Uchiha Yuu smiled with satisfaction: "That's a good boy, but he's a little naive. Please pay more attention."

Orochimaru smiled and said: "I will teach him well, but I can't guarantee that he will be able to become the fifth generation."

"I understand, I don't insist on this." Uchiha Yu said: "All I want is a hope."

"With hope as a carrot, the difficulty of training the Uchiha clan can be reduced by more than half. It is much easier than me relying solely on violence to crush them."


Uchiha Yu picked up the Hokage's hat and handed it to Orochimaru, and Orochimaru put on the hat himself. These two actions immediately became the focus of the audience.

This action has great symbolic significance.

The strongest violence in Konoha Village has handed over the supreme power of Konoha Village to the wisest leader of Konoha Village.


Especially the ninjas of the Snake Force, their eyes almost glowed.

As a force formed by Orochimaru himself, they are naturally Orochimaru's absolute confidants. They will quietly return to Konoha Village from Yuno Country without hesitation because of Orochimaru's order.

Their relationship with Orochimaru was one of mutual prosperity and loss.

If Orochimaru had not become the Fourth Hokage, as Orochimaru's cronies, their fate and that of the Snake Force would have become unpredictable.

But if Orochimaru becomes the Fourth Hokage, the Snake Force will definitely have opportunities to flourish, and they will receive huge benefits.


The ninjas of the Tiger Force were equally happy when they saw this scene.

Uchiha Yuu had told them a long time ago that due to various reasons in the past, the Uchiha clan had no chance of spiritually defeating the Fourth Hokage. The Fifth Hokage and the Sixth Hokage were the goals of the Uchiha clan.

He will help in the competition of the Fourth Hokage in exchange for an Uchiha child to become the disciple of the Fourth Hokage.

Now the Fourth Hokage's hat was taken over from the ninjas of their Uchiha clan, so it is impossible that there are no Uchiha among the Hokage's disciples.

In the minds of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, Naruto is really just an obsession.

As long as there is hope, it is enough for the proud Uchihas.


Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time. As long as nothing unexpected happens, Konoha Village will be able to be stable for at least 20 years in the future.

"Brother, do you think that in 20 years, Orochimaru will become a power-hungry and cowardly bastard like his teacher?"

"Tobirama, let's leave matters 20 years from now to the Konoha ninjas 20 years from now."

"There can't be a monster like Uchiha Yu appearing in Konoha Village 20 years from now, right?"

"It's hard to say."



Jiraiya's expression was solemn, accompanied by endless loss.

This time, his position was particularly awkward. He followed the teacher's order and the big toad fairy's prediction and came here to participate in an extremely difficult battle.

In the end, the previous Hokage revived, announced that his teacher had committed a crime, and the second Hokage executed the third Hokage.

The Uchiha Yuu he fought with became the hero of Konoha Village, his classmate Orochimaru became the established fourth generation Hokage, and Tsunade got the happy moment of family reunion.

But what did Jiraiya get?

Jiraiya got tired, got the tragic information about his three disciples, got the information about the defeat of Konoha Village in the Rain Country, and even had doubts about the prophecy.

Because in the prophecy, what he did was for the entire ninja world, which must include the result of making Konoha Village better.

Jiraiya also works hard under the guidance of such prophecies, and his self-positioning is unified.

But things are not right now.

Facts have proved that the goal pointed by the big toad sage's prophecy is actually trying to save Konoha Village and prevent the Third Hokage, who has caused many tragedies, from continuing to cause more tragedies.

This will make you confused when you come here.

Uchiha Yu is doing good things now, will he become a bad guy in the future?

Or, in the eyes of the Great Toad Sage, the future Konoha Village will be a force that will cause trouble to the ninja world?

Jiraiya was caught in an extreme conflict, and his mind was completely confused.


For Tsunade, she was happy to see Uchiha Yu and Orochimaru getting close.

After meeting Kato Dan and Naoki, after seeing her teacher die, especially the kunai that caused his death came from her.

Tsunade's thoughts have been understood, and her resistance to Konoha Village no longer exists, and she wants to go back to live there.

The Hokage of Konoha Village is his classmate. He has the support of the strongest fighting force in the village. The political structure of the village is extremely stable, and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

Tsunade is not short of money and does not need to be forced by life to perform tasks. From now on, she can gamble if she wants, drink if she wants, and sleep in if she wants to.

Half of the village is her property, and the entire medical system is her disciple. Everyone in the village respects her when they meet her.

If you are really bored, you can still take on a mission to play, or go to the hospital to train medical ninjas.

Living like this is the most comfortable life.

Kato Dan and Naoki looked at Orochimaru with envy, and said at the same time: "It's great that Orochimaru-senpai (teacher) is going to be Hokage."

Then the two people looked at each other and suddenly smiled at each other. The conflict between the younger brother and the older brother-in-law was completely resolved.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade's heart felt soft, but tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

It was such a wonderful time, but it was so short.

But in any case, the third generation of Hokage no longer exists, and what follows is the era of the fourth generation of Hokage Orochimaru.

The future is full of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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