I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 233 Come on, make up for the ceremonial sense of the hair gel hand

Chapter 233 Come on, make up for the ceremonial sense of the hair gel hand

When Uchiha Yuu and Senju Tobirama's seals were burned to the 24th seal rune, an attraction appeared, pulling the power of faith from above the shrine down.

The shrine maiden Maitreya suddenly felt something. She stretched out her hands and put the Tiantian Crown on her head, and then picked up the Kagura bell and the folding fan with both hands.

Just in front of the statue, a shrine maiden in white and red hakama danced an ancient Kagura dance.

There was obviously no music accompaniment, but with her dancing figure, Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Yuu seemed to hear music in their hearts even if they didn't look like her.

The simple music has a soothing rhythm and is full of the flavor of the barbaric era.

Complementing the dance of Maitreya, it interprets the reverence and prayer of human ancestors for the gods, thereby guiding the power of faith to the statue of the god.

Gradually, Uchiha Yuu felt that his mind was connected with the idol. He did not dare to neglect, and immediately entered the world of Zifu. He took over the power of faith with the vest of the Emperor of Heaven and quickly sorted out the thread of faith in it. , to avoid direct contamination of Uchiha Yu's body.

Miko throughout the ages have been afraid of their faith, and Uchiha Yuu is also afraid of it.

Ever since he received a large number of threads of faith as Ma Jia Zhu Rong in the South China Sea, he has become aware of the dangers involved.

Behind every thread of faith, there is a person who worships him and praises and flatters him day and night.

Who can stand this?
  Tens of thousands of people are surrounding you and flattering you. The feeling is better than that of Xingxiu Laoxian. After a little time, people's hearts will become corrupted.

Feelings of arrogance and contempt for all living things will come to you in minutes.

Therefore, Uchiha hurriedly made the vest independent, and even took out Animaru as the core, just to keep himself away from these noisy lines of faith.

The sealing formation designed by Senju Tobirama had a filtering effect, but Yuu Uchiha still heard the prayers and thanks mixed with the power of faith.

The Kingdom of Oni is a barren land in the ninja world and is famous for its sparse population, but this small population is relative to the five major countries.

As a country, the Kingdom of Ghosts has a population of more than three million. The national seal array combined with water conservancy projects covers two-thirds of them, which means that two million people can benefit from the dividends of water conservancy projects.

About one-tenth of them have faith because of their gratitude, which is a thread of faith for as many as 20 people.

Through the connection of the thread of faith, the voices of 20 people were transmitted, and when mixed together, it sounded like a roar like the ravings of an evil god.

Obviously, the design function of Senju Tobirama was not done well in this aspect, at least during the construction process, the issue of isolation was not taken into consideration.

At this time, the designer himself also heard this terrifying voice. Even though he was now in the body of filthy earth, he could not control his face and turned pale, and even the movement of his hands slowed down a beat.

Uchiha Yu suppressed the feeling of numbness in his scalp and said: "Speed ​​up, it should be fine after it is completed."

Uchiha Yu and Senju Tobirama looked at each other and sped up the movements of their hands together.

Maitreya, the witch, cannot feel faith, but through the changes in the two of them, she also knows that the problem is serious.

So the miko matched the speed of the two, speeding up the rhythm of the Kagura dance and promoting the gathering speed of the power of faith.

No matter what, Uchiha Yuu also had two golden elixir masters pretending to be gods. He just felt uncomfortable under the bombardment of faith nonsense, and it was nothing serious.

Senju Tobirama is different. Fortunately, he is a dead person and will not go crazy due to the bombardment of religious nonsense.

But unfortunately, it is also because he died. The soul without the protection of the body is even more fragile, crumbling under the bombardment of the whispers of faith.

Even when his dirty earth body was first affected, there was a trend of disintegration with the cracks deepening and dirty earth flying everywhere.

When the seal was finally completed, Senju Tobirama had changed beyond recognition, saying that he was only one step away from leaving his body and returning to the Pure Land.

Given his situation, if he returns to the Pure Land, the Immortal of Six Paths will definitely discover the problem, and God knows what will happen to him.

As the sealing formation successfully bound the thread of faith, the murmuring prayers disappeared, and the world returned to peace.

Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Yuu with his only remaining eye, and said with a smile: "I am lucky, I have already felt the attraction of the 'Hall of Heroes'."

He only had time to say a word to Uchiha Yu before his whole body completely collapsed and his soul returned to the invisible space deep in the statue.

Uchiha Yu stopped his hand, a proud smile appeared on his lips.

Very good, really very good. I finally snatched Senju Tobirama out of the Pure Land and made it my own.

With this person in hand, Uchiha Yu can take the medicine according to the prescription and bring out the souls he wants from the pure land one by one.

But more importantly, Uchiha Yuu, who has the Senju Tobirama in hand, has actually mastered the legal system of Konoha Village.

There is not only one copy of this thing, at least it exists in Tsunade. Because of her strength and status as a disciple of the Third Hokage, Tsunade's legal system is meaningless before the death of the Third Hokage.

But the legal system fell into the hands of Uchiha Yu. His Uchiha family identity and the current strongest strength in the ninja world can bring out the true power of the legal system.

For example, the next time he sees the Third Hokage, he will not just scold him with a face, but can directly overthrow him without worrying about causing the collapse of the people of Konoha Village.

The foundation of Konoha Village is very good. As long as the Third Hokage Group is solved without causing a collapse of people's hearts, it can recover quickly.

Orochimaru has proven his ability to everyone. During the time when he effectively sidelined the Third Hokage, Konoha Village gained an advantage on almost all battlefields.

It has to be said that before setting off to the Kingdom of Ghosts, or even just a few days ago, Yu Uchiha did not expect that the "Third Hokage Collapse Plan" would meet the conditions faster than the "Uchiha Patriarch Replacement Plan".

After entering the chime in Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Yu carefully sensed the Hall of Heroes in the statue and the state of Senju Tobirama's soul, and found that the situation was very ideal.

A huge amount of power of faith was transferred to the Zifu world through the divine power sealing array, and then converted into divine power by the two god vests. Most of it became nutrients for the Zifu world, and a small part was returned to the believers in the Kingdom of Ghosts as rewards.

Only a small part of the purest divine power entered the Hall of Valor within the statue.

The missing proportion is very small, but the total amount is not a lot. For the souls in Qianju Tojian, it is definitely a hundred times more than what is needed.

Infused with abundant divine power, Qianju Tojian's soul damage healed rapidly. It seemed that it would only take two days to return to normal state.

In other words, Senju Tobirama can be reincarnated by the dirt in a perfect state two days later.

And two days is just enough time for him to fly back to Konoha Village.

Uchiha Yu's heart skipped a beat. In just a moment, he decided to adjust the order of the plan and return to the village to take down the Third Hokage.

He didn't want to wait any longer.

Uchiha Yuu said to the miko Maitreya: "Everything has been completed. The next step is to wait for the power of faith to accumulate and the stability of the Hall of Heroes."

Miroku understood what he said and asked in surprise: "Master Yuu Uchiha, are you going back to Konoha Village?"

Uchiha Yu showed a hearty smile and replied: "Yes, go back to Konoha Village. There is the biggest problem that has troubled me for 19 years. It is time to solve it."

Miroku could hear the murderous intent in Uchiha Yu's words. The strong murderous intent was as dangerous as a volcano that was about to erupt when it reached its limit, making all the hairs on her skin stand up.

The witch suppressed the fear in her heart, bowed her head and saluted: "I wish you a safe journey, and please don't worry about things in the Kingdom of Ghosts. I will take care of everything."

Uchiha Yu couldn't wait to step outside and replied without looking back: "Then I'll leave it to you."

He was so eager that he strode out of the side hall of the shrine, jumped up high, and then soared into the sky.

The miko took a few steps to catch up, but she only saw Uchiha Yuu's figure flashing in the sky, and then disappeared into the sky.

She breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "This terrible guy is finally gone."

Uchiha Yu didn't know that in the eyes of the miko, he was a monster from the beginning, an extremely huge, but awkward, shrinking monster.

This monster behaves like a southern elephant. It was tied up with a hemp rope when it was very young. When it grows up, it is so strong that it can easily tear the hemp rope. However, it does not realize this and can still be bound by a hemp rope. Tie with hemp rope.

What frightens the witch the most is that this monster seems to have realized that the once terrible shackles can no longer restrain itself, but it has not made up its mind to break free, but has tried and tested again and again.

This is what Miko Miroku fears most. If Yuu Uchiha suddenly breaks free of his shackles, he is likely to show his power crazily and wantonly.

The Kingdom of Ghosts cannot afford his madness.

Entertainment even secretly decided long ago that if this worst case scenario occurs, she will surrender directly and give everything in the Kingdom of Ghosts to Uchiha Yu.

Maybe he would be merciful to his own things.

Fortunately, things did not develop in the worst direction. When the monster Uchiha Yu broke free from his shackles, he chose someone in Konoha Village as his target.

He actually flew away without stopping. Miroku felt that Uchiha Yu's momentum was getting higher and higher, and he was waving his teeth and claws in the sky like a real gathering. He felt more and more that he and the country of ghosts were so lucky.

The miko just stood in the yard, staring blankly at the sky. It wasn't until Uchiha Yuu's breath completely disappeared that she sat down softly on the ground.

"Master Miko!"

Exclamations rang out. When the miko and the priest saw Miroku fall, they could no longer hold back. They all exclaimed and came over. One of them was holding Shion.

When Maitreya saw her daughter, she immediately gained strength. She took a step forward and held Ziyuan in her arms. She took a deep breath of her daughter's milky scent and finally relaxed completely.

Then, she ordered: "Go and tell those Konoha ninjas that Lord Uchiha Yu has left."

"Remember to find the mission book, give it to them, and let them take it back to Konoha Village."

Uchiha Yuu broke free from the shackles and walked away as freely as a dragon flying into the sky, not caring whether the task was completed or not.

But the miko Maitreya cannot care less and must deal with the subsequent consequences for Uchiha Yuu.

When the statue in the side hall was built, the power of faith in the Kingdom of Demons was collected around it, which was equivalent to handing the Kingdom of Demons into the hands of Yuu Uchiha, who could control the power of faith.

The miko can imagine that if Uchiha Yuu is willing, he can directly destroy all the water conservancy facilities in the Kingdom of Demons from here.

No, there's no need to even push from here.

Yuu Uchiha could build the water conservancy facilities of the Demon Country in two days, and he could destroy them all in one day.

It is always more difficult to build than to destroy.

Thinking of this, the miko ordered everyone: "From now on, the Kingdom of Ghosts will be under the protection of Lord Uchiha Yu. Everyone must maintain enough respect for you."

The attendant witches and priests looked at each other, and although they were a little confused, they still accepted the order.

The miko has ruled the Kingdom of Demons for more than a thousand years, and obeying her orders has become a habit for everyone.


Uchiha Yuu was flying in the sky, his heart beating wildly, his blood like hot magma, burning him almost crazy.

Maitreya, the miko, guessed very correctly. He broke free from the shackles of his soul, and not only the shackles accumulated in his heart in the past 19 years, but also the golden rope of 40 years in the previous life.

Just like Master Zhishen had a sudden epiphany before his death, Uchiha Yuu had a sudden epiphany just now, and finally completely shattered his outlook on life and values.

It was the last moment of inspiration that Senju Tobirama returned to the Hall of Heroes he designed. What really shattered his outlook was the construction of water conservancy projects for the entire Ghost Kingdom in the past two days.

When he was resting between half-asleep and half-awake, he kept examining his actions. His two lifetimes of nearly 60 years of life experience shattered his solid understanding of "I am a human being."

No one can build a country alone, but he did.

No one can destroy a country on his own, but he can do it.

It can be seen from this that he, Yu Uchiha, is no longer human.

Ah, I am no longer human.

Bah, why am I not a human being?
  I'm not dio!

Then what am I?
  Of course I am a god!

In fact, after being awakened by the power of faith, most of Yu Chiha, who seemed to be awake, was thinking in a loop, occupying most of his attention.

It was like he was distracted while riding a bicycle, relying on his accustomed use of distraction, and cooperated with Senju Tobirama and Maitreya to complete the seal of the power of faith.

In the end, Uchiha Yu witnessed Senju Tobirama's body disintegrating and his soul returning to the Hall of Valor, which meant that he fell under his full control.

This kind of complete and complete control over a famous heroic spirit made him feel the difference in himself in an extremely real way, and finally confirmed that he was no longer a "human".

At that moment, Yuu Uchiha opened the golden rope, broke the jade lock, and finally knew who he was.

He is not the old film policeman who worked hard for 20 years in his previous life but was still obedient.

He was not an Uchiha ninja who was on tenterhooks, hiding his Sharingan for fear of dying at some point.

He is Uchiha Yu, the first god in the ninja world.

He opened up the golden elixir avenue with his intuition. After his success, all the sages before the ninja world can only be called monsters.

There are hundreds of thousands of believers in the capital of Sichuan, and Zhu Rong, the god of fire spirits, is his vest.

The Emperor of Heaven, to whom [-] people in the Kingdom of Ghosts devoutly thanked him, was also his vest.

Oh, he is also a Taoist monk of Miwa Masashi.

Thinking of the civet cat, a gentle look flashed in Uchiha Yu's eyes, which was then covered up by endless majesty and indifference.

He somehow slowed down, stood quietly in the air, suddenly stretched out his right hand, looked at it, and then put it on his forehead.

The slender fingers were spread out and combed back like a comb. The bangs that were originally hanging on the forehead fell backwards along with the sliding of the fingers.

Uchiha Yuu revealed his smooth forehead, the three intertwined rings of Sharingan were revealed without any concealment, and paired with a pair of sharp sword eyebrows, his majestic and fierce temperament was fully revealed.

A water mirror appeared in the air, and Uchiha Yu couldn't help but smile after seeing his new look.

"It turns out that the hairspray hand is really easy to use, and I have made up for the ritual that I owed."

"By the way, I have to say something else. What should I say?"

"The greater the ability... the greater the power!"

"Haha, funny."

Uchiha Yu smiled softly. At this time, his mind was extremely clear and he knew exactly what he wanted.

The fate of the Third Hokage.

It is really appropriate to use this as the final sacrifice for my own feathering and transformation.

Uchiha Yu put his hands behind his back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly accelerated and flew forward, entering the sky above the vast desert of the Kingdom of Wind.

Uchiha Yu's return speed was much faster than the speed he went to the Kingdom of Ghosts. In just half a day, he passed through the Kingdom of Wind and entered the Kingdom of Sichuan.

At this moment, the biological clock in Uchiha Yu's heart suddenly rang, and he suddenly remembered that this was the time for the divine court meeting that he announced in the name of the Emperor of Heaven.

He frowned slightly, and suddenly felt hesitant in his heart. He was not sure whether he should continue to maintain the meeting of the Divine Court.

When his self-perception changed and he could stand up openly and openly hold power, the value of the Shenting Conference as a secret organization became insufficient.

But if you ignore it, you will break your promise, which will make you feel uncomfortable in your heart.

Uchiha Yuu's brows relaxed. Since he felt a little uncomfortable, he would do it.

He stopped, but did not choose to land on the ground. Instead, he flew higher. He did not stop until his body felt the steady cross wind and the temperature dropped to freezing point.

High in the sky of the Kingdom of Sichuan, he restrained his mind and divided most of it into the world of Zifu. Later, it was divided into three parts and evolved into the Emperor of Heaven, Zhu Rong and himself in the Shenting Hall.

This time, Uchiha Yuu's evolution was smooth and natural, and his mind naturally differentiated into three different personalities. It was like he had truly become three people and at the same time, he could clearly know that he was Uchiha Yuu.

This magical feeling made him suddenly realize something, but it was vague and difficult to clarify.

Uchiha Yuu knew that the conditions for enlightenment were not yet met, so he put the matter behind him.

The Emperor of Heaven stretched out his hand and flicked along the thread of cause and effect and the thread of faith, signaling to everyone that the meeting was about to begin.

After counting silently for ten minutes, he stretched out his hand again and grabbed everyone into the Shenting Hall.

The divine court meeting begins.

(End of this chapter)

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