I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 217 The participants in the Shenting meeting have code names

Chapter 217 The participants in the Shenting meeting have code names

Before setting off, Uchiha Yu decided to hold another meeting of the Divine Court.

Things in the Rain Hidden Village involve Nagato, Konan and the Rinnegan, which to a certain extent can completely determine the future of the ninja world.

There was no way Uchiha Yuu couldn't care less.

Moreover, traveling thousands of miles away to conduct on-site investigation is definitely not as good as asking the parties directly.

In the past few days, Xiaonan's thread of faith has been getting stronger day by day, and the faith provided has also increased every day. It seems that the fish eggs have played a very good role, making this girl feel grateful.

Uchiha Yu felt that with Konan's level of faith, he would not hide or lie in front of the Emperor.

Late at night, in the basement at the bottom of the room, Uchiha was immersed in the world of the Purple Mansion.

He looked at the five heart-shaped and hole-shaped octopuses from a distance on the ground, confirmed that they were in good condition, and then flew upwards, straight into the white clouds.

Entering the divine hall, Uchiha Yuu sat on the huge golden dragon chair. At 183 centimeters tall, he looked so small.

He was sitting in the middle, with neither left nor right, nor front or back. There was a gap of more than 1.5 meters between his legs and the ground.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but laugh at himself: "Hey, every time I sit here, I feel weird. This chair is too big. It feels the same as Hana-chan sitting on my sofa."

"Next time, let's get bigger and sit on it."

Following Uchiha Yuu's thoughts, the crown uniform immediately appeared on his body like flowing water, and then his figure began to enlarge, and his whole body quickly expanded to the size matching the entire golden dragon chair.

In this size state, Uchiha Yuu sat on the dragon chair again, and suddenly felt connected to the entire Shenting hall.

His perception of causal lines became a hundred times clearer, and he felt many causal connections that were originally insignificant.

But now Uchiha Yu has no interest in paying attention to these people who have little relationship with him.

He concentrated on checking the three threads of faith in his hand, and after they overlapped with the corresponding threads of cause and effect, his grasping speed was indeed greatly increased.

After trying his hand, Uchiha Yu found with satisfaction that he could easily catch the three of them, and he was confident enough to ensure that the souls of these three people would not be harmed.

Then the first thing to do is to capture the new person and give her enough recovery time to prevent the new person from being embarrassed.

Target: Da Ji Ji.

But after following the line of cause and effect, Uchiha Yu was surprised to find that there was a weak connection of faith between himself and Tsunade.

It's just that the line of faith points not to Uchiha Yu himself, but to his Animusu mask.

This is troublesome.

A thread of faith that does not point to Yuu Uchiha himself would interfere with the accuracy of his operations through the thread of cause and effect.

Especially since the causal relationship between Tsunade and him is very weak, the corresponding causal line is also very thin, and there is interference from faith, which makes it much more difficult to capture.

The direction of faith is very clear. Unless it is misled and deceived from the beginning, the initiative for change lies entirely with the believers.

Uchiha Yu hesitated, and after thinking for a while, he finally decided to change today's meeting plan.

The newcomer who joined today needs to add one more person, and it is his own vest.

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly in front of him. The southern monkey chirped twice and was caught in the main hall of the divine court.

After entering the main hall, Xin Yuan immediately jumped to the second to last position on the left, and then remained motionless, looking extremely sluggish.

Uchiha Yu frowned slightly.

Such a mental monkey is worse than a puppet, and no matter how many hints are given, it cannot conceal its abnormality.

But if it gains enough spirituality, it will never sit still like this. Instead, it will jump up and cause havoc in the heaven.

After all, this is still the mental monkey, and when it is completely tamed, that is when Uchiha Yuu attains enlightenment.

However, as long as the time is short enough, Yu Uchiha can still give the mental monkey spirituality, while allowing it to sit quietly and even perform according to its own will.

He stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the artifact, the Heart Ape Mask, appeared on the table of the Heart Ape.

Seeing this mask appear, Xin Yuan was suddenly shocked. His dull expression could no longer be maintained, and the expression on his face was one of undisguised resistance.

But at Uchiha Yu's urging, Anzuru stretched out his hands, picked up the Animusu mask, and put it on his face.

In an instant, the presence of Zhu Rong, the Southern Fire Spirit God, covered Xin Yuan.

This rebellious, crazy but bottom-line immortal stood up and laughed wildly like "Jie Jie Jie Jie".

After laughing for a full 5 minutes, Zhu Rong's personality digested the influence of the mind ape's integration and restored his calm and crazy balance of mentality.

First, he bowed to Uchiha Yu, and then Master Zhurong slowly sat down.

A few minutes were enough for Uchiha Yu to observe and determine the state of the monkey.

Part of the essence of this dead monkey is in the Heart Ape Mask. With the connection between this artifact and it, Zhu Rong's vest can be integrated with the Heart Ape Mask.

Although the vest god is an empty shell, it is backed by the power of faith. Its weight in the Ape Heart Mask is far greater than that of the Ape Heart. The combination of the two is enough to trap it.

The best part is also the empty shell. No matter how contagious the mind monkey is, there is no way to deal with the empty shell for a while, and it can only transform it extremely slowly.

In this process, the empty shell can borrow the spirituality of the monkey, acting like an independent life. At best, it appears to be very cold and cold and unhuman.

Uchiha Yu feels that this kind of performance is very consistent with the character and makes the crazy immortal Zhurong appear more three-dimensional.

Such a combination is perfect.

The only problem is that the vest is a fake after all. As a dead object, there is an upper limit to the control of the Animus. Over time, it will be completely transformed by the Animus, and eventually it will be perfectly integrated into one body.

At that time, a new independent god will be born, and Yuu Uchiha will be torn from his soul, either dead or disabled.

Uchiha Yu quickly estimated that after Zhurong covered the heart monkey, he could ensure a foolproof time.

"The absolute safety time is only 18 minutes. This time is really tight and not enough at all."

Uchiha Yu had no choice but to relax the standard: "The dangerous period for taking a certain risk...can last for about 70 minutes. This time is enough, but the risk can approach 1%, so we must be cautious."

"No matter how small the probability is, as long as it happens, it is 100%. There is no room for luck."

Uchiha Yu didn't consider it at all when the estimated risk exceeded 1%.

Even so, he still felt unsafe: "Well, 70 minutes is too long...it's too dangerous."

"Just discount it in half and make it 35 minutes... Forget it, it's all discounted, just round it up to half an hour. It can reduce a lot of risks..."

After setting a safe time for himself, Uchiha Yuu breathed a sigh of relief. The giant sword hanging above his head was finally far away.

Considering that a lot of time had been spent, Uchiha Yu didn't dare to delay. He stretched out his hand to grab the thread of cause and effect, and then tugged hard to grab Tsunade's soul.

The strength of this female ninja is a standard Kage-level strongman, but her soul strength is ridiculously strong, making it particularly difficult for Uchiha Yu to drag.

Uchiha Yu discovered last time that the strength of a ninja is not completely linked to the strength of the soul.

Among the three people captured at that time, Xiaonan was the strongest, but she was also the one with the weakest spirit.

Tsunade Hime's strength is very strong, but it is definitely not ten times that of Konan, but the strength of her soul is dozens of times higher than Konan's.

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but started to complain: "It's strange, Tsunade, aren't you afraid of blood? Aren't you mentally ill? Aren't you so decadent that no one wants to see you?"

"How come the soul is so strong?"

"What is the relationship between spirit and soul? What is the soul I captured? I am getting more and more confused now."

"Well, it's another unsolved mystery. The pioneers have so many troubles!"

Uchiha Yuu used all his strength and took a while to drag Tsunade into the main hall of the Divine Courtyard.

Uchiha Yuu didn't have time to take a breath, so he hurriedly checked, because when a person exerts all his strength, it is easy for his hands to be neither light nor heavy.

He was very worried that he had struck too hard, and if he caused serious harm to Tsunade, it would be a sin. Who knows, before Uchiha Yuu had time to check, the blond female ninja spirit took a seat on her own, and reached the fourth position from the bottom on her right hand, lying down safely.

Then Tsunade showed signs of waking up. The performance of Tsunade's soul was obviously not injured at all, so that she could wake up on her own without the need for treatment with divine power.

Tsunade's performance made Uchiha Yu sigh in relief, and then took a deep breath.

He knew how violent the action was, and even he would inevitably feel uncomfortable, but Tsunade's performance turned out to be completely irrelevant. How could her spirit be so strong?
No, with such a strong spirit, how could he capture her?
Questions kept popping up, but time no longer allowed Uchiha Yu to continue thinking. Tsunade's eyelashes were already shaking rapidly, and she was about to wake up.

Uchiha Yu quickly grabbed Konan, Zabuza and Yashamaru three times in a row.

Thanks to the stable support of the Thread of Faith and the experience accumulated from practicing, his grasp was perfect this time, without wasting any effort and without causing any damage to the three of them.

So the four of them woke up together.

Because there was no prior communication, even though they were prepared, the three elders of the Shenting meeting were still taken aback.

Among them, Zabuza yelled out "Ouch" and fell forward violently, hitting his head hard on the long desk.

His strange posture allowed everyone to judge that Momochi Zabuza was running just now, and he was running at extremely fast speeds on complex terrain.

Sure enough, Zabuza raised his head and shouted with fierce eyes: "It's over, I'm going to die!"

But as Yuu Uchiha glanced at him indifferently, the fierce fire in Zabuza's eyes was extinguished, and he even shrank into a ball in fear.

Under the gaze of indifferent eyes, "Ghost Man" Zabuza trembled and prayed: "Great existence, I, I'm sorry, I was being hunted just now, please forgive me for my rashness."

"In addition, please protect me and let me..." He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with force: "Let me not be killed by the enemy."

Uchiha Yuu smiled slightly and said calmly: "You will not die. No matter how much time passes in Shentei, there will be no time flow in this world."

"Just make sure you are fully mentally prepared when you leave. With your strength, you won't make fatal mistakes even in battle."

Hearing this, Zabuza breathed a huge sigh of relief.

He and Yashamaru finally verified their guesses, and the time here really did not consume the time in this world.

Of course, their conclusion was wrong.

Because Shenting Hall belongs to the Purple Mansion world, and the Purple Mansion world is Uchiha Yu's spiritual world. Whether the time in this world is synchronized with the real world is entirely decided by Uchiha Yu.

When the golden elixir is condensed and the Purple Mansion Sun is sublimated, the Purple Mansion world has the characteristics of a lucid dream, and the speed of time flow is entirely determined by Uchiha Yuu.

One second can be equivalent to a day, and an instant can be equivalent to ten thousand years.

Uchiha Yu smiled and continued: "However, you do have to face a lot of risks."

"I am a god who likes equal exchange. Since the risk was caused by me, I will naturally compensate you."

"From now on, I allow you to call my honorable name and pray to me for a cure."

When Zabuza heard God's words, he felt mixed feelings of joy and sorrow. He smacked his lips and couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, and he refused to kowtow to express his thanks.

Uchiha Yu smiled slightly, but said nothing.

No matter what he says at this time, His Majesty the Emperor's strength will be greatly compromised.

Therefore, it’s time for the vest to stand up and praise him.

Zhu Rong, the God of Fire Spirits in the South, sneered and said: "Boy, don't be reluctant, His Majesty the Emperor's promise is a rare miracle."

"Even if you are beaten to death, His Majesty can fish you out of the Pure Land!"

The light promise of treatment can actually include resurrection! !

This is God!
Everyone in the divine court was stunned, even Tsunade, who was full of doubts, couldn't help but exclaimed.

She couldn't help but believe it, because she recognized the big monkey who spoke, and it was the immortal who resisted the natural disaster on his own outside the port of Sichuan Capital.

Although the figure cannot be seen from sitting down, what is revealed after taking off the mask is a ferocious blue monkey face.

But the aura of the immortal cannot be faked, especially the aura of looking forward to Zixiong, which is unmistakable at first glance.

Although she was surprised that this sage turned out to be a monkey sage, what shocked Tsunade even more was of course the "resurrection".

This mysterious place can actually get a chance to be resurrected?
Just when Tsunade was hesitant, Konan had already asked eagerly: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, can you really be resurrected?"

Everyone looked at the huge god and saw him nodding slightly and said, "Okay."

The huge surprise made Xiaonan cover her mouth for a moment, and she continued to ask: "Can my friend be resurrected?"

"Hehehe..." Uchiha Yu smiled and said, "I said, I am a god who likes equal exchange. Are you sure you can afford the price of resurrection?"

Xiaonan was immediately speechless. Resurrection was undoubtedly a miracle. It seemed that the price to pay for this miracle was not exaggerated.

Uchiha Yuu boasted very confidently. With the so-called equivalent exchange as an excuse, he didn't worry at all that someone would be able to pay enough to ask him to resurrect someone.

Before he truly masters the ability of resurrection, naturally he cannot redeem it for resurrection at any price.

But he still decided to explain a few more words to increase the psychological threshold of the participants, and at the same time add a few bricks to his own strength.

"Also, if people die for too long, not everyone can be resurrected."

"The first condition for resurrection is to find the soul. Not everyone's soul can be preserved in the pure land."

"The Pure Land now has an owner, and he is a very picky guy. All worthless souls will be crushed and discarded by him."

"Resurrection also requires the flesh and blood of the deceased. Only through the natural connection between flesh and blood and the soul can the soul be found from the pure land."

"As long as the soul is in hand, all that remains is to resurrect the body. This is just a simple matter, no more difficult than flipping the wrist."

Momochi Zabuza suddenly understood and said in surprise: "I understand, even if I die, as long as I pray to you, you will naturally be able to find my soul and resurrect me."

Knowing the value of this promise, he fell to the ground without hesitation and said with gratitude: "Thank you for your generous gift, the great...His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

The thread of faith that represented Zabuza shone brightly, becoming several times stronger in an instant.

Not only him, but the other two threads of faith became thicker and brighter. Even Tsunade had a trace of the power of faith passed on, and a faint connection was quickly formed.

Yashamaru is very young now, and he has no regrets, so he calmed down as quickly as possible and asked: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, do you have any questions that we need to answer when you summon us this time?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said, "First of all, let me introduce you."

"This one is a god from the South China Sea. His identity is very unique and cannot be hidden at all, so you can call him Immortal Zhurong, or the God of Southern Fire Spirits."

Zhurong Vest stood up, first bowed respectfully to Uchiha Yu, and then said to everyone: "In front of His Majesty the Great Emperor of Heaven, we are all equal."

"According to my true identity and my current seat, you can call me Mr. Monkey."

Momochi Zabuza is the most courageous among all the people. As long as he is not overwhelmed by his aura, he can ignore any status differences.

Hearing Zhu Rong call himself Mr. Monkey, his curiosity increased and he asked: "Mr. Monkey, according to the seating arrangement, what should I be called?"

Zhu Rong sat down and glanced at Zabuza. The indifferent look scared his heart for a beat.

It wasn't until Zabuza turned pale with fright that he said calmly: "You are a 'Leopard', you can be called Leopard Boy."

Uchiha Yu knew that others would definitely be curious about this question and want to know the name of their seat.

So he simply manipulated Zhu Rong to look at everyone one by one, and told everyone the name of the animal representing their seat.

Xiaonan is the "Bat Lady" of bats.

Yashamaru is the "sheep boy" of the goat.

And Tsunade is the "horse lady" of the horse.

(End of this chapter)
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