I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 111 Danzo, this time it really won’t happen again!

Chapter 111 Danzo, this time it really won’t happen again!

No one wants to fly, but without wings you can only flutter on the ground.

If you want to establish a large corps with vertical management, you must use sufficient social foundation to cultivate a large number of talents with sufficient basic education, and then select qualified commanders from them.

Otherwise, even if the technical level is greatly improved, communication capabilities are extended to every squad, each squad leader can contact the top commander at any time, and the military organization is completely flattened, it will still not be possible to organize a large corps.

In the Fourth Ninja War, the Ninja Alliance gathered [-] elite ninjas with the strength and technology accumulated over more than ten years of peaceful development, but the battle they fought was a bad one.

Eighty thousand organized elite ninjas were defeated against the unorganized [-] white Zetsu who were like wild beasts. They relied on the savior and a few top ninjas to save the day.

In that war, both sides were terrible, and the command was so bad that it gave people a toothache. It was basically the level of primitive tribal conflict in Africa.

If those [-] White Zetsu were given to the command of any rabbit college student, the ninja alliance that could definitely fight would collapse. Even if the Five Kages and the Saviors could fight, they would only have a few people, plus hundreds of elite Jonin. There was no way to contain the [-] White Zetsu in the huge ninja world.

This is Bai Zetsu. They don't need the logistics of eating, drinking, and sleeping, and they don't need the concealment and mobility of the road. Even the simplest guerrilla tactics can drag the ninja coalition to collapse.

The Infinite Tsukuyomi, who first exhausted the ninja alliance and then calmly pushed forward to destroy the world, could easily... be beaten to death by the Sage of Six Paths.

Maybe the result is destined to fail, but at least it can force the chess player behind the scenes out, and it can be considered a success as a chess piece.

In the end, Obito sent a soldier as good as Bai Zetsu out without any command. It can only be said that Kenji really did not slander Uchiha Obito.

The mercenary-style war organization was not very good, but it gave Uchiha Yu a lot of freedom and the opportunity to cheat.

As the polished chuunin captain of a ninja team, he was not a direct subordinate of a high-ranking person, so no one would think of assigning tasks to him.

As long as he did not take the initiative to receive the mission or leave the camp of the Konoha Ninja Army, he could safely paddle in the war.

Uchiha Yuu's laziness and ninja's professionalism were so contradictory that even Miwa Masayo couldn't bear to see it. He couldn't help but said: "The war is about to start. Are you planning to not accept the mission and hide in the camp?" Don’t you want to do it, meow?”

Uchiha Yu retorted: "Take a mission? I'll take a damn mission."

"As a commander, Orochimaru doesn't announce his tactical intentions to us at all. He doesn't even know the specific tactical purpose of the tasks he releases. How do you receive such a task?"

"I don't want to receive a cannon fodder mission where I must die, be besieged by the Kirigakure ninja army, and die inexplicably in the country of Yu."

"It would be better for me to wait until the situation is clear and I can make basic judgments before I take on the mission."

"What you said makes sense, nya." Masayo Miwa asked, "Why don't Orochimaru explain his tactical intentions to you?"

Uchiha Yu said helplessly: "It's the same reason. It's not that Orochimaru doesn't want to explain, but that he can't."

"He can't even directly command the Ninja Army. Explaining the tactical intentions to the Konoha Ninja Army is a more advanced operation, so naturally it is even more impossible to do it."

"I don't understand, meow. Isn't the explanation just about making things clear? Is it difficult, meow?"

Uchiha Yuu thought for a while and said: "Let me give you an example. If there is a mission that requires capturing a forest, the commander only needs to point at the forest and give the order: rush in and kill all the enemies."

"But the explanation has to be this: this forest is occupied by the enemy, and it blocks the path of the ninja army. Only by capturing this forest can the passage of a certain unit be ensured, and the safety of subsequent baggage can also be guaranteed. This is related to the whole country. The survival of the army requires you to sacrifice your lives to seize and occupy this key node immediately."

Miwa Masayo felt a headache after hearing this long speech. She said, "I understand, nya. It's very troublesome to explain."

Uchiha Yu agreed: "The long speech of the person responsible for the explanation is actually acceptable. With so many people, you can always find a few eloquent guys, but the majority of ninjas who accept the explanation are the big trouble."

"There are always people who get it wrong, and there are always some fools who don't understand it at all. In the end, the explanation may arouse the dissatisfaction of the ninjas, or even cause chaos in the entire army."

"Most of the time, it's not that the commander can't think of it, but that he doesn't have the ability to realize his idea."

Uchiha Yu walked very fast, and soon he came to several large luggage tents. As long as he turned around, he would find the secluded place he liked.

These tents with heavy equipment are tall, and few people come here, so they create an almost uninhabited area.

But just when Uchiha Yuu turned around, he found that there were already people here, and they were all familiar people.

From inside, this group of guys was in order. Uchiha Yu found their leader from the crowd without any difficulty. He shouted in surprise: "Shigenobu, Ayumi, Hiroto, Kazuji, and Tadamichi, why are you all here in Yuzuki?" country?"

Everyone turned to look at Uchiha Yu. The expressions on their faces instantly showed surprise, and then turned into joy. It can be said that everyone was smiling.

But no one yelled indiscriminately. They even organized the team a little, and then greeted Uchiha Yuu in a uniform voice: "Hello, President."

Uchiha Yu quickly waved his hand: "Keep your voices down! Also, don't call me president outside the family."


He answered firmly but in a low voice. Because the volume was not enough to cause resonance, a strange echo was produced. Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and then looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Uchiha Yuya laughed happily. He could feel the changes in the genin of these study groups. After more than a month of separation, their attitude towards him changed from submission and resentment to respect, closeness and dependence.

[Thank you very much, Chief Uchiha Fugaku and all the elders, you have indeed completed the last step I need. 】

Uchiha Yu took the trouble to set up a study group within the family to spread the precious knowledge he had summarized, not because he was selfless, but because he wanted the hearts and minds of these members.

But people's hearts are very strange things, and you can't always be nice to them.

Yuu Uchiha knows this principle very well.

He even experienced this principle personally in his previous life. The feeling of spending a lot of hard work, time and money in exchange for an enemy can really depress people to death.

But he couldn't do evil himself and let the genin feel hurt. Doing so would directly wipe out his goodwill and make more than a month of his hard work in vain.

He needs a person or a group of people to make things difficult for the genin of the academy for him, so that the happy genin can feel the pain of the world again.

After encountering external threats, these genin who have undergone disciplinary training and initially developed a small team spirit will automatically huddle together for warmth.

The stronger the external threat, the stronger the small group of study groups will be, and will eventually be trained into the strongest team in the ninja world.These genin who originally had no future saw a bright future after opening their eyes, but their hope was taken away again. The loss after gaining is the most unforgettable.

They will have a deep hatred for the family's senior officials, and will also have an extreme hatred for the Third Hokage. They will also miss Uchiha Yuu who brought them hope.

In the end, the study group will become a powerful organization, and all members will unite closely around Uchiha Yu and become the sharpest weapon in his hand.

It is impossible to expect this weapon to dominate the world in the extraordinary world. After all, the foundation and talent of the genin are indeed not top-notch, but they are absolutely invincible in the Uchiha family, and they can also be invincible in the Leaf Village.

Therefore, after receiving the recruitment order from the Third Hokage, Uchiha Yuu knew that this was the opportunity he wanted, so he left Konoha Village and went to the Country of Yu to be at ease.

The first few days after arriving here were a bit busy. I killed a dozen root ninjas and wrote a [-]-word report, but the following days of stationing and patrolling on the island were very comfortable.

There is no longer a need to consider the learning progress of the genin, no need to think about how to quarrel with the clan leaders, and no need to compete with the third generation Hokage Shimura Danzo from a distance.No hair fell out.

If it hadn't been for Kirigakure's sudden visit, Uchiha Yu wouldn't have come back at all.

After a simple head count, Uchiha Yu knew that the situation was more serious than he thought. When he left, there were 145 members of the study club, and there were exactly 100 people standing in front of him.

He shook his head repeatedly and sighed: "Most of the members are here. Is our ninjutsu and tactics study meeting being taken over?"

Uchiha Shigenobu replied with a wry smile: "President, no, Brother Yu, they are really all taken away. We are the big ones here, and there are another group that went to the Land of Rain. The only ones who didn't leave were Shisui, Seto, and Tomo. A few of them are wild."

Uchiha Yuu smiled inexplicably and said secretly in his heart: "Sure enough, the elders can only protect their own children and are completely unable to resist the clan leader's oppression."

It turned out that one month after Uchiha Yuu left, Uchiha Yuichiro and Uchiha Ryunosuke protected the study group very well.In order to ease the relationship with other elders and clan leaders, the two elders discussed with old man Xinyin and accepted a large number of high-level and direct descendants to join.

The ninja world is essentially a noble and distinguished world. These upper-class children are indeed talented and intelligent. Even without Uchiha Yu's various cheating methods, they still quickly mastered the secrets of physical training, stance techniques, medicinal diet formulas, etc., almost One eye after another.

During that time, the entire Uchiha family was prosperous, the interests of the upper and lower levels were consistent, everyone was happy, and the atmosphere was great, but this was also the last happy time.

No one realizes how much the Uchiha family's awakening of the Sharingan has stimulated the ruling group headed by the Third Hokage.

Since Danzo Shimura returned from the Kingdom of Wind, he has accepted the instructions of the Third Hokage and made every effort to strengthen intelligence penetration against the Uchiha family.

Naturally, the large wholesale supply of Sharingan could not be hidden from Danzo's eyes, and after learning the specific quantity, Shimura Danzo was so frightened that his face turned green.

After receiving the information, the Third Hokage also had a terrifyingly gloomy expression.

Shimura Danzo said bitterly: "I really underestimated that ninja named Uchiha Yu. Not only did he kill 15 of my subordinates, he also laid such a big thunder for the Uchiha family."

"I will immediately select an elite ninja. This time I must kill him in the Country of Yu and never let him return to Konoha Village!"

The Third Hokage glared at Danzo Shimura fiercely and said, "Uchiha Yu is a Konoha ninja. As a high-level official of Konoha Village, how can you attack Konoha ninjas?"

"It's not an example!"

"Hiruzen! This is the Uchiha who awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan at the age of 18, and he also killed 15 of my subordinates. This strength is absolutely abnormal!"

Mito Kadoyan asked: "One person killed 15 root ninjas? Danzo, what are the levels of the ninjas you sent?"

The Third Hokage waved his hand to stop Danzo from answering. He said, "It's not that Uchiha Yuu is too strong, but that there is something wrong with the Danzo faction."

He looked at Danzo and said slowly: "Orochimaru gave me a detailed report. It was the two special ninjas you sent that had an accident on the spot, causing the root ninjas to kill each other. This led to the 15 kills. the result of."

When Mito Kadoyan heard the term special ninja, he knew what was going on. He shook his head and sighed: "Even if Uchiha Yuu has three Magatama Sharingan, four teams of ninjas are enough to surround and kill him. The last two are not Stable ninjas are superfluous.”

The Third Hokage stared at Shimura Danzo and criticized lightly: "Yan, you are also a high-ranking member of Konoha. Don't imitate Danzo. Your words are all about killing Konoha ninjas. This is not good."

Mito Menyan immediately nodded and said: "Sorry, I won't do it again."

The Third Hokage nodded and continued: "Duanzo, this incident proves that the death ninjas of the Warring States Period should have been eliminated long ago. From now on, you are prohibited from carrying out this cruel training method. Do you understand?"

Shimura Danzo said dullly: "I know, Hiruzen, I will stop immediately."

Danzo Shimura was filled with depression and resentment towards Orochimaru, but thinking of the root ninja training update plan that this bastard was advancing, he could only swallow this bad breath in his stomach.

The Third Hokage nodded with satisfaction, just as the pipe in his hand was extinguished, he knocked off the ashes in the ashtray, and then slowly installed new tobacco.

He stared at the smoke pot and said slowly: "Uchiha Yuu has been away for a month, and the Uchiha family's Sharingan is opening faster and faster, which proves that he is not the key to the problem."

"If it was once, it isn't now."

"The question now is how to deal with the more than 100 new pairs of Sharingan added to the Uchiha family, and how to interrupt this growing trend."

The Third Hokage refilled the tobacco. As a doctor of ninjutsu, of course he did not need igniting tools. He put the pipe into his mouth and puffed lightly, and the pipe lit.

After carefully tasting the aroma of tobacco, he slowly exhaled the smoke and continued: "You know, where the Uchiha family lives, many villagers who do not have the Uchiha surname also have Uchiha blood. They originally had There is a very small chance of awakening the Sharingan."

"If this eye-opening trend spreads to them... there will be no way to deal with it."

After turning to bed, Koharu nodded and said: "Hiruzhan is right. If there are too many Sharingan eyes, the ambition of the Uchiha family will be uncontrollable. After all, we cannot kill the entire Uchiha family."

Shimura Danzo sneered: "Why can't we kill all Uchiha? The teacher said that 'the blood of Uchiha is evil'. Only by annihilating the clan can the fundamental problem be solved once and for all."

"Shimura Danzo—" the Third Hokage's voice was drawn out. He was impatient with this classmate's stubborn performance. Sitting here are all like-minded classmates, and they don't need your performance to annoy people.

However, his character as the Third Hokage cannot be broken: "You can't shout and kill Konoha ninjas. Have you forgotten what I said?"

"If I hear you say something like this again, I will really punish you. This time I won't do it again!"


The performances of Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen were over, and the discussion continued. F4 racked their brains, thinking about how to stop the Uchiha family from awakening the Sharingan crazily.

However, tactics and numbers learning are absolutely internal affairs of the family. Although the Hokage has great power, direct interference in the internal affairs of the Uchiha family will definitely make all ninjas upset.

Not to mention Hinata and Uchiha, even Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, and Aburame will feel deeply uneasy, and even the four absolute members of their own family, Tenden, Shimura, Mitomon, and Sarutobi, will also feel dissatisfied.

If you can't interfere directly, how can you change the internal affairs of Uchiha?

Danzo Shimura is ruthless and decisive, Mito Kaden is steady and majestic, and Koharu is meticulous and careful. But why couldn't they become Hokage? Is it really because of their decision-making at critical moments?
What kind of person is the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, such a thoughtful political master, who will decide the final successor because of a temporary judgment?
Of course, this is impossible. Senju Tobirama had already chosen Hiruzen Sarutobi, and the torture of humanity after the break was just tailor-made for Hiruzen Sarutobi, the last reason to pave his way to the Hokage.

The difference between Hiruzen Sarutobi and the other three people in F4 is that he is the most intelligent, the best at solving problems, and the only person who can patiently train newcomers and capture people's hearts.

Just when the three of them had empty heads and frowned and didn't know what to do, the Third Hokage said leisurely: "I have a way to solve this problem."

Under the surprised gaze of three old classmates, the Third Hokage smiled and said: "We will issue a recruitment order to the Uchiha family again. This time we will not specify a specific list, but I want 240 genin, only genin."

He scanned everyone's eyes and asked: "Whose name will Uchiha Fugaku write on the recruitment order?"

Unfortunately, the minds of the three are still in chaos. The Third Hokage, who has no one to praise him, can only ask and answer himself: "It can only be those genin who have just opened their eyes, those genin who have no background and no connections in the Uchiha family."

"In this way, the problem is solved."

"Huh?" x3
(End of this chapter)

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