I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 228 Iwagakure Ninja, do you know what the Rin Zhang Eye is?

Chapter 228 Iwagakure Ninja, do you know what the Samsara Eye is?

Qianju Tobirama was keenly aware that the sound was not transmitted through the vibration of the air, but through the fluctuation of divine power.

Immediately afterwards, the intensity and density of the fluctuations increased crazily, and a god sitting on a golden dragon chair suddenly appeared in front of Senju Tobirama's eyes.

He boldly asked: "Are you His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven?"

The Emperor of Heaven nodded slightly, and said with the twelve jade strands gently shaking, "Yes."

Qianju Tobijian still had the courage to ask: "You actually ignored my unruliness and generously transferred divine power to me and taught me to feel the divine power and the power of faith. Why is this?"

The Emperor of Heaven replied: "This is the respect that gods should have for humanity."

Senju Tobirama muttered in surprise: "Humanity? Respect?"

"In front of this humanity, God actually needs to maintain respect?"

The Emperor of Heaven said: "Gods are of course more noble than humans."

"Because God is a higher-order life than human beings. God looks at an individual person just like a person looks at an ant."

"A few days ago, the witch from the Kingdom of Ghosts met with me. She dared to question my authority, so I gave her a small lesson."

"But people are intelligent creatures. When countless people gather to become a civilization, a humane will will be born that gathers the purest spirit of all people."

"In the face of human will, God must give enough respect."

“Because God’s growth and expansion require the support of humanity.”

Senju Tobirama understood something, but it created even more questions.

Especially the question about himself made him puzzled, so he asked: "But I am only a person, why do you respect me so much?"

The Emperor of Heaven replied: "Wisdom and courage are the core factors for the birth of humanity. Only heroes who possess these two morals at the same time can start the process of humanity."

"Even in the ninja world, the will of humanity cannot evolve into a specific life after it is born. It must be embodied in an individual to exercise power."

"The most suitable person is also a hero with both wisdom and courage."

"Senju Tobirama, you have humane qualities, so I will naturally respect you and not treat you like other humans."

After listening to the Emperor's words carefully, Qianju Tobirama couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed.

These words are of course the reasons cited by Yuu Uchiha, but they are expanded based on the sentence "The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage" and also refer to Thanos's evaluation of Tony Stark.

This is the ideological essence of the entire human society in a great era, and it naturally has the power to touch people's hearts.

At least it sounded flawless to Senju Tobirama. More importantly, it showed him a large perspective and pattern that was difficult to understand but deeply shocking.

Realizing the macro perspective in the god's words, Senju Tobirama didn't know what to say for a moment.

He no longer had any doubts about His identity.

No, there are still.

Senju Tobirama still can't rest assured about God's purpose. A big vision and a big picture are not necessarily a good thing, especially when he is not in the overall picture, he will be easily sacrificed.

A grain of ashes from the era falls on an individual's head, and it is like a mountain of destruction.

What does this god who calls himself the Emperor of Heaven want?

The Emperor of Heaven saw Qian Shu Feijian's doubts, so he explained: "I am a god who advocates equal exchange. I naturally have my purpose in supporting you."

"As a god, I am not omniscient and omnipotent. I also need human wisdom."

"So, I provide you with divine power and the ability to perceive divine power and the power of faith. Based on the principle of equivalent exchange, the results of your divine power research will be given to me and my favored ones."

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama asked in confirmation: "The favored one is...Uchiha Yuu?"

The Emperor of Heaven said without any hesitation: "Yes."

Senju Tobirama nodded and accepted this exchange of equal value.

"In that case, I agree."

"very good."

The Emperor of Heaven was obviously very satisfied, and there was a lot of joy in his words. He said: "Although it is very weak, you actually believe in me. This is a good start and will help me provide you with divine power."

Qianju Tojian was shocked: "Faith? How is it possible? Why don't I know that I believe in you?"

The Emperor of Heaven said: "You have a misunderstanding about faith. You can understand it literally. Belief is the first step of faith."

"You know my existence and believe part of my truth. This is the beginning of faith."

"The attitude of firmly believing that God is right without any logic or reason is not true belief. It is ignorant and fearless fanaticism."

Qianju Tobirama murmured: "But the evil sects I saw in Tang Country all have this virtue..."

The Emperor of Heaven said calmly: "You said it yourself, it is the product of evil gods and even people deceiving each other."

"Work hard, it's for yourself and for the people you care about."

"If you need anything, you can communicate directly with my favorite, and he will help you."

After Senju Tobirama heard this, he immediately drove away all his random thoughts, looked at Uchiha Yu next to him, and asked: "I have reached an agreement with the Emperor of Heaven, how should I carry out my work next?"

"Before this, there must be a laboratory. We can't just carry out research work on this hillside."

"You are right, of course it is impossible to conduct research in the open air."

Uchiha Yu smiled and snapped his fingers.

The earth rose silently, and then walls rose up, quickly outlining the frame of a building.

The surrounding trees also rose up one after another, flying in the air and shaking off their branches and leaves, and then turned into standard wooden boards, and then into doors, windows, tables, chairs, even cabinets and furniture, etc., decorating the building. .

The white sand at the water's edge also rises into the air, melts as it flies over, and combines into rich glass products.

Glass plates blocked the windows, and there were more experimental equipment such as glass bottles, beakers, test tubes, droppers, etc., all of which were automatically placed in indoor cabinets.

Soon, a spacious, bright and well-equipped experimental building appeared.

Qianju Tobirama murmured: "This is really convenient. It's faster than my eldest brother can build a house."

“There is still electricity!!”

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "After all, it is the kingdom of God. Within the scope of God's understanding, everything you wish for can come true."

The divine power was so miraculous that Qianju Feijian felt itchy.

Since becoming the Second Hokage, the heavy administrative work consumed a lot of his time, especially during the final war, when he had no time to conduct experiments at all.

This can be seen from the output of Senju Tobirama's forbidden techniques.

When Konoha Village was not yet established, Senju Tobirama was at a disadvantage facing his old enemy Uchiha Izuna, so he developed forbidden techniques one after another, all targeting the Uchiha family.

When Konoha Village was established and Senju Hashirama served as Hokage, Tobirama also developed many very magical forbidden techniques.

Such as: the art of Flying Thunder God, the art of multiplying detonating talismans...

Well, they are still aimed at the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan, and even the Eternal Eye.

But when he himself became Hokage, the development of forbidden techniques fell completely silent.

It wasn't until he died and was reincarnated by Uchiha Yusui that he had the opportunity to conduct experimental work.

However, the experimental conditions at Yu Uchiha's home were extremely crude. Although Senju Tobirama completed the work efficiently, he was unable to perform well and was extremely uncomfortable.

Now that he saw such good conditions, the excitement deep in his heart could no longer be contained.

Senju Tobirama waved to indicate that it was time for Uchiha Yuu to leave, and he wanted to concentrate on the big fight.

Uchiha Yuu smiled slightly and then disappeared.

Not only did it leave on its own, but even the spirit he assigned to the Emperor of Heaven was withdrawn from the Zifu world.

Only in this way can the timeline of the world rest on Senju Tobirama, who is concentrating on it.

This will break the upper limit of Uchiha Yu's concept of time.


At this moment, the ninjas of Konoha Village are advancing at full speed, not far from the northwest border of the Kingdom of Wind.

Behind them, the Sunagakure ninjas who discovered the traces of Konoha ninjas were also pursuing them at full speed. They vowed to catch up with these thieves.

Then kill them.

The two ninja teams supporting the Kingdom of Demons only have 2 and 3 days left to reach the Kingdom of Demons respectively.

In fact, Konoha ninjas are very fast, much faster than Nara Shikasuke expected. After all, when there are enemies chasing behind them, people can always unleash more potential.

Compared with the smoothness of these two companies, the team of the Earth Country Iwagakure Village is very unsatisfactory. The Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Ghosts are actually neighboring countries, but unfortunately, the southwest border of the huge Earth Kingdom is covered with mountains, densely covered with mountains, rivers and forests, and there is no way to go.

In particular, the mountains are not good ones. There are too many weathered mountains commonly known as Sushan, which can trigger landslides if you are not careful.

The environment in the southwest of Earth Country is so harsh that even ninjas have difficulty passing through it.

It’s not that it’s impossible to pass, but it’s very time-consuming. It takes at least a month to go there in a straight line.

Therefore, when ninjas from Iwagakure go to the Land of Demons, they usually go around the Land of Rain.

When they reached the Land of Rain, a battle broke out between the Rain Hidden Village and the Iwagakure Village.

At the beginning, no one thought it was a big war.

Because there is only one little blue-haired girl in Amegakure Village, leading a hundred or so young ninjas from Amegakure Village, and confronting thousands of ninjas from Iwagakure Village.

The cause of this confrontation is simple.

A group of Iwagakure ninjas and a group of Sunagakure ninjas met, and then the two sides started fighting. The Iwagakure ninja team was defeated as usual.

After losing two teammates, the remaining two ninjas successfully retreated.

Both of them were ninjas who had been fighting on the battlefield for more than a year. They were already depressed and manic.

Coupled with the hatred of losing the battle and the death of their companions, their murderous intentions could not be contained.

So they rushed into a small village in the Country of Rain, and happened to bump into the ninjas of the Rain Hidden Village who were patrolling here, and the two sides started a battle.

Not surprisingly, the Iwagakure ninjas, who were obviously stronger in strength and combat experience, won the battle, and they killed all the patrolling Amegakure village ninjas.

The young Amegakure ninja refused to retreat. Not only did he delay the battle for an hour, he successfully covered the villagers' escape, but he also injured both Iwagakure ninjas.

It can be said that although defeated, it is still glorious.

"Angel" Konan, who rushed to support, successfully intercepted two Iwagakure ninjas who were unable to move, and killed them without hesitation in front of the Iwagakure ninjas who also came for support.

In the following battle, the Iwagakure ninja realized how miserable it felt to be crushed and massacred.

The wings of the "angel" covered the sky and the sun, and the paper of unknown material turned into sharp paper kunai and paper shurikens, overwhelmingly covering the sky.

With almost no skills, Xiaonan just played to crush the game.

Under the cover of the violent storm, almost everyone of the Iwagakure ninjas was injured, and they were forced to defend with all their strength, unable to move even an inch.

If they weren't really good at Earth Release Ninjutsu, they would probably have been killed in pieces.

As a result, more signals for help were sent out, and finally the support of the Qianyangakure ninja came.

Xiao Nan was also frightened by so many enemies.

She was not confident of challenging so many Iwagakure ninjas, so she led her men back to the empty village to confront the Iwagakure ninjas.

The Iwagakure ninjas were also very surprised. No one could have imagined that this famous female ninja would have such exaggerated fighting power.

Some young Iwagakure ninjas couldn't help but look down upon them when they saw that there was only one young kunoichi on the opposite side, plus forty or so young and immature ninjas from Amegakure Village.

Someone asked: "What are we waiting for? Why don't we rush over?"

The teammates around him immediately reprimanded: "Idiot, you are already on the battlefield, don't you know how to be cautious?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. There are so many ninjas here. If we rush over, we can swamp them all at once."

"You are such an idiot. Look at the marks on the ground with your eyes. Think about the opponent's ninjutsu. If you break away from the defensive ninjutsu, you will definitely die."

"Uh, this..."

"Or do you want to be the first?"

"No, no, we still need to be cautious."

However, there are indeed too few ninjas in Yuyin Village. In addition, they are not as elite as the Tiger Force. They do not have a high degree of discipline, let alone an excellent tactical system. They cannot balance the numerical advantage.

Soon thousands of Iwagakure ninjas completely surrounded the small village, forcing the Amegakure ninjas to disperse in four directions, which resulted in Konan being able to only take care of one side.

As a last resort, she could only spread her white wings and fly in the sky, so that she could barely take care of the four directions.

However, her personal strength advantage has been weakened to the limit, and the contrast in strength between the two sides has become even greater.

But Xiaonan didn't feel the slightest fear, because the reinforcements from Yuyin Village had already arrived.

Although there are less than 600 young ninjas in Yuyin Village after the purge, and only more than 200 ninjas can be mobilized for support, but among these ninjas are her closest friends.

The new head of Hidden Rain Village, the owner of the Samsara Eye, the disciple of Jiraiya, the Sannin of Konoha, and recognized by him as the "chosen son who will determine the future destiny of the ninja world", Nagato personally led the team to support him.

The numerical advantage is indeed an absolute advantage, but it is only correct when both sides are on the same level.

When a party's individual strength reaches a whole new level, the numerical advantage no longer exists.

Even exaggerated numbers may translate into horrific results.

Nagato did not let the supporting ninjas follow him into the encirclement. Instead, he asked the Amegakure ninjas to stay on the outside and monitor the movements of the Iwagakure ninjas from a distance.

Then he faced the encirclement of Iwagakure ninjas, leaned down slightly, and prepared to set off.

The young ninjas who followed Nagato were astonished. The young people did not pay much attention to the restraint of superiority. When they were concerned, someone asked:
  "Nagato-sama, do you want to rush in alone?"

Nagato replied nonchalantly: "Yes."

Looking at the hundreds of ninjas on the opposite side, most of them were chuunin, and there were also many jonins with special markings to protect their foreheads. The young Amegakure ninjas couldn't sit still.

"It's too dangerous for you to attack alone."

"That's right, there is no reason why a leader rushes in front, but subordinates hide behind, we should follow behind you!"

"With our combined efforts, it is not impossible to defeat these hundreds of Iwagakure ninjas."

More Amegakure ninjas stood up and asked to attack the enemy with Nagato.

"Sir, we are not afraid of death, let us go together!"

"That's right, Nagato-sama, in order to protect the Land of Rain, we are not afraid of death!"

"If something happens to you, we will be worse than death."

Nagato turned around and faced the young Amegakure ninja, feeling very satisfied.

These are all the young people he selected from Yuyin Village whose passion has not yet cooled down, and they all secretly joined the "Akatsuki Organization" and became a new force in Yuyin Village.

They are young, passionate, full of energy and not afraid of sacrifice.

But Nagato doesn't want to take them to death. They are all seeds, the seeds for the growth of the Akatsuki organization.

Nagato smiled and stretched out his hands, pressing down gently to stop his subordinates from expressing their opinions.

Then he said: "I brought everyone out to support my companions, not to let you die."

"Besides, you should believe that I am not a crazy idiot who wants to die."

It has to be said that Nagato did it too easily when taking down the Hidden Rain Village, especially when killing the demigod Hanzo.

That kind of understatement of crushing and the fighting process without any special effects caused these young people to have huge misunderstandings.

In their eyes, the legendary demigod Hanzo is just that. Lord Nagato is indeed very powerful, but how can he defeat thousands of Iwagakure ninjas?

Finally, Nagato said softly: "Please believe in my strength."

After saying that, he turned around and jumped up.

And then...flying higher and higher.

The Amegakure ninjas were dumbfounded as they watched Nagato fly directly into the encircled small village.

Flying, flying without any props!
  This is a miracle!
  The Amegakure ninjas started shouting:
  "Long live Nagato-sama!"

"Long live Yuyin Village!"

"Hahaha, Nagato-sama, teach the bastard Iwagakure a lesson!"

The noisy Amegakure ninjas were fully exposed, but the Iwagakure ninjas didn't care about them at all. They all looked straight at the figure flying quickly in the sky.

Unlike the small Amegakure Village, Iwagakure Village has a complete system of inheritance and education. Even genin know what flying means.

Nagato flew over the small village easily, said hello to Konan who was flying with wings, and then flew straight to the side where the Iwagakure ninja commander was.

After landing gently, Nagato stared at the Iwagakure ninja with his lavender Rinnegan eyes.

"Iwagakure ninja, do you know about the Rinnegan?"


(End of this chapter)

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