I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 112 Even Orochimaru can’t take away the things that belong to me, Uchiha Yu.

Chapter 112 Even Orochimaru can’t take away the things that belong to me, Uchiha Yu.
Seeing the three of them, they still couldn't understand. The Third Hokage was both reassured and depressed.

What is reassuring is that his intellectual advantage is still so huge that no one can threaten him.

The depressing thing is that no one can understand me, and I feel so cold at the top.

Oh, and there is the fact that Hiruzen Sarutobi must explain his plan in person. Saying the sinister aspects of it from his own mouth really damages his upright image.

Fortunately, we are all our own people, so if we talk occasionally, we won't get a negative reputation.

The Third Hokage found the information provided by Shimura Danzo, pointed to a few lines of records and said: "You see, the members of this study group at the beginning were all genin who were recognized as the least talented in the Uchiha family, and were considered unlikely to open their eyes. Crane tail.”

"They were the first beneficiaries who had their eyes opened. Judging from what happened later, these beneficiaries obediently taught the methods to the children at the top."

He pointed to the next few lines of records and continued: "The list of people who opened their eyes is mainly children from the upper echelons, but there are still many Uchiha at the bottom."

"I'm not going to do this study session, and I'm just going to remove all the lower-level eye-openers. Will the upper-level Uchiha children pass on what they have learned to other lower-level Uchiha children?"

The Third Hokage's eyes were no longer warm, and he concluded coldly: "No, most of them won't."

"The Uchiha family is not monolithic. Their senior leaders are very wary of the lower classes. This can be determined by not learning many ninjutsu from the lower class Uchiha ninjas."

"Of course, there are many weirdos in the Uchiha family, and there will definitely be a very few who are generous. Then I will remove them in a targeted manner until the Uchiha at the bottom can learn nothing."

"There are only a few high-level Uchihas. Even if all their children have their eyes opened, how many more pairs of Sharingan will there be than two months ago?"

Danzo Shimura only felt that his eyes suddenly became clear. A big problem that was obviously impossible to solve was completely solved by Hiruzen Sarutobi with just one command.

He smiled and said: "Okay, then the Uchiha senior officials will take the initiative to help us and send those new Sharingan to the battlefield."

"Okay, okay, send them all to the battlefield of Kirigakure Village. That is the most difficult enemy for Uchiha ninjas to deal with."

"It would be too conspicuous to go to the Kirigakure Village battlefield, and it would be uncomfortable to lose some of it to the Rain Kingdom battlefield."

When the big framework of the plan was formed, Shimura Danzo added the conspiracy very smoothly, and came up with two vicious ideas in the blink of an eye.

He is worthy of being Sarutobi Hiruzen's closest comrade and most capable assistant.

After urgent discussions among the high-level F4 of Konoha Village, the Third Hokage conducted a second round of mobilization, but this time no specific name was specified.

A few days later, he was satisfied to see that the list submitted by Uchiha Fugaku included almost all the old study club members.

This was the strong suggestion from the elders such as Uchiha Setsuna and Uchiha Shifang, and was decided by Uchiha Fugaku after being fiercely opposed by Uchiha Yuichiro and Uchiha Ryunosuke.

In his opinion, the higher-ups like himself have mastered all the secrets of opening eyes, so there is no need to protect these genin with low talent, who are almost destined not to be promoted to the two Magatama Sharingan.

Uchiha Shigento believes that since their eight captains are leaving, the captain's position will naturally be revoked, and Uchiha Fugaku will be able to appoint a new captain and completely take over the entire study club.

So he took advantage of the situation and packed up the entire study meeting and handed it over to the Hokage, and then these poor genin were sent to the Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Rain.

When Uchiha Yu learned what happened, he didn't show any surprise. He knew from the beginning that the old man Shinyin and the two elders Yuichiro and Ryunosuke couldn't protect the study club.

Because the threat comes not only from within the family, but also from the third generation Hokage in the village.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Fugaku reach a tacit understanding, this is an irresistible trend. What can the two family elders do?

At most they hold their children.

Uchiha Yuu looked around and asked, "Momo, Ichiki, and Rinka all went to the Land of Rain?"

Uchiha Shigenobu replied: "The only one who went to the Land of Rain is Ichiki. Now he is soaking and wallowing in mud every day. He is really worse off than us."

"As for Taozi and Rinka...they are both married."

Uchiha Yu was shocked: "Huh?"

Miwa Masashi was shocked: "Meow?"

"No..." Uchiha Yu was dumbfounded. He could hardly believe his ears, "Uchiha Momo is only 18 years old, and Rinka is just 17 years old. It would be too late for a commoner to get married."

"But they are ninjas and Uchiha ninjas with open eyes. Why did they suddenly get married?"

Uchiha and Tsukasa spread their hands and said helplessly: "Brother Yu, you really don't know."

"It's because they are open-minded Uchiha kunoichi that they marry so quickly."

Uchiha Yu fisted his fists and cursed in sudden realization: "Damn it, the top management and direct descendants are still engaging in bloodline selection. This is really something that should be thrown into the trash."

Eye-opening is proof of the pure bloodline of Uchiha members. Children born to female ninjas who can open eyes are naturally descendants with purer bloodlines, and are more likely to gain bloodline power through eye-opening.

This argument about raising dogs and horses is very popular in the Uchiha family. In fact, the Hyuga family is even more powerful. Blood marriages between cousins ​​are common.

There are not many Uchiha female ninjas in the first place, and female ninjas who can open their eyes are even rarer. Therefore, even if they are from a lower level, as long as they open their eyes, they will be highly sought after by the higher-ups, and they will soon retire, get married and have children.

An outstanding ninja like Uchiha Mikoto, even if she awakened the three Magatama Sharingan, was locked by Uchiha Fugaku early, and she retired and got married in her early 20s.

This study meeting seems to have been completely wiped out, but the girls have all stayed in Konoha Village. They are the most popular ones, and there is no way they will be released by the clan leader now.

Looking at the past, out of the 103 creatures present, there were actually 102 bachelors, big and small, and only Miwa Masashi, the cat, was the only female.

Facing this social reality, Uchiha Yuya had no choice but to sigh secretly.

Meow meow, none of the heroes in Shuibo Liangshan are as pure as our own team!
He can only hope that as the strength of his younger brothers grows, the team he leads will not become a pure monk team in the future.

Uchiha Yuu calmed down, clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said loudly: "Since we are gathered together on the battlefield in Yuno Country, we might as well not separate. We live together, train together, and receive gifts together. mission, and then fight the Kirigakure ninja together."

The Uchiha genin cheered happily.

Although they had only been trained by Uchiha Yu for a little over a month, they were all planted with hint seeds in their hearts by Uchiha Yu. One month of such high-intensity training was equivalent to the effect of a year under normal conditions.

Part of Uchiha Yuu's three views, with the repeated bursts of hint seeds, unknowingly penetrated into the hearts of the genin.

They were originally the lower class of Uchiha. They were not as proud as those Uchiha who could participate in clan meetings or even join the police force. They were not overly enthusiastic about war, but rather were rather anxious and afraid.

This is not to say that these genin have character problems, but that in the Uchiha family, they are the weakest. What they see and hear every day is what other geniuses are doing, and they are used to being suppressed.

This is like the last few in the top class. In fact, their test scores are definitely not worse than the No. 1 in the middle class, but they are always ranked at the bottom every day, but they are not as confident as the No. 1 in the middle class.

Coupled with the influence of Uchiha Yuu's Taoist thoughts, they are afraid of war. How can they not be welcomed and unhappy to be led by the elder brother they trust and admire the most.

After the cheers subsided, Uchiha Shigenobu asked: "Brother Yu, when we get together, we must have a name, otherwise it will be very troublesome when we call ourselves ourselves."

"Yes, Shigenobu is right."

"We still call it a study meeting?"

"Idiot, of course not."

"That's right, the family study club is still there, it's just that we were kicked out, and they won't allow us to use this name."

"Yes, besides, we are on the battlefield now, and we have to fight the Kirigakure ninjas. It is too weak and not impressive enough to give a name like Study Club."

"Then we call it the Uchiha Force?"

"The clan leader will definitely punish you severely when he hears this." "Then call the Ninja Crow Force..."

An Uchiha genin who had channeled the ninja crow suggested, but he was immediately stared at fiercely by the cat gang, and he swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Miwa Masayo, who was lying on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder, smiled with satisfaction. Because she was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, she quietly curled up her white paws back to her chest.

More than 100 Uchiha genin argued for a long time, but to no avail.

This is normal. Ninjas mainly receive force training, and most of them lack cultural literacy.

There is no food in my stomach, so naturally I can't think of a good name.

Asking a bunch of guys who can only say "あり德ない" to come up with names when they are shocked is the same as asking college students who can get around the world with just "WTF" to write poems. It's no good!

Uchiha Yuu is actually the same, but he is not a loser after all. After all, he has recited many good articles.

At this time, he was in the ninja world and didn't need to worry about being accused of plagiarism, so he racked his brains to recall those majestic poems and articles and wanted to give his team a good name.

Yes, these 101 genin are all his now, the kind that even Orochimaru can't take away!
Soon Uchiha Yuu found many good poems in his memory, but some of them were too majestic and majestic. He felt that he was not worthy, so he could only skip over them with regret.

Finally, looking at this group of children whose oldest was only 18 years old and whose youngest was just 11 years old, a phrase related to teenagers appeared in Uchiha Yuu's heart.

The red sun is rising, and its path is bright.

The river flows out and flows into the ocean.

Hidden dragon soars into the abyss, scales and claws flying.

The milk tiger screams in the valley, and the beasts are shocked.

Falcons test their wings, and the dust spreads.

The strange flower is the first child, the emperor is the emperor.

In this series of comparisons, the red sun is too big, the rivers are different, the hidden dragon is not worthy, the hawks and falcons are not happy, and the strange flowers are too beautiful, so Uchiha Yuu chose the word "tiger roar".

There was no need to recite the poem, because reciting it would be a waste of effort. It was not that the Yanhuang species could not appreciate the beauty of it. Uchiha Yuu simply told everyone these two, and everyone agreed.

This is the role of identity.

Other companions suggested that everyone would find fault, and if they were not perfect, they would be sprayed all over.

But as long as Brother Yu’s proposal is not too problematic, who can stand up and oppose it? Aren’t they afraid of being surrounded and kicked by their peers?

What's more, the word "tiger roar" is very awe-inspiring. Even if it is used as a single word according to the custom of the ninja world, the word "tiger" is still powerful enough.

Therefore, this unit of Uchiha genin led by Uchiha Yu calls itself the "Tiger Roaring Unit" or "Tiger Unit".

The name was justifiable and the name was officially determined. Everyone seemed to have support in their hearts. With the leadership of the backbone, the fear of the battlefield also subsided a lot.

Afterwards, under the command of Uchiha Yu, the Tiger Roar troops set up tents on the spot, built separation walls, and marked out their territory in the camp of the Konoha Village Ninja Army.

He also sent people to purchase food and formally reported the establishment of the Tiger Force to the headquarters.

In the future, if the commander has a directly assigned order, it will be given to the Tiger Force, not to the lowest ninja team or individual ninja.

The establishment of the Tiger Force is of course an independent small team within the Konoha Ninja Army, but this is not a taboo behavior.

On the contrary, all Konoha ninja commanders welcome the establishment of such an organization, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of their command.

During the battle, when the commander needs to mobilize a large force quickly, more than 100 ninjas can be mobilized with just one order to connect the tiger troops.But when the docking target is a three-person team, 34 commands need to be sent to mobilize a hundred ninjas.

It is certainly obvious which organization is simple and quick.

Of course, this kind of internal small force can only be a small force, and it must not be too large in scale.

For example, among the Yuno Kuni ninja army with more than 6000 people, Uchiha Yu organized 101 Uchiha genin to establish the Tiger Roaring Force. Everyone from Orochimaru to the Third Hokage would think this was a good thing.

But when he expanded the Tiger Force to 300 people, Orochimaru might be able to tolerate it, but the Third Hokage would turn his appreciation into deep suspicion.

If he continued to expand without knowing what was going on and increased the Tiger Force to 1000, that would be a serious provocation to Orochimaru.

Even for the sake of his own command authority, Orochimaru would not hesitate to order the Tiger Roar Force to disband and send Uchiha Yuu back to Konoha Village.

What follows is endless surveillance, and it is very possible to put Uchiha Yu in prison, or even deliberately force him to become a traitorous ninja, and then use this as an excuse to besieged and killed.

Not only could the Third Hokage of Konoha Village not tolerate such a powerful Konoha ninja, Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha family, could not tolerate such a powerful clan member.

Similar small units are not the only ones in several great ninja villages. Among them, the puppet master unit of Sunagakure Village and the demolition unit of Iwagakure Village are both successful examples. Their size exceeds a thousand people, and they have even become the elite of the ninja village. force.

The most important condition for these two forces to grow is that the Puppet Master was created by the second-generation Kazekage, and the Explosive Ninja was created by the second-generation Tsuchikage, under the direct command of the supreme leader of the Ninja Village.

As for establishing a reputation on the battlefield, it is not a crucial condition. If it is not under the command of Ying, he can achieve dazzling results, which may be the trigger for the small unit to be dismantled.

When Uchiha Yuu was setting up the tent, he naturally thought of these messy things, but maybe because of his recent breakthrough, his mentality was very young, and instead he had the urge to try it out from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Uchiha Yuu was not really a young man after all, so his little impulse was quickly suppressed.

[Calm down, calm down, mastering the Tiger Force is just to master the Uchiha, mastering the Uchiha is just to collect resources, my only goal is to cultivate immortality, cultivation can lead to immortality. 】

[Uchiha Yu, your goal is not to compete for hegemony in the ninja world, not to compete for hegemony, not to compete for hegemony! 】

[But, it seems to be quite fun... Bah! 】


The establishment of the Tiger Force did not cause any splash. The biggest event at this time was the massive attack on Kirigakure Village. Konoha ninjas were nervously watching the enemy from top to bottom.

Although Uchiha Yuu brought the information back early and gave the Konoha ninja army enough advance, the subsequent investigation was not smooth.

In the past two wars, the Kirigakure ninjas did not achieve outstanding results, but the Kirigakure ninja army commanding the fleet had absolute initiative in the early stages of the war.They can land and start fighting wherever they want, and Konoha ninjas can only respond passively.

Moreover, even passive defense requires Konoha ninjas to make considerable sacrifices to achieve it.

The Konoha ninjas did not have enough manpower to cover the coastline of Yunokuni, so they could only continuously send ninjas to detect the location of the Kirigakure ninja army, and then adjust the position of their main force to shorten the Kirigakure ninja's initiative time as much as possible.

But the sea is the absolute home ground of water escape and ice escape. When fighting on the sea, Kirigakure ninjas who are good at water escape have an absolute advantage.

Moreover, the Konoha ninjas were helpless on the sea, while the Kirigakure ninjas had the fleet at their back and could receive supplies and reinforcements at any time, which further amplified their advantage.

In the intelligence war stage, the losses of Konoha ninjas are usually more than 10 times that of Kirigakure ninjas, and if they are unlucky, they may even soar to 15 times.

Fortunately, Kumogakure Village, which had not declared war on Konoha Village, was equally nervous about the large-scale attack by Kirigakure ninjas. After urgent communication between Orochimaru and Dodai, the northern section of the eastern coastline of Yuno Country was handed over to Kumogakure ninjas. Defense, this greatly reduced the pressure on the Konoha ninja army.

Because the common enemy's troops were pressing down on the border, Cloud Hidden Village and Konoha Village had to temporarily unite, and the two sides established a communication channel that was not very smooth.The intelligence report was too reliable, and finally the ninjas on both sides were able to exercise restraint and not directly kill each other when they encountered each other on the sea, thus avoiding a lot of expenditure on the reconnaissance ninjas.

Under such a series of operations, the Konoha ninja army finally maintained control of the Kirigakure fleet, but the information obtained also deeply puzzled Orochimaru.

After repeatedly confirming the accuracy of the intelligence, Orochimaru was puzzled, and finally expressed his doubts to his staff: "Nara Shikaku, the Kirigakure fleet has stayed on this uninhabited island for more than two days. There are What is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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