I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 234 The third generation of Hokage is destined to die at the hands of Konoha ninjas

Chapter 234 The Third Hokage is destined to die at the hands of Konoha Ninjas

This time, with advance notice, everyone was ready.

Uchiha Yuu's transformation greatly increased his control over his own power, and his grabbing movements were extremely precise without causing harm to anyone.

Everyone regained consciousness immediately, and there was no process of fainting and waking up again.

Mochi Zabuza, Konan, Yashamaru, and Tsunade had just woken up when they noticed two more people.

But the next moment they were shocked to find that they could actually see the face of one of them clearly, or they could say that they could remember it.

Unlike the other three, Zabuza, a Kirigakure ninja, recognized him at a glance and even called out his name in surprise:
  "Uchiha Yu!!"

Tsunade was also shocked. She naturally knew this Uchiha ninja, but the current image was very different from the one in her memory.

Especially Uchiha Yu's temperament has become fierce and majestic, completely different from the gentle Uchiha before.

And everyone noticed that in Uchiha Yuu's Sharingan eyes, there were not three magatama, but a more complicated three-ring connection.

Others didn't know why, but Tsunade knew the existence of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and it corroborated with Senju Tobirama's words, and she immediately made a firm judgment.

She sighed in her heart, no longer taking chances.

Seeing that everyone was here, the Emperor said, "This time there are two new ones, Ms. Yan and Jiao Zhiha Yuu."

All members, including the miko, realized the difference in Uchiha Yuu, and they were naturally shocked.

[The Emperor of Heaven actually called him by his name. 】

[It seems that our ability to remember his face is not an accident, but intentional. 】

Uchiha Yu glanced at everyone and explained calmly: "For some reasons, I cannot hide my information. Of course, there is no need to hide it. You will know my information soon."

Just when the Emperor of Heaven was considering whether to announce that this was the last meeting of the Divine Court, Xiao Nan suddenly stood up, saluted the Emperor of Heaven, and asked: "Your Majesty, the Great Emperor of Heaven, I have news about the Kingdom of Rain, and I hope to be able to tell you You exchange it for a pill."

"I know that my previous debt has not been paid off, but I really need it now. Can I use this news as a basis to lend you credit again?"

The Emperor thought for a moment and said, "Tell me your news first, and I will naturally judge the value."

"Do I need to block other people?"

Xiaonan thought for a while and asked, "If you are willing to listen, can I convert the value of the information to you according to the principle of equal exchange?"


The Emperor of Heaven asked: "Is there anyone who doesn't want to get this news?"

Zabuza was far away in Kirigakure Village. He was not interested in the Land of Rain and was blocked by the Emperor after he refused.

The trinity of Zhu Rong, Uchiha Yu and the Emperor of Heaven chose to accept it casually because they didn't care about the price.

Tsunade and Miroku were both wealthy and wealthy, so they also accepted it indifferently.

Although Yashamaru was poor, he was very concerned about the news about the Rain Country and gritted his teeth and chose to accept it.

So Xiaonan happily began to tell, and her first words shocked everyone:

"We defeated the combined ninja forces of Sunagakure, Konoha, and Iwagakure in front of Amegakure Village."

Yashamaru: "This is impossible! Sunagakure Village has been mobilized..."

Konan looked at him and said emphatically again: "The three major ninja villages united together, and nearly [-] ninjas were defeated by us."

Yashamaru no longer opened his mouth to refute. He knew that this information was mainly for the Emperor of Heaven, and the other party would definitely not dare to lie.

Uchiha Yuya was quite surprised. He knew that this was bound to happen, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Originally, he thought that he would overturn the Third Hokage to the ground by relying on his own strength and legal system without considering the fulfillment of this condition.

Who knew that the last condition was met in advance.

He suddenly realized that the Divine Court Meeting still had value and was valuable in obtaining information.

You must know that even if he controls the Uchiha clan or even the Leaf Village, he will not be able to fully control the ninja world. There will inevitably be omissions in the acquisition of information, and there will inevitably be considerable delays in the acquisition speed. lag.

Through the Divine Court Meeting, he can purchase the most timely first-hand information, and the purchase price will be very low.

The Emperor of Heaven said: "This news is very interesting, but you have to give more detailed details, otherwise the value will be too low."

But Xiaonan is really not a good talker. She opened her mouth, but she didn't know where to start.

The Emperor of Heaven saw her embarrassment, so he said: "You just need to remember it carefully in your heart, and I can present your memory."

"Thank you."

Xiaonan quickly closed her eyes and began to recall it carefully in her heart.

As her memory unfolded, everyone except Zabuza found that their perspective had shifted to a battlefield with heavy rain.

A red-haired ninja wearing a black cloak with red clouds stood alone in the heavy rain, facing tens of thousands of ninjas divided into three camps.

He raised his hands flat and flew up. As his cloak blew open in the wind, it was revealed that he was a young ninja in his teens.

In the air, the young ninja god was mumbling:

“The never-ending war makes this country cry, year after year, without end.”

"In this weeping land, men, women, children, old people, everyone! The pain is felt."

"I am also struggling in infinite pain. Because of the terrible pain, I have grown beyond mortals and grown from a mortal to a god."

"You sinners who started the war!"

"Feel the pain!"

"Experience the pain!"

"Accept the pain!"

"Understand the pain!"

"Then you will know the preciousness of peace and sincerely yearn for peace!"

Obviously his voice was not loud, and he had already flown hundreds of meters into the sky, and it was still in the heavy rain, but his voice could be spread within a range of five or six kilometers, and tens of thousands of ninjas could hear it clearly. .

Even in the Yuyin Village where the perspective is located, you can hear it clearly.

When he finally finished speaking about yearning for peace, he suddenly raised his flat hands high and launched the most powerful offensive eye technique.

Heretics·Shenluo Tianzheng
  The huge shock wave, centered on the red-haired ninja hundreds of meters high, formed into a ball and slammed down to the ground, blasting all the water and soil on the ground into the air, tearing into deep radiating holes on the ground. Gully.

The next moment, the mud and rocks formed a huge wave, pushed by the white shock wave, and swept away in all directions.

Looking far away from the direction of the viewing angle, huge earth-brown waves and white shock waves are slowly moving, but this is just an illusion caused by the distance.

In fact, the speed of the shock wave was so fast that the ninjas of the three major ninja villages could not react at all. At least half of the ninjas were swept directly by the shock wave, and then were buried by the huge waves of mud, sand and gravel.

Everyone who saw this knew that the coalition of the three major ninja villages had been defeated.

With this single blow alone, nearly [-] ninjas covered most of the area. At least [-] people were attacked and buried. The number of casualties must be extremely shocking.

The shock wave not only hit the ground, but also rushed into the sky, blowing away the heavy rain clouds. Sunlight fell from the circular hollow, illuminating the dim battlefield extremely brightly.

In the golden beam of light, the red-haired ninja raised his hands high, as if embracing the sunshine, and he really looked like a god.

The fantasy ends here.

Tsunade and Yashamaru's breathing was rapid. They both saw a large number of casualties among the ninjas in their village.

Yashamaru also noticed that in the direction of Sunagakure Village, a wall made of gold sand tried to stop the shock wave, but was torn apart in an instant.

That was the Fourth Kazekage and his brother-in-law's magnetic release.

He had never thought that the Magnetic Escape Gold Sand could appear so small and fragile.

Yashamaru was even worried about the safety of the Fourth Kazekage, wondering whether he could save his own life under such an unprecedented ninjutsu attack.

Tsunade's attention was naturally on the Leaf Village. She saw countless Konoha ninjas being torn apart in front of the shock wave.

Although in her eyes, the blood had been modified into colorful flowers, she could still tell that the blood must have dyed the front of the shock wave red. Even though she had left Konoha Village for many years, she still felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

The two of them thought of the "we" in Konan's words, and both realized that she and the red-haired young ninja were in the same group.

Tsunade and Yashamaru couldn't help but cast their eyes on Konan, and the hatred in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

Yashamaru is 18 years old this year. He is well protected because of his relationship with his sister. Although he is already a Jonin, he is somewhat naive and ignorant of the world.

This was the first time he had seen such a bloody war scene with his own eyes, and it was also the first time he had seen the ninjas in his village being slaughtered in this way.

He clenched his hands into fists and growled: "How could you be so cruel?"

Xiao Nan glanced at him and said coldly: "Cruel? That's Yuyin Village, it's our home!"

"We kill the enemies who invade the Kingdom of Rain at our own doorstep. Why do you call us cruel?"

"We did not go to the Country of Wind to poison the people of the Country of Wind, nor did we massacre the entire village!"

Konan's voice was not as loud as Yashamaru's, but his tone was colder, and the anger and hatred revealed in his words were more real and thick.

After all, Yashamaru only used her perspective to see the battlefield from a distance, and did not truly experience the cruelty of war.

But Xiao Nan is a victim of the war, and has been wallowing in blood.

Hearing Konan's words, Yashamaru was speechless and speechless.

When Tsunade heard Konan's words, the hatred in her eyes instantly turned into helplessness.

She participated in the last war and saw with her own eyes the horrors of the Country of Rain. She could not say that killing someone was cruel.

In the end, Tsunade just sighed deeply and closed her eyes helplessly.

Zabuza scratched his hair and said, "Wow, I seem to have missed some very interesting information."

Then he stopped talking.

Uchiha Yuu silently recalled Nagato's performance, but his heart was filled with confusion.

Uchiha Yuu doesn't care about Nagato claiming to be a god. It's just self-promotion. Even if he claims to be the God King, isn't it still false?
  Nagato beat the ninjas of the three major ninja villages, but he didn't care, because Nagato did the right thing.

But what puzzles Uchiha Yu is that he has helped Nagato relieve his pain in advance, why is he still talking about anti-rice?
  This paranoid look is not a good sign.

The Emperor of Heaven asked: "He is in good condition. Miss Bat, why did you ask for the elixir again?"

Xiaonan calmed down his emotions and replied: "That's not the case. When the battle just ended, there was indeed no problem with his body. However, when he returned home, he suddenly collapsed..."

The sudden collapse showed that Nagato's burden suddenly increased. He just didn't know whether the problem was with the sacred tree or the reincarnation eye.

Uchiha Yuu felt that there was a greater possibility of a problem with the Rinnegan. After all, Nagato used such a large scale of Shinra Tensei at the age of 17. It might not be so easy for the Rinnegan that has not yet fully matured to bear.

Xiaonan made a request again: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, can this information be exchanged for a pill?"

The Emperor of Heaven shook his head and said, "The information is interesting, but not enough."

Seeing Konan's disappointed eyes, Uchiha Yu said nothing.

In Xiaonan's memory scene just now, Nagato's painful expression made him understand that Nagato had closed his heart and no longer believed in everyone except Xiaonan.

As the old saying goes, only superior wisdom and inferior foolishness remain the same.

Nagato is that idiot, with simple thinking, rough logic, and no ability to think at all.

For those who believe, Nagato has a heart-to-heart relationship, even if he cares about life and death.

But for those who don't believe it, Nagato is particularly mean and unkind, turning his back on them and not recognizing them.

Because his thinking logic is rough, when he kills and destroys, he does not think specifically at all, but relies on the conclusion of his last thought to make judgments.

So the reason why he went on a killing spree at the gate of Amegakure Village was not to protect the Land of Rain, but for the same reason as he went on a killing spree at Konoha Village, to make people feel the pain and to use the pain of killing to breed peace.

What Uchiha Yu couldn't accept was that Nagato would kill indiscriminately for imaginary reasons, and he would also instantly change the decision he had insisted on for more than ten years because of his illogical talk.

He even ignored his own life and Xiaonan's safety, sacrificing himself and resurrecting the person he had just killed.

Such a nonsensical behavior pattern is unacceptable to Uchiha Yu.

Previously, Uchiha Yu took into account the age difference and sent fish eggs through Xiaonan, so that Nagato could get rid of the pain of being disabled more than ten years early, trying to see if he could see a different Nagato.

But now, after seeing Nagato's performance in the battle, today's Nagato is no different from the Nagato in his memory except that he is not strong enough.

At 17 years old, Nagato is already an unstable factor.

Considering that he might become his enemy at any time, Uchiha Yu decided not to take the initiative to increase Nagato's power.

After Konan sat down, Mochi Zabuza told the Emperor the information about the selection of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village.

He used this information in exchange for the simplified seal method of Water Release Ninjutsu: Water Dragon Bullet, which reduced more than forty seals to three Tobirama versions.

Zabuza was extremely satisfied with the harvest, and could even be said to be ecstatic.

The battle of ninjas is a battle of speed and rhythm. It can reduce the sealing time of ninjutsu from more than seven seconds to half a second. The water dragon bullet jutsu is completely reborn and becomes Zabuza's strongest ninjutsu.

After Zabuza, no one told the information.

Originally, Tsunade and Yashamaru had their own preparations, but Konan's information made them so confused that they were always absent-minded in the second half of the meeting, completely forgetting all the information they had prepared.

Seeing that there was nothing more to say in the meeting, the Emperor decided to end the meeting here.

At this moment, Zhu Rong suddenly said: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I have a proposal."

"please say."

"You already have a relatively detailed understanding of the ninja world. I think what you need from now on is the information on major events provided by Miss Bat."


"Such a major event may not happen once a year in the ninja world, so a meeting of the Divine Court once every ten days seems redundant. I propose that you should only convene a meeting of the Divine Court when a similar major event occurs."


Zabuza was taken aback and quickly asked, "But what should I do if I have information?"

He had just gained a lot of benefits by betraying information. He was very enthusiastic about the Shenting meeting, and he was still thinking about when to propose shortening the interval between meetings.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly, told everyone his honorable name, and said: "If you get precious information and want to exchange it with me, just chant my name and you can talk to me."

Momochi Zabuza was immediately overjoyed. Now he was very flexible if he wanted to betray the information, and the timeliness of the information could be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

The Emperor of Heaven added: "In addition to information about ninjas, I also hope to obtain magical plants, animals, minerals and other items. If these items are sacrificed to me, I will give you a satisfactory reward."

"Well, even if it's just clues and information about magical items, I will reward you."

After that, no one spoke again, and the meeting of the Divine Court ended.

After Uchiha Yuu left the world of Purple Mansion, he lowered his altitude again and accelerated his flight, quickly approaching the direction of Konoha Village.

The Konoha ninjas suffered tragic casualties in the Land of Rain, and the risky speculation of the Third Hokage and Uchiha Fugaku had completely failed.

What will they do next?

Uchiha Yu smiled slightly. As long as they didn't want to give up completely, they had to take another adventure, directly rob and kill themselves on the way back to the village, and eliminate themselves on the way back to the village.

That's great.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Fugaku gather together, maybe the "Third Hokage Collapse Plan" and the "Uchiha Chief Replacement Plan" can be implemented at the same time.

After approaching Konoha Village, Uchiha Yu deliberately slowed down and tried to look for possible ambush.

As a result, an ambush was actually discovered at Hushan Pass, especially when he saw the Third Hokage among them, Uchiha Yu was very satisfied.

The Third Hokage left the village on his own initiative, so he no longer had to worry about destroying the flowers and plants in the village and could go about his business.

Uchiha Yu slowly landed on the ground and said with a smile: "Suddenly I discovered that the Third Hokage is destined to die at the hands of Konoha ninjas."

(End of this chapter)

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