I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 139 Only Black Zetsu can kill two people, triggering a civil war in Kirigakure Village

Chapter 139 Only Black Zetsu can kill two people, triggering a civil war in Kirigakure Village
Mist Village

The struggle for the fourth generation of water shadows soon evolved into an internal fight. All ninjas who were qualified to become water shadows were frequently assassinated and assassinated. Even their subordinates and families could not avoid the bloody disaster.

The disciple of the Third Mizukage, the powerful Water Release Elite Jounin Goju Yagura, was the first victim of this civil strife.

As the most competitive competitor of the Fourth Mizukage, Goju Yagura was besieged by many competitors, and assassinations against him were endless.

The powerful Goju Yagura defied them one by one without encountering any danger, but his parents and family members died due to negligence.

The grieving Goju Yagura wanted revenge, but he gave up after only ten days of investigation because there were too many suspects and all the participants were silenced.

Considering that the planner himself might have found a way to cleanse his memory, without any evidence, Goju Yagura will never be able to find the real murderer.

Goju Yagura knew that if he wanted to take revenge, he could only expand the scope of his attack, for example, kill all the guys participating in the Mizukage competition. Although the majority of accidental injuries were accidental injuries, at least the real culprit would not be allowed to slip through the net.

But each of these ninjas competing for the Mizukage is a powerful shadow-level ninja, and behind each of them there is a large group of supporters or ninja clan.

As the strongest ninja in Kirigakure Village, Goju Yagura thinks that he has the ability to kill these Kage-level ninjas through assassination. However, he will be surrounded by a coalition before he kills everyone. In the end, revenge will inevitably fail. Killed instead.

He finally decided to give up his boring dignity and no longer wanted to rely on his own strength to become the Mizukage.

Only by becoming the Mizukage can Goju Yagura use his power to kill these people openly, exterminate the supporters and tribesmen behind them, and avenge his family.

He found the oldest ninja master in Kirigakure Village, hoping to get his support.

Genshi looked at the young-looking Goju Yagura in front of him. He was so surprised that he even dropped the tea cup in his hand on the table.

Goju Yagura, who was arrogant and arrogant, thought he must be the Fourth Mizukage. The first time he saw Genshi, he faced Genshi without any hesitation in front of the servants and guards who had not left. A great gift from the Earth Seat.

Yagura didn't say anything, but his actions said it all.

Yuanshi's firm neutrality was shaken. He stroked the snake-head crutch given by the first Mizukage and thought silently.

Goji Yagura didn't say anything, he just prostrated himself on the ground, quietly waiting for Master Yuan's decision.

This is a decision with huge impact. Genshi represents civilian ninjas and ninjas from the small ninja clan. This is the most powerful force in Kirigakure Village.

Starting from the ninja school established by the first Mizukage Byakuren, Kirigakure Village has accumulated a large number of civilian ninjas. Although they suffered heavy losses due to the terrible loss rate, they still accumulated a group of powerful ninjas.

Also gathered under Yuanshi's command were the Xiao Ninja clan, and their ninjas were even more outstanding.

In the environment of the Ninja Village, the Lesser Ninja Clan was able to make up for the insurmountable resource shortcomings of the Warring States Period, and the emergence of ninjas that were comparable to the Great Ninja Clan.

For example, in this defeat, Terumi Jounin performed well.

Not only did he perform well in the war, but what was even more valuable was that after the defeat, he stood up and organized his subordinates to break through the obstruction of Konoha ninjas and return safely, and also annihilated a group of Hyuga ninjas on the way. Fortunately, Got a complete eye roll.

Because he didn't know how to preserve the secret technique, he was worried that the Byakugan would be damaged while carrying it, and Terumi Jounin's subordinate Ao lost an eye in the battle, so the Byakugan was placed in his eye socket.

In the future, this will be a strategic-level white-eyed ninja, a white-eyed ninja belonging to Kirigakure Village.

These outstanding ninjas have all come under the protection of the Genshi, and they have also followed the neutrality policy that the Genshi has insisted on for 40 years, giving up the fight for the Mizukage, and exchanging obedience to orders and fighting for their own safety.

This policy has been going on for nearly 30 years, which is enough time for two generations of ninjas to grow up. The neutrality of Yuanshi has become the default fact in Kirigakure Village.

In fact, the three major ninja clans are not without ambitions. They all want to eat the power of the genshi to enhance their own strength and realize their personal ambitions.

But in the end, these people chose to give up.

30 years ago, the three major ninja clans did let these weak civilian ninjas go simply because they respected the genshi.

20 years ago, the three major ninja clans all discovered that eating the power of the Genshi would probably cause serious losses to themselves, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Ten years ago, everyone knew that Yuanshi was stronger than the Oniden family, even if the second generation Mizukage at that time was from the Oniden family.

Today, the three major ninja clans must unite to ensure their absolute advantage.

No one in Wuyin Village wants to eat up Yuanshi's power, but no one is worried that Yuanshi will threaten them in turn, because this force is too scattered. Although Yuanshi has enough prestige, he does not have enough leadership. They cannot be organized into an invincible fighting force.

Therefore, Goju Yagura's request is not to ask the Genshi to support him, but to ask the Genshi to hand over his power to him, and let him organize all the ninjas to form a force that can overwhelm the three major families.

This is definitely the most significant change. Once you take this step, there is no turning back.Either the shackles of ninja rule in Kirigakure Village can be successfully changed, and Kirigakure Village will embark on a prosperous road, or the power of civilian ninjas will be defeated, and Kirigakure Village will never be able to sink.

Genshi was thinking, Yagura was waiting, and the atmosphere became increasingly depressing.

The guards behind Master Yuan could not bear the solemn atmosphere. They were soon sweating profusely and their calves were spinning.

The maids who served tea and water didn't feel anything at all. They were just surprised by Goju Yagura's youth and Dogeza's gift. They were completely unaware of the change in the atmosphere.

After a long time, Master Yuan sighed and asked, "Do you think now is the right time?"

Goji Yagura's originally stable body suddenly trembled. He quickly sat up straight and replied seriously and firmly: "Yes, Master Yuanshi, now the time is ripe."

"The three major families all lost more than a thousand people this time, and each family also lost a Kage-level ninja. There is no doubt that their strength has been reduced by half."

"Sir, if we cannot seize the opportunity created by Konoha Village, how long will it take for Kirigakure Village to usher in real changes?"

Master Yuan let out a long sigh and said with emotion: "Yes, this opportunity is rare."

"But it would have been nice if you had come to me fifteen days ago..."

Goji Yagura was stunned, sadness appeared in his eyes, and he murmured: "I'm sorry."

Master Yuan shook his head and continued: "If you come to me now, I have to worry about whether you will kill people indiscriminately in the village after becoming a water shadow."

"You know, I am not opposed to killing. I have known since 20 years ago that Kirigakure Village must kill hard and clean up the three major ninja clans that control most of the resources before it can truly be reborn."

"Only by shedding enough blood can a new Kirigakure Village be raised."

Although the history of the ninja world is short, Genshi relied on his own age and experience to compare the strength and decline of Kirigakure Village and the other four major ninja villages, and got the most correct answer.

Every powerful ninja village does not appear out of thin air.They all distributed resources downwards to the greatest extent, so that as many children as possible could get enough resources, and emerged from them ninjas that were several times, more than ten times more powerful than before, and then they became dominant in the ninja world.

Of course, the first one to become powerful was Konoha Village. Konoha, known as the cradle of geniuses, also included the Inozuka, Aburame, Inuzuka, Sarutobi, and Shimura clans. During the Warring States Period, only Sasuke Sarutobi became famous. ninja.

At that time, these ninja clans were also there, so why couldn't they produce geniuses?

It's not like Uchiha Madara was ruthless, killing or driving away a large number of ninjas, and allocating resources to many ninjas and civilians in Konoha.

In addition, the Senju clan used their own capital to open ninja schools to spread the knowledge of ninjutsu, and there was an endless stream of talented ninjas.

The resource distribution in Sunagakure Village in the Land of Wind was not so bloody. The second generation Kazekage took a different approach and opened up a puppet master path that traditional ninjas disdain.When the Puppet Master became the strongest ninja force in Sunagakure Village, Sunagakure Village also became the strongest ninja village under Konoha.

Of course, change without bloodshed would not be complete. The Third Kazekage was a magnetic escape ninja who was famous for suppressing the puppet master.

After he took office, the resource allocation of Sunagakure Village was rapidly reorganized, and the growth of strength immediately stagnated. In the last war, his family fortune was completely lost.The backbone generation of Sunagakure Village actually only has two Kage-level ninjas, and the younger generation only has one Red Sand Scorpion.

This Ninja Village started the Third Ninja World War. The leading ninjas who supported the battlefield were actually a group of old guys who were nearly 50 years old. They looked like they were about to collapse no matter how they looked at it.

What is even more impressive is the Cloud Hidden Village. After 30 years of hard work, the third generation Raikage Ai of the Yeyue family finally recovered the power of all the ninja clan, including Yeyue himself who also disbanded the family power structure.

More than 30 years of continuous bloodshed and struggle made Yunyin Village perform poorly in the two wars, but it has risen rapidly in the past few years.

The outstanding new generation of ninjas in Cloud Hidden Village continue to emerge, and powerful tailed beasts are also sealed into practical Jinchūriki, forming a strong deterrent on the battlefield.Therefore, if Kirigakure Village wants to be strong, it must let the three major ninja clans decline, release the resources that were wasted and squandered after they occupied them, and distribute them evenly to more children.

It is impossible for the ninjas of the three major ninja clans to give up their interests automatically, so killing is necessary.

"But the killing cannot be endless!"

Master Yuan stood up, picked up his snake-head staff and hit the floor hard, making a dull sound.

He said angrily: "You must not be like Iwagakure Village, killing all the ninja clan of your own blood lineage limiter, killing all the elites, and leaving no successors!"

"The inheritance of the Blood Succession Limit is very important. The era of Ninja Village created by Senju Hashirama was an even more cruel era of great strife."

"If we don't have a stable Kage-level ninja in Kirigakure Village, we won't be able to face the four major ninja villages on the mainland, and we will have to struggle to survive in this small country."

"The blood successor limit ninja with a higher upper limit are very important, and we must not kill them all."

"Can you guarantee it? Goju Yagura, can you not be blinded by blood feud, kill with restraint and moderation, and leave the foundation of a strong ninja village to the Fifth Mizukage?"

Hearing Yuanshi's question, Goju Yagura's eyes widened. Must he give up his hatred?

When Goju Yagura walked into the Genshi's mansion, the three major ninja clans were shocked that they could unite. It was at this time that they suddenly realized that they were no longer the strongest force in Kirigakure Village.

Unwilling to fail, the ninja clan leader quickly gathered together and sent all ninjas to monitor the Genshi mansion, waiting for the final result of this incident.

When waiting for bad news, the atmosphere is always very depressing and tense.

The new patriarch of the Snow Clan, Tu, finally couldn't restrain his irritability and asked the other two patriarchs. His tone was filled with uncontrollable complaints: "Who did it?"

Kaguya Ji, the leader of the Kaguya clan, was stunned and asked subconsciously: "What did you do?"

Ghost Light Xianyue said angrily: "He was asking who killed Goju Yagura's parents."

Kaguya Yoshi shook his head: "We didn't do it. Our Kaguya family kills the whole family when someone kills someone, but we never engage in assassinations."

"Hey, with Kaguya's fighting style, we can't even assassinate him."

Tu sneered: "If it were another Kaguya, I would believe it, but you...you Kaguya Yoshi is a different kind of Kaguya family."

"Didn't you succeed in assassinating your grandfather, father, and brother, and that's how you came to power?"

"Hahahaha, it turns out that's what is said outside. Let me say it again, this is not true. They were infected with the plague and unfortunately died of the disease."

"Haha, a plague that only killed three people?"

"Then just treat it as a genetic disease."


Ghost Deng Xianyue shook his head helplessly and said to Tu: "Why are you arguing with Kaguya Yoshi? You didn't know how shameless he is today."

Then he said to Kaguya Yoshi sternly: "No kidding. At this point, we are no longer qualified to fight anymore. We must exchange information now."

"I, Kiden Senzuki, declare on my family's honor that we did not assassinate Gotachibana Yagura's parents."

Kaguya Yoshi sighed and said seriously: "I, Kaguya Yoshi, declare with the honor of the Kaguya clan that we did not assassinate Goju Yagura's parents."

Tu's beautiful eyes widened, but he immediately calmed down his expression and announced the same words in the name of the family.

"None of the three of us did it, so who did it?"

Declaring on the honor of the family is a very serious attitude for the ninja clan, and they will never tell lies.

The three clan leaders were all confused. They had always suspected others of doing it. Just because they were sure that it was not them who did it, after discovering the meeting between Genshi and Yagura, they were still able to sit here steadily and wait for the final result. .

This is because they all understand that the union between Yuanshi and Goju Yagura is actually not stable.

It's not that Genshi's credit is bad, but that the junior ninjas and civilian ninjas don't understand Goju Yagura, and they lack basic trust.

The pain that Goju Yagura suffered from losing his family and destroying his family was the only anchor point that could make the ninjas under Genshi empathize, and this anchor point was easy to destroy. Just hand over the murderer and the patriarch of the murderer's family.

When civilian ninjas look at it, they will definitely think that no one cares about their family members when they die. When Goju Yagura's family members die, even the leader of the powerful clan has to pay for his life.

They will deeply realize that Gouju Yagura is completely different from them, and their status is very different. How can they empathize with each other?

Without empathy, the alliance will naturally collapse.

But now they find out that the murderer is not one of them, which is terrible.

You must know that before this, they themselves firmly believed that one of the three people did it. They themselves explained that it was not them who did it. Who can believe it?

"Nai&%#&@, we can only fight with all our strength now." Kaguya suddenly stood up, "No waiting, it's useless, I have to go back to gather the clan members, what about you?"

Ghost Light Xianyue lamented: "I will also go home and gather ninjas."

Tu's face was pale, and she tied her long hair to the back of her head into a mid-ponytail hairstyle specially used by the Snow Clan when fighting, and walked out of the room without saying a word.

The civil war in Kirigakure Village is inevitable.

The three clan leaders decided to go home and gather their clansmen to prepare for battle, but the unsolved mystery in their hearts was still bothering them.

Who did it?
If you know who it is, kill him first and kill us all!

None of the three clan leaders noticed that in the corner of the conference room where they were meeting, a black and white shy grass was hidden underground. After confirming that the three clan leaders chose war, they quietly left the ground.

Of course, Goju Yagura's parents are Black Zetsu. Such a trivial matter like killing one or two old ninjas, Madara-sama, who is generous and simple, would never have thought of it. Naturally, Black Zetsu would handle it on his behalf.

1000 years, Hei Jue has lived for 1000 years and worked hard for 1000 years.

Due to innate limitations, Hei Zetsu, who cannot accumulate strength at all, can only strengthen himself in intelligence and wisdom.

He learned the most exquisite conspiracies from the nobles, and what he was best at was to kill one or two key figures gently and deftly at critical moments, so that the situation would develop in the direction he wanted.

The Kirigakure Village is in chaos. Only by withdrawing all power and cutting off contact with the outside world can a large enough gap be left to lay the foundation for Uchiha Madara to control Kirigakure Village.

After all, Uchiha Madara is an old man who is about to turn 76, and his body is completely broken.

Ordinarily, he would not die of old age at this age, but Uchiha Madara had been resurrected from the dead and had developed a pair of invincible Rinnegan eyes. He also possessed the flesh and blood cells of Senju Hashirama.

With these three heavy burdens, another person would have died in the prime of life, and it was only Uchiha Madara who could persist until the age of 76.

Relying on the chakra from Nagato supplied by the Heretic Golem, Uchiha Madara can still be healthy and active for at least another five years, but he will never be able to live without the Heretic Golem.

You may be able to disconnect a few times, but the duration will be short and you won't be able to engage in high-intensity combat.

To complete the control of Kirigakure Village, Black Zetsu needs to make the best possible prerequisites.

Satisfied with his work, Black Zetsu left Kirigakure Village.

(End of this chapter)

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