I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 220 When the time comes, there is no need to coddle Hiruzen Sarutobi or fight him!

Chapter 220 When the time comes, there is no need to coddle Hiruzen Sarutobi or fight him!

[Why did you suddenly fall out? 】

Nara Shikasuke secretly complained that he was "being held back." He and his two partners immediately stared at their toes, as if there was some fatal attraction there, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to it.

The three root ninjas had fixed fake smiles on their faces, but the murderous intent in their eyes became fierce, and they stared at Uchiha Yuu closely.

But in the next moment, the three Magatama Sharingan glared back even more fiercely, knocking the three root ninjas down directly, and they collapsed softly on the ground.

The three root ninjas who fell one after another shocked the Third Hokage and the "Backward Trio".

None of their group could have imagined that Uchiha Yuu's Sharingan would be so powerful that even the extremely tough-minded Root Ninja could not withstand his glance.

In the information displayed to the outside world, Uchiha Yuu has always been known for his command ability. He is also very strong in fire escape and taijutsu, and has rarely used the Sharingan.

In fact, he has used the Sharingan before, but whenever he used the Sharingan, he did not leave anyone alive, so the information naturally could not be spread.

The Third Hokage put away his pipe and asked coldly: "Uchiha Yu, you attacked the Konoha ninja in front of me. What do you mean?"

Uchiha Yu poured himself a cup of tea and said calmly: "It's nothing, I'm just disgusted by you and don't want to endure it anymore."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was dumbfounded by the rebuke. He had not been so directly targeted in 20 years. He had no idea what to say in this situation.

Uchiha Yu was calm and composed. After slowly drinking a cup of tea, he said quietly: "The Third Hokage, you have gone too far."

"I have been very generous from the beginning. You asked me to go to the Country of Tang, so I went."

"When I created a situation in Tang Country, you asked me to go back to the village and not move around. I also went back to the village."

"I don't know why, but you suddenly asked me to leave the village on a mission, and I accepted it."

"You knocked on my door tonight, and I welcomed you and poured you tea."

"We've come this far, and you actually expect to give me a root team. What do you want to do? Do you want me to die?"

"The Third Hokage, why do you think that all you need to do is put on a smile and I will have to smile and accept your arrangement of letting me die?"

"Who gave you such strong confidence?"

"Uchiha Fuyake?"

"But I'm not Uchiha Fugaku!"

Uchiha Yuu became more and more angry as he spoke. He simply stretched out his hand, pointed at the Third Hokage's nose and cursed: "Look at yourself, how degenerate you have become now!"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen! In your current state, not only are you worthless to the Leaf Village, you are even a scourge, even worse than a watchdog!"

Uchiha Yu actually didn't save any face for the Third Hokage and scolded him heartily.

The time is ripe and your own strength is in place.

There is no need for Uchiha Yu to embarrass himself and coddle Sarutobi Hiruzen.

What about the Third Hokage?

If you dare to make him unhappy, just attack him!

If it weren't for the fact that the ghosts from the Kingdom of Ghosts were something he coveted, he would have refused even this mission.


The Third Hokage pushed Konoha Village to support the Kingdom of Rain, and tried his best to gather an army of ninjas, and they would set off in a day or two.

This is the timing.

In this force, not only did the Third Hokage devote all his efforts, and even mobilized a large number of ninjas from the Sarutobi clan for the first time, but there were also a lot of ninjas from the Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha Yuu led the three elders under his command to strongly oppose, win over Uchiha Shifang and Uchiha Tsunekazu, and confront the clan leader Fugaku, resolutely refusing to send out the ninjas under him.

The internal fighting among the Uchiha clan is extremely fierce, and the scenes are very exaggerated.

Uchiha Yuu's attitude was resolute. Not to mention Uchiha Fugaku, even the Third Hokage's intervention was met with failure.

Because of this contact, Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed that a behemoth appeared within the Uchiha family, and almost brought the entire Uchiha family under its control.

What shocked the Third Hokage even more was that the actual leader of this force, Yu Uchiha, turned out to be a 19-year-old young man.

He is also the founder of the Tiger Force, the founder and administrator of the Uchiha Family Ninjutsu and Tactics Learning Club, and the natural leader of the younger generation of the Uchiha Family.

Uchiha Yuu is so outstanding, but he has never attracted attention. He was an ordinary genius when he was a child, and became an excellent genin after graduation. He was promoted to jounin at the age of 18 because of his commanding ability, and gained a slight reputation.

It’s so hidden!
Just recalling this information, the Third Hokage couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

But what made the Third Hokage determined to deal with Uchiha Yu was his ability to teach Uchiha children.

In just two years, he personally trained 237 pairs of Sharingan.

So scary.

We can't let Uchiha Yuu live anymore!
But as a politician, Hiruzen Sarutobi knew that he could not brutally assassinate the leader of a force. Before killing Yuu Uchiha, his force must be eliminated first.

Especially now that his reputation is damaged, even if the assassination is successful, he cannot afford the backlash that will follow.

So the Third Hokage carefully planned the expedition plan, gained enough reputation by coercing Hanzo, and then turned back to form an alliance with Uchiha Fugaku to jointly eliminate Uchiha Yu's forces.

For this plan, both Mito Kaden and Koharu Koharu expressed their approval.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Setsuna also awkwardly agreed.

Because Yuu Uchiha beat Uchiha Fugaku hard, his orders became empty words, and Fugaku realized that he had been ignored.

Uchiha Setsuna also discovered that the boy he had no dealings with turned out to be the most powerful person in the family.

Within the Uchiha family, Uchiha Yu controls two-thirds of the ninjas, not counting the strength of the Tiger Force.

Even if Fugaku and Setsuna join forces, they cannot mount a strong resistance, so they urgently need external support.

The Third Hokage and Fugaku needed each other, and soon joined forces to plan an expedition against Uchiha Yu.

The Third Hokage promised to make up for the Uchiha family's losses after the plan was completed.

For their own power, and for the benefits promised by the Third Hokage, Fugaku and Setsuna used their wealth and put all their cronies on the gambling table.


Although he was determined to eliminate Uchiha Yu and made and implemented a plan, the Third Hokage still could not imagine that Uchiha Yu would dare to point his nose and curse.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt his whole body trembling, anger rising from his heart, and evil arising from his courage. If it weren't for the three shivering pig deer butterflies behind him, he really wanted to throw everything aside and pick up the diamond rod and smash the bastard in front of him to death.

After the death of the Second Hokage, no one in the entire ninja world dared to scold him.

And Uchiha Itachi not only cursed, but also used all kinds of dirty words, scolding Sarutobi Hiruzen bloody, he was really too arrogant!

But just because Uchiha Yu was too arrogant, all the buffer space was cleared, and all the push and pull methods familiar to the Third Hokage could no longer be used.

Either vent his anger now, directly reprimand Uchiha Yuu for being disrespectful, and then order the Konoha ninja to capture him and put him in prison to teach him a lesson.

Either directly announce the order with the authority of the Hokage, asking Uchiha Yu to take the people, and then step up the plan.

The Third Hokage chose the second method.

He ordered Uchiha Yuu with a cold face: "As Hokage, I order you to take these two teams to carry out the mission to the Kingdom of Ghosts."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Yu accepted the order in a joking tone, then drank the last sip of tea and said, "Actually, it should have been like this from the beginning."

"You're obviously here to make me uncomfortable, so why do you think you can just say nice things?"

"Look, you should give orders so forcefully. I don't want to be beaten to death as a traitor on the spot, so I just have to obey 'your' orders."

"Sir, the Third Hokage, you are already a bad person. Why do you still want to be the moral model of Konoha Village and the best Hokage?" Uchiha Yu stood up and snapped his fingers to wake up the root ninja.

He walked straight to the door and said to everyone: "Let's go. The Third Hokage has given an order, so we can't be here and whining."

Inogacho and the three root ninjas looked at the Third Hokage, and saw that he was breathing heavily with a livid face, but he still waved his hand to signal them to set off.

So the six ninjas no longer hesitated and quickly followed Uchiha Yu, quickly disappearing around the corner of the street.

Only the angry Third Hokage was left, sitting in Uchiha Yu's home sulking.

At this moment, Uchiha Yu's voice came from far away: "The Third Hokage, when you have finished sitting and leave, remember to close the door for me."

"Although the security of Konoha Village is very good, leaving the door open is too tempting. For my neighbors, this is too cruel a test."

Sarutobi Hiruzen became even more angry. He felt his heart pounding, which made his ears buzz and his head felt swollen and uncomfortable.

After resting for a long time, he finally took a breath.

At this time, it had been too long since he left the Hokage's office. Mito Monobu, worried about his safety, rushed over with a whole 12 teams of root ninjas.

More than 48 ANBU ninjas gathered and approached the Uchiha clan. Naturally, they could not escape the eyes of the Uchiha clan ninjas.

In view of the recent tension between the two sides, the Uchiha ninjas naturally reacted with caution.

Dozens of Uchiha ninjas also appeared indistinctly, intercepting the root ninjas near Uchiha Yu's house. The two sides formed a confrontation, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Soon, the Uchiha clan leader Fugaku appeared, and the tension in the atmosphere reached its peak.

Mito Monobu was too careless in his actions.

It is obviously enough to bring 5 or 6 people, and it will not arouse the Uchiha's vigilance. Why do we have to bring two squadrons?
At this point, the Third Hokage could only come out of Uchiha Yu's house, close the door, and go straight to the middle of the confrontation between the two sides to prevent further development of the situation.

He said to Uchiha Fugaku: "I'm sorry, I came to look for Uchiha Yu without notifying you this time, and ended up in such a scene. It's really inappropriate."

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath and asked: "Lord Hokage, you are the leader of Konoha Village. It is our honor to have you come to the Uchiha family."

"But there are two squadrons of ninjas gathered at the root, and they rush over aggressively without the Hokage's orders. How can we not be afraid?"

The Third Hokage apologized again: "I'm sorry. This was an ill-considered mistake on my part. It will never happen again next time."

Uchiha Fugaku was relieved when he heard the Third Hokage's apology. He softened his tone and said, "Okay, Hokage-sama, I believe you."

Then, he shouted to the clansmen: "It's okay, this is a misunderstanding, the Hokage-sama and I will solve the problem."

"Everyone go home!"

Following Fugaku's words, the Uchiha ninjas all retreated.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately found a familiar feeling. Uchiha Fugaku was still so easy to fool, Uchiha ninjas were still so soft-spoken, and they were all stupid and easy to deal with.

But why did Yuu Uchiha appear?

The city is deep and can endure loneliness. His eyes only focus on profit and don't care about face at all. It seems that he wants to eat hard things but not soft things, but in fact he doesn't like hard things.

He doesn't look like a member of the Uchiha family. He doesn't even look like a ninja. He looks more like the nobles in the Daming Mansion.

That's not right, this bastard can also curse and act like a shrew.

After giving away a lot of benefits and quickly settling Fugaku, the Third Hokage left the Uchiha clan with a smile.

But on the way back, Sarutobi Hiruzen had a sad face, and he began to miss Danzo again.

When Danzo was here, his seemingly reckless and destructive actions always left the Uchihas at a loss.

The third generation cooperated with Danzo, and with a simple act of advancing, advancing, retreating, Uchiha could give up his interests and feel grateful to him.

The current Mito Kaden is loyal enough, but he always makes mistakes, forcing the Third Hokage to transfer his interests to Uchiha in order to maintain the balance of the situation.

If the Third Hokage hadn't taken the risk and forced all Uchiha to withdraw from the management of Konoha Village when Orochimaru left, there would be no room for transfer of benefits now.

Seeing the frustration of the Third Hokage, Mito Kaden was deeply embarrassed, and apologized: "Hiruzhan, it's my fault again this time, I made it difficult for you."

"Forget it, no matter what, we have achieved our goal and banished Uchiha far away."

"Under the supervision of the Root Ninja and Ino Shiga Butterfly, it will take at least a month for him to complete the mission to the Kingdom of Demons, which is enough for us to eliminate his influence in the Uchiha family after we resolve the matter in the Kingdom of Rain."

The Third Hokage lit his pipe and comforted Mito Kadoyan: "It's not all a bad thing now. At least my relationship with Uchiha Fugaku is getting better and better. Let's treat it as a necessary investment."

"After we eliminate Uchiha Yu's power and kill him, Uchiha Fugaku will have no capital to bargain with me."

"No matter how much he eats now, he will have to spit it out twice as much when the time comes!"


"action plan?"

Uchiha Yu looked at Nara Shikasuke and said, "What action plan is needed for a simple task?"

Nara Shikasuke explained: "Uchiha Jonin, the target of this mission is the monster sprite! You are the person in charge of this mission, how can you not have any plan?"

"Am I the person in charge of this mission?" Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Nara Shikasuke couldn't help but cursed: Of course the Third Hokage should have informed him about this, but you called the Third Hokage a dog, how could he remember such details?

Nara Shikasuke had no choice but to take out his team's mission book, and also asked for the mission book of the Root Ninja Team, and handed it to Uchiha Yuu together.

Uchiha Yu took a closer look, and sure enough, the words "obey Uchiha Yu's orders" were written on both mission sheets, proving that he was indeed the person in charge.

He sneered disdainfully, pointed at the ninjas of the Root Team, and said to Nara Shikasuke: "Can a guy with murderous eyes like this really obey my orders?"

Looking at the root ninja with a weird smile on his face and murderous eyes, Nara Shikasuke didn't feel very convincing.

He could only spread his hands and said, "I don't know either."

Uchiha Yu was amused by him and said, "Well, I am indeed the person in charge of the mission, so I will make a plan."

"The mission target is the monsters and sprites. We rush to the Kingdom of Ghosts as quickly as possible, destroy the monsters, complete the mission, and then go home."

"Mission time: 7 days."

Nara Shikasuke was stunned and directly expressed his opposition: "This is impossible. To reach the Kingdom of Ghosts, we must pass through the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Birds, and the Kingdom of Bears."

"Uchiha Jonin, these countries are all battlefields, and there are hostile ninjas everywhere. There is no way to travel at full speed."

"According to the route I planned, as long as I'm lucky enough, I can reach the Kingdom of Ghosts within 7 days. This is already the limit."

Uchiha Yu glanced at the map he drew and asked disdainfully: "Why don't you go through the Kingdom of Rain and then enter the Kingdom of Wind, and then go all the way to the Kingdom of Ghosts along the Kingdom of Wind?"

"The Kingdom of Wind? That is the land of Sunagakure Village. How can we..."

Halfway through his words, Nara Shikasuke suddenly realized that it was feasible to pass through the Country of Wind.

The Kingdom of Wind is too big, but there are too few Sunagakure ninjas. Their main force is concentrated in the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Sichuan. There are definitely not many ninjas left in their own land.

As long as they move fast enough, they can pass through the Kingdom of Wind and directly reach the Kingdom of Ghosts before the Sunagakure ninjas can react.

But he still questioned: "Uchiha Jonin, your plan is feasible, but this route is longer, and it will take us 5 days to move forward at full speed."

Uchiha Yu raised his eyebrows and said: "That's because your speed is too slow. Anyway, I have already made a plan. You can't blame me."

Nara Shikasuke heard the meaning of Uchiha Yu's words. He actually wanted to get rid of the six ninjas and complete the task alone...

How could it be possible? That was a sealing mission for the monster sprite, a well-known joint mission in the ninja world. How could it be completed by one person?

Uchiha Yu even scolded the Third Hokage unceremoniously, so he still cares about the mission?
But he is a ninja. If a ninja can't even carry out his mission, wouldn't he want to be like Sakumo Hatake and seek death?
Nara Shikasuke's mind was in confusion.

The Third Hokage gave him a secret mission, asking the two teams to work together to keep an eye on Uchiha Yu, and not allow him to return to Konoha Village until the mission was completed.

How should this be done?
(End of this chapter)
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