I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 123 The Kirigakure ninja army is definitely defeated, we Kirigakure have to fight the drowne

Chapter 123 The Kirigakure ninja army is definitely defeated, we Kirigakure have to fight the drowned dog
According to the result of the discussion, the rewards for the Tiger troops to complete the mission will be very generous, and all teams will receive an A-level mission record.

In addition, after each battle, in the battle report submitted by Uchiha Yu, 5 A-level mission rewards can be proposed, and all other teams will be given B-level mission records.

Also, every time a Jonin is killed, it is also an A-level mission reward, and Uchiha Yu comes to designate the beneficiary.

According to the standards of ninja mission levels, it is a hard condition for A-level missions to confront the jounin of the hostile great ninja village during the mission.

During the war, a large number of Jonin from each Ninja Village will be mobilized, greatly increasing the chance of encountering Jonin on the battlefield.But after all, the number of jounin only accounts for one percent of the total number of ninjas. From a probability perspective, you have to kill a hundred enemies before you can meet an enemy jounin.

Therefore, Orochimaru bloodletted the Tiger Force.

Of course, compared with what the Third Hokage did to Namikaze Minato later, it definitely pales into insignificance.

In Minato's short 18-year ninja career, he completed a total of 323 A-level missions. Counting the genin and chuunin eras, he completed an A-level mission in an average of 20 days.

There is definitely no problem with Namikaze Minato's strength, but if you think about it, you will know how much effort the Third Hokage had to put in behind the scenes in order for him to get so many high-level tasks.

When Kaguya's bones were completely burned and turned into a thick layer of white ashes, Orochimaru left with the supporting ninjas. They took away the bodies of the victims and 9 disabled or seriously injured people. The seriously wounded recovered.

Under the treatment of medical ninjutsu, five seriously injured people recovered on the spot, showing the magic of the otherworldly world.

The number of Tiger troops was restored to 83 and they were reorganized into five squads. Even if it was downsized, the captain of one squad must also serve as the captain of the support team.

But in general, the Tiger Force's combat effectiveness is stronger, because there are seven pairs of double magatama sharingan among the 83 people. Although they are not the captain of the unit, they replace the captains to assume the combat responsibilities against the masters.

The ability of the double Magatama Sharingan is replication, which can also be called insight. It is an extremely powerful ability in battle.

With the current lineup launching the previous charge, the five team captains could always be in command positions and coordinate the transfer of responsibilities among the attack, response, support, and firepower teams. The casualties encountered by the Tiger Force in the battle could be reduced by at least half.

Therefore, the Uchiha family is a fighting race. As long as there is war and sacrifice, they will become stronger and stronger until they go crazy or become Mangekyou Sharingan.

But Uchiha Yu didn't like this way of promotion. He conducted a detailed examination of the seven newly promoted double magatama sharingan, made the most profound psychological analysis, and confirmed the abnormality of their mental state.

If not for this, they could at least be team leaders.

Fortunately, I have laid a good foundation for them. Mental illness does not directly affect their character and is something that can be saved and treated.

The luckiest ones are those children who have not yet opened their eyes. Continuous battles and the sacrifices of their teammates have had a huge impact on them. However, they have not yet had their eyes opened. After all, their mental strength is insufficient. The mental strength driven by emotional fluctuations cannot break through the psychological barrier planted by Uchiha Yu. .

Therefore, after this battle, many people awakened the double magatama, but no one opened their eyes.

But fighting, fighting, victory, and witnessing sacrifices are all major changes that can turn a boy into a man overnight. The growth of Uchiha genin can be seen with the naked eye, but it is only suppressed by the psychological barrier.

After ten hours of buffering, everyone's emotions have stabilized, and the spiritual growth during the battle has initially settled. Now is the most appropriate time to open their eyes.

There is no need to worry about the attack of the Kirigakure ninjas. The Kaguya family has been hit hard this time, and the power within the Kirigakure ninja army is imbalanced. They are too busy doing things themselves, so they are not in the mood to retaliate against the Konoha ninjas.

Of course, for safety reasons, Uchiha Yu arranged for the double magatama to be on duty, and asked Miwa Masayo to help monitor the seven double magatama to prevent them from having brain convulsions.

He himself took 76 Uchiha genin to the flat ground outside the ruins, and lined up neatly under the bright, frosty moonlight.

Uchiha Yuu led everyone to put down the Hunyuan stake, guiding everyone to relax their spirits through spiritual sharing, and then lifted their psychological barriers one by one. The suppressed mental power suddenly burst out, causing fluctuations that were no less than intense emotions.

This is a rebound after the heavy pressure is lifted. It is a natural reaction of life itself. Although the effect is not worse than excited emotions, it obviously will not have any negative effects.

With strong mental power, he easily crossed the limit of activating the potential of the bloodline. The power hidden in the bloodline was activated, and the glands hidden in the brain began to become active. The absorption of chakra produced a brand new power - Sharingan eye power.

When the pupil power of the Sharingan appears, the eyes of the Uchiha boys begin to change. The pupils are quickly infected with blood, and the pupil power originating from the brain is projected into the eyes, reflecting their own magatama-shaped traces on the pupils.

First, the youngest Uchihas awakened the single Magatama Sharingan almost partially one after another, and then starting with the four team captains, the double Magatama Sharingan also appeared one by one.

The powerful pupil power exploded one after another, and the storm of power caused the alert Uchiha to look sideways.

Uchiha Yu reminded everyone in the loudest voice: "Everyone who awakens the Sharingan should try their best to control their pupil power. Uncontrolled pupil power is harmful to the eyes!"

"The better you control it, the less damage your eyes will suffer, and the greater the possibility of further progress in the future!"

When the Sharingan awakens, the release of pupil power is explosive and very difficult to control.

Especially when awakened due to the influence of extreme emotions, it is often the moment when a person loses control of his mind. The powerful pupil power is completely unrestricted and can even cause serious damage to the eyes, causing black and red blood and tears to flow.

Only cultivators like Uchiha Yuu, who regard Uchiha blood as a special constitution and use the results of cultivation to reversely develop the body's potential, will have enough control to steadily control the explosion of eye power when awakening.

But now Uchiha Yu doesn't have to worry. His body has gained strong self-healing power. The severe wounds he suffered in the previous battle were healed so badly that no scars were visible before Orochimaru arrived.

Moreover, he has not felt the loss of vitality, and it does not seem to affect his lifespan.

This is really the best news.

Uchiha Yu has always suspected that the untimely death of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama was related to his amazing super self-healing power in battle.

Perhaps it was during the battle with Madara Uchiha that the excessive use of super healing not only drained the chakra and natural energy of the first Hokage, but also drained his life source and consumed his lifespan.

After an hour, the awakening process of the Tiger Force was over. All the Uchiha who had not opened their eyes were awakened, and 13 of the original single magatama sharingan eyes were promoted to double magatama.

In just one hour, the strength of the Tiger Force at least doubled.

The most important thing is that during this promotion process, everyone's emotions remained generally calm, and there were no changes due to negative emotions.

The Uchiha were extremely excited. The boys who couldn't sleep at all lit a bonfire and danced and sang happily, venting their youthful energy.


On Konoha's side, there was a mix of surprises and excitement, while on Kirigakure's side, it was gloomy, with lightning and thunder mixed with violent storms.

The sudden loss of five hundred elite ninjas was unbearable for the Kaguya clan. At least among the Kirigakure ninja army in Yuno Country, Kaguya Ren lost more than half of his right to speak, and he didn't even dare to speak louder.

But the more serious loss was the death of Kaguya Kukiye. What the Kaguya family lost was not an elite jounin, but the heir to the family head.

Thinking of how furious the clan leader would be after this news spread back to the clan in Kirigakure Village, Kaguya Ren felt depressed.

The three giants standing in a tripod suddenly broke off one leg, and the conflict between the remaining two giants naturally became fierce. Ling from the Snow Clan and Gui Deng Shuo Yue from the Gui Deng Family were both a little confused. This was not the result they wanted, but the invisible power Pushing them from behind, arguing fiercely about everything.

Especially after the Kaguya clan suffered heavy losses, the many powers they had to give up were fought over and over, and secret armed conflicts occurred more than once.

This is a necessary and unavoidable step in the reconstruction process after a power imbalance.

What Ling and Gui Deng Shuo Yue understand, the tribesmen and dependents behind them cannot understand. Only through frontal confrontation, struggle, and bloodshed, especially after they themselves bleed and suffer pain, will their inflated desires cool down and honestly Eat the portion you can, without fussing.

Only when their respective interest groups calmed down, Ling and Gui Deng Shuiyue regained control of the situation, and by the way, they retrieved Kaguya Lian and restored the power of the three giants.

At this time, two full days had passed since Kaguya Kuye died in battle.Ghost Light Sakuyue said regretfully: "Time flies so fast. Intelligence shows that a group of reinforcements from Konoha Village have approached the border. It is no longer possible for us to capture Tangquan City."

"It's running out of time."

Ling continued: "The key now depends on the reaction of Yunyin Village. If they attack Konoha Village, we can draw out the reserve power and push away Tangquan City with the greatest strength."

Ghost Deng Shuoyue nodded in agreement: "Yes, the key is Yunyin's attitude."

"But the most important factor that affects Yunyin's attitude is our record, and the key to all this lies here..."

He sharply clicked on a point on the map, which was marked with pens of several colors. The circles of different colors made the name in the middle particularly dazzling.


"It's all because of the idiots of the Kaguya clan. 500 people rushed to kill them, but they were all beaten to death. Only thirty or forty vassal ninjas came back."

Ling glanced at Kaguya Ren, who was silent, and said coldly: "Those ninjas who finally came back were killed by some reckless fool, and we couldn't even figure out the battle."

Kaguya Ren said in a hoarse voice: "It's useless to ask. They were beaten by Konoha ninjas with fire escape and fire bombs. Then they followed the crowd and rushed into the village in a daze, and then they saw Kakuya's bone spur cage. , saw his bones being burned by the flames, and then ran back in a daze."

"There is only one piece of information that is useful to you. There are a large number of Uchiha family ninjas who have opened the Sharingan among the Konoha ninjas."

He licked his chapped lips, glanced at the two giants with bloodshot and murderous eyes, and said coldly: "This is the only one."

For Kaguya Ren's eyes, Kito Sakusuki didn't care at all. He whispered: "The ninjas of the Uchiha family have a lot of Sharingan, which is really difficult to deal with."

Ling frowned and thought hard about something, and after a long time he said: "I have never heard that there are troops composed of Uchiha family ninjas in Konoha Village. Aren't they all used separately?"

"Haha, who knows?"

"Maybe in the last war, they fought too much with the puppet division troops of Sunagakure Village and the demolition troops of Iwagakure Village, so they established new troops accordingly."

"In short, our goal is Kubota Village, the Konoha force with a large number of Uchiha ninjas. We want to eliminate them and show them to the Kumogakure ninjas so that they can choose Konoha as their enemy."

After hearing Kito Sakusuki's lengthy reasoning, Kaguya Ren asked disdainfully: "Whoever attacks, let me go first. I, the Kaguya clan, don't have the strength to attack again."


Ghost Deng Shuoyue and Ling looked at each other and understood what the other meant. No one from the two families could go.

If it is severely damaged above, the power that has finally been balanced will become unbalanced again, and power struggles will inevitably arise again, and God knows how much time it will be delayed.

By that time, as long as the Kumogakure ninjas are clear in their thinking, they will attack the Kirigakure ninja army without hesitation, and the Konoha ninjas will also launch a counterattack, and they will have no choice but to abandon their supplies in despair and retreat to the sea.

Ling sighed: "I have no choice but to let others get in."

Oniden Sakuyue also nodded: "Yes, it cannot always be that our three major blood successor ninja clan are sacrificing. The ninja clan below must bleed and sacrifice for Kirigakure Village."

Kaguya Ren also regained his energy, and said with a ferocious smile: "That's good, my family's skeletons have also died in the battle, how can they stand in a safe place and watch?"

After the three people reached an agreement, the battle plan of the Kirigakure ninja army was determined.

Kubota Village is already a protruding part, facing the Kirigakure ninjas on three sides. The three major blood successor ninja clans each occupy one side, acting as a supervising team, driving away other ninja clans and civilian ninjas, launching a saturated and continuous attack on the Konoha ninjas, using twenty Thirty times or even fifty times the absolute numerical advantage, drowning the enemy alive.

Kaguya Ren thought of a question: "With so many people rushing to such a small village, most of them can only be squeezed in the back and can't use their strength. What should I do?"

Ling and Gui Deng Shuo Yue looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Ling explained: "It is definitely impossible to swarm them. With 1500 people in one wave, launching waves of attacks can consume the enemy's physical strength to the greatest extent."

Oniden Sakuyue continued: "The ninjas who can't get their turn to attack will all use water escape from the outside. No matter what ninjutsu, there is no need to worry about not being able to attack Kubota Village. What we want is to completely flood this damn village with water."

"As long as the water floods the battlefield, the damn Konoha ninjas will be like rats, waiting for our slaughter in the flood."

"Okay!" Kaguya regained his energy and said excitedly: "This will definitely kill all those Konoha ninjas."

"Such a good idea, why haven't you used it before?"

"Most of the people were fighting on the front line before. How could there be so many ninjas doing such a thing. Only now that it is hopeless to attack Tangquan City, can we withdraw all the troops and flood a high ground."


Frost Hidden Village in the Moon Country was now completely controlled by Kumogakure ninjas, and the house of the leader of Frost Hidden Village was naturally occupied by Raikage.

Raikage arrived here before the Kirigakure fleet approached. At that time, he judged that Kirigakure, who had never fought a tough battle, would never have the guts to directly land in the Kingdom of Thunder, nor would he land in the Kingdom of Fire.

Kirigakure's goals can only be the Kingdom of Moon and the Kingdom of Tang, and the Kingdom of Moon is an absolute vassal of the Kingdom of Thunder. In order to avoid excessive losses to the Kingdom of Thunder, he made a special trip to Frost Hidden Village just to be able to do so for the first time. For a moment, Kirigakure counterattacked and drove them into the sea.

The Raikage even removed ninjas from the Kingdom of Yu to strengthen the Kingdom of Moon. As a result, the Kirigakure fleet attacked the Kingdom of Yu occupied by Konoha. After landing, they attacked all the way to the southwest, seeming to be bent on attacking the Kingdom of Fire. .

In order to prevent the Kirigakure fleet from using a cover-up trick, Raikage did not leave immediately, but continued to sit in the Kingdom of the Moon and wait for more clear information.

The Raikage lived in the large and luxuriously decorated courtyard of the leader of Frost Hidden Village for a week. In just seven days, the Raikage's daily exercise almost destroyed the entire building.

The elegant and luxurious ponds, diabolo, stone lanterns, pine trees and walls were all reduced to pieces.

At this time, Raikage, who had just completed training, was listening to the latest information. He was very curious about the Konoha ninjas guarding the Kubota Village salient, and he focused on listening to the information related to this.

Hearing that the Konoha ninja troops had wiped out more than 500 elite ninja troops of the Kaguya clan in the second battle, the Third Raikage said with emotion: "If they win another battle, they will definitely become the strongest ninja troops."

"Sunagakure Village has been working on it for 20 years, creating a puppet master force. Iwagakure Village has accumulated 15 years of experience and has a demolition force. Kirigakure Village has also come up with the Seven Great Swords, which is ridiculous."

"Alas, no matter how ridiculous the Seven Swordsman is, someone has come up with something. We in Yunyin Village have been working hard for ten years, but we still don't even have a suitable direction."

"Before these few days, I had never heard that Konoha Village was planning to build a ninja force. This force seemed to be organized casually. How could it be so powerful?"

"It's so enviable that I don't know what to say."

Jonin Dodai couldn't help but shake his head. The human and financial resources of Konoha Village were really powerless just thinking about it.

The Third Raikage wiped the sweat and dust off his body and ordered: "Let's go to the Country of Yu."

"The Third Raikage, who shall we fight?"

"Who to fight? The Kirigakure ninja army will definitely lose. We, Kirigakure, have to beat up the fallen dog."

(End of this chapter)

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