I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 138 Don’t let Uchiha Obito, he is a disaster

Chapter 138 Don’t let Uchiha Obito, he is a disaster

The god's distortion was absolutely crazy, far exceeding what he had shown when he coveted Uchiha Yuu before. Soon, a part of Xiaoke's mental body was protruding from the god's huge mental body, and it would be peeled off after a few more movements. .

However, it was too late.

Xiaoke is not an ordinary spiritual creature. He is a spiritual monster born from the endless madness of human beings with the survival instinct as the core.

The octopus is not Xiao Ke's true face, but its first observer was Uchiha Yu. Due to the traveler's understanding of chaos, Xiao Ke automatically mapped into the octopus form of Cthulhu.

Its essence is the chaos and madness of being alive.

The spiritual body of a god is filled with chaos bound by a framework. Chaos and madness are a perfect match.

Sometimes people think that gods are crazy, but this is actually wrong. Gods themselves are absolutely ordered existences and are subject to extremely strict rules.

The madness shown by gods is just different aspects of Him. After being perceived by small humans, humans cannot stand on a higher level and understand the connection between contradictions, and can only understand it as madness.

In fact, madness is a uniquely human trait.

Only humans can become mentally ill and do things that are completely contrary to their own interests, including self-mutilation and suicide, and other behaviors that harm others and themselves.

But gods can be infected with madness.

Especially this evil god, because of his own mental chaos, he is even susceptible to madness.

Xiaoke entered the tentacles of the god's spiritual body, and the madness he released could be covered up by the chaos released simultaneously by himself, but when it was brought into the main body, the chaos could no longer cover up the madness.

The chaos of the gods themselves was contaminated by Xiaoke's madness. Xiaoke's madness was like the poison of faith purified trillions of times, making the gods' chaos go to extremes and directly conflicting fiercely with the rule framework that restrains the existence of the gods.

Xiaoke entered the evil god's spiritual body, just like a fire entering a hydrogen balloon, instantly igniting the chaotic collection of spiritual bodies.

The strength of the rule framework is extremely high, but it is essentially supported by the spiritual power of the gods themselves. When the power of the gods is weak, the power of the rules is ultimately limited.

Especially when the impact comes from one's own mental power, the rules show the greatest vulnerability.


The god's spiritual body exploded, at least one forty of the spiritual body turned into a spiritual storm, and the relevant rule framework also fractured and collapsed.

As the framework of rules was broken, the gods lost their mental power crazily, their overall body size shrank sharply, and even a chain reaction occurred that was difficult to contain.As the loss of mental power intensifies, the unsupported rule framework continues to collapse, and then more mental power is lost.

But the most terrifying thing was the split. When the evil god shrank to less than one ten thousandth of its size, he split into them.

Among them, there are seven or eight completely independent spiritual bodies that are relatively strong. They have blocked the leakage of their own spiritual power due to various circumstances.Then these second-generation gods who collided with each other began to fight each other, competing for the spiritual power that belonged to the gods, and desperately trying to strengthen themselves.

What a great battle.

But Uchiha Yu couldn't stay any longer. Because of the explosion of the god, his devouring of the spiritual world naturally stopped, but it also caused the long-dead spiritual world to collapse, so fast that Uchiha Yu could no longer stay.

Uchiha Yuu was able to appear here because he came to this spiritual world through physical connection. If the spiritual world was completely destroyed, he was not sure whether the corresponding connection would still exist.

Ignoring such a dangerous thing as cutting off the way back was not something he, Yuu Uchiha, could do.

Uchiha Yu captured the octopus Xiao Ke who had grown a lot bigger, and used 18 big mouths to remind the little octopus of the fear and obedience it should have.

After tightening the large bundle of rule framework fragments behind his back, and taking one last look at the fighting gods, Yuu Uchiha carried Xiao Ke and left with some regret.

But at the last moment of leaving, he vaguely saw another huge consciousness.

The big guy appearing at the edge of the field of vision has a larger consciousness and a more solid and complex rule framework.

At the same time, He also exudes a more straightforward and terrifying greedy desire, and pounces on the little evil gods without concealing his existence.

Returning to his own spiritual world, Uchiha Yuu was filled with regret and fear. He stood quietly for a while before regaining his normal calm, and only then did he remember that he was still holding Xiao Ke.

He casually threw Xiao Ke into the middle of the four heart shapes, and the four heart shapes squeezed the mental power from it. Uchiha Yuu began to carefully sort out the fragments of the rule framework he brought back.

After inspection, Uchiha Yu found that these rule fragments did not continue to disintegrate, nor did they have any impact on the spiritual world.

Of course, he couldn't put these things together.

This is not surprising. Although they all come from the same evil god, the fragments belong to different rule frameworks. It is normal that they cannot be put together.

Moreover, even if they can really be put together, he doesn't know how to connect and process them.

After thinking about it, Yuchiha threw these high-end goods in the corner of the spiritual world, piled them like a pile of firewood, and then left the spiritual world.

Uchiha Yu opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the head of the monster under his command. He found that the monster had begun to rot, and the head that had not yet completed the mutation had stinking corpse water oozing out from the facial features.

He wanted to take a deep breath, but was staggered by the stench, so he simply used chakra to punch the monster's corpse nine times in a row, leaving nine golden fist prints.

When Uchiha Yu opened the tent curtain and walked out, the corpse of the monster behind him had been wrapped in golden flames. No matter whether it was hair, corpse water or stench, it was all reduced to nothing in the flames.

Burning would not only destroy the corpse whose origin was difficult to explain, but also save the Uchiha brothers the trouble of cleaning up the corpse, killing two birds with one stone.

When Miwa Masayo felt the fluctuation of chakra, he came to the edge of the tent and jumped onto his most familiar shoulder as soon as Uchiha Yuu appeared.

The civet cat tilted its head, looked up and down at the poop shoveler, and asked with concern: "Are you in danger, meow?"

Uchiha Yuu had told her about the matter of seizing the body. Although she believed in the strength and prudence of the shit shovel, after all, she wanted to explore the realm of gods, so it was inevitable that she still had to worry.

Uchiha Yuu did not immediately answer Miwa Masashi's question because there were Uchiha from the Tiger Force beside him.

He first told Uchiha Shigenobu and Uchiha Tadamichi that they should wait until the fire was out before collecting the ashes. The most important thing was to remember to sift the ashes.

Uchiha Yu explained: "Don't worry, the ashes burned by the golden flames will not stink. The corpse of this monster may burn out something different."

The two Uchihas, both 18 years old, stood up straight and replied in unison: "Don't worry, Brother Yu, we will do a good job."

"Yes." Uchiha Yuu nodded with satisfaction and left with the Neko Sage.

Uchiha Shigenobu and Uchiha Tadamichi waited until they were far away before slowly relaxing.

Shigenobu walked to the tent and opened the curtain. The golden firelight illuminated his and Tadashi's faces. Feeling the hot light radiation, he shook his head with emotion.

Uchiha Tadamichi's taciturn character couldn't help but sigh at this time: "I really... don't know what to say."

Uchiha Nobushige said with an unclear smile: "No wonder they all call Brother Yu 'Yu the Corpse Burner' now. I don't know when Brother Yu developed this habit, but the corpses of those who died in his hands are all It must be burned to ashes.”

At this time, Heji, who arrived a few steps late, took a look and said with a smile: "Have you forgotten? When Brother Yu is teaching us tactics, his favorite thing to say is..."

"His ashes were raised." x3
The three of them laughed together. Now recalling the training time a few months ago, they were really full of happiness.

Uchiha Shigenobu said with emotion: "Before the Sharingan was awakened, we all felt miserable and complained. Now looking back, the days when we don't have to fight with others are all blessings."

Uchiha Tadamichi said dullly: "It would be great if there was no war, and we wouldn't have lost so many brothers."

Uchiha Kazuji lamented: "We are lucky enough to be able to meet Brother Yu on the battlefield and get his protection."

When Chongxin heard this, his heart tightened, and he quickly asked: "What's wrong? What news did you get?"

Kazuji replied: "It's Kazuki who finally has news."

"Because Ichiki was seriously injured, he returned to the hospital in Konoha Village for treatment. The news is that his injury is too serious and it may take a month of treatment to recover."

Uchiha regained his confidence and a big stone fell to the ground, and said: "It will be good if you can come back alive, where are the others?"


"What, what is... gone?"

Uchiha Shigenobu and Uchiha Tadamichi were both shocked. They never imagined that Uchiha Kazuki was going to the Land of Rain with more than [-] friends.More than twenty people.

Uchiha and Tsukasa nodded heavily and said, "Except for Ichiki, all 21 brothers died in the battle."

"Damn it, we fought thousands of Kirigakure ninjas, and the final loss was only a little over twenty. How could we all die in battle?"

"Could someone be targeting our Uchiha family?"

"It doesn't look like it at the moment. Our Leaf Village suffered a defeat in the Country of Rain and suffered extremely heavy casualties."

"Other ninjas in the family also suffered heavy casualties, and the ninjas of several other families were also similar. They were almost all killed or injured."

After being educated by Uchiha Yu, the members of the Tiger Force all have a sense of crisis that their family is being targeted. Although Uchiha Yu deliberately controlled it so that they could not know who was targeting them, they were still vigilant.

Hearing Kazuji's words, Shigenobu and Tadashi were only slightly relieved.

After all, six of the younger brothers who went to the Land of Rain were Uchiha ninjas who had opened their eyes, and their strength was at least on par with the Chuunin.

And according to convention, Uchiha ninjas are more likely to awaken their Sharingan in battles with heavy casualties. Their survival probability should be far higher than that of ninjas from other families.

Moreover, Brother Yu taught the Fourth-Four tactic in the past. Although he didn't take it seriously at the time, no one knows now that the Fourth-Four tactic is the biggest factor in saving lives on the battlefield.

Although this set has little impact on whether a single person can survive, for an army, it can definitely greatly improve the survival probability.

No matter how bad the situation is, the Uchiha ninjas should not be annihilated unless someone interferes and assigns them a fatal mission.

Uchiha and Tsukasa have thought about these things for a long time, but unfortunately the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Rain are too far away, and time has passed a bit long, so it is impossible for him to get the corresponding information.

Even the person responsible could not be found. After all, the name of the frontline commander Sugino Shusanjounin was also on the commemorative monument. It can only be doubtful whether there was human interference behind this death or injury.

Uchiha Tadashi said: "According to what Brother Yu said, as long as there is doubt about this matter, we have to confirm our attitude as if it is true."

Uchiha and Tsukasa agreed: "That's right. We will study every assigned task carefully in the future. Those who are undecided must get Brother Yu's approval."

Uchiha Shigenobu nodded and added: "If there is a situation where we cannot contact Brother Yu in the future, we will directly refuse."

"We are the Tiger Troops who killed three thousand ninjas in one battle. We are ninjas from the most powerful family in Konoha Village. Isn't it appropriate to be a bit domineering?"

"That's good, let's do it."

Uchiha Shigenobu added again: "By the way, Kazuji, don't forget to file a report and apply for Ichiki to be transferred to the Tiger Army. All young Uchiha who are going to go to the battlefield should also try their best to bring in."

"Don't worry, I have already handed in this report."

"By the way, Brother You specifically told me..."

"Don't let Uchiha Obito, he is a disaster." x3
"Then it's fine."


After listening to Uchiha Yuu's experience of the sea of ​​​​mind, Miwa Masashi's eyes were full of little stars, full of expectation and envy.

"That's great, I'm so envious, meow."

"I still can't communicate with my soul, otherwise I could accompany you on adventures, cat."

Uchiha Yu comforted: "Come on, I think you are not far from successful communication."

Miwa Masashi scratched his ears with his paws irritably, and complained painfully: "It's so annoying, meow. I was obviously the only meow who managed to restrain my thoughts first, but why is it so difficult to get rid of this one meow?"

Uchiha Yuu didn't know when Miwa Masayo would be able to control his mind.

According to ancient myths, the core of the demon race's pursuit of strength is its bloodline, and continuous practice can only discover and activate the talents of the ancestors hidden in the bloodline.

But this method is pure hard work. Without hundreds or thousands of years of accumulation, it can only be a little demon who can't get on the stage.

Therefore, except for the ancient demon clan whose bloodline is astonishing, as long as the up-and-coming demon clan awakens their spiritual wisdom, they will imitate humans without exception and seek breakthroughs along the immortal path.

Miwa Masayo was very lucky. She awakened her spiritual wisdom three months after she was born and became a ninja cat in the cat castle. It can be said that she defeated 99.999% of the monsters from the beginning.

In the second level, humans and demons each have their own advantages.

The biggest trouble for human beings is that their minds are too flexible and their thoughts are as diverse as grass. It is too difficult to restrain the thought in the first step.

But once you complete this step, you can quickly turn the only thing into an ethereal spirit, draw out the deepest self in the soul, turn the self into the superego, and begin to temper the soul more intuitively.

But the demon clan is much more affected by instinct than humans. Ninja cats with hunting instincts can restrain their thoughts without any effort.

But in terms of eliminating the uniqueness and turning it into emptiness, it is too difficult to achieve.

For a whole year, Miwa Masashi made no progress.

In fact, Miwa Masayo's progress in enlightenment was not bad, but compared to Uchiha Yu's rapid progress, she inevitably felt a little disappointed.

Jing, Qi and Shen progress step by step, but whether they can directly cultivate Shen is related to the mutual support of the three and the smoothness of the cycle growth.

Ever since Uchiha Yuu immersed himself in the soul, his practice progress has been rapid. In the end, he took off with Miwa Masayo, and both of them became immortals in the sense of the ninja world.

After that, the gap between them became wider and wider, and Miwa Masashi began to worry about not being able to keep up, which made her very irritated.

Uchiha Yu knew that what the Taoist monk needed at this time was comfort.

He rubbed Li Huamao's head, comforted her softly, and encouraged her: "Come on, success is not far away, and you will succeed soon."

He was also curious about what image Miwa Masayo had in her mind.

According to Uchiha Yuu's wish, the self-image born in Miwa Masayo's mind had better not be a majestic white tiger, let alone some weird winged tiger.

What he hopes to see is a petite and cute cat-eared girl, or a enchanting leopard girl, which is also very good, and a fit and plump tiger girl is not unacceptable.

But Uchiha Yuu was used to the petite tabby cat lying on his shoulder, and he had unknowingly formed the impression that Masayo Miwa was the cat-eared girl, so...

The cat-eared girl competes high!

In order to achieve this goal, Uchiha Yuko made great efforts.

After three years of continuous indoctrination, he tried his best to describe the concept of cat girls to Miwa Masashi.

Even through unremitting efforts, Uchiha Yu allowed the kitten to accept kawaii names like "Rika-chan".

In any case, Miwa Masashi was only four years old, and he had spent three-quarters of his life with him, Uchiha Yuu, which would always have some influence.

Uchiha Yuu put in so much effort because all he wanted was the future.

If Miwa Masayo is considered a real demon, she should have the opportunity to transform in the future. If she transforms, she must transform into a real cat girl!

Ten million, ten million, I can't turn into a little mountain patrolling demon with a cat head and body! !
If Yuu Uchiha had to face Masayo Miwa in the shape of a mountain patrol demon for endless years in the future... he would die! !
He couldn't help but shudder at the thought of this terrible possibility.

Miwa Masashi felt something strange about the shit shovel officer, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Hearing the gentle words of the Taoist companion, Uchiha Yu's inner worries were soothed. He smiled and replied: "It's okay, I just thought of a terrible future, but... it shouldn't happen."

"Meow, it's okay, meow."

Yes, how could such a cute Masato Miwa turn into an ugly cat-headed person?

The appearance comes from the mind, so it is impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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