I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 130: The bones in the Corpse Vein are too hard, so you still need to use Fire Escape

Chapter 130: The bones in the Corpse Vein are too hard, so you still need to use Fire Escape
The collision between the black fist and Kaguya Ren's face seemed to be silent. At least Kaguya Ren, Uchiha Yuu, and Miwa Masayo in mid-air did not hear the sound.

However, the Uchihas of the Tiger Troops in the distance heard it, and Orochimaru who was outside the battlefield heard it. They all said that they seemed to hear a bell.

This is probably the sound of Dayin Xisheng.

Uchiha Yu didn't hear the sound, but he saw that a spherical shock wave was triggered centered on the impact point of his fist and face.

Uchiha Yuu's strongest feeling was the impact transmitted from his fists. Although he tried his best to control his posture and not collapse, his footing could not hold up.As two big craters were blown out under his feet, Uchiha Yuu could not stand and his whole body was knocked away.

Kaguya Ren saw nothing and heard nothing. He only felt dizzy. When he woke up from the severe pain in his face, he realized that he was lying on the ground with many unhealed wounds on his body.

The Kaguya ninjas who have awakened the Corpse Vein of the Blood Successor are very terrifying. Their most powerful ability is of course their invincible offensive and defensive bones, but what makes their enemies despair the most is their terrifying self-healing ability.

But without this self-healing ability, these ninjas with their bones going in and out would have stabbed themselves to death long ago, just like those argali sheep whose horns grew too long and curved back to pierce their own skulls.

When Kaguya stood up, his whole body was basically healed, except for his nose, which was still slowly healing. This part was completely gone during the impact, and now it has completely grown back.

There was a hollow in the center of his face. He had no skin, no muscles, and even no teeth. He looked completely human, and was extremely vicious and terrifying.

Kaguya Ren saw Uchiha Yuu who was also getting up, and shouted in a windy voice: "Isseiki (who are you)?"

Realizing that something was wrong with his voice, he closed his newly grown teeth, tore his tattered shirt to pieces, pulled out the extended ribs, and rushed towards Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yuu just had a slight concussion, and the effect of the earth spear on his body has not disappeared, which proves that the effect of this ninjutsu is no worse than that of Corpse Bone Pulse. He naturally lived up to this bone monster and pounced on it with a pitch-black fist.

Two figures, one black and one white, collided with each other for the second time, and then there was a fierce fight with sparks flying, but both sides were quickly stunned.

When their fists or bones fall on each other, no traces are left. A fight that cannot break the defense at all is meaningless.

At this time, Kaguya Ren's face had basically grown up, and he asked: "Who are you? What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Uchiha Yu sighed and replied: "I am the person you want to kill."

He raised his dark fist again and asked jokingly: "And why should I tell you what my ninjutsu is?"

It’s not surprising that Kaguya Ren doesn’t know the Ninjutsu Earth Release and Earth Spear. This is not a widely circulated Ninjutsu.

Earth Release and Earth Spear itself does not have any offensive power, but only has the effect of strengthening defense power. It is said to be an absolute defensive ninjutsu that cannot be broken except for Thunder Release.

But this technique is not only very difficult to learn and even more difficult to use, but it also has two fatal flaws.

First of all, after strengthening the defense, the body will become very sluggish. In the battle between ninjas, they will be in the dilemma of being beaten and unable to fight back.

The most terrible thing is that the ninjas do not have enough chakra to continue to maintain the earth spears. Once the effect of the ninjutsu ends, the defense will return to normal, but the slow response can last for just a moment longer.

At this moment, death was almost inevitable.

Therefore, in Iwagakure, a village where earth escape has an absolute advantage, no ninja is willing to learn this difficult and fatal ninjutsu.

Earth Release and Earth Spear were still popular in the Warring States Period, because powerful B-level ninjutsu was difficult to learn, and no matter how big the problem was, it was hard to miss.After the era of ninja villages came, ninjutsu quickly spread to various ninja villages. There were too many ninjutsus that ninjas could learn, and the fatally flawed earth spears were eliminated.

Until Kakuzu's genius optimization took advantage of his own advantages to solve all the problems of the earth spear, this ninjutsu came to life in his hands.

Uchiha Yuu was also able to solve the two major flaws with his own advantages, allowing this ninjutsu to demonstrate its huge power in advance.

But that's it.

The earth spear was enough to defend against the attack of Corpse Vein, but not enough to defeat Corpse Vein's defense. The two sides could not break each other's defenses, and the fight was lonely.

Uchiha Yu knew that the enemy did not use the full power of the corpse veins. He only used the most basic hardness of the corpse veins.

The Kaguya family has inherited a secret technique that can unleash the full power of the corpse veins. It is impossible for the Kaguya ninja in front of him, who is far more powerful than Kaguya Kukiye, not to have mastered such a secret technique.

However, Uchiha Yu himself did not spend enough time to study, so he could not fully reproduce Kakuzu's unique skill, which was the technique of transforming the powerful defensive power of the earth spear into terrifying destructive power.

If he continues to use the Earth Escape and Earth Spear technique, he will fall into an absolutely passive situation.

Uchiha Yuu looked at his pair of pitch-black fists regretfully, released the ninjutsu Earth Spear, and the color of his fists gradually returned to normal.

Kaguya Ren saw it and smiled ferociously: "Have you felt the power of the Kaguya clan? Have you decided to give up?"

"It's a very sensible choice. You are bound to die anyway, so why bother enduring the long torture? I promise to give you a happy ending."

He gritted his teeth and pulled out his spine from the neck. The 36 vertebrae expanded and grew bone spurs. The bone spurs intertwined with each other to form a huge multi-section spiral structure, which looked like a siege vertebrae.

Corpse Vein·Dance of Titan Konjac

Kaguya Ren lifted the huge siege awl in his right hand and waved it a few times. Every time he thrust forward, the 36 bones would suddenly pop forward and then retract. This could be repeated more than 15 times per second. , a dense crashing sound erupted.

Kaguya Ren casually destroyed a few rocks around him and showed Uchiha Yuu the power of Titan Arum. The effect of instantly breaking rocks was just like a pickaxe used to remove cement pavement, and the destructive power was astonishing.

He smiled proudly: "With this Titan Arum-shaped bone vertebrae, with just a slight bump, all your bones will be shattered."

"Don't worry, the pain won't last long. It only takes a few seconds for you to die from bone marrow osmotic shock."

Uchiha sneered leisurely: "Sure enough, the Kaguya ninja who awakened the corpse veins is not very smart. Yes, your bones are too hard, I really can't hit you. Now that I have determined that this technique cannot kill you, Of course I have to change my technique to one that can kill you."

"Fire Release is my best ninjutsu."

Flames jumped out of Uchiha Yuu's hands, and the color of the flames instantly changed from red to gold, until it was close to white, and stabilized into a pair of fist gloves that fit the shape of his hands.

Fire Release: Incineration Fist
Since physical methods can't do anything to the bones of the Corpse Vein, then we can reuse the technique that killed Kaguya Kukiye and use flames to burn him to death from the inside out.

Kaguya Ren almost laughed out loud when he saw the flames coming out, but as the color of the flames kept changing, he felt a fatal threat. His proud laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Uchiha Yuu with a gloomy expression. hands.

Uchiha Yu raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Now, let's continue the second round of fighting."

Kaguya Ren exhaled, dropped the huge siege cone, and then crossed his hands on his chest. Long bone knives sprouted from his wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, heels, etc.

More bone knives extended from his ribs, and soon he completely transformed into a hedgehog.

"So what if you have fire escape? Can you still touch my body now?"

Following Kaguya Ren's questioning, he gathered forward and turned into a rolling spiked bone ball, crushing towards Uchiha Yuu.

Uchiha Yu suddenly smiled, clasped his burning hands together, and cast another ninjutsu.

Tudun·Yellow Spring Marsh

The rolling bone-spurred ball instantly fell into the quagmire, and the rotation could no longer continue. Even if he did not give up his current action, he would not be able to extricate himself.

Kaguya Ren didn't expect that the Konoha ninja in front of him could use two escape techniques at the same time, blocking his attack at once and leaving him covered in mud and in a miserable state.

Uchiha Yu naturally took the opportunity to rush forward, aimed at the gap of the bone knife, and punched the target four times, leaving four shallow punch marks.

But he soon discovered that the golden and nearly white flame seeds did not seem to penetrate deep into the enemy's body, and he even had the feeling that the flames were not tightly attached.Uchiha Yu felt that his fist seal was not very reliable, but Kaguya Ren felt that these four fist seals had a terrifying horror that made his hair stand on end. He did not want this fist seal to stay on his body for a moment.

I saw Kaguya Ren's skin surging, constantly tearing and healing, and soon a body armor-like bone armor was squeezed out from under the skin.

There was not a trace of blood on the bones as white as jade, but there were four shining fist seals printed on them.

After the fist mark was exposed to the air, it immediately burned with a golden flame.

The flames emitted a terrifying high temperature and quickly engulfed the entire bone armor, causing it to crackle and peel.

Seeing that his bones were burned like this by the golden flames, Kaguya Ren couldn't help but take a few steps back. When he looked at the golden flame gloves in Uchiha Yuu's hands, he was also full of fear and no longer relaxed at all. .

Uchiha Yuu was also extremely surprised at this time. He had never thought that the bone armor created by the corpse bone veins in the body could be layered, and there were many layers.

This kind of layering can not only effectively prevent the penetration of the golden incineration flame, but can also be taken off like clothes, taking away the harm with it.

With a multi-layer structure, a single layer is extremely thin, and there is a vacuum barrier between each layer. Kaguya's subcutaneous bone armor is like the hinge of a UHV substation, with super flame retardant and electrical resistance.

Uchiha Yu discovered that he didn't have any ninjutsu or senjutsu, so he couldn't defeat this Kaguya ninja. Even if he summoned natural lightning, the multi-layered bone armor could well prevent the current from penetrating.

Uchiha Yu was stunned. This was the first time he encountered a guy who was completely untouchable.

Uchiha Yu desperately searched for his brain, his brain was knotted with thoughts, and he didn't know how to launch an attack. He could only stare at the opponent with wide eyes, and scare the enemy with a look like he wanted to eat people.

Kaguya Ren didn't know that the enemy had nothing to do. He watched the bone armor he took off being burned into a handful of ashes by golden flames in a short period of time, and his heart was filled with fear.

Although this is related to the thinness of the single layer of bone armor, there are two different concepts between being able to burn and being unable to burn.

When the bone armor cannot be destroyed, Kaguya Ren's courage is infinite and he dares to challenge anyone.

When the bone armor can be destroyed, Kaguya Ren's courage is like a deflated balloon, deflating in an instant.

The two guys looked at each other, feeling guilty in their hearts, but they both put on fierce expressions.

They are fighting wolves with straw - they are afraid of both ends.

No one dared to make a move, and the result was naturally that the two people stood face to face, staring at each other, using various expressions to intimidate or seduce each other, hoping that the other would reveal their flaws and seize the opportunity to defeat their opponent.

At this time, a golden spark floating upward above the ashes suddenly and silently expanded into a dim red fireball, from which the civet cat stepped out.

Miwa Masayo's claws were floating with white ribbons of flames. She appeared from high in the sky, her limbs and tail stretched out with all her strength, and even her claws were spread as wide as possible. She tried hard to adjust her body posture with the help of air, aiming at Kaguya Ren's back. The neck jumped straight down.

Kaguya Ren was attracted by Uchiha Yuu's confrontation. Miwa Masayo's sneak attack was a complete success. Her pure white claws fiercely scratched Kaguya's spine and opened the wounds on the opponent's spine. Every bone.

For ninjas who have awakened the corpse veins, bone breaking is the most difficult technique to use. After cutting, they must add materials to prevent their bones from healing instantly.

Adding material to the fracture after breaking the bone is even more effective than removing the bone directly. The former can only slowly remove the material before it can heal slowly, but the latter only needs to directly regenerate the bone.

The ingredients added to the civet cat are naturally flames, and they are pure white flames that rely on natural energy to burn. The roasted spinal cord is fragrant, and Kaguya Ren's expression is distorted in pain.

He originally felt that the people he wanted to kill today were too powerful and he was not sure of defeating the enemy, so he hesitated.

As a result, another ninja cat playing with fire appeared. Not only did he not know how the opponent appeared above his head, but the opponent's attack power was not fake, and it instantly crippled Kaguya Ren's spine.

The flames that Miwa Masayo left in the wound burned not only Kaguya Ren's spine, but also his self-confidence.

Kaguya Ren suddenly screamed strangely, reached out and pulled out the spine from behind, and dropped the flaming bones on the ground. After giving Uchiha Yu a fierce look, he got into the surrounding thick fog as quickly as possible. , ran away without looking back.

At this point, Yuu Uchiha fought against a Kage-level ninja for the first time, and it ended with Kaguya Ren's retreat, which was considered a draw.

But both sides in this battle believe that they are the losers of the battle.

Kaguya Ren rushed over to kill people in a fierce manner, but not only failed to kill the person, but in the end he was the first to retreat. This was of course a failure, a complete failure.

Uchiha Yuu was ready to fight the enemy, but in the middle of the fight he found that he couldn't do anything to the opponent and relied on his Neko Sennin to scare the opponent away.

Both of them secretly swore that they would catch this enemy in the future, and then lead their subordinates to fight with more and less to vent their frustrations caused by today's encounter.

【I will kill him! 】


Seeing the Kirigakure ninja army retreating like a tide, Orochimaru controlled the big snake under his feet and approached the battlefield where the war had subsided.

After scaring Kaguya Ren away, Uchiha Yu returned to the command position of the Tiger Force and took the Uchiha brothers back to Kubota Village. That was where their guard duty was, and other ninjas could not take advantage of it.

The Tiger Troops fought continuously today. Under high mental stress, their physical strength was exhausted rapidly. However, they were inspired by their crazy achievements and ignored their physical fatigue due to their high spirits.

At this time, the Kirigakure ninjas had retreated, and Uchiha Yu gave an order to declare the battle over.

The tense spirits of the Uchiha ninjas finally relaxed. Almost the moment they relaxed, fatigue overwhelmed all the Uchiha ninjas.

The dignified ninjas were dizzy and unsteady on their feet. They staggered to the ground as if they were drunk.

Uchiha boys under the age of 15 were still growing, and they were even more intolerant of hard work. Several of these children even fainted after relaxing, leaving Uchiha Yuu in a hurry for a while.

At this time, if the Kirigakure ninja suddenly made a comeback, the Tiger Troops would not be able to continue fighting. The Uchiha, who were weak in muscles and bones, could not even escape, and could only count on Uchiha Yuu to explode to save their lives.

The exhausted Uchihas couldn't even drink water. After barely swallowing a few soldiers' food pills, they even lay down in the mud and fell asleep one by one without cleaning up the corpses around them.

As for the densely packed corpses on the battlefield outside the village, they couldn't even care less.

Uchiha Yuu's spirit was also highly tense today, and he also felt very tired now. Being able to watch out for his brothers was the limit of what he could do.

Just after he dried a piece of ruins and sat down on it, Orochimaru appeared opposite him.

"Lord Orochimaru, don't you need to command the Konoha ninja army to hunt down the Kirigakure ninja army?"

Orochimaru could tell that he disliked his idleness.

Orochimaru had extra patience and tolerance for the man who contributed to Konoha's victory. He smiled and said: "I had already given the order to counterattack before I came here. In terms of specific execution, Nara Antlers can do it perfectly. As long as I follow the command, the Konoha ninja army can complete its combat mission well."

Uchiha asked leisurely: "What about the three Kage-level ninjas? Don't you need to take action? Some of us Konoha ninjas can take them down?"

Orochimaru replied without hesitation: "This is definitely not possible. I must handle the three of them."

"But it's very difficult for me to fight three by myself, so I came to you specially. With your help, I will be more confident."

Uchiha Yu was shocked, and he asked: "Don't you know that I haven't officially become a jounin yet?"

Orochimaru said disdainfully: "The difference between a jounin and a jounin is just a formality. Although I didn't see the specific process, I know that you fought that guy."

Uchiha Yu's eyes widened. It turns out that you were partially hungry, but you didn't come to help?
(End of this chapter)

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