I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 129: The effect of the earth spear technique and its armament, domineering, and thief image

Chapter 129: The effect of the earth spear technique and its armament, domineering, and thief image

Ling said: "I will organize a retreat immediately."

Kaguya Renya said: "I will tell the Kaguya clan to obey your orders and kill people by myself."

Kito Sakusuki solemnly said: "Okay, I guarantee with my honor that the ninjas of the Kaguya family will walk in front of the ninjas from the Kito family."

After the discussion, the three giants immediately took action.

The unique Kirigakure technique of the Kirigakure ninjas erupted again, soon covering the entire battlefield. The screams of the Kirigakure ninjas on the battlefield became smaller, and the flames, smoke and corpses that filled the field of vision were no longer visible.

The most important thing is that the Kirigakure ninja is in the most familiar environment, and his chaotic sanity gradually recovers after being defeated.

At the same time, a sharp metal knocking sound resounded through the sky, and it could be heard clearly even in the thick fog with a silencing effect.

This is the signal to retreat.

"I can finally retreat without dying."

"God bless me, I survived, woo woo woo..."

"Bageya Road, the damn high-ups finally understand the situation, and I don't need to die."

"Really, we should have retreated long ago."

"Asshole, they finally admitted their mistake."

"I just didn't want to die. Not only did they not help me, they also chopped me with a knife. I remember this grudge."

"On the way back, you may encounter a lonely ghost lantern..."

Kirigakure ninjas are grateful, or aggrieved, or even resentful, but every ninja who has gone through the test of the blood mist is a guy full of survival. They retreat eastward according to the order quickly. There was no urge to stop.

The retreat of the Kirigakure ninjas was very noisy. Although it was covered by the strong Kirigakure technique, Uchiha Yu and the Tiger troops were still aware of it.After all, they were among these Kirigakure ninjas, and on the eastward retreat route of many unlucky Kirigakure ninjas.

As the Kirigakure ninja who ran into the tiger troops was killed and captured, and then used genjutsu to interrogate the information, Uchiha Yu even accurately grasped the precise information of the Kirigakure ninja's retreat.

But he dared not do anything.

Because he couldn't figure out why the Kirigakure ninjas retreated, he couldn't be sure where the enemy's Kage-level ninjas were. Once he led the tiger troops to move, the possibility of hitting Kage-level Kirigakure ninjas would greatly increase.

He was confident of escaping from the Kage level, teaming up with Miwa Masashi, and even trying to defeat the Kage level ninja, but what about the Tiger troops?
In order to protect the seeds he planted as much as possible and for the leisurely life of cultivating immortals in the future, Uchiha Yu could only wait motionless.

As the commander of a key point on the battlefield, he lacked understanding of the overall situation and could not understand what the 4000 casualties he had brought with his Tiger troops today meant in the overall situation of Tang Country.

At this time, Uchiha Yuu was shocked that nearly half of the Kirigakure ninja casualties did not collapse, and they could even organize an orderly retreat. This was a miracle in Uchiha Yuu's opinion.

It stands to reason that an army that can create such a miracle must have incredible discipline, morale, and fighting will, but there is no such feeling at all during the battle.

There is no doubt that Uchiha Yu has once again encountered a worldview conflict, and he is painfully accepting the transformation of reality.

But his inherent knowledge made him unknowingly overestimate the resilience of the Kirigakure ninja army, so he had no idea about pursuing Kirigakure. After the enemy completely disappeared from sight, he would lead the tiger troops back to Kubota Village.

Anyway, his mission is to defend Kubota Village.

At this moment, Uchiha Yu's heart was beating wildly, his hair stood on end, and cold sweat poured out drop by drop, dripping from the tip of his nose and chin. There were also beads of sweat on his back, flowing down the groove of his spine. .

【On a whim】

Uchiha Yuu immediately realized that an enemy was targeting him. The enemy was determined to kill him and was powerful enough to activate his magical power.

It can only be a powerful ninja of Kage level.

He couldn't help but complain: "Really, I'm not even prepared."

Miwa Masashi heard this and immediately asked: "What's wrong, nya?"

"Is there another powerful enemy targeting you, meow?"

"Yeah, I don't know who it is. This is the first battle that I haven't made any preparation for."

"Want to retreat, meow?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and told Miwa Masayo with his eyes that he did not want to give up the tiger troops behind him.

The civet cat nodded to show that she understood, but she shook her head again and said, "But I don't believe you, meow. Fighting without any preparation is not what Yu would do, meow."

"Haha..." (feeling guilty)

"Hmph, there is indeed something. What are you planning to take out this time, nya? Is it a secret that I don't even know about, nya?"

"How is it possible? It's definitely the power that Rika-chan knows about, but I don't know who the enemy is yet, so I'm not sure which one to use."

"Well, the type of power is related to my core character and my external display mode for a long time in the future. I hate such unexpected changes the most."

Uchiha Yu was indeed distressed, but he had already guessed who the enemy was.

The Kirigakure ninjas retreated, and now they came to attack their enemies. Their motive was definitely not for survival, nor was it for the future of Kirigakure Village.After this battle, Uchiha Yu finally understood that the Kirigakure ninjas were extremely selfish. If Konoha Village and Kumogakure Village hadn't been squeezed hard, a civil war would have definitely broken out in Kirigakure Village first.

The overall interests of Kirigakure Village do not exist at all among the group of Kirigakure ninjas in front of them.

There are also Kirigakure ninjas who have the interests of the entire Kirigakure village, such as Kito Zabuza who killed all his classmates, Terumi Mei who was fully trained by Genshi, and Gotachibana Yagura, the carefully selected disciple of the third Mizukage.

But most of them are still very young and have not yet become the backbone of Kirigakure Village. Even the way forward is firmly blocked by the three major ninja clans, and they can only struggle hard at the bottom.

Therefore, those who can still come to kill Uchiha Yu at this time can only do it out of personal grudges, because they killed his relatives and friends and then came to take revenge.

Considering that among the Kirigakure ninjas he killed, only Kaguya Kuye had a great ninja clan background, Uchiha Yuu concluded that this enemy must be from the Kaguya clan.

There are two best ways to deal with the ninja of the Kaguya clan who masters the bone veins, either to be tougher than him, or to make him unable to touch you.

Uchiha Yuu was hesitant between Thunder Release and Flying Thunder God, and couldn't decide which one to display as his true power.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong.

[I’m drifting, I’m definitely drifting. 】

[Facing an unknown opponent that I might not be able to beat, what identity issue am I actually thinking about?What are you thinking about keeping the Tiger Force? 】

【What are you thinking about?I! 】

[Of course, use your full strength. If you fight him, if you can beat him, kill him. If you can't beat him, run away! 】

Uchiha Yuu's mind was spinning, and he quickly figured out all the problems. He suddenly felt that his mind was clear, and there was no longer the lingering haze before.

He said with a smile: "I just fought a few battles with my brothers, and my soul was so thick without even realizing it. I actually used invisible shackles to bind my hands and feet to fight against the beasts."

"This immortal road is indeed difficult to walk."

Miwa Masashi was confused when he heard this and asked: "Yu, what are you talking nonsense about again?"

"No, I just figured out some things."

After speaking, he blew the copper whistle, indicating that he would attack the enemy, and the command was transferred to Uchiha Nobushige.

When the bronze whistle sounded in response, Uchiha Yu had already stepped forward, striding forward in the direction of the sensed enemy.

The change in his thoughts happened in an instant, and Miwa Masayo naturally found it baffling, but now her trust in the shit shovel had reached an extremely high level, and she did not feel any nervousness.The civet cat put its paws on the shit shovel's neck, feeling his vigorous fighting spirit through its flesh balls, and said with a joking smile: "Meow, meow, meow, you have suddenly become so warlike, my Taoist companion, yours Hearts change so quickly, meow.”

Uchiha smiled heartily and said: "The path to immortality is not easy to follow. Not only do you have to explore carefully and protect yourself with integrity and blame, but you also have to be able to move forward bravely at critical moments. Your sense of proportion is tested every moment. "

"The consecutive wins in the past few days have caused me to be overly cautious and seek stability, and at the same time, I have a conflicting mentality of greedy for success and rash advancement."

"Relying on my knowledge of the relationship between firepower and dense formations, facing the charge of thousands of ninjas, I completely threw away the principles of mobile warfare that I had already planned, and actually led the tiger troops to defeat the Kirigakure ninjas."

Miwa Masashi tilted her head. She didn't think there was anything wrong with this, so she asked: "But you defeated meow, and the result was so gorgeous, it will definitely shock the ninja world, meow."

Uchiha Yuu smiled proudly, and then pretended to be humble and said: "That's just my application of previous knowledge, it's nothing, hahahaha."

After the joke, he suppressed his smile and said helplessly: "Although I successfully won the battle, after taking such a big risk, the vast majority of the benefits gained belong to Orochimaru and the Leaf Village, and as an individual I can gain The income is very limited, what’s the difference between this and working for free?”

"And if you go too far, there will be backlash. You see, now all the Kirigakure ninjas have retreated in large numbers, but there are people who come specifically to kill me."

Miwa Masashi also felt strong murderous intent and a powerful aura at this time. She stood up and began to move on Uchiha Yu's shoulders, opening each of her little claws into a plum pattern, and each claw also Pop it out and inspect it carefully to see if it's sharp enough.

While checking, she said: "Yu's feeling is right, he is really a powerful ninja meow. But how can you be sure that he attracted meow because of the killing in this battle?"

"Couldn't it be caused by a certain ninja we killed that time?"

Uchiha Yu looked at Masashi Miwa in surprise and asked, "How did you guess that?"

Miwa Masashi was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "You know meow? You actually know meow!!"

"Liar meow! Yuu, you liar was caught by me, meow!"

"Just now you said you didn't know, meow!"

"Haha..." (feeling guilty)

"Octopus legs meow!"

"no problem!"

"I want two cats!"

"Well, I can't agree to this. The octopus probably hasn't grown yet. The limp octopus legs don't taste good."

"It's a meow...then just a meow."

"Pear jam is awesome!"

"Hmph, don't lie to me again in the future, otherwise, otherwise I... will be angry, meow!"

"Good good."

Miwa Masashi caught Uchiha Yu's hand and won the argument. Uchiha Yu agreed to all the conditions she proposed. This made the raccoon cat extremely happy, and the anger of being deceived had long since dissipated.

This cute kitten even forgot about being cheated. The happy civet cat only remembered that he won.

Uchiha Yuu was also very happy, because he clearly felt Miwa Masayo's generosity, and most importantly, his talent of being good at forgetting bad things.

Only such a generous Cat Immortal can be a Taoist companion who can accompany him for endless years. If he chooses a petty Taoist companion, his life will be torture.

Miwa Masato cared very much about her shit-slayer. Even though she was so happy, she did not forget her question: "Yu, you haven't explained why the enemy provoked Meow because of the battle just now?"

Uchiha Yu explained: "Although I don't know exactly how it got to this point, the reason must be because I hit them too hard. The Kirigakure ninjas saw the failure in advance, and I pushed them too hard. This He also wanted to bite me before leaving."

Miwa Masashi still didn't understand: "If we don't fight so hard this time, this murderous enemy won't come to kill you, nya?"

Uchiha Yu nodded in confirmation and said: "Yes, if I didn't hit him so hard, he wouldn't come to kill me, at least not today."

"In this huge ninja army, there are only a few Kage-level ninjas at the top of the ninja world. Everyone has their own position and responsibilities. They cannot easily abandon their responsibilities and come to trouble me."

"Only if I kill the things he needs to be responsible for can he be liberated from his responsibilities and be able to come after me."

"I see, I understand, nya." Masayo Miwa suddenly realized, and she even drew inferences, "Just like Yu, you are now shouldering the responsibility of leading the Tiger Troops. Even if someone slaps you and runs away, you can only watch. Did they run away, meow?”

"..." Uchiha Yuu's mouth twitched, "Your metaphor... No, that's right."

"Meow~~, I understand, meow, that murderous ninja, you have killed all his responsibilities, so he is free, and then he chases you and kills you meow."


Having said this, the two immortals suddenly became quiet because they heard the sound of wind caused by high-speed movement. It was the sound caused by the human body wearing a wide robe and long sleeves, which was the favorite attire of the Kirigakure ninja.

But generally speaking, ninjas follow a stealth style. Because of their fragile characteristics, they believe that avoiding being discovered by the enemy is the strongest defense.

Only the hard-nosed Kaguya clan, relying on their strong defense, would unscrupulously demonstrate their existence, thus inspiring such fierce voices.

In the ninja world, apart from the Kaguya clan of Kirigakure Village, the only people who make such a loud noise while marching are probably the Third Raikage of Kumogakure Village. And the ninja who is sprinting towards the tiger army must be from the Kaguya clan. Ninja.

Uchiha Yu found that his and the ninja's traveling routes did not overlap. There was a slight angle deviation between the two lines, which meant that the enemy had not discovered him and could give him a head-on blow.

Sneak attack is the fighting method preferred by most ninjas, and Uchiha Yuu is no exception.

Because of his cultivation, his foundation is the natural energy of the five spirits, but in terms of combat, he still relies more on ninjutsu.

There is no way. After the Sage of Six Paths spread chakra, Ninjutsu has experienced thousands of years of evolution and accumulation. I don't know how many geniuses have injected their talents into it. After thousands of years of war, the power of Ninjutsu in the world is more powerful than that of Uchiha and myself. The magic that has been developed is too powerful.

The so-called senjutsu are all based on chakra and ninjutsu as the outline. Natural energy is only an auxiliary to increase the power of chakra.

Among the ninjutsu mastered by Uchiha Yu, the most powerful ninjutsu for a single person is Chidori, which is the signature ninjutsu that Kakashi Hatake may not have developed yet.

This technique focuses on penetrating strikes and is extremely powerful. Although it is a bit difficult to control, Yuu Uchiha can still control it easily.

The problem is that this thing is too noisy and can only be used for frontal attacks, not for sneak attacks.

The Ninjutsu with the second most offensive power after Chidori is Earth Release and Earth Spear, which is still a recognized defensive Ninjutsu. Yuu Uchiha is not sure whether Mr. Kakuzu has already used this technique for attack.

But today he planned to use this technique to remind Ninja Kaguya that the blood succession limit must be stronger than the ninjutsu. In the final analysis, it is the strength of the ninja itself that matters.

Yuu Uchiha listened carefully to the noise stirred up by the coming person, mobilized natural energy to drive the chakra in the cells of his body, separated the earth attribute chakra, and hardened his fists.

He looked at the hands that had turned pitch black. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he still couldn't help but think of the so-called armed domineering. He had to say that the visual feeling was really similar, and the way of using it was also very similar.

Uchiha Yu shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts that had nothing to do with the battle, and then used his chakra to the limit, and the black area quickly spread to the entire upper body.

He closed his eyes, stepped forward and punched, and listened with all his concentration to the sound of the enemy approaching.

Suddenly, Miwa Masayo jumped up from Uchiha Yuu's shoulder, and Uchiha Yuu twisted around and swung his dark right fist fiercely into the thick fog.

What is surprising is that the movements of the two immortals were extremely violent, but they both controlled the airflow around their bodies exquisitely, without making the slightest sound or causing the slightest sway of the thick fog.

If someone were to watch this punch at this time, they would inevitably have the illusion that Uchiha Yuu's punch was also very slow due to the slowness of these reference objects.

Just when Uchiha Yuu's fist stretched to the limit, the thick fog in front suddenly rolled up, and a face that looked like 40 years old broke through the thick fog and appeared directly in front of the fist.

Kaguya Ren didn't recognize it as a fist, he just noticed a black shadow appearing in his field of vision without warning.

The distance he discovered was too short. Without any reaction, his nose collided with the black fist.

(End of this chapter)

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