I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 221 It makes the strong wind rise from the ground, I should ride the wind to travel thousand

Chapter 221 It makes the strong wind rise from the ground, I should ride the wind to travel thousands of miles

Uchiha Yu smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you all know the plan, let's take action."

"Ah, by the way, I guess, both of your teams have received secret missions, one is to monitor me, and the other is to hold me back, right?"

The six ninjas were either confused, fake, or smiling, and no one showed the slightest flaw.

"Forget it, I don't care anyway."

"As long as you can keep up with my speed, let us complete the secret mission."

"As long as I can keep up..."

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Yu disappeared.

After forming the golden elixir, Uchiha Yu ran with all his strength for the first time, and everything was different.

The natural energy of the earth spirit supports his feet, and every step can get several times the force from the earth.

The natural energy of the wind spirit surrounded him, but he didn't pick up any dust as he rushed past, and the wind couldn't blow a single hair on his head.

Uchiha Yuu seemed to be sliding through the air without feeling any resistance from the wind.

Therefore, his speed increased again and again, and soon exceeded the limit that the human body could reach, without leaving any trace.

This made the six Konoha ninjas who were chasing him extremely confused.

When Pig Deer Butterfly spent most of the day passing through the Kingdom of Fire and entering the Kingdom of Rain, they had completely lost the possibility of tracking them.

After that, the target they tracked became the faster Root Ninja Team that was tracking in front.

It was very difficult for the three of them to pass through the messy Kingdom of Rain. They carefully avoided all kinds of ninjas. It took them a whole day to get close to the Kingdom of Wind without any danger.

At this time, Nara Shikasuke even suspected that Uchiha Yuu was not in front, but changed the route at some point and completely got rid of them.

However, this conjecture was denied by a Root ninja after joining the Root team.

It was already late at night when the Inoka Butterfly team entered the desert of the Kingdom of Wind, but Kaoru Yamazaka unexpectedly discovered that they had caught up with the Root team.

He told Nara Shikaku about this discovery, and then said: "The root ninja seems to be waiting for us. I wonder what they want to do?"

Nara Shikaku nodded and said, "We all need to be careful. Root ninjas do crazy things when they are outside the village."

Akira Michio and Yamanaka Kaoru both nodded in agreement.

The Nara clan has a mediocre performance in combat and basically plays a supporting role. However, their family is all smart people who are scattered among various units to serve as staff and are well-informed.

Because the Yamanaka clan is good at soul secrets, most of the intelligence departments are led by ninjas from the Yamanaka clan. There are even many ninjas from the Yamanaka clan at the root, and they have a lot of secret information.

The Akimichi clan has a close relationship with them. They are like a family, so they naturally know more about them.

The existence of the root ninja and the performance of the root ninja were very clear to Inokadie, so they were on alert.

However, the rendezvous between the two sides went smoothly, and the root team did not make any mistakes.

Akira Michikan couldn't help but ask: "You are waiting for us here. Have you lost sight of your target? Is that Uchiha really changing his path and leaving?"

A root ninja said: "The target has not changed roads, he is right in front of us."

Qiu Daokuan questioned: "How do you know? We didn't find any traces along the way. What clues do you have?"

The root ninja stretched out his right hand, and dense parasites poured out, covering the entire hand.

It turns out that he is from the Aburame clan.

As bug users, the ninjas of the Aburame clan are all-powerful.

The ninjas of the Aburame clan are even more unique in their investigation. Each Aburame ninja has its own unique skills, which are difficult for outsiders to understand and prevent.

The root ninja of the Aburame clan flicked her fingers, sparking sparks of electricity in the black parasites.

After feeling these sparks carefully, he said: "Everyone actually has the potential of Thunder Chakra. Everyone is emitting fluctuations of Thunder Chakra all the time, and everyone is unique. "

"Of course this kind of fluctuation is very weak and impossible for humans to feel."

"Only my bugs can feel the weak thunder waves, detect each person's unique wave frequency, and track them over a long distance."

"This whole journey is filled with lightning escape waves left by the target. He is walking along this path."

Qiu Daokuan asked again: "Really? Then why can't you catch up? I think you are very fast."

The root ninja of the Aburame family explained: "Because the target is faster, the distance between him and us has been steadily expanding from the beginning."

Qiu Daokuan shook his head and said: "So we can't catch up. Shikasuke, what should we do next?"

Nara Shikasuke spread his hands and said helplessly: "There is no way, continue to track, rush to the country of ghosts as quickly as possible, and confirm Uchiha Yu's information."

Then Nara Shikasuke looked at the root ninja of the Aburame clan and asked: "Why are you waiting for us here?"

Another root ninja replied: "Because when we got here, the target made abnormal movements, we need your brain to guess what happened."

Nara Shikasuke's eyes lit up and he asked: "What abnormality happened?"

No. 2 Root Ninja pointed to a rock not far away and said: "The target used a ninjutsu on that rock."

Then the Aburame Gennin said: "Then he started jumping forward, jumping from this rock to that rock."

Inogadie followed the root ninja's finger guidance and saw the rock hundreds of meters away, with an expression of disbelief.

The profession of ninja gives people the impression that in addition to their strong combat power, they are also agile. Regardless of whether they are fat, thin, tall or short, they are all athletes. They can run fast, jump high, and jump far.

But no matter how far you jump, I haven't heard of any ninja jumping more than 100 meters.

What's more, jumping hundreds of meters like this is not jumping at all. It is obviously flying, or at least gliding in the air.

Nara Shikaku murmured: "Is that ninjutsu some kind of powerful secret technique?"

Kaoru Yamazaka leaned in front of the rock and carefully felt the faint chakra residue.

He found that at least a day had passed since the traces of chakra remained here, and the infection on the rock was unusually shallow.

Kaoru Yamanaka's heart skipped a beat, which meant that the Aburame Gennin was right. Uchiha Yuu was much faster than they thought, and his control over chakra was beyond imagination.

But no matter how thin the chakra traces were, after all, only one day had passed. He quickly outlined the framework of ninjutsu in his mind.

"It's not the Secret Wind Escape Technique that assists jumping." Xun Yamanaka said loudly: "It's the Psychic Technique. He used the Psychic Technique once here."

"Moreover, the scale of mediumship is small, and the target of mediumship is not big."

Nara Shikasuke shook his head, nodded again, and said: "It should be the Cat Sage of the Cat Castle. Uchiha Yu only has this psychic beast."

"It is said that the ninja cats of the Cat Castle are from the desert. They will never get lost in the desert, and they can also find hidden water sources. He is performing psychic skills here, probably because he wants to get help from the Cat Immortal in all aspects. "

No. 2 Root Ninja nodded and said: "So that's it. Except why he can jump so far, everything is clear."

"It's really worth waiting for the Ino-Deer Butterfly Team."

He looked at Nara Antlers and asked, "Then what should we do when we remember?"

This question confused Nara Shikaku, and he asked: "You want to act together with us?"

The root ninja replied seriously: "Yes, we will act with you."

"The target has been determined too fast, and it is impossible for us to catch up. Moreover, the routes to be taken next are all in the Kingdom of Wind, and Konoha Village does not know much about this place..."

Nara Shikaku laughed and rushed to say: "I understand, without detailed intelligence support, it is easier to encounter accidents, and the six of us ninjas gathered together can better deal with emergencies."

"Okay, let's act together."

"What's next?"

The root ninja looked at Nara Shikaku and said: "Before arriving in the Kingdom of Demons, all actions are decided by you. This is the biggest reason why we are waiting for you."

This ninja actually handed over the command!
Nara Shikaku and his two companions looked at each other with incomprehensible surprise. This was not the root style.

After the person in charge of the Roots became Mito Monobu, his acting style was indeed no longer as crazy as in the Danzo Shimura era, but it was still self-centered and inhumane.

Genbe's unique dark style did not change drastically. Instead, it infected Commander Mito Kadoitis, making him gloomy and fierce. The power of darkness is truly contagious.

Although Nara Shikaku was surprised, since he gave the power to himself, he would not be polite.

He gave the order to the root ninja: "Let's set off now and hurry up and get on our way."


"In addition, from now on we will stay day and night, and rest between ten o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon every day until we leave the Kingdom of Wind."


The six of them formed a forward formation and followed Uchiha Yuu's thunderbolt fluctuations one after another at full speed.

They moved forward very quickly, and the environment changed accordingly. The rocks and coarse gravel disappeared completely, and all they could see was yellow sand.

They entered the heart of the desert.

But the ninjas didn't care about the changes in the environment at all. The distance between the landing points left by Uchiha Yu became wider every time, and now it has reached a distance of 2000 meters.

After nine o'clock, the root ninja who was born in the Aburame clan suddenly signaled to stop.

After checking the gate for a period of time, he said to everyone: "No more."

Qiu Daokuan was stunned and asked subconsciously: "What's missing?"

Nara Shikaku instantly understood what the root ninja meant. He pointed at the sky and said in surprise: "Did he really fly away?"

The root ninja shook his head and replied: "I don't know, but now that we have crossed the nearest trace for more than five kilometers, there should be no more."

Nara Shikasuke sighed and said: "Although it is incredible, he should have flown away."

He looked back at Kaoru Yamanaka and asked, "Do you feel anything? Could it be that he used a flying ninja tool similar to the Sky Ninja?"

"Were they the empty ninjas who attacked Konoha Village in the last war?" Yamanaka Kaoru shook his head and replied: "Probably not. I didn't feel the slightest bit of chakra, neither ninjutsu nor ninja tools."

Nara Shikasuke frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "It's magic."

"Although it is difficult to understand, it can only be magic."

"An Uchiha ninja is very powerful if he has a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes. He can jump so far and even fly, and he uses the power of senjutsu to fly."

"What a monster."

"That's right. A ninja who has the guts to yell at Naruto must be a monster."

"It's just that a monster like this... is too much."

Nara Shikasuke's eyes gradually became twinkling, and he complained softly: "The Third Hokage really gave us such a 'good' mission."

When he addressed the Third Hokage, he intentionally omitted the customary "sir".

This is not only a natural reaction for Shikasuke to feel unhappy, but also a test for his partners and the three root ninjas.

He was surprised to find that no one noticed this.

Even Kaoru Yamanaka, who was always rigid and attached great importance to etiquette, only frowned slightly.

Obviously, he agreed with Nara Shikasuke's change and agreed not to call the Third Hokage "sir".

The reaction of the root ninja was even more exaggerated.

Although the expressions on their faces always maintain a strange smile, it is obvious that they are wearing some kind of soft mask of disguise, and of course they do not show any expression.

But their small actions also reflected their disappointment and dissatisfaction with the Third Hokage.

Nara Shikasuke was even more surprised. He knew that with the return of Lord Orochimaru, everyone could see the problem in the almost face-to-face comparison.

The Third Hokage is already old.

He is no longer the convincing "bear hero".

But even the root ninjas had similar reactions, which shocked Nara Shikasuke. He couldn't help but decide in his heart that he must have a good talk with the clan leader after returning to the village.

It's time for the Nara clan to change their stance. They can no longer put everything on the side of the Third Hokage. It's also time to make some arrangements in advance.

No matter how intense his mental activity was, Nara Shikasuke didn't show the slightest signs of being strange.

He waved his hand and said: "Keep moving forward, there is no way to track it, then go to the Kingdom of Ghosts as planned."


While the six Konoha ninjas were struggling in the desert, Yuu Uchiha had already flown to the Kingdom of Demons and slowly landed in front of the shrine where the mission was located.

Miwa Masashi jumped off the shoveler's shoulders, stretched on the ground, and said with satisfaction:
"Yu's flight is great, nya. It's fast and steady, and you don't have to be blown away by wind or rain."

“It’s just a little slow to master.”

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "This is still slow. It only took me two hours to master fast flight. Otherwise, it would be like a balloon, slowly floating over."

"Hmph, when I learn to fly, it won't take me so long."

"Okay, I'll wait and see."

With that said, they walked to the gate of the shrine and explained their purpose to the old miko who was guarding the door.

Soon an official dressed like a priest came out. When he saw Yu Uchiha in a gray-blue coat, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he looked around to make sure there was no one else, then he asked: "Are you really a ninja from Konoha Village?"

Uchiha Yu nodded, took out the mission document and handed it over.

The official read the document, but his eyes were still full of suspicion, and he muttered: "How come people from Konoha Village don't wear forehead protectors like wandering ninjas?"

"You're not pretending, are you?"

Uchiha Yuu is very familiar with the tricks of bureaucrats, and he can use them skillfully when facing the Third Hokage, making the Third Hokage feel deeply uncomfortable but unable to say anything.

Therefore, he did not bother to argue with such a bureaucrat and directly ordered: "Take me to see the witch."

The plain voice reached the official's ears, and his head immediately became groggy. All thinking stopped, and only one voice echoed in his mind.

"Take this one to see the witch."

This sentence had an irresistible magic power. The official immediately turned around and took Uchiha Yuu towards the depths of the shrine.

Miko is the national leader of the country of ghosts.

The shrine maiden also possesses extremely powerful sealing techniques. Back then, she was able to compete with the Kingdom of Whirlpool in terms of sealing techniques. Now she has become the strongest in the ninja world, and her power is comparable to that of the Five Shadows.

In this country where there is no daimyo, she is the combination of daimyo and shadow, and her status is extremely respected.

This shrine is equivalent to the complex of Fire Temple and Damingfu. The internal defense force is quite good. There are a large number of armed soldiers standing guard, and there are also many ninjas secretly on guard.

The hypnosis technique used by Uchiha Yuu was very simple. These ninjas could naturally tell at a glance that the eyes of the leading bureaucrat were unfocused and he was obviously hypnotized.

But before they even had time to do anything, they saw a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes, and then fell into darkness and knew nothing.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the Sharingan is really useful nya."

"Yes, the Uchiha clan's body is an amazing immortal body. As long as it can be fully activated, it will indeed be invincible."

"Meow? Immortal body? Didn't you say that only the bodies of the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan are immortal bodies, meow?"

"Oh, that's the concept under the old senjutsu system. It's too narrow. And a person with a hundred times more chakra can be called a sage body. It's such a mess. The standard is too low."

"According to my standards, only Senju Hashirama has an immortal body. It has great life force and healing power. It can be called the three-marrow jade body."

"Of course, in the Uchiha family, only Madara Uchiha and I can be considered to have activated the immortal body."

Uchiha Yuu talked as if there was no one around. Everything within a few hundred meters centered on him was shrouded in the power of his illusion, and everyone within this range was controlled by him.

Except for Miwa Masashi, no one can remember a word he said.

(End of this chapter)
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