I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 161 Even if there are only 2 bone claws, they are still Susanoo

Chapter 161 Even if there are only two bone claws, they are still Susanoo
Although it looked miserable, Uchiha Yuu persisted with his self-healing ability. His huge eye power successfully communicated with the source of the mysterious power through the magical connection in the void.

Infected by the mysterious power, the nature of Tongli changed.

The power of the eyes has changed from an empty and transparent special chakra to a chakra with substantial physical properties, and has been given a bright golden color.

The golden eye power automatically condensed into bones according to the mysterious template, forming a pair of huge skeletal hands.

Susanoo, the ultimate power that resides in the Mangekyou Sharingan, materializes huge chakra to form a huge god of war to fight, the ultimate eye technique that integrates offense and defense.

It was actually successfully used by Yu Uchiha, who was in the stage of the Three Magatama Sharingan.

Although the golden Susanoo only has two hand bones, these two bone claws are truly Susanoo!

Uchiha Yu created a miracle for the Uchiha family. Even Uchiha Madara would be shocked by Uchiha Yu's genius when he saw this scene.

The three-tailed Isobutsu had forgotten the pain in his eyes. After feeling Uchiha Yu's eye power, uncontrollable fear emerged deep in his heart.

This is because the three-tailed Isobutsu is under the control of the kaleidoscope illusion. When it senses the eye power approaching the kaleidoscope, the illusion arouses its fear.

This is a mechanism set up in the genjutsu performed by Madara Uchiha to further strengthen the control of the genjutsu.

The appearance of the golden bone hand evoked the memory of the three tails. It was the painful memory of being violently beaten and having to surrender to a ninja.

Uchiha Yu didn't know why the three-tails fell into a sluggish state, but this did not prevent him from approaching quickly. Susanoo's hands clasped the three-tails' neck without hesitation, holding its head firmly on the sea.

The three-tails woke up immediately and began to struggle desperately, trying to get rid of this extremely dangerous posture, but its strength could not break away from Susanoo's immobilization.

Isofu's fear reached a new peak. It let out a deafening roar, and all the chakra in its body flowed crazily to its slightly opened mouth.

The three-tailed Isobutsu began to fight desperately. Regardless of its own safety, it forcibly condensed the tailed beast jade, preparing to use the strongest power of the tailed beast to fight against the strongest power of the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Yu's pain at this time was no less than that of the Three-Tails. Isofu's desperate struggle could not shake Susanoo, but the consumption of pupil power caused by this doubled.

The sudden increase in pupil power flow far exceeded the upper limit of the three Magatama Sharingan. Uchiha Yu's vision suddenly went dark and he became blind.

Fortunately, the severe pain and itching told him that the body's self-healing ability was working normally and the blindness in his eyes was only temporary.

It doesn't matter even if he is blind. Uchiha Yu can sense that the three tails are gathering chakra crazily. He can sense the natural kunai of Taoism that he gave to Miwa Masayo, and the natural kunai of Taoism under the sea in the distance. none.

[What is the success rate of my adventure this time? 】

[There is no time estimate, maybe only 50%. 】

[God forbid, 50%, what is the difference between this and suicide? If it was just my intuition telling me that this was the only chance, how could I take the risk? 】

[Is this a natural disaster or a man-made disaster? 】

Uchiha Yu patted Miwa Masayo, who was hugging his neck tightly. The cute tabby cat seemed to have discovered something through intuition.

No matter how much Uchiha Yu persuaded her, she refused to leave and would stay with the shit shoveler no matter what.

Ci Huamao even said: "Just this once, I will never accompany you on adventures again!"

Because Uchiha Yuu was blind, he was unable to cover the mouth of the tabby cat, which resulted in her planting a huge flag.

He smiled bitterly and asked silently: Why do you want to put up a flag for me?
Uchiha Yu even wanted to give up. In his gut, so what if this was his only chance. If he didn't take the risk, he could live for at least 200 years. It was better than dying now.

But Uchiha Yu finally made up his mind, and he wanted to give his immortal way a try.

Yes, if you go against the odds, you will become an immortal and become a smooth adult. Immortal cultivators have been sailing against the current from the beginning. Giving up does not mean staying where you are, but that you will lose everything under the impact of the countercurrent of heaven and earth.

No, how can it be so cheap? How can the immortal way allow cultivators to shrink back?

I'm afraid there will be no decline or retreat at all. Those who give up will only end up with the ship capsized and people killed under the impact of the countercurrent.

If you try your best, you may die, but if you give up, you will die.

[In that case, let’s fight! 】

Uchiha Yu hugged Miwa Masayo tightly with his left hand, and stretched out his right hand to grasp the nearest Taoist natural kunai.

The Flying Thunder God Technique was activated, and he landed directly in front of Sanwei's right eye socket. He raised his right hand and fumbled for a few times, and then he touched the huge, soft eye.

Without any hesitation, Uchiha Yu took out a kunai and stabbed it hard.

His current physical fitness is very exaggerated, especially the strength of his hands is astonishing, and his speed is also astonishing. He holds a kunai and strikes with all his strength, which is enough to insert the kunai into a thick metal plate.

But Uchiha Yuu's full thrust did not penetrate the three-tailed eyes. Judging from the feedback from the touch, it was the soft-touch film, the cornea of ​​the eye, that blocked the kunai.

Although this layer of cornea is soft and has no hardness, the toughness of the three-tailed cornea is absolutely beyond imagination.

You must know that Sanwei's eyes are extremely huge, and the diameter of the vitreous body reaches an astonishing three meters. The ability to maintain such a huge eyeball in a relatively perfect spherical shape depends entirely on the toughness of the cornea.

Therefore, it is not that easy to penetrate this thin layer of defense.

Uchiha Yuu nervously calculated in his mind the speed of loss of eye power, his own chakra stock, the time it took for the three-tailed beast jade to condense, and the consumption of his next two techniques.

[Chakra and pupil power are in a hurry, no more ninjutsu can be used, and a margin must be left for the last flying thunder god jutsu. 】

[Immortal method, what immortal method do I have that can break through the three-tailed eye defense? 】

[Only magical power: thunder method! 】

The natural energy of thunder spirits in the meridians pours out from the Baihui point and rushes thousands of meters into the sky, attracting the gathering of thunder spirits in nature.

What surprised Uchiha Yuu was that the three tails' previous fighting actions had already gathered a large amount of natural energy from thunder spirits in advance, and the electric charge between heaven and earth had formed an electrostatic field that made hair stand up.

This made Uchiha Yu couldn't help but have the illusion.

It seems that there is some great will somewhere, and it weaves different destinies carefully and skillfully.

It is precisely because he is not afraid of the danger of death and firmly chooses to fight Sanwei Isofu that he can discover the rewards of fate for the brave.

Now that you have been favored by fate, what is there to hesitate about?

Uchiha Yuu stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky, using the natural energy of his own thunder spirit as material to weave a thunder channel that communicated between heaven and earth.

In an instant, a super powerful lightning hit Sanwei's right eyeball directly, and the tough cornea could not prevent the lightning from penetrating.

Along with the sound of tearing and tearing, the cornea of ​​Sanwei's eye was ruptured, followed by the sound of rushing water, and the sound of gurgling boiling. The scream of Sanwei resounded through the sky, and it was no better than a flash. Lightning is weak.

The pain of losing its eye made the three tails crazy. Now it no longer thinks about escaping, it only thinks about killing the ninja standing in its right eye socket.

It no longer cares about pain or the possibility of death, and goes all out to condense the Tailed Beast Jade. Even if it can only kill the hateful ninja one second earlier, that is still great.

Uchiha Yuu's current image is quite embarrassing. Just now, he was first swept by the aftermath of lightning, and his whole body turned into dark curls. Then he was almost drenched by the leaked hot vitreous solution.

But he neither washed his body nor changed his clothes. He had no mind to think about anything else.As the eyeball ruptured, a powerful and pure water escape chakra leaked out, but the extremely pure and vibrant natural water spirit energy also emanated.

Uchiha Yuu's instincts were screaming, and every cell was overtaking him, frantically creating a hunger from his soul.

The body is urging Uchiha Yuu to get this water spirit product immediately, and then eat it as soon as possible to complete his last foundation-building breakthrough.

Uchiha Yuu got into the three-tailed right eye socket without hesitation, and followed his own senses with his hands to explore the various sticky substances in the eye socket.

The three-tailed Isobutsu did not go crazy because of the eye injury. On the contrary, it endured the severe pain in the eye and went all out to speed up the concentration of chakra.

As the Yin escape and Yang escape chakras merged at a ratio of 2:8, a fist-sized black energy ball condensed in Isofu's mouth.

The chakra that had already gathered in his mouth poured in crazily, the black energy ball expanded rapidly, and Isofu's mouth opened wider and wider.But its head slowly lowered, and its mouth was pointed at the sea in front of it.

The three-tailed Isobutsu actually planned to detonate the tailed beast jade directly under his feet!
Uchiha Yuu was in the three-tailed eye socket, and after noticing the movement of its head, he immediately guessed the tailed beast's intention to die with him.

Of course, the three-tailed plan is definitely not to die together. No tailed beast will be so fragile that it will be blown to death by its own tailed beast jade. Of course, the tailed beast jade will hit it very painfully.

But it especially wants to kill the human who dug out its own eyes. In order to prevent this human from running away, it would rather suffer the damage of the Tailed Beast Jade itself.

Uchiha Yuu's heart was beating wildly. Now he didn't need any intuition or premonition of danger. Every cell in his body knew the danger, but he gritted his teeth and continued groping, and even controlled the speed of his hands to avoid missing the supreme point in the rush. treasure.

Just when the tailed beast jade expanded to the limit at a rapid speed, the three tails fought against the neck and were caught by the bones of their hands, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere, and they suddenly used force to break free from Susanoo's restraints.

It swung its head down hard, throwing everything out of Uchiha Yuu and his own eyes, and then spat out the tailed beast jade in his mouth without hesitation.

Uchiha Yu was thrown into the air, and the despair of failure continued to flow out, but these thoughts were skillfully eliminated in the first place.

He held Miwa Masashi with his left hand, and spread his right hand and legs as wide as possible to maintain balance, trying to gain another chance at the last moment.

Suddenly, Miwa Masayo opened his eyes wide, stretched out a paw and pointed in the air, shouting: "Yu, two o'clock direction! Distance 6 meters, height 3.5 meters!"

Uchiha Yu, who was blind, stretched out his right hand without hesitation, spread his fingers, and stretched it out like a cat's paw.

The natural energy of the wind spirit came out from his hands, and the cyan wind formed the shape of his palms. He suddenly stretched out several meters and grabbed a handful of the area described by Miwa Masashi.

At this moment, Uchiha Yu smiled.

He could feel that the hand of the wind spirit had grasped a soft thing. Through the hand of the wind spirit's natural energy, he could feel the strong natural energy of the water spirit radiating outward from this soft thing.

【Finally found. 】

Uchiha Yuu no longer hesitated at all. He immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left this dangerous battlefield just as the huge Tailed Beast Dama rushed past him towards the sea.

The next moment, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi appeared in a deep seabed.

The sudden change in the environment, especially from the sea surface to the seabed tens of meters deep, and the sudden increase in pressure from one atmosphere to several atmospheres, made Uchiha Yuu feel seriously uncomfortable.

But before he could react further, he felt a tightness in his chest, and a large number of small bubbles suddenly appeared in the seawater around him, which exploded on his skin, causing a dense stinging sensation.

Uchiha Yuu understood that there was a powerful shock wave passing by, causing the pressure in the seawater to change drastically.

Affected by drastic changes in pressure, the melting properties of seawater change dramatically, and a large amount of air is separated, forming dense bubbles.

Uchiha Yu's lungs were violently compressed and then expanded suddenly, tearing the respiratory muscles between the ribs.

But his self-healing power is now being activated powerfully, and this small injury can be said to be healed immediately.So all he felt was chest tightness.

Miwa Masayo was different. Changes in pressure had little effect on her small stature, and her body as soft as water could directly eliminate changes in pressure invisible.

After the shock wave passed by, Uchiha Yu quickly determined that it was the horizontal shock wave formed in the sea water after the tailed beast jade hit the sea surface and exploded.

The intensity of this shock wave proves that his current distance is safe.

Just when Uchiha Yuu carefully sensed the situation of the three tails in the distance, Miwa Masayo's natural energy wrapped around Uchiha Yuu's body, and her voice sounded in his heart.

[Yu, did you get something, nya? 】

[I got it, but my eyesight has not recovered yet. Lihuajiang, can you tell me what it is? 】

[I can’t tell you, it’s soft and long, a bit like the beef tendon cat you bought before. 】

[It’s strange, there is something like beef tendon in Sanwei’s eyes. How did it grow? 】

[I don’t know, meow, I’ll take a closer look. 】

Miwa Masayo paddled the water and swam to Uchiha Yuu's right hand, opened his claws, lit a blue-white flame, and observed carefully with the help of the flame's illumination.

[Yu, this thing is a hollow cat, a tube cat. 】

After hearing Miwa Masashi's description, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but touch it with his left hand, and then squeezed it hard with his right hand, only to find that it was indeed a pipe.

[It’s getting weirder and weirder. Could it be blood vessels? 】

[No, it's not a blood vessel. There are other things in this tube, um... one by one, it seems to be fibers. 】

[Really, meow, there really is something inside meow. 】

(Little paws scratching and pulling)

[A soft meow, it will break when touched, but the natural energy is so pure, meow. 】

As the civet cat scratched, a large amount of debris appeared in the fibers in the tube, which quickly shattered and dissolved in the seawater, releasing extremely strong natural energy and blending into the surrounding seawater without any violation.

Suddenly, a familiar hunger emerged from the depths of Uchiha Yu's body, just like the first time he saw a strange metal, or the first time he got an octopus pearl, it was exactly the same feeling.

He burst into laughter, and finally found it. It turned out that it was not the tube, but the soft fibers shrunk inside the tube. No wonder he grabbed the thing, but his body did not show the desire it should have.

So Uchiha Yu didn't hesitate at all. He raised his right hand in a familiar manner, pointed it at his mouth and squeezed hard, squeezing all the fibers in the tube into his mouth.

There is no need to chew. After these fibers come into contact with saliva in the mouth, they melt directly into a thick gel-like substance, which flows down the throat and into the stomach.

Uchiha Yu even had a strong illusion that this kind of gelatin was actively getting into his stomach.

As all the gelatin was swallowed, Uchiha Yu felt the cool liquid flow along his throat and down into his stomach. It was like drinking a glass of ice-cold mint-flavored ice wine, and the refreshing feeling went straight to Tianling Gai.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Ah, Shu...Gululu..."

Miwa Masato watched blankly as the shit-sweeper raised his head and swallowed the contents of the tube. Then she saw the shit-shopper speak with a drunken expression. After spitting out a lot of bubbles, he was forced to drink a bellyful of sea water. .

Li Huamao was stunned, and it took her a long time to react. Then she was amused by the embarrassment of her shit shoveling officer.

Fortunately, Miwa Masashi remembered how Uchiha Yuu drank sea water. She closed her mouth tightly and laughed at the shit shovel through the words of her heart:
[Hahaha, meow meow meow. 】

[Lihuajiang, stop laughing and go away quickly. 】

【Meow? 】

[I am about to break through now. I feel that the noise I will cause in the future will definitely be quite big. 】

【Is it dangerous, meow? 】

[Well, this should be the last breakthrough. Maybe it will be the transformation of feathering for me. The danger is inevitable. 】

[But if you stay with me, I'm worried that this danger will affect you. Go quickly and stay as far away as possible. 】

[I understand, meow, I’ll leave right now. 】

[Yu, do you need me to help you float to the surface? 】

[No, my intuition tells me that there is no problem at the bottom of the sea.Come on, I can't hold it anymore. 】

【Meow! 】

Uchiha Yu suddenly felt his whole body tense up, and the spiritual link with Miwa Masashi was broken.

He knew in his heart that the breakthrough had begun.

But why do I feel panicked?
(End of this chapter)

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