I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 227 Emperor of Heaven: Courage and pride in the palm of your hand are worthy of reward

Chapter 227 Emperor of Heaven: Qian Shu Fei Jian’s courage and pride deserve to be rewarded
  Otsutsuki Hagoromo is very old, and his body even looks very thin. His white coat is decorated with a number of black magatama patterns.

There are six magatama shapes on the front of the chest, and a red swirly logo on the back.

If the color were changed, it would obviously be exactly the same as the emblem in Senju Tobirama's soul.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo is sitting in the air, with magatama arranged in a nine-square grid under the hem, slowly turning and flipping, as if communicating with the unknown existence.

Of course, this is not the real Immortal of Six Paths, but a trace of his thoughts remaining in his emblem.

The Immortal of Six Paths looked around the surrounding environment with a look of surprise on his face.

After seeing the Horse-Jia Celestial Emperor, he was even more surprised, and even said: "There are actually rational gods in the ninja world?"

"Looking at the divine power circulating in this world, it must be that the divine personality is close to being condensed. It's really great."

"As long as I capture you and strip away your divine essence, I can make another divine weapon."

"There is a great need for new artifacts in the Pure Land in order to expand and stabilize the Pure Land and accommodate more souls."

The Immortal of Six Paths kept chattering in a very disgraceful manner. After a long time, he stopped talking with a gloomy face and looked at the Emperor of Heaven with murderous intent.

"You're so well-defended that you can't even pass on any information."

The Emperor of Heaven was silent, closing his eyes slightly and not knowing what he was looking at. Suddenly he stretched out his hand forward, and his whole hand sank into the void along with circular ripples.

Suddenly, He exerted force and pulled out a string of black magatama from the void.

Until then, the Emperor breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the Six Paths Immortal with a gloomy face.

At this time, the nine magatama stones at the immortal's feet had disappeared.

Just now, his nonsense and performance were all to cover the breakout of the nine magatama. No wonder his performance was so poor.

"You are so good, Lord of the Pure Land."

"Hello, unknown god."

"Goodbye, Sage of Six Paths."

The next moment, the Sage of Six Paths was crushed to pieces by Uchiha Yu.

Just crushing it will definitely not work. Flames and thunders take turns, bombarding and baptizing every tiny fragment repeatedly, in order to turn it into the most complete dregs.

A hundred meters away from Uchiha Yu, the monstrous flood formed a water prison, intercepting a large number of debris, but was stuffed into its mouth by the cave octopus who didn't know when it came over.

This is a fragment of the mental power of a six-level powerhouse. Even if it is fragmented again, it still has magical power.

But Xiao Ke, the cave octopus, is a soul transformed from a demon. He looks stable and peaceful on the surface, but behind it is actually crazy thoughts that are extremely chaotic.

No matter how special and magical the Immortal of Six Paths is, after being divided to such an extent, when he encounters Xiao Ke who is devouring his soul and mental power from afar, he is no longer able to resist. He is captured by the flexible tentacles one by one, and after being swallowed, he becomes Xiao Ke's nutrition.

Uchiha Yu smiled, he had found the final solution.

The debris and dust from the repeated calcining of lightning strikes, including the soil stained with ashes, were all stuffed into Xiao Ke's mouth by Uchiha Yu.

The world of Zifu is Uchiha Yu's spiritual world. Everything here is evolved from his spirit, which is exactly what the cave octopus desires greedily.

It swallowed it all without hesitation, and the whole octopus was stretched in a circle.

It is a very troublesome thing to distinguish the degree of pollution. Fortunately, Uchiha Yuu's spirit can control this place [-]%, and finally it did not cause huge trouble.

Until the last bit of soil was stuffed into the octopus's mouth, the faint, seemingly nonexistent fluctuations completely disappeared.

Uchiha Yu has completely eliminated the threat. From now on, his eyebrows will no longer emit the fluctuations belonging to the Sage of Six Paths when he is negligent or relaxed.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yuya couldn't help but spat: "Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo is such a cunning and cunning guy."

As for his own performance...

He was able to accurately predict the reaction of the Immortal of Six Paths, and was prepared for every situation that might occur, and successfully dealt with them one by one without revealing any flaws.

If the Sage of Six Paths knew about such a performance, he would probably lament Uchiha Yuu's cunningness.


Senju Tobirama woke up and found himself lying on a hillside with lush vegetation. The golden sun above his head warmed him and made him so comfortable that he could hardly open his eyes.

He woke up suddenly, turned over and stood up.

He is a dead man. Why does he feel warm and why does he want to sleep?

Senju Tobirama knew that he should have been unconscious for a while, but he didn't know where he was, let alone his current situation.

The professional instinct of a ninja led him to explore the surrounding environment and collect information with the smallest movement possible.

Soon he discovered that there were a large group of earthen figurines working at the foot of the hillside.

Just when Senju Tobirama wanted to investigate further, Yuu Uchiha suddenly appeared next to him, startling him.

Uchiha Yuu did appear suddenly.

In the past, even if the Zifu world was his own spiritual world, he had to move there slowly.

As the reflection of the golden elixir appeared in the sky of Zi Mansion, he could go wherever he wanted, not only without time, but without even a process.

On the contrary, if you want to behave normally, you must concentrate to fly or walk "slowly".

He looked at the surprised Senju Tobirama and said apologetically: "Nidaime, you are in trouble this time."

"What happened?" Senju Tobirama looked at the surrounding environment and asked, "Where is this place?"

"This is the kingdom of the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor himself lives in the divine court above the clouds."

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand to guide Senju Tobirama, and saw the glorious palace above the white clouds, and then said: "I originally thought that I could meet the Emperor of Heaven there, but I didn't expect that you are not in the right state and cannot leave the ground here. .”

After hearing this, Qianju Tobirama tried jumping a few times, but sure enough he found that he couldn't jump high.

After trying it a few times, he confirmed that ordinary jumping was no problem.

But as soon as the jumping height reaches about 10 meters, a powerful force will suddenly appear and forcefully pull him back to the ground.

He guessed: "Is it because I am a dead person?"

Uchiha Yu shrugged and guessed: "I guess it may be related to the Pure Land."

Then the two of them stopped talking, and such unfounded speculations were meaningless.

Qianju Tobirama looked up at the sky and said with emotion: "Actually, this place is pretty good, much better than the small and dark Pure Land."

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "Nidaime, what does the Pure Land look like?"

Senju Tobirama replied: "I don't know what I know. I can't stay awake for long in the Pure Land. I only know that it's not a big world."

"There is no sun, moon or stars there. The sky is foggy and the grass on the ground doesn't look fresh. It's not a pleasant place."

"That's all I can know, because when I return to the Pure Land, I will soon fall into a deep sleep."

"If you are interested, you can ask my eldest brother later. He can stay awake much longer than me."

Uchiha Yu asked again: "Nidaime, have you seen the house? It's that small thatched house."

Qianju Tobirama shook his head and replied: "I haven't seen it, but when this filth is over, I can help you ask..."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "No need, because you can't return to the Pure Land."

Qianju Tojian was shocked when he heard this, but he was still able to ask calmly:

Uchiha Yuya didn't mean to hide it, and replied: "When you were pulled into the Kingdom of God just now, the emblem belonging to the Sage of Six Paths appeared on your body, and you had a conflict with His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

"What did you say?"

At this time, Qianju Tobirama could no longer calm down, and blurted out in shock: "Six Paths Immortal! Was he finally killed by the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Kill him, his bones will be shattered and his ashes will be thrown away." Uchiha Yuu said: "But it is just a emblem used by the Sage of Six Paths for warning and surveillance, and the power it stores is very limited."

"Destroying him is very simple, but in order to prevent the Immortal of Six Paths from noticing the Kingdom of the Emperor of Heaven, he had to go to great lengths to clean it up. It really took a lot of effort."

After hearing that there was no further trouble, Qianju Feijian breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when he heard Uchiha Yu's explanation, he checked his body and found traces that he had never noticed before. Senju Tobirama is the leading researcher in the ninja world. Almost at the first glance, he was sure that this was a miniature sealing array that operated through chakra.

After spending a little time, he even guessed the role and function of this sealing array.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama had no doubts about Uchiha Yuu's words, and was extremely wary of the purpose of the Sage of Six Paths.

In fact, this is normal. Someone has done something secretly in your body behind your back and can monitor you all the time. No matter who it is, they will be angry and wary.

Now that he has suspected the Six Paths Immortal, the hidden dangers in his body have been eliminated, and Senju Tobirama knows that he cannot return to the Pure Land.

Such a emblem that can actively communicate with the source, everyone else has it but Tobirama does not, he will be very conspicuously exposed to the Six Paths Sage.

Qianju Tobijian sighed and said: "Even if you can't go back, it's not bad to stay here. The blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green grass make people feel happy just looking at it."

Uchiha Yu grinned and said, "Unfortunately, you can't stay here for a long time."

Senju Tobirama was dumbfounded, looked at Uchiha Yuu with his mouth open, and asked: "Is it really not possible?"

"But I can't go back to the Pure Land. If I can't even stay here, wouldn't I become a lonely ghost?"

"Indeed it is……"

Deliberately slowing down, Uchiha Yuu said: "Nidaime, you have to work harder and complete the two research tasks I have before the time and money are completely used up."

Qianju Tobirama took a piece of white paper with a dull face and read out the content written on it: "National-level faith gathering array, and the Hall of Divine Power."

In a flash, he understood this Uchiha's intention.

He was indeed looking for a suitable place for his soul, but he only came up with inspiration. From basic research, functional design to final implementation, he left everything to himself.

This is letting ghosts build their own graves.

The capitalists shed tears when they saw this, and shouted: "Master, please teach me the art of awakening the dead!"

Senju Tobirama was helpless and asked: "Uchiha boy, how much time do I have to study?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "In the real world, you only have 24 hours. Beyond this time, the penetration of divine power into you will cause serious damage."

Qianju Tobirama shook his head repeatedly and said: "Not enough, the time is far from enough. I still know nothing about the power of faith and divine power. It is impossible to design it in one day."

He said the words that were too late, but his expression was very calm, and he continued to ask: "If time is not measured in the real world, how much time do I have?"

Uchiha Yu raised his eyebrows and replied: "As expected of the second generation, you will have 180 days in the Emperor's Kingdom."

"Sure enough, you have a backup plan."

Senju Tobirama smiled and said confidently: "Six months, although it is a very challenging job for me, I am confident to complete it."

"Come on, boy, hurry up and teach me how to get in touch with faith and divine power."

Uchiha Yu raised his hand and pointed upward, and said: "Facing the white clouds, imagine the greatest image in your heart, and shout, Your Majesty, the Great Emperor, please protect me."

The sound disappeared and the world became quiet.

Uchiha Yu didn't hear the sound he wanted to hear, and couldn't help but feel strange.

He lowered his head and found Senju Tobirama with his mouth closed, looking at him like he was a fool.

Uchiha Yu explained: "You have to shout it out. Shoutout will have a psychological suggestion effect and can help you establish communication with the Emperor of Heaven."

Qianju Feijian curled his lips and snorted: "It's so embarrassing."

He raised his head and said: "What a talent I am, Thousand Hands Feijian. If others need to shout loudly to be heard, I only need to silently chant in my heart, and I can definitely alarm any intelligent being."

"God, you can't treat me as nothing in Thousand Hands!"

His eyes suddenly widened and he stared at the palace above the white clouds.

I have to say that it makes no sense for Senju Tobirama to do this.

In this spiritual world, Uchiha Yuu deliberately isolated his spiritual power from him to avoid interfering with his soul that no longer had a physical body as its foundation.

He has no sense of the power of faith, so how can he transmit his will?

Fortunately, there was Yu Uchiha standing next to him, he was the true form of the Emperor of Heaven, and his eyes wide open expression really shocked the Emperor of Heaven.

Although it had no actual effect, Uchiha Yuu was greatly shocked by Senju Tobirama's courage and pride.

Because this is the most beautiful virtue of human beings.

This changed Uchiha Yuu's impression of the Second Hokage, and he suddenly felt that the white hair was much more pleasing to the eye.

It has to be said that out of hostility and precaution against the Uchiha clan, the Second Hokage actually implemented many targeted policies and many departmental structures with overlapping powers.

Because of the guidance of these systems and policies, the Uchiha clan had conflicts of interest with the vast majority of ninjas, and unknowingly became an outlier in Konoha Village.

Taking money from someone is like killing your parents.

The Uchiha clan has endured the hostility from the entire village of Konoha. Those Uchiha who are nervous and empty-headed have no feelings, but for Uchiha Yuu before the age of 18, it is simply frightening every step of the way.

During the long process of growing up, Uchiha Yuu was made extremely wary and became a completely unruly person.

However, this is not his nature, but a habit he has been forced to develop.

Like a volcano, Uchiha Yuu held back a fire deep in his heart. After he became stronger, as long as he could ensure safety, he was more inclined to take action and kill him.

It can be said that Yuu Uchiha is so aggressive and revengeful that the Uchiha clan cannot even imagine it.

Even though he and Tobi Senju seemed to be on good terms, his malice was actually very deep.

After mastering the art of reincarnation, the first subject of the experiment was Senju Tobirama, and he endured all risks, big and small.

Uchiha Yu had even planned that in the near future, when the Reincarnation of the Earth and the Hall of Valor systems were complete, he would design various restrictions and rules, and then put them on Tobirama's head.

Let him also experience the treatment of being targeted and being shoed in.

It wouldn't take a hundred and eighty years to get rid of the hatred that Uchiha Yuu had been holding back for 18 years!

But at this moment, his mind changed.

Maybe, just maybe.

The brave and proud Senju Tobirama may become his comrade in the same camp when facing the Otsutsuki clan.

Senju Tobirama, who is smart and good at development, may become Uchiha Yuu's companion on the path of immortality on the road of exploring the laws of the world.

Regarding his future companion, Uchiha Yuu softened his heart.

[In the future, I won’t let you wear small shoes. 】

Then he controlled His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and took the initiative to extend the touch of divine power to Senju Tobirama, injecting his own divine power into Senju Tobirama's body to allow his soul to adapt to the divine power.

Senju Tobirama suddenly felt a force pouring into his body.

This was a very strange feeling. It seemed that he didn't feel it at all when the infusion started. It was the infusion that caused changes in his body that made him aware of this power.

Someone, no, God was guiding him to gain a sense of divine power.

Senju Tobirama felt it carefully, and he found that the feeling brought by the divine power was warm and comfortable, just like soaking in a hot spring, making people unable to help but relax.

I have to say, this feels very comfortable.

But Qianju Tobirama did not relax. Instead, he concentrated more and studied with all his heart.

The moment he concentrated, the feeling brought to him by the divine power changed, filling him with fiery enthusiasm, his spirit began to get excited, and his thinking also accelerated.

[All wishes come true] is one of the most basic characteristics of divine power.

Although the power of the two god vests is still very weak, they can already do whatever they want in related spiritual fields such as fire, warmth, and enthusiasm.

Uchiha Yu guessed that as the power of gods improves and their understanding and integration of the rules of the world continues to deepen, the power of gods will transcend the spiritual realm and can also show the power to do whatever they want in reality.

Senju Tobirama's perception of divine power became stronger and stronger, and soon he felt another similar but completely different power.

Just when he was guessing what it was, a grand and distant voice explained to him:
  "That is the power of faith. The special spiritual power refined by human beings due to worship and prayer is the raw material for gods to create divine power."

(End of this chapter)

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