I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 147 The God of Thunder who almost killed himself

Chapter 147 The God of Thunder who almost killed himself
Kaguya Noboru was angry. He had spent so much effort to successfully surprise the Konoha ninjas, disrupt the enemy's formation, and pull the battle from the beginning into the Kaguya clan's favorite melee and close combat.

But his men were so unlucky. With such an advantageous start, they didn't capture any enemies, but he killed 19 ninjas.

The most irritating thing is that the mere 19 casualties made the Kaguya ninjas stunned. The Konoha ninjas took the opportunity to successfully break out, and they even took away all the wounded.

What a shame, what a shame.

The Kirigakure ninjas fought against the many on the sea, but were killed and broke through, and finally ran away successfully.

How could Kaguya Sheng not be angry?

"Search, search for me!"

"The Konoha ninjas are bringing the wounded. They must not be far away. If I find them nearby, I will kill them all!"

Kaguya shouted angrily, driving his tribe and nearby Kirigakure ninjas to search for Konoha ninjas.

The most annoying thing about the sea is that no traces are left, and even the blood melts quickly. Only a sharp sense of smell can be used to achieve limited tracking.

But among the ninjas in Kirigakure Village, there are no ninjas who specialize in smell like Inuzuka. The long-lasting blood mist policy can only produce ninjas who are proficient in combat. Any auxiliary type of ninja will not live to become a ninja.

Without professional tracking ninjas, the Kirigakure ninjas could only board one island to check and search in an extremely inefficient way.

There was no progress in the search, which made Kaguya angry. He was worried that the delay was too long and the enemy he finally defeated would run away with injuries.

That would be a failure.

Just when Kaguya Sheng was desperately urging his subordinates and tribesmen, a thundercloud gathered in the sky.

Thunderclouds flashing with lightning were moving rapidly in the sky. Suddenly, the thundercloud seemed to have noticed the Kirigakure ninjas headed by Kaguya Nosho, and immediately changed direction and rushed towards these Kirigakure ninjas.

The thundercloud moves very fast, but because of its high position, it feels like it is moving slowly from the ground, which is not eye-catching at all.

As the distance continued to get closer, the Kirigakure ninjas finally noticed the abnormality of the thundercloud, and judged that it was man-made control, because the thundercloud and the surrounding clouds moved in different directions, and the angle deviation reached at least 60 degrees.

Kaguya Noboru calmed down his temper and loudly asked the Kirigakure ninja to board the nearest island with him to gain a foothold and wait for the figure who did not know whether he was an enemy or a friend to show up.


Uchiha Yu's thunder spirit communicated with heaven and earth, and the natural energy of the thunder spirit quickly gathered with Uchiha Yu as the center, and soon formed a thunder cloud.

As the thunder cloud continued to grow, the natural energy of the thunder spirit in his meridians and the natural energy that formed the thunder cloud had a wonderful echo. The electromagnetic force lifted his body upward, constantly offsetting the burden of weight.

Once, after Uchiha Yuu took a step forward, he didn't even look back.His weight had been completely offset by the suction of the thundercloud, and like a pilot being dragged by a parachute, he flew up.

No, it should be said that just like the thread fruit pulls the clouds to fly, Uchiha Yu uses invisible electromagnetic power to pull the thunder clouds and achieves gliding.

Even though it’s not really flying, it’s still extremely fast and it feels so good.

[Hey, the natural energy of Thunder Spirit is indeed the most promising. As long as it can continue to be strong like this, it can be directly bound to the ninja world and then move relative to it. This is also a serious way of flying in the planetary circle. 】

Uchiha Yu's mood suddenly improved, because the depression of ordering the execution of Uchiha Goro dissipated a lot, and it seemed that he could easily suppress the heart shape without killing those Kirigakure ninjas.

Just when he was hesitating whether to return or not, just when he came out to relax, he sensed that there were more than one Kirigakure ninja.

Uchiha Yu was speechless: "..."

[Okay, this is God lending my hand to send them to death. 】

Since God's will is this, then kill him. It will be more comfortable to kill him.

Uchiha Yuu did not deliberately disguise himself when he set off this time. His plan was to commit a perfect crime, killing all targets and witnesses, burning all the bodies, and leaving no guiding evidence.

But now, he is closely connected with the thunderclouds in the sky, and the intensive exchange of electrons causes the lightning to flash into thunder pillars between his body and the thunderclouds. Lightning is spraying out from every pore of his body and even from his eyes.

Behind him, the thunder light intertwined with each other, forming a radiating thunder disk, like the golden halo of merit behind the head of a god or Buddha, or like the halo of an angel. This is the thunder pool halo of the God of Thunder.

The red Sharingan is lit up by thunder and lightning, rendering it pure blue like the Eyes of the Thunder God. One look at it can make people feel the terror of the divine power.

With such a change in appearance, Masayo Miwa couldn't recognize him as Yuu Uchiha when he saw it. This is the natural skin brought about by power, which is ten thousand times better than any makeup technique.

When the Kirigakure ninja saw Uchiha Yuu wearing Thor's skin, hundreds of ninjas were dumbfounded. It felt like a real god came to the world.

After all, Kaguya Noboru is an elite jounin. He has more killings and knowledge, and his mentality is much stronger than that of the Kirigakure ninja around him. He swallowed a breath of air and asked: "Excuse me, who are you and why?" To appear in front of us.”

Uchiha Yu spoke, his voice taking on a distinct electronic tone under the influence of thunder and lightning: "You are not qualified to know my name."

"Actually, you don't need to know too much."

"Because I was guided by fate to come here to bury you."

Kaguya Noboru and the Kirigakure ninjas understood that they were here to kill them.

The ferocity of the Kirigakure ninjas was immediately aroused. Their lives were spent in bloody fights. Everyone's hands were covered in blood, and the Kirigakure village had the most blood.

If most of the Sharingan ninjas in the Uchiha family are perverts, then there may only be a few ninjas in Kirigakure Village who are not perverts.

These Kirigakure ninjas had just been frightened by Uchiha Yu's thunder god skin, and showed a cowering look, but after their ferocity was aroused, they no longer felt the slightest sense of fear.

Life is nothing but death.

No one, not even gods, can intimidate a ninja who is not afraid of death.

Kaguya Sheng roared angrily: "Kill! Even a god will die for me!"

He didn't even have time to take off the clothes on his upper body, letting the white bones tear through the skin and clothes, forming a thick bone armor on his body.

Countless bone spurs sprouted from the bone armor, twisting and twisting to form twelve huge sharp horns.

The bones in his legs grew faster and more violently. Starting from the ankle, they extended for more than one meter, turning into a slender anti-jointed foot that resembled a dog's leg.

This type of leg structure is very similar to the popular blade warrior feet used by disabled athletes, which can greatly enhance human running speed and jumping height.

When the bones on Kaguya's body stabilized, he was already a two-meter-six-meter monster standing up, and his image was very close to the legendary God of War Asura.

Corpse Veins·Dance of Asura
After completing the transformation, Kaguya Noboru seemed to have really turned into Asura. He let out an inhuman roar, and the shaking sea water bounced endlessly. Then he exerted force on his feet and rushed towards the Thunder God suspended in mid-air.

When Kaguya Nosho's clan members saw the form of Asura, their eyes turned red with excitement.

They also liberated the power of the corpse bone veins, brandished various bone weapons, and shouted: "Follow Lord Sheng to the death, kill!"

Under the leadership of the Kaguya tribe, the ferocity of the Kirigakure ninjas was completely aroused. They either formed seals on the spot to prepare ninjutsu, or they directly took out kunai, tied the detonating talisman, and fired at the thundering "god" Launched.

More Kirigakure ninja followed the Kaguya tribe and charged forward waving their weapons.

Being attacked by more than 100 ninjas, Uchiha Yuu showed no fear at all. He was one with the thunderclouds in the sky at this time. The natural energy between heaven and earth is so huge. Compared with it, human beings are nothing more than fireflies and bright moons. relation.

Because he is closely connected to this huge power, Uchiha Yuu's heart seems to have gained an extremely huge feeling because of being integrated into it.

At this time, the hundreds of ninjas in his eyes were like strong ants, charging crazily towards the dump truck he was driving.

The disparity in strength between the two sides was so huge, and the enemy's attack was so insignificant and ridiculously crazy that even the word mantis was not enough to describe it.Uchiha Yu's heart was unknowingly infected by the power of heaven and earth. Like a real god, he opened his mouth and said lightly: "Ant."

"Whoever offends the gods shall die by thunder!"

Through the natural energy of thunder spirit in his own meridians, Uchiha Yu built hundreds of zero-resistance lightning lines within 30 meters of himself.

The moment the lightning wire connected to the thundercloud, Uchiha Yu felt that the sky and the earth seemed to light up, and then there was a vast expanse of white in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

Not only could he not see it anymore, he also found that the world had become quieter. Not to mention thunder and shouts of death, he could no longer hear even the gentle sound of wind and the never-ending sound of waves.

Is the world so clean?
[No, no, it’s my ears that are deaf and my eyes that are blind! 】

Uchiha Yuu has gone through many foundation-building stage breakthroughs, and his body has indeed opened up a gap with humans, but after all, he is not a true god, and his physical strength is indeed limited.

When hundreds of thunderbolts were simultaneously activated within a range of ten to fifty meters from him, hundreds of billions of joules of energy erupted instantly. Not to mention direct electric shocks, strong lights, loud noises, and even derived electromagnetic fields all Has substantial destructive power.

The instantaneous brightness of lightning reached thousands of times that of sunlight. Although it only lasted for 0.03 seconds, it was no less than looking directly at the sun at noon for 2 minutes.

Uchiha Yuu's eyes were blinded by the bright light of lightning, as were the eyes of the Kirigakure ninjas.

The loud sound of thunder reached a volume of 120 decibels, and no one's eardrums could be intact within a distance of tens of meters.

The electromagnetic field excited instantly was like a powerful EMP. The strong electromagnetic waves swept through the bodies of the ninjas, disrupting their body's nerve signals, making their bodies numb, and in the worst cases, even causing neurological paralysis. .

Of course, the biggest damage was being directly hit by lightning. Those ninjas who were at the front were hit by lightning, their whole bodies tensed up instantly, and their body fluids boiled rapidly.

Organs such as the brain and eyes, which are extremely watery, reach 90 degrees in just a few seconds, and the properties of the proteins change, which is an absolutely fatal injury.

Uchiha Yuu's body has strong self-healing power. Within a few minutes, his retina and eardrum completed self-healing, and his vision and hearing were restored.

But he found that his body was still unable to move. It was obvious that the recovery speed of nerve damage was much slower, and more time was needed to heal itself.

The moment his vision recovered, Uchiha Yu opened his eyes and saw the effect of his attack.

Those Kirigakure ninjas who rushed the fastest were obviously directly hit by lightning. They kept their teeth and claws moving, half floating and half sinking in the sea water, and there were even flames burning in the parts exposed to the sea.

The biggest and most conspicuous one is of course Kaguya Noboru, who is covered in spikes. He is the only one who can survive being directly hit by lightning.

In the distance, there are more Kirigakure ninjas covering their eyes or ears, wailing and struggling on the sea.

[From now on, this trick can no longer be used around you. 】

Obviously, when Uchiha Yu encountered lightning during his last breakthrough, although the lightning strikes he received were intensive, they were all triggered in sequence. There were not hundreds of lightning strikes at the same time like today, which exceeded the upper limit of what he could bear in one fell swoop.

This made him understand that his body's resistance to thunder has an upper limit, and he needs to continue to pay attention to this in the future.

To be honest, Uchiha Yuu is a little scared now. His mentality just now was too dangerous. He completely ignored the danger of lightning and used terrifying lightning to trigger thunder close to his body, killing all enemies, including Uchiha, in one fell swoop. Yuu himself was defeated.

If Uchiha Yuu didn't have strong self-healing power and became the first person to recover, then he would be the loser in this battle.

Because many of the Kirigakure ninjas are quite far away, especially those ninjas a hundred meters away, they can still maintain a fighting posture, and their eyes are only crying, not completely blind.

It won't take long for their vision and hearing to be restored.

Of course, now they have no chance.

Uchiha Yu stretched out his finger and pointed at a Kirigakure ninja in the distance. With the guidance of his finger, he successfully manipulated the thunder spirit and established a lightning line between the target's head and the thunder cloud.

The selected Kirigakure ninja was blown to pieces by thunder, and the air was filled with the strong smell of blood, burnt protein, and the dizzying smell of ozone.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Yu clicked his fingers, and lightning struck the Kirigakure ninja he pointed at, sending them into hell.

In just half a minute, all the Kirigakure ninjas on the field had been killed by lightning and turned into burning corpses, floating in the sea and emitting green smoke.

Uchiha floated silently to the last survivor, Kaguya Noboru.

He silently looked at Kaguya Sheng, who was kneeling on the sea, his body recovering rapidly, and he was thinking fiercely about whether to kill or let go.

If you kill him, this battle will not be known to anyone, and what will be left here is an unsolvable mystery.

Let him go, Kaguya will tell his story, and a legend will be born here, the legend of the coming of the God of Thunder, and he will have a second vest.

But is it necessary?
The last vest created by Natural Immortal was very successful, but he has not had the chance to use it until now.No, it should be said that there is no need to use it. There is no need to put on the vest and do some important but shameful things.

While he was thinking, Kaguya's vision and hearing recovered. He immediately noticed the destruction of his side, and his heart suddenly felt like a knife.

These Kirigakure civilian ninjas didn't matter, but the Kaguya clan members who followed him Kaguya Rising were all his family members, and they were the basis for him to remain independent under Kaguya Yoshi clan leader.

Without these trusted clan members, Kaguya Noboru can only rely on Kaguya Yoshi wholeheartedly and become his loyal lackey and thug in order to avoid being abandoned.

But first, he had to escape from the monster in front of him. If he died here, no matter how much he thought about it, it would be in vain.

Kaguya Sheng maintained the form of Asura, stood up tremblingly, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Who are you? Is it a human or a god?"

"I, the God of Thunder!"

"Guided by fate, I have come to bury you."

"Now it's just you."

Kaguya Sheng's trembling gradually stopped and his physical strength gradually recovered. His heart was filled with fear and unwillingness, as well as strong murderous intent.

Bah, there is no god in the ninja world. He must be a powerful thunder escape ninja. If you find the opportunity, you must kill him.

Kaguya Nosho secretly recovered the bone armor, and the chakra and bone mass were concentrated in his right hand, depositing bit by bit in the scratching bones of his right hand, preparing for a powerful technique.

At the same time, his hands were detached from the bone armor wrapped around his arms, and he formed a seal between his chest and abdomen, preparing to use the secret technique.

In a moment, Kaguya Sheng completed the preparations for the secret technique. He activated the technique directly without any delay.

Corpse Bone Pulse·Dance of Defeating the Sky

A huge bone spear, like a beam and a pillar, grew out of Kaguya Noboru's right hand and hit Uchiha in mid-air.

But Kaguya Sheng also felt great resistance at this moment. The most powerful secret technique of the Kaguya clan's Corpse Vein alone was unable to penetrate the defense of the enemy's chest.

The huge, sharp and strong bone spear is being wrapped by countless lightnings, bit by bit disintegrating the bones generated by the corpse's bone veins at the molecular level.

The last effort failed. Kaguya Sheng didn't hesitate at all. He was about to take off the bones of his upper body and escape with all his strength while wearing light clothes.

But at this moment, the tip of the bone spear suddenly lit up with lightning, and countless electric arcs jumped along the bone spear to Kaguya Nosei's body, causing him to wail in pain.

"Those who blaspheme God should be punished by God!"

"The grace of God is like the sea, and the power of God is like a prison."

"Humble ants, death is not a punishment. Only the living can experience divine punishment."

(End of this chapter)

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