I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 124 Fire Escape Dual Use Right, it’s Maxim in Ninjutsu

Chapter 124 Fire Escape Dual Use Right, it’s Maxim in Ninjutsu

The Third Raikage said that Kirigakure was going to lose, so they were going to lose.

It has been almost 20 years, and the Third Raikage's judgment has never been wrong. Today's Kumogakure ninja has become accustomed to it and will no longer have any doubts about his judgment.

As the Third Raikage's order was conveyed, the Kumogakure ninjas from Moon Country quickly gathered and marched towards Yuno Country, heading straight for the location where the Kirigakure fleet currently resides.

The Raikage also issued an order: "Let Ai and Bi join me as soon as possible. I will take them to see Konoha's ninja army. Maybe it can inspire inspiration and find our idea of ​​​​creating an elite army by Kumogakure."

Dodai took the order and immediately arranged for the ninja to issue the order. When he did all this, the Raikage had already strode away. He wanted to rush to the front line as soon as possible and lead the Kumogakure ninja to start the war.

For 20 years, every time there was a war with the four major ninja villages, the third generation Raikage always stood in front of all Kumogakure ninjas, leading everyone forward.

Tudai watched the sturdy figure of Raikage walking further and further away, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.Perhaps, the rebellion of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers back then was actually a great thing.

In that disaster, Cloud Hidden Village lost half of its ninjas and the second-generation Raikage, but the third-generation Raikage who succeeded him was an even better, almost perfect leader.

Although Konoha Village only lost one Senju Tobirama, the third Hokage who succeeded him was the biggest surprise given to the four great ninja villages by fate.

Under the command of the Third Hokage, in the Second Ninja World War, Konoha Village fought without any structure, and eventually the four major ninja villages besieged Konoha.

If Konoha White Fang hadn't emerged from nowhere and single-handedly defeated Sunagakure Village, they might have really destroyed Konoha Village.

This was unimaginable in the era of the Second Hokage.

Senju Tobirama is not only a master of forbidden arts, he is also a great statesman and extraordinary diplomat.

The Konoha Village under his leadership has never fought with two ninja villages at the same time. In the first ninja war, the Konoha Village actually fought three consecutive wars against a single ninja village.

Thanks to Senju Tobirama's diplomatic efforts, the ninjas of Sunagakure and Konoha Village ended the war without even a single battle.

Dodai could not imagine what reason Senju Tobirama used to convince the Second Kazekage to maintain absolute neutrality during the battle between Konoha Village and Iwagakure Village.

Fortunately he died.


Uchiha Yu looked at the dozen crystal clear beads in front of him with a very strange expression on his face.

Miwa Masashi asked: "What is this, can it be eaten?"

Uchiha Yuu's expression became even weirder. He hesitated for a moment and replied: "These are the remains of Kaguya Kaguya. I found them from the pile of ashes like a hill."

Miwa Masayo's expression also became extremely weird, and she even made a gesture of vomiting.

"The hard beads that appear after being burned by the flames should be the essence of his body condensed on the bones. This thing has a special name, called relics."

"Generally speaking... human remains cannot be eaten."

"Okay, meow, I understand, meow, don't say meow, ugh~~"

Miwa Masashi ran away quickly, leaving Uchiha Yu alone, looking at a dozen relics and thinking silently.

[There seems to be some kind of terrifying power sealed here. The intensity of the power may not be high, but the level of power is definitely extraordinary. 】

[How should I extract the power from this? 】


[No, I can’t pass the psychological barrier.Slowly think of other ways. 】

Uchiha Yuu collected the relics, put a bag of ashes in his mouth, came to a piece of land that had just been plowed, and scattered the ashes evenly.

The next battle may be accompanied by a flood, and these ashes will definitely be washed away by then. Uchiha Yu decided to collect as many as possible and bury them in the opened land.

Once it is compacted, it is difficult for floods to wash it away.

When the flood recedes, the land mixed with ashes and soaked with moisture will become the best vegetable plot.

After staying in Kubota Village for three days, Uchiha Yu faced the fertile land around the village, and his instinct to plant something began to kick in.

So I took advantage of my break to collect the ashes to prevent them from being washed away by the flood and wasting this good phosphate fertilizer.

Who knew there would be unexpected discoveries among the ashes? The ninjas of the Kaguya family actually produced relics, which aroused Yu Chiha's curiosity.

He secretly made up his mind that if there was a chance in the future, he would catch a few Kaguya ninjas and study the secrets of the Kaguya clan and the Corpse Veins.

After all, in the settings of immortality novels, there is always an unclear relationship between relics and golden elixirs.

Although these two are completely different things in orthodox cultivation, but they are both in the ninja world, who knows if they are related?
In short, it is worth Yuchiha Yu's time to study.

Even if the research finds that the two have nothing to do with each other, the Corpse Vein itself is still worth studying. This blood inheritance limit is completely different from ice escape, melting escape, and burning escape.But like the Sharingan and Byakugan, they are directly derived from the body of the Otsutsuki clan.

The Otsutsuki clan is definitely a high-level life above transcendence. According to Taoist understanding, this immortal race is either classified as a natural god or a celestial being, or it is classified as an extraterrestrial demon.

In short, they are all equal to immortals, and they are all excellent targets for seizing bodies.

Of course, if one can trace back the bloodline through research and return the body to the body of Otsutsuki, it will be more suitable for cultivating immortals than taking the body. It is a super leap in the essence of life just like cultivating immortals.

Thinking about his future goals, Uchiha Yu moved faster and faster.

He continued to spread the ashes evenly on the ground, stirred up the soil to mix it thoroughly with the ashes, and then used the earth spirit and earth escape technique when no one was paying attention to liquefy the mixed soil and then solidify it, creating a waterproof hard block.

With his efforts, at dawn on the fourth day, he had disposed of less than half of Kaguya's ashes, and the Kirigakure ninja's third attack began.

Wuyang Wuyang's Kirigakure ninjas surrounded him from three sides at the same time. There were so many of them that they were so crowded that they were pressed against each other.

This is not what a ninja should be like.

The Uchihas of the Tiger Force were at a loss when they saw so many Kirigakure ninjas. These boys who had experienced wars also felt frightened by the number of people.

Few people are afraid of large numbers, and large numbers of people are emboldening. This is human animal instinct.

But Uchiha Yuu had no fear.

Because of chakra, the ninja world suddenly jumped from the era of samurai with cold weapons to the era of ninjas. I don’t know how many war forms were passed in the middle.

In the practice of war, the ninjas chose the organization method of small teams and instinctively adopted the correct tactical principles of sparse formation and concealment priority.

But after all, the ninjas have never personally experienced the tragedy of arranging in a high-density formation with an absolute numerical advantage to attack a defender with powerful attack power.

Uchiha Yuu has never experienced it, but he understands it deeply.

Because by the Soumu River in Blue Star, Dai Niu and French Chicken used [-] tragic casualties a day to prove to everyone in Blue Star the consequences of intensive formations and intensive firepower.

Seeing the appearance of the Kirigakure ninja today, Uchiha Yuu's excited heart almost jumped out of his mouth, but he was not happy.

The Kirigakure ninjas put on such a posture, it was not like they were charging with hundreds of people, but thousands of people were charging at the same time.If they don't directly defeat the Kirigakure ninjas on the way to the enemy's charge, and are approached by enemies more than ten times larger and engage in hand-to-hand combat, the Uchihas of the Tiger Force will undoubtedly die.

But if the shooting is blocked halfway, it will definitely cause a massacre that will shock the ninja world.As the commander, Uchiha Yuu will become famous in the ninja world and become a "big shot" that everyone knows.

Seeing the denser and denser Kirigakure ninjas, Uchiha Yu felt more and more distressed. He even had the urge to look up to the sky and sigh: How can the sky of Yu Yu be inferior to me?
Of course Uchiha Yu wanted to be famous. He took the initiative to organize the Tiger Troops. Of course he wanted to make achievements and then use them as capital to compete for the throne of the clan leader.

But he didn't want to be so famous. Being too famous would be bad.

When Uchiha Yuu became a famous figure in the ninja world, he told people that I just wanted to be the leader of the Uchiha clan, and that I would retire after only being the clan leader for ten years. Would the Third Hokage believe it?

Of course the Third Hokage didn't believe it. He didn't even believe in Sakumo Hatake, the most steadfast believer in the Will of Fire, let alone Yuu Uchiha, an Uchiha.Fortunately, Yuu Uchiha really... has evil intentions.

When the Third Hokage Group suspects that you are an enemy, you'd better be, because they are too hesitant to attack a confirmed enemy.

Why would Danzo have no scruples against Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Shisui, Hinata Hizashi, and even Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan from the outer village?
Isn't it just because they have a close relationship with the Leaf Village that they will only try to refute with words but not with weapons.

Uchiha Yuu, however, has long regarded Shimura Danzo and the Third Hokage as enemies. The education he received is that only by attacking the enemy can he save himself.Therefore, if he finds any signs of roots stalking him, he will directly use force to kill them.

[Wait a minute, I feel like I don’t need to be afraid of Danzo now. 】

Uchiha Yu suddenly found that he no longer had to worry about Danzo Shimura, and was even qualified to make his attitude clear and openly declare: I just look down on Danzo!
The reason why he hid himself before was because he was not strong enough, and Danzo Shimura had the ability to assassinate him silently.

But today's Uchiha Yuu is no longer fragile. Maybe he can't beat the Third Hokage, but what does Shimura Danzo, who only knows Wind Escape, count? Since he killed Yahiko, does he have any other achievements that he can win?
Yes, as long as the strength is strong enough, the clearer the opposition is, the more Danzo Shimura will not dare to cause trouble.

In this way, the negative effects of being famous no longer exist. No matter how exaggerated his record is here, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

With his worries relieved, Uchiha Yuu smiled and put the copper whistle into his mouth.

At this time, Miwa Masashi suddenly appeared on his shoulder and said to him anxiously: "What should I do, nya? Yuu, Kirigakure is crazy nya? How should we retreat nya?"

Uchiha Yuu held the copper whistle in his mouth, gently scratched the kitten's chin with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Kirigakure is indeed crazy, but we don't need to retreat, not at all."


"They have no idea what it means to them to rush over with such a dense formation, so let me teach them and the entire ninja world a lesson and make up for this shortcoming."

The sharp whistle sounded, and the sonorous and powerful rhythm conveyed a very simple tactical arrangement. Yu Chiha asked all the teams to merge, and use the team as a unit to form two rows, facing the enemies in the left and right directions.

Therefore, Uchiha uses the Fire Release and Phoenix Fire Technique to attack between 150 meters and 300 meters. Even if someone rushes over, he doesn't have to worry about it and leaves it all to the team leader.

The attack can only be stopped when the enemy retreats or when a ninja of Jonin level or above attacks.

There was a huge flaw in the tactics arranged by Uchiha Yu. Because it was so obvious, the squad leaders had to use whistles to ask: "How to deal with the center of the array, facing the direction of the enemy's main force?"

Uchiha Yu also responded with a whistle: "I'll handle it."


Driven by the three major ninja clans behind them, the first wave of Kirigakure ninjas began to charge while gnashing their teeth and cursing.

As they ran, they instinctively tried their best to keep the distance between each other, but the number of 1500 people was too much. Even with all their efforts, the distance between them was no more than three meters.

When they approached 500 meters, the team captain's whistle sounded, and the Uchiha genin began to form unified seals and use the same steps to perform the Fire Release and Phoenix Fire Technique.

This C-level ninjutsu is called Fire Release and the Fireball Jutsu, and it is said to be a technique that never hits the enemy.

Uchiha ninjas are the ninjas who are the best at fire escape. It can be said that the four fire escape mastered by every official ninja must include the high fire ball and the phoenix fire.

They mainly assist in the application of the powerful fireball technique. For example, after one attack is ineffective, they can connect to the next round of attacks between battles, or block the enemy's sight, and use the cover of the powerful fireball to perform teleportation, transformation, or move positions. Change tactics.

The use of Phoenix Immortal Fire is even more useless. When the two sides are confronting each other, if they really can't find a weakness in the other party, they can use Phoenix Immortal Fire to force the opponent to move.

If you move, there will definitely be a flaw, and then if you endure it, you can attack the enemy's flaw.

The weakness of these two techniques is speed. The speed of flame flight is too slow, and it is really impossible to catch up with the ninja, even if it is a surprise attack, it will not work.

The sound and light effects of these two techniques are so strong that no matter how sudden they are used, the ninja will detect them in time and dodge them easily.

But what must be realized is that Hao Fire Ball and Phoenix Fire can kill people.

Moreover, these two techniques are powerful fire escapes that kill immediately upon contact, which are far more deadly than explosive ninjutsus such as fire escape and fire bombs.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the enemy to see these two techniques and immediately dodge or use ninjutsu to resist.

Uchiha Yuu realized very early that if the density of Fire Release and Phoenix Fire reached a level where it was impossible to dodge, would there be a qualitative change and become Maxim in Ninjutsu?
When the Kirigakure ninjas saw the bright and beautiful flames rising on the opposite side, shaped like peacock tail feathers, the Kirigakure ninjas laughed. Who could not recognize this useless fire escape?
As long as I dodge a little, dodge...

The Kirigakure ninjas in the first row suddenly discovered that there were too many Phoenix Fires in front of them, and they could only hit another flame if they moved left, right or forward.

The Kirigakure ninjas naturally retreated, but were shocked to find that they had bumped into their companions behind them, and they had no room to dodge backwards.

The tacitly non-threatening ninjutsu was getting closer and closer, and the Kirigakure ninjas were no longer relaxed at all. They stopped, quickly formed seals and then vomited water.

Water Escape · Water Shock Wave

Water Escape · Water Bomb

Water Escape·Water Tooth Bullet

Water Escape·Water Chaos

Various low-level water escape ninjutsus met the flames flying and falling in the sky. The two ninjutsus collided head-on. The result was that the water escape ninjutsu naturally won and extinguished the attacking flames.

But no Kirigakure ninja was happy, because they found that Water Release could only extinguish a few flames it came into contact with, and this amount was insignificant compared to the Phoenix Fire that was flying all over the sky.

The biggest feature of Phoenix Immortal Fire is the large number of flames. As long as the caster is willing to spare chakra, it is effortless to blow out dozens of flames in one breath.

If you want to stop the fire attack, you must continue to use water escape to block the continuous fire. The chakra consumption gap between the two sides is huge.

Moreover, the members of the Tiger Force are of uniform quality. All members are composed of Uchiha ninjas who have activated the Sharingan. They are out-and-out elites.

Kirigakure ninjas are expelled minor ninjas and civilian ninjas. Their level is not only very low, but also uneven.

Some Kirigakure ninjas can easily use the Water Release Ninjutsu continuously, but some people only use the Ninjutsu 2 or 3 times, and their chakra is exhausted and they are unable to follow up.

Moreover, the Kirigakure ninjas lacked organization and leadership. Not to mention using the water release ninjutsu uniformly, they could not even fight back together.

After the first round of water escape, there was chaos on the side of the Kirigakure ninjas. Some people gave up their ninjutsu and began to rush forward. The Phoenix fire passed through the water escape gap they created and fell on the group of Kirigakure ninjas. middle.

Suddenly the screams of the Kirigakure ninjas filled the sky.

The palm-sized Phoenix Fairy Fire displays different colors from the inside to the outside. This is because the temperature in the center is extremely high and the temperature in the periphery is low.When the Phoenix Immortal Fire falls on the human body, the high-temperature flame in the center will quickly burn through the clothes, and the roasted skin and flesh will squeak.

If the flame cannot be extinguished in time, the burning area will expand rapidly, and a large area of ​​human skin will be burned, which can easily cause fatal dehydration and may also lead to burn shock.

When the screams sounded, the Kirigakure ninjas were in complete chaos. Some people used offensive water escape towards the village, some used the Kirigakure jutsu to block their sight, and some used the defensive water escape ninjutsu of water barrier.

More ninjas rushed forward desperately, thinking that as long as they rushed into the Konoha ninjas, they would be able to avoid the danger of being covered by the Phoenix Fairy Fire.

All in all, it's a mess.

The result of the chaos was that the Water Escape was even more disordered, with fewer Phoenix Immortal Fire flames being intercepted and extinguished, and more flames falling into the crowd, causing greater damage.

The Kirigakure ninjas have fallen into a vicious cycle and cannot extricate themselves.

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(End of this chapter)

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