I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 148 The fourth heart shape is finalized, and the world where only Octopus Xiaoke is injured

Chapter 148 The fourth heart shape is finalized, and only the injured world of Octopus Xiaoke is achieved

Accompanied by Uchiha Yu's trembling voice, lightning, arcs, and electric balls poured into Kaguya's body along the bone spear, ablating his internal organs, nerves, and muscles bit by bit.

This is not natural lightning from the sky, but the natural energy of thunder spirit in Uchiha Yuu's meridian. He can completely control this power without killing the target.

The cruelty of such continuous electric shocks was something Kaguya Nosho had never imagined.

The violent electric shock caused the muscles to tremble violently, and the severe pain wreaked havoc in his body. The violent contraction of the muscles violently tore at the bones of the corpse veins, causing horrific cuts and lacerations.

Kaguya Sheng's whole body was dripping with blood, like a bloody man.

But he did not die, and it can even be said that his life was not in danger at all in a short period of time.

Uchiha Yu avoided directly fatal internal organs, only destroyed his muscles, nerves and some internal organs that would not be immediately fatal, and even carefully cauterized the torn skin to help disinfect and stop bleeding.

Yes, he has decided to leave a living person and build a new vest for himself.

Uchiha Yu has an intuition that he will use soon.

At the end of the battle, Uchiha Yu carefully touched up all the ninjas except Kaguya Noboru to ensure that there was no second survivor left alive and would not destroy the "Thunder God"'s strength.

After checking and confirming that there were no problems, he quietly returned to the island where the Tiger Force was located.

Returning to his small courtyard, Uchiha Yu first went to see Miwa Masayo who had not yet woken up, and confirmed that there was no problem with the tabby cat's condition before quietly exiting the room.

Uchiha Yu sat down in the yard, and unexpectedly found that his mood was peaceful, and the restlessness when he left had completely disappeared.

This result made him unbelievable. According to previous expectations, even if he learned to glide on the clouds and killed all the ninjas of the Kaguya clan, he could only greatly reduce the restlessness, rather than disappear completely.

After all, after the heart-shaped restlessness, if no external force is applied, it can only recover slowly, and it will take a long, long time.

There must have been new changes in his spiritual world that he didn't know about. Although the problem was completely solved, Uchiha Yu was extremely curious as to what changes had occurred.

He must go into the spiritual world to see.

So Uchiha Yuu gathered his mind and smoothly immersed himself in absolute tranquility. His mind gradually sank in the tranquility, and suddenly entered the spiritual world.

After just one glance, he knew what the change was.

The fourth heart shape is finalized.

It condensed from a black thundercloud or dark gray mist into a... toad.

This toad is fat and plump. Its body surface is mainly composed of blue and green lightning and thunder patterns, and is also dotted with a few white dots. From time to time, electric sparks will jump out.

The attribute of thunder and lightning is correct, it is indeed the fourth heart shape, liver clam.

The appearance of this little monster has brought the balance of the spiritual world to an optimal state. No wonder it can quickly eliminate the abnormalities in the heart shape.

Moreover, the liver clam is a big foodie, greedily sticking out its tongue and licking the mutated heart-shaped flesh and hair that fell on the ground.

What's interesting is that the result of its swallowing is that Uchiha Yu benefits, just like being digested by the spiritual world.

In the entire spiritual world, only the cave octopus Xiao Ke was hurt the most, because as long as he got close to a certain level, the liver clam would give up licking the ground and instead try to stick to Xiao Ke with its big tongue and swallow it.

The cave octopus was frightened, as if it had seen some natural enemy, it hid far away and refused to come near.

But none of the four heart shapes are easy to mess with. They attach great importance to their absolute territory. Once Xiao Ke gets too close, they will drive him to the other three heart shapes.

The poor octopus could only keep being driven back and forth between the three heart shapes.

The inner world of Uchiha Itachi is a world where only the octopus Xiao Ke can be hurt.

Seeing such harmony in his spiritual world, Uchiha Yu was extremely satisfied. This time he was truly ready for a breakthrough.

The physical development has reached its limit, the internal and external balance of chakra and natural energy has been achieved, and the spiritual world has been perfectly balanced. Now there is only one opportunity left.


Orochimaru did stay in the camp of the Konoha Ninja Army. Unlike Jiraiya, he was very able to keep his composure and was also very good at resisting temptation and finally delivering a fatal blow.

The sudden outbreak of the Kirigakure Village affected not only the Country of Yu, but also the Country of Waves, the Country of Fire, and the Country of Whirlpool, all within the attack range of the Kirigakure ninjas.

Under such circumstances, as the most authoritative among Konoha ninjas, Orochimaru received too much information, which caused him to suffer serious interference that was difficult to detect.

Uchiha Yuu is on the front line, with few and clear sources of information. Coupled with his advantage in time travel, he can make accurate judgments quickly.

Unfortunately, after his judgment was written into a report and passed to Orochimaru, it became one of the disturbing factors that caused Orochimaru great distress.

Too many people are conveying their own judgments to Orochimaru, based on one-sided local intelligence and lack of convincing evidence.

Uchiha Yuu did have more extensive information, but it either came from the memory that came with time travel or was pressed on the No. [-] vest, so he couldn't tell Orochimaru.

This makes his judgment equally unconvincing.

The target of the Fourth Mizukage's attack was not the Kingdom of Thunder, nor the Kingdom of Fire, but the Kingdom of the Vortex, using it as a springboard to conquer the Kingdom of Tea in the south.

Goju Yagura wanted to avoid the strong Orochimaru tribe on the northeastern front and launch attacks from the south and southeast of the Fire Country, where the Konoha ninjas had almost no strength and no decent commanders.

This is how Goju Yagura explained to the Genshi: "There is no doubt that Konoha Village is the strongest, but Konoha Village is no longer as powerful as it was at the beginning of the second war."

"Perhaps the low-level ninjas in Konoha Village are very strong, or even stronger, but the number of shadow-level experts is really small."

"Orochimaru guarded the country of Yu, and he withstood us Kirigakure and Kumogakure alone. Jiraiya in the country of rain, withstood the main force of Iwagakure and Sunagakure villages. Although the losses were heavy, he was able to stabilize We must hold the line."

"These are two Kage-level ninjas who withstood the four great ninja villages, but it seems they are the only two Kage-level ninjas available."

"The White Fang of Konoha were driven to death by themselves, Tsunade was forced to run away from the village, Danzo Shimura was talented and incompetent, and Hiruzen Sarutobi was timid and incompetent. Neither of them were suitable commanders of the ninja army, nor could they be like Jiraiya. Put down your arrogance to cooperate and protect a commander of the Jonin class."

"So on the southern battlefield of Kawanoguni, Konoha Village has no commander available. They were destroyed there together with Sunagakure Village."

"Master Yuanshi, my target is the area south of the Country of Fire, close to the Country of Sichuan."

"Of course, I will first attack the Country of Waves and the Country of Whirlpool, then the Country of Tea, distract Konoha's energy as much as possible, and let the Third Hokage be at a loss, and finally open up the situation completely here."

"As long as we actually invade the Fire Country and ignite a raging war in the Fire Country, the entire ninja world will follow suit. By then, Konoha Village will be doomed."

"Unless a real Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara appears immediately, Konoha Village will fall apart under the siege of the four great ninja villages."

Genshi heard this with excitement, and immediately decided to give full support. If Kirigakure Village could attack the Country of Fire first, the war would be completely ignited and the crisis of Konoha Village's destruction would be triggered.

Even if he died immediately, he could rest in peace.

It is precisely because the current goal of Kirigakure Village is to harass and isolate intelligence, and the target is not in the country of Yu at all. On the contrary, Orochimaru is confused and cannot figure out the enemy's purpose.

Orochimaru's basic style is to make decisions before taking action. If he can't figure out what the enemy wants to do, he won't act haphazardly.

Nara Shikaku couldn't even bear his temper and asked uncertainly: "Lord Orochimaru, do we really do nothing?"

Orochimaru chuckled and said: "Who said I won't do anything? Let all the Konoha ninjas who can't hold on in the sea come back. In addition, the north of Yuno Country is abandoned and the ninjas are also transferred back."


Nara Shikaku was confused. He asked how to attack. As a result, Orochimaru completely contracted as soon as he opened his mouth.No matter how smart he was, he couldn't hold back any longer and directly said what was in his heart: "But we can't explain it to the Third Hokage."

Orochimaru snorted: "It's a joke. There are only 7600 ninjas under my command. They should occupy such a large area from the beginning."

"It was all to boost the morale of Konoha Village that I made the ninjas hold on for four months. Four months! I am worthy of the teacher. He can't reverse the situation in four months. What do you want me to do?"

Nara Shikaku turned pale with fright, and whispered nervously: "Be careful with your words, be careful with your words..."

Orochimaru didn't care: "It's me who is saying something bad about the teacher, not you. What are you afraid of?"

Nara Shikaku: Of course I’m afraid that the naughty teacher won’t be able to do anything to you, so just take it out on me.

Seeing that his staff officer was angry and depressed, with his eyes widened, his nostrils dilated, and his whole body deformed, Orochimaru could only comfort him: "Don't worry, I don't have any ANBU of the Hokage here."

Can you trust Nara antlers?

He was really angry, and he reached out and pointed at the masked ninja standing in the corner of the room. Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was very clear: Where is such a big ANBU standing? Can you tell me?

Orochimaru turned his head 180 degrees, glanced at his finger, and said with a smile: "Shikaku, this ANBU is not the Hokage's ANBU, but my ANBU, so don't worry."

Nara Shikaku's face recovered instantly, but his expression became more serious and heavy: "Lord Orochimaru, did you reach into the ANBU?"


Orochimaru admitted calmly and added: "It's not a big deal."

The impact of this sentence was so great that Nara Shikaku almost choked to death on his own saliva.

What do you mean it's not a big deal? What's the point of Orochimaru being an ANBU?
The ANBU was founded by the Second Hokage and is directly under the Hokage's force. It is a violent organization with the highest authority in Konoha Village.The ANBU holds the privileges of intelligence, assassination, arrest, execution, defense, counter-espionage, etc. The most important thing is that they represent the power of the Hokage.

Within the scope of Konoha Village and the Land of Fire, ANBU's privileges are almost omnipotent and can directly execute any ninja below the rank of jounin. It is a true Hokage's privilege and has no taboos.

Orochimaru, just reach in and replace the Third Hokage's will with your own, okay?
Orochimaru saw the Nara antlers getting into the horns, and his troubled face wrinkled up, so he patted his shoulder and comforted: "Don't think of Anbu as so sacred. After all, this is the era of my teacher, the Third Hokage. It has been long ago. That’s when the Second Hokage came.”

"Shikaku, if you think about it carefully, how many people are there in ANBU now? Is it still the same size of 70 people at the beginning? Moreover, ANBU has long been no longer exclusive to the Hokage. Is there something under this department?"

After being reminded by Orochimaru, Nara Shikaku's mind suddenly turned around, and he murmured: "Shimura..."

"I won't say his name. He is more petty than my teacher, and he is too shameless."

"I understand, Lord Orochimaru."

"Go and order the contraction."


"and many more."

Just when Nara Shikaku was about to walk out, Orochimaru stopped him and ordered: "Go and find out the situation of the Tiger Force. If they can still be stable at sea, then don't recall them."

"If they can stand on the sea, no matter what Kirigakure wants to do within the Three Kingdoms on the east coast of the mainland, their hands and feet will be tied up like a thorn in their backs."

Nara Shikaku now also has full confidence in the Tiger Force. He said with a smile: "Although we cannot say that we can sit back and relax, we will not be in any danger."

"This is going to be like the Battle of Kubota Village again. I think the Mizukage in Kirigakure Village will go crazy."

Orochimaru also smiled: "What I want is for Mizukage to go crazy. If he goes crazy, the pressure here will be much less."

When Nara Shikaku went out, Orochimaru's smile faded, and his whole temperament suddenly became gloomy and cold. He snorted coldly and said to himself: "My low pressure is not necessarily a good thing, Yondaime Mizukage, I don’t know what his character is.”

"If the Fourth Mizukage, Tachibana Yagura, is extremely aggressive and goes all out to develop southward, making a big circle and then fighting back to the Land of Fire, Konoha Village will be in big trouble."

"I hope this nail of the Tiger Force can bring enough trouble to Kirigakure Village."


Just when Orochimaru set his sights on the Tiger Force, the fourth generation Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura was also thinking about the problems of these Uchiha family ninjas.

Kaguya Yoshi completed the task of cleaning the sea, but suffered serious losses in the northern area. More than 400 Kirigakure ninjas disappeared here.

It wasn't until the Kaguya clan's elite jounin Kaguya Noboru, as well as 50 Kaguya clan ninjas and more than 60 Kirigakure ninjas were finally defeated here, that Kirigakure Village could be considered to have received accurate information.

"The Tiger Troop of the Uchiha family, and there is...a weirdo?"

"Captain Kaguya, you actually said that he was guided by fate and went out to kill your clan members. How should I believe this?"

Facing the Fourth Mizukage's questioning, Kaguya was helpless. He didn't know why Kaguya was beaten into a disability by a weirdo.

Fortunately, someone still spoke and helped Kaguya get out of the situation.

Terumi Jonin stood up and said: "Last time we assembled into a large fleet and passed through the waters of the peninsula, we encountered an island."

He described all the traces of thunder he saw on the island, as well as the houses where humans live and the small vegetable plots cultivated, which made everyone look thoughtful.

"At that time, our guess was that there was a powerful ninja who was good at lightning escape living there in seclusion, and the island was not too far away from the sea area where this battle took place. On the contrary, the sea area where Uchiha activities were discovered later was farther away."

Terumi Jonin said: "I have a bold idea, maybe this is two different things colliding together."

"On one side, the tiger troops of Konoha Village are fighting with us for control of the sea, and on the other side, there is an unexpected conflict between the reclusive weirdos and us."

Goju Yagura nodded and said: "What Terumi Jonin said makes sense, but we have to verify it. The risk of verification is not low, well, this time the Snow Clan will be responsible."

The new leader of the Snow Clan is still a handsome boy with long black hair. He stood up and respectfully accepted the order: "Yes, the Fourth Mizukage-sama."

The Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura clicked on the map where the Tiger troops were stationed on the island, and said with emotion: "I have to say, Orochimaru has really good vision."

"Hey, before Konoha's tiger troops appeared, there was nothing awkward about this place. But with them here, we couldn't attack the Country of Yu on a large scale, and the east coast of the Country of Fire was completely inaccessible."

"I never thought that pressing a nail here would make me feel so uncomfortable."

The Fourth Mizukage said seriously to all the ninjas: "Confirm the information about that weirdo as soon as possible, and then no matter what, we must eliminate the Tiger Force as soon as possible, otherwise we have to consider them no matter what we do. It will be too uncomfortable."

Genshi said hesitantly: "In the last battle, the tiger troops of Konoha Village, with less than a hundred people, actually killed more than 3000 of our Kirigakure ninjas. Their combat effectiveness was quite terrifying."

"And there is intelligence that they have expanded to about 300 people. This force is not easy to deal with."

The Fourth Mizukage nodded in agreement: "It's because they are so powerful that we have to deal with them with all our strength. If it were hundreds of other ninjas, we wouldn't have to care at all."

Master Yuan asked: "Fourth Generation Master, how do you plan to deal with them?"

Goju Yagura replied: "In previous wars, Konoha's Tiger Attack Team has proven that they are not afraid of the siege of thousands of ninjas and are good at dealing with chunin and genin."

"But I believe they have no way to deal with powerful ninjas, such as the tailed beast jinchūriki, or a ninja force composed purely of jounin."

"We are the Kirigakure Village, one of the five major ninja villages in the ninja world. No matter how strong this Tiger Force is, they are just a small group of Uchiha ninjas."

"As long as we can master the detailed intelligence of the Tiger Troops and make targeted arrangements, Kirigakure Village will definitely have a way to eliminate them."

(End of this chapter)

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