I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 218 The information exchanged at the Divine Court Meeting is enough to determine the fate of

Chapter 218 The information exchanged at the Divine Court Meeting is enough to determine the fate of the ninja world
Except for Uchiha Yu, no one could understand the relationship between seats and animals.

But three of the four were satisfied with their animal names.

Xiaonan feels that she is indeed like a bat, able to flap her wings and fly high, and she likes that she can get this name as a code name.

Yashamaru has a gentle and strong personality, and he likes goats that can survive tenaciously in the desert and climb up the cliffs of Sunagakure Village to lick the salt.

Mochi Zabuza is proud and unsociable, and he likes Leopard who is also lonely and proud. It would be even better if he is a Black Panther.

He had just received great benefits, and now he was even more satisfied. He laughed heartily and said proudly: "I am a leopard! It turns out that I am the most handsome!"

Only Tsunade was still confused and had no feeling about the code name she suddenly got, but she immediately realized that the code name could conceal her identity, so she silently accepted it.

[Hmph, I look nothing like a horse. As for a cow... bah, bah, bah, I don’t look like one at all! 】

Calculated by Uchiha Yuu's time, the vest has been maintained for 7 minutes at this time. He couldn't wait for several people to digest the information about the code name, so he continued: "Miss Ma comes from the Kingdom of Fire, the center of the current 'ninja world'. She should be able to Tell me a lot of information about the Fire Country."

He looked at Yashamaru and explained: "I summoned you this time because I do have something to ask."

"I saw a change in destiny. The time should have been a few days ago, and the location was the Kingdom of Rain."

Then he looked at Xiaonan and asked: "Miss Bat, I want to know what happened in the Kingdom of Rain that can touch fate so strongly."

"You answered this question, and you can offset some of the extra reward from last time."

At this moment, Konan knew that there was hope of resurrecting Yahiko, so she was extremely devout in Uchiha Yu's belief. After hearing the question, she immediately lowered her head and answered respectfully: "Your Majesty, the affairs of the Kingdom of Rain belong to me and my companions. …”

Uchiha Yu suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Konan, and then said: "Information is valuable and cannot be told to everyone in vain."

He asked the other three people: "If you want to obtain this information, you must exchange your own information."

"Of course, other things can also be exchanged, as long as they are of equal value."

Tsunade asked: "Your Majesty, can I buy information with money?"


"Then how do I give the money to Miss Bat? Can she provide me with an address?"

"No, you can offer sacrifices to me, and I will naturally give them to her."

Tsunade's hands and feet were numb from shock, and she had to take a breath before asking again: "How much should I pay to buy this information?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "You need to communicate with Miss Bat yourself. I have no idea about money."

Xiaonan was stunned and subconsciously replied: "I don't know how much this information is worth."

Immortal Zhu Rong suddenly said: "The information that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is interested in must be extraordinary. Let's calculate it based on the reward of an S-level mission, which is 150 million taels."

"150 million taels!" x3
Konan, Yashamaru, and Zabuza are all extremely young. They are either used to being homeless or poor, or they have just started to make money, and they have deeply experienced the importance and rareness of money.

For the three of them, 150 million taels is simply unimaginable.

But for Tsunade, who has been famous for a long time, inherited a large inheritance, and is good at borrowing money and defaulting on debts, 150 million taels is not enough for her to lose half the night.

Sprinkle water.

She nodded with a smile and said, "It's very reasonable. I'm willing to buy information at this price."

She looked at the two teenagers and the Monkey Immortal again and asked, "Do you want to listen too? The price of the information is fixed. If everyone buys it together, the cost can be shared."

Zabuza said angrily: "Tsk, I don't care about Rain Country being so far away!"

Yashamaru shook his head in panic and stammered: "No, no need, I don't have that much money!"

Tsunade asked: "After you and I split it, we only need 75. Isn't it even that much?"

Yashamaru felt as if he had been electrocuted. He wanted to shrink under the long desk and murmured: "Only 75 taels...just...just..."

Zabuza on the other side turned pale and looked at Tsunade as if he were a monster, muttering something in his mouth.

Obviously, the rich girl's Versailles defeated both boys.

But when the rich lady looked at Zhu Rong, her momentum suddenly collapsed. No matter how rich you are, strength is more real.

Tsunade asked cautiously: "Monkey Sennin, aren't you also interested?"

Zhu Rong replied indifferently: "I have set my sights on the South China Sea. Things in the north have nothing to do with me."

Tsunade shrugged and said helplessly: "Well, it seems that I was the only one who paid for it, and I thought I could save a little."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said to Xiaonan: "You can start. Now only Miss Ma and I can hear your words."

Xiaonan lowered his head and saluted again: "Yes."

"Five days ago, we killed Hanzo, killed all the corrupted Amegakure ninjas, and occupied Amegakure Village. After that, we killed hundreds of ninjas from the three major ninja villages, all of whom were massacring civilians wantonly. asshole."

"The day before yesterday, a Iwagakure ninja who called himself Qingyan came to kill me, but he was also beaten to death by my friends."

"Now the fighting in the Kingdom of Rain has stopped, and we don't know why."

Uchiha Yu nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I know what's going on."

"This information is of great value, Miss Bat. You only need to have one more piece of information that interests me in the future, and the value of the previous elixir will be completely offset."

The price offered by Uchiha Yu was indeed not low. Although he had guessed this possibility in advance, there was definitely more than one possibility.

It was also a risk for Uchiha Yu to arrange his own forces to refuse the village's recruitment based on mere speculation, and even made up his mind to fall out publicly.

He was also beating a drum in his heart.

Uchiha Yuu is familiar with the plot, but his understanding of history is only the general trend, and he does not understand the specific twists and turns at all.

He couldn't be sure whether Hanzo was causing trouble this time in Yuyin Village.

Maybe there was such a thing in history, and Hanzo must just have an attitude. When the three great ninja villages promised not to attack the Amegakure Village, he would shrink back and continue to pretend to be dead.

If it was not Nagato's fault, there would be no major losses on the front line. As the incident ends, this force will return, bringing together the Third Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Setsuna and others.

Then, he launched a counterattack against the small force he led.

It must be said that this trend is very troublesome.

Unless Orochimaru can come back in time and persuade the Third Hokage to stop his actions, the best outcome is that Uchiha Yu will be exiled from Konoha Village and lose the nest of the Uchiha family in Konoha Village.

Can he endure this?

Of course Uchiha Yuu wouldn't tolerate it. Such a huge loss of interests was enough to make him turn his back on others.

He will definitely reveal a lot of trump cards, lead his younger brothers who are willing to follow him, and fight against the enemies in the family and the third generation of Hokage.

Since he is bound to lose the nest of the Uchiha family, he will simply break the pot, directly trigger a civil war, and beat the entire Konoha Village to pieces.

If I can't get a safe and comfortable home, then no one will want it!

By destroying the source of trouble in Konoha Village, the next four wars might be eliminated, buying time for him to grow up full of twists and turns.

But the price he will pay after doing this is also difficult to estimate.

Before he could give the ninja world a middle score, he had to arrange for his brothers to join other ninja villages, but he could only wander around alone.

No ninja village would dare to accept a rebellious ninja who could destroy Konoha Village, not even Cat Castle.

He can only dig holes everywhere in the ninja world like Orochimaru and Uchiha Madara, carefully hiding himself to avoid being entangled by the predators in the deep waters of the ninja world.

If there was another huge commotion, he would be exposed to the Immortal of Six Paths, and then be plotted by this thousand-year-old silver coin, and unknowingly become a pawn in his hands.

Just thinking about this kind of thing makes me feel bad.

Now, the person involved personally confirmed that his guess was correct and that his plan at all costs was correct. With Nagato's strength, his bad temper after darkening, and the absence of the "Final Weapon Plan" to constrain his actions, a war that the ninjas could not imagine would inevitably break out.

Konoha ninjas, Sunagakure ninjas, and Iwagakure ninjas will experience the combat power of the Six Paths 18 years in advance and relive the horror of the Ninja Shura crushing the Ninja Village 40 years ago.

When the information of tens of thousands of heavy casualties comes back, all the little actions made by the Third Hokage will be meaningless, and will make everyone feel sick like maggots suddenly exposed to the sun.

As for Uchiha Fugaku, who actively cooperates with the Third Hokage, his own power will completely collapse. Even if he has the Mangekyō Sharingan, his position as the clan leader cannot be preserved.

Does Fugaku think that only he has the kaleidoscope?

Is his Uchiha Yuu's golden elixir so worthless? Can't he activate the kaleidoscope after so many days?


As long as there are checks and balances, there is nothing great about kaleidoscope.

Back when there was Senju Hashirama in Konoha Village, Uchiha Madara couldn't secure his position as clan leader with just one pair of eyes, and Uchiha Fugaku certainly couldn't do it in front of another pair of kaleidoscopes.

When Uchiha Fugaku fell, Uchiha Yuu, who was the strongest in strength and power, was naturally able to take over, completely control the Uchiha family, and complete the construction plan of the first cave several years in advance.

Therefore, this information came at the right time!
For Uchiha Yu, the value of information is absolutely immeasurable.


The same information was a completely different kind of shock to Tsunade.

What echoed repeatedly in her mind was: We killed Hanzo.

That was Hanzo, the demigod Hanzo, the Sansho Hanzo, the poisonous Hanzo, the strongest ninja in the ninja world. A few years ago, he beat her, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru to the point where they had no power to fight back, and even gave them three Hanzo was named the "Konoha Sannin".

He was beaten to death just like that.

How can this be?

Tsunade looked at the blue-haired Miss Bat. Although she couldn't remember her appearance, she was at most 17 or 8 years old. Her companions should be about the same. She could kill Hanzo at such a young age. Are you kidding me?
Hanzo was killed by the young man so easily.

So what happened to Tsunade, who was beaten by Hanzo to the point of being unable to fight back and relied on calculating her identity and background to survive?
...Who are the Sannin of Konoha?

Tsunade didn't hear what Konan said next. Her mind was in a mess and her whole body was numb.

In the end, after Konan finished telling all the information, Tsunade was still unable to recover.

It was Xiaonan's concerned inquiry that woke Tsunade-hime up, and said with a wry smile: "You can buy this information for only 150 million taels. It's money well spent."

"Hey, such shocking information, do you want to report it to the village?"

Uchiha Yuu was not worried about Tsunade's report, but in order to avoid problems with Tsunade, who he finally caught, he still controlled his vest and said, "You'd better not report it."

Tsunade was shocked when she heard this and quickly asked: "Monkey Sage, will there be any problems if I report the information?"

Zhu Rong didn't even look at Tsunade and replied: "I don't know the content of the specific information, but you must be very shocked by your appearance."

"You are right, this information is very shocking."

"So, the Konoha ninjas in the Land of Rain don't know about such shocking information, and neither does the Hokage of Konoha Village. But you, who is in the south, know it. How do you explain the source of the information?"

"The more shocking the information, the more unreasonable and illogical it is. If the source of the information cannot be explained, who will believe it?"


Zhu Rong's words were very reasonable, which made Tsunade very frustrated. The idea of ​​selling the information back to her teacher and doubling her money went bankrupt.

Moreover, she had been away from Konoha Village for too long and was unaware of the turbulent undercurrent of struggle in the village. She could not imagine the possible fierce conflicts in the future, so she gave up the idea of ​​telling her teacher.

Now, how Zhu Rong knew she was in the south has become her biggest concern.

Tsunade couldn't help but look herself up and down, but she couldn't see any flaw in her body, which would have given away the information that she was in the south.

She looked at the indifferent Zhu Rong. It was clear that the face of the blue-faced baboon was very ferocious, but when this face was connected with the small figure with its back to the capital of Sichuan, facing countless fire and rain, and a mountain-like back, Tsunade felt This monkey sage is not as cold and ferocious as he appears.

[The Monkey Immortal is so brave and handsome in resisting disasters. He must be a seemingly ruthless, but actually kind and brave Immortal! 】

[By the way, he will use a mask to cover his scary face in front of people. Maybe he is a good person with a gentle heart... Hmm... Good monkey, do you want to give him a try? 】

Tsunade's current appearance is that she is pretending to be in her early 20s. She raised her eyebrows in line with her age, and stuck out her red tongue in a cute way.

In the end, she put on a pitiful expression and didn't say a word, just looking at Zhu Rong helplessly.

Uchiha Yu didn't want to answer this question originally. A gentle heart is not the character of Zhu Rong's vest, and adding it will definitely be a little incongruous.

But when Tsunade looked at Zhu Rong, her faith in Zhu Rong weakened, and this change changed Uchiha Yu's mind.

So Zhurong Immortal glanced at Tsunade, snorted coldly, and said:

"Hmph, although your clothes are featureless, your hair has the damage marks unique to direct sunlight in the south."

"Although I don't know exactly where you are, you must be in the south, and for a long time."

After hearing Zhu Rong's explanation, Tsunade frowned and reached out to check her hair repeatedly. She still found nothing, but she believed Monkey Sage's serious nonsense.

After all, Monkey Sage is a Sage. Tsunade knows that her grandfather is also a Sage, and she also knows that Sage's senses are indeed very sharp and can detect details that she is completely unaware of.

[Well, Monkey Immortal is really gentle. 】

Tsunade's heart softened inexplicably, and she whispered in a sweet voice: "Thank you, Monkey Sage."

Uchiha Yu finished his nonsense and saw with satisfaction that Tsunade's line of faith in Zhu Rong was broken, and her faith in herself became the only line of faith.

At this time, he did not notice that the line of cause and effect between Tsunade and himself suddenly became particularly thick, and was even colored with a light pink color.

Although the time in the Zifu world is stuck by Uchiha Yu, the passage of time in the world is effective.

The vest's existence has exceeded the 18-minute absolute safety period, and has entered a dangerous period that makes Uchiha Yu uneasy. Although the probability of danger occurring is less than 1%, his attention has begun to shift a lot.

The goal of convening a meeting of the Divine Court has been achieved, and there is no need to continue taking risks here.

Uchiha Yu said: "Okay, that's it for today."

"Originally I wanted to know some information about the Fire Country and Konoha Village, but Miss Ma is not in good condition, so I'll leave it until next time."

Tsunade felt relieved when she heard this.

The news that Hanzo was killed, especially by a young man, had a huge impact on her, and she is still in a mess.

If the mind is confused, the mind will be confused, and if the mind is confused, the words and deeds cannot be controlled.

Tsunade's behavior just now was really out of line, not what she should be at all. She urgently needed to be alone for some time to sort out her chaotic mood.

If she stays in this mysterious place any longer, God knows what else she will do.

In the future, if these people know their identities, it will all be black history!

Tsunade just wanted to leave immediately and get drunk alone.

Uchiha Yu noticed Tsunade's absent-mindedness, so he reminded: "Miss Ma, remember to sacrifice the money to me when you go back. Don't forget it."

Tsunade nodded repeatedly, acting more and more eagerly, like a part-time worker who was about to get off work on Friday.

Uchiha Yu no longer hesitated and prepared to end the meeting.

At this moment, Yashamaru suddenly said: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I have a suggestion..."

Being watched by everyone, including the giant spirits and gods, the sheep boy was so nervous that his heart almost jumped out of his chest, but he still insisted on making his suggestion: "You, can you make a reservation for the next meeting?"

(End of this chapter)
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