I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 162: The five spirits are complete and the five forms are complete. This is the achievement

Chapter 162 The five spirits are complete and the five forms are complete. This is the completion of foundation building... How weird!
Uchiha Yu first felt that the natural energy flowing in his meridians was boiling, and the natural energy of the four spirits that had been integrated for a long time showed a tendency to separate.

The natural energy of the fire spirit was the first to be separated. The fiery fire spirit concentrated on the legs, and there was an obvious burning sensation in the soles of the feet.

Then the natural energy of the wind spirit was separated from the meridians, and the lively wind spirit concentrated towards his head, making his thoughts confused.

Then the natural energy of the thunder spirit separated and dissipated uncontrollably into the surrounding seawater, and could no longer be felt.

What's happening here?
Why did the natural energy that I worked so hard to fuse separate again?
Why do they disperse or gather outside of their own control?
Uchiha Yuu's heart was filled with confusion, and fear arose spontaneously in the face of the unknown situation.

He knew that it was very important to keep his mind clear at this moment, so he skillfully used mind suppression techniques to eliminate his fear.

But only then did he realize that as the natural energy separated and went its own way, the remaining natural energy of the earth spirit in the meridians was no longer under his control. There was no way to shake the Dantian or stimulate the sound of the bell to cleanse the soul.

Uchiha Yu suddenly felt awe-inspiring. He understood that during the next breakthrough, he could only rely on his own will to keep his consciousness clear.

[Damn it, this isn't a breakthrough, it's obviously a tribulation. 】

[The last time I broke through, I suffered hundreds of lightning strikes. Will it be struck a thousand times this time or tens of thousands? 】

[Why is it so difficult? Why is it so difficult to cultivate immortality in the ninja world? I have just established the foundation and I can’t even fly. Why do I have to survive the tribulation! 】

[The people here are really evil...]

【oops! 】

Uchiha Yu's ninja shoes were suddenly burned through by flames. Only then did Uchiha Yu realize that his vision had recovered, and he quickly tore the broken shoes off his feet.

As soon as the burning shoes left his feet, the burning flames were extinguished by the sea water. Uchiha Yu discovered that it was not the shoes that were on fire, but the soles of his feet, to be precise, the Yongquan point.

At this moment, a passage of text that I had read as a boy in my previous life came to mind. Every word, every punctuation, and even the page numbers at the corners that I tore off were all extremely clear.

That passage reads:
"Fire falls from heaven to burn you. This fire is neither heavenly fire nor ordinary fire. It is called 'yin fire'. It burns from under the Yinquan acupoint and penetrates directly into the mud palace. The five internal organs are turned into ashes and all limbs are rotten. Thousands of years of asceticism have been destroyed. , are all illusions."

There are two paragraphs of text that follow, both of which appear in Uchiha Yu's mind one by one:
"Winds from the sky are blowing on you. This wind is not the southeast, northwest, or harmonious wind, nor is it the wind of flowers, willows, pines, and bamboos, which is called the 'Zi wind.' , its body will resolve itself.”

"Thunderstorms coming from the sky will hit you. You need to be clear about your nature and avoid it in advance. If you can avoid it, your life span will be as long as the sky. If you can't avoid it, you will die."

Although he had already proven that the immortal way of the ninja world was different from what he knew, the awe-inspiring power described in these three paragraphs still made Uchiha Yu shudder.

Especially as the smoldering yin fire really started to burn from the soles of the feet, and the yin fire without any visible flames spread along the meridians of the legs to the torso.

He panicked.

Just when he was hesitating whether to cut off his legs and avoid the fire through self-mutilation, the speed of the flames suddenly became extremely fast, directly reaching the dantian of his lower abdomen, making his entire lower body Smoldering state.

The behavior of this flame is so weird, it's like it can read Uchiha Yu's mind.

After this passage, the Yin Fire seems to be weak and entrenched in the Dantian, slowly accumulating heat.

Uchiha Yu no longer dared to think wildly. He could only observe quietly like a bystander.

I don't know how long it took, but Uchiha Yuu's spirit became slack, and a thought emerged: Is everything okay?
As a result, the idea had just come to him, and he didn't even have time to think of caution or regret. The Yin Fire was like a pan of oil with a ladle of cold water poured on it. The flames suddenly burst out and burned through the Dantian in an instant.

Yin fire rose up in Uchiha Yu's body, burning straight through his abdomen and chest like a pillar of fire, and stopped briefly near Kangiya on his chest.

Just when Uchiha Yuu came to his senses and tried to do something, the Yin Fire broke out again, bursting suddenly and then rushed through his throat, finally stopping between his eyebrows.

Here the flames have been strengthened to an epic level. A noble and gorgeous purple energy has been integrated into the flames, allowing the flames that can only sense heat but are invisible and invisible to appear in the perception.

Uchiha Yu found that this purple color was very familiar, and he suddenly remembered, wasn't this the purple energy of the morning sun that he had worked so hard to accumulate?

With just a thought, the purple fire transformed from Yin Fire suddenly exploded, as if a detonating talisman was detonated in his head, blowing his consciousness to pieces.

Uchiha Yuu was completely frightened. He remained motionless and couldn't think of anything. The main thing was a blessing: I can't move, I'm lying down, can I still explode?
I don't know how long it took, but Uchiha Yuu's thoughts started to stir again. After all, he was still a living person. How could a living person really be unable to think about something?

After several attempts, Uchiha Yu found that there was no problem. No matter how active his thoughts were, the purple fire no longer broke out, so he boldly began to check himself.

Uchiha Yuu was in a very strange state at this time. He clearly remembered that he was split during the last burst of purple fire, but his consciousness did not disappear, but became sharper and clearer.

He seemed to be able to feel a wider world, but this world was chaos and there was nothing.

This made Uchiha Yuu feel weird. In his own feelings, there was nothing in this world. Why did he get such a strong feedback of "clear" feelings?

This is really contradictory.

Suddenly, Uchiha Yuu saw purple fire, jumping out of this chaotic world, followed by a big explosion like the creation of the world.

Under the conscious gaze of Uchiha Yu, the gorgeous purple fire opened up a world in the chaos, a small but complete world.

As the temperature of the purple flame in the void gradually decreased, the color of the flame also turned into pure white.

Countless things were conceived and born in pure white flames, including matter, energy, rules, and gravity. Yu Chiha suddenly realized that all of these were not born naturally, but based on his own understanding of the world.

He curiously tried to imagine the legendary mythical buildings such as the Heavenly Court, Nantian Gate, Kunlun, and Moon Palace, and even imagined various fairy worlds such as the 33 Heavens, Mount Olympus, and the Nine Realms World Tree.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Yu's efforts to fantasize about myths and immortality are meaningless, and the new world is still constructed according to the absolutely real world.

Uchiha Yu shook his head regretfully, then nodded with satisfaction.

The real physical world presented in the new world reflects the underlying logic of his own three views.

Although it was very regrettable that he could not use the rules of imagination to cheat on the path to immortality, he was still very satisfied with being able to prove that he was still a materialist in nature.

As the world construction was completed, Uchiha Yu suddenly discovered that his four heart shapes appeared here, and even the porous octopus Xiao Ke also appeared in this world.

The fact that the heart shape can appear in this new world may prove that this is his spiritual world.At least it used to be, after Purple Fire joined, the spiritual world was updated and transformed into a new world.

After appearing in the new world, the four heart shapes no longer stood in a square, almost facing each other face to face, but each occupied a corner of the world.

The heart ape occupies the volcanic stone forest in the south, the lung civet runs in the desert in the west, the liver clam looms in the swamps in the east, and the spleen pig stands proudly in the central plain.

The heart shapes are integrated with their respective environments, forming a powerful momentum, and Yaoyao confronts each other across the distance.

Xiao Ke, a small cave octopus, slipped into the northern lake at some point and lurked motionless in the deepest part of the water.

Suddenly, the sky of the new world collapsed, and endless torrential rain fell from the sky. The torrential rain, like the Milky Way bursting its banks, covered the entire world.

The four heart-shaped auras were fully activated, firmly protecting their territory and blocking the heavy rain in the sky.

The heavy rains had nowhere to go, and eventually they all converged to the north, and the lakes turned into oceans. In a very short period of time, the New World experienced a flood.

But after the disaster, the new world seemed to have made up for the last shortcoming, and the world became obviously much more perfect.

The four heart shapes did not stop their outbursts, and even joined forces to exert full pressure on the northern sea, causing the new ocean to be turbulent, with strong winds and huge waves rolling endlessly.

The stronger the oppression, the more violent the turbulence of the sea becomes.

It wasn't until a powerful aura emerged from the sea that it forced the four auras back, and the storm in the sea calmed down.

It is the new heart shape that is born.

Uchiha Yu was greatly surprised. He had already guessed that the heavy rain and flood just now were all manifestations of the natural energy of water spirits in the spiritual world.This means that without my participation, my body automatically and successfully absorbed the water spirit, and my breakthrough was successful.

Even the fifth heart shape was born extremely smoothly under the pressure of the other four heart shapes. Although this breakthrough was very painful and frightened by the Yin Fire, the process was surprisingly smooth.

It can even be said that Yuu Uchiha did nothing but eat the unknown fiber, and everything was completed naturally.

This is reasonable.

Every breakthrough before the foundation building period was not as long as the preparation time this time.Especially in the last four months or so, when Yuu Uchiha could not find a breakthrough opportunity, he persisted in working hard every day, polishing himself to the maximum extent, and not letting go of every detail.

The current success proves that every bit of his efforts is not in vain. [I have to thank Matt Dai and Matt Kai. It is their extraordinary perseverance and persistent efforts, as well as the bright blooms of Kai Dad and Kai Huang in the future, which give me endless confidence. 】

[I am able to persevere to this day and achieve success, thanks to the two role models of Qixingzhong. 】

[To put it this way, I owe them and their son a huge favor. 】

【returning a Favour many times more. 】

[But this is the grace of enlightenment, a huge cause and effect. I have to think about how to repay the kindness in order to resolve the cause and effect. 】

Uchiha Yu thought hard for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

What can he give?

Money, ninjutsu, senjutsu, taijutsu... are not enough. No amount of money can be worth the grace of enlightenment.

Should we kill them all?
When a person dies, everything is over, and there is no cause and effect anymore.

As soon as this evil idea came up, Uchiha Yu himself laughed. I don't know who the wise man came up with this evil idea.

It looks happy, but it is actually a sinkhole.

The so-called cause and effect is not an external thing, and the law of heaven does not strictly restrict every immortal cultivator like national laws.

Cause and effect only exist in the hearts of immortal cultivators, who sincerely believe that they owe a debt, and paying back the debt is the simplest and most effective way to resolve cause and effect.

Could it be that if you kill someone, your own heart will feel that everything is over?

How can it be so easy.

If he could really do this, he would be able to forget this cause and effect without killing anyone.

I can do whatever I feel like. This is the complete control of my heart by my own will. It is the magical power of the Supreme Being who forgets his feelings. It is the highest pursuit of all immortal cultivators.

Even if it can be done, there is still a price to pay for forgetfulness.

Therefore, if Taishang Laojun is contaminated by karma, he will use the Nine Turns Golden Pill to repay the debt and resolve the karma by repaying it a hundred times instead of forgetting the karma.

So it is definitely not possible to use murder to settle the cause and effect.

Uchiha Yu tried hard to think back, what exactly did Matt and his son lack, was it recognized by everyone?

Yes, Matt Dai and Met Kai very much hope to be recognized by the Konoha ninjas.

But when they don't get recognition from others, they still persist in their efforts.

Useful, but not enough.

Finally, Uchiha Yuu thought that the Matt family still had a regret that they couldn't let go of, and that was the continuation of life.

Isn't it a pity that Metkai died after his brilliant outburst?
Metkai became famous, but finally passed on his spirit and mantle to Xiao Li. Wouldn't he regret that he did not leave a son named Matt?

[I want to save Matt Dai’s life so that he can die in peace and see his grandson and great-grandson before he dies. 】

[I want to make the three generations of the Matt family healthy and have a long line of descendants, in order to repay the grace of enlightenment. ……enough. 】

Uchiha Yuu suddenly became enlightened, as if five hundred kilograms of a thousand kilograms of burden had been lifted off him, and his whole body felt much lighter.

As his mood changed, a big fish jumped out of the northern waters of the New World, a very, very big fish.

Well, actually this fish is not that big, about ten times the size of the next largest heart-shaped spleen pig.But for some reason, Uchiha Yuu felt something special about this fish when he saw it.

And the words "thousands of miles away" always came to mind. Uchiha Yuu understood that this fish was not an ordinary fish, it was——

Water belongs to the kidneys, so this is... kidney kun.

The five spirits are complete and the five forms are complete.

Uchiha Yu was extremely happy, this was the completion of foundation building.

Full of joy, he followed the method of escaping from the spiritual world and jumped upwards. Sure enough, his consciousness began to rise, and he soon left the new world.

As his consciousness continued to rise, the full picture of the new world appeared in Uchiha Yu's eyes, which was a planet wrapped in purple fire.

He moved away faster and faster, and the new world became smaller and smaller, quickly turning into a point of light, until the point of light disappeared completely, and his consciousness suddenly jumped out of the familiar world.

Uchiha Yu came to his senses.

He firmly remembered the change in perspective after his return, and finally determined that he had separated from the center of his eyebrows, and that the new world was in the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows.

That's the Zi Mansion.

Sure enough, the new world... no, Zifu is his own spiritual world.

The knowledge of immortality in his cognition has another point corresponding to the immortality of the ninja world. Uchiha Yu is very happy. The corners of his mouth are slightly raised and he smiles.

But the movement of raising the corners of his mouth actually caused severe pain. Uchiha Yu's smile froze, and then even greater pain rushed towards him like a tsunami, drowning him in an instant.

It hurts, my head hurts, my face hurts, my neck hurts, my arms, body, head...everywhere hurts.

The purple fire that opened up the Purple Mansion has not been extinguished. It still maintains the characteristics of Yin Fire, burning everywhere in Uchiha Yu's body.

The purple fire calcined his body as a material, and its self-healing power allowed the body that was riddled with holes to recover quickly. Then the purple fire calcined him again, and so on.

No matter how repeated this process was, Uchiha Yu's body was continuously strengthened, but the pain caused by it also appeared repeatedly.

The pain did not diminish because it lasted long enough, nor did there appear any numbness, because in addition to the internal organs, bones and muscles, even the nerves were within the range of the purple fire.

The constantly updated and strengthened nerves allow Uchiha Yu to have faster reactions and sharper and more delicate feelings.

Yes, it just hurts more.

Just when Uchiha Yuu couldn't stand the pain any longer, the purple fire finally began to subside.

Starting from the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot, it quickly retracts upward, crosses the Dantian, exits Jiang Palace, and finally returns to Zifu.

【ended? 】

Uchiha Yu felt that his body had been burned by the purple fire. The bones were strong and strong, the internal organs were full of vitality, the muscles were full and tough, and the nerves were sharp and delicate. It was more than ten times stronger than before the breakthrough.

He smiled and tried to move his body, but found that his body was extremely stiff. All the joints were like rusty bearings, making creaking sounds, but they could not rotate at all.

Such a physical state can only prove that the breakthrough has not been completed, but only the first stage has been completed.

Thinking of the natural energy of the wind spirit gathered in the Baihui Point, and the natural energy of the thunder spirit dissipated to the surroundings, Uchiha Yu suddenly felt horrified.

[Could it be that this last breakthrough, like the strengthening of the yin fire, will have to happen twice more? 】

Even at the bottom of the sea, he still gasped.

Before the breath of cold air was finished, the natural energy of the wind spirit in Baihui Point exploded.

Just like Patriarch Bodhi said when he scared the monkeys, Uchiha Yu felt that the natural energy of the wind spirit had changed.

The wind spirit turned into an indescribable strange wind, which went all the way down from Baihui Point, into the internal organs, with Dantian as the center of the wind, and finally came out from the nine orifices of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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