I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 103 The gaze from Orochimaru

Chapter 103 The gaze from Orochimaru
After returning to the camp to settle the matter, Uchiha Yuu realized his problem after a long period of silence while waiting for the results of the treatment in Konoha Village, and then thought of Xiao Ke who was stuffed into his inner world.

When he was immersed in the depths of his soul, Uchiha Yu was stunned.

Xiaoke, the spiritual monster, changed his manifested image in his spiritual world and turned into a strange land-walking octopus.This octopus monster has one eye on each of its eight tentacles, but its big head is empty and covered with holes of all sizes.The holes are even interconnected, making the octopus' head look like a net bag.

Because in his own spiritual world, without the barrier of the spiritual barrier, the effect of Xiao Ke's whispering was even more powerful. Uchiha Yuu felt blurred and dizzy as soon as he entered.

He himself had just come in and he was already like this. The three hearts that were originally confronting each other in the spiritual world had spent more time with Xiaoke, and were naturally more affected.

Except for the lunged raccoon Feofiao, who was still in good condition, the bodies of the heart ape, the golden monkey, and the spleen pig Dangkang had swelled up and were in extremely bad abnormal states.

The monkey showed laziness like never before. The giant monkey looked like a sloth, and every movement was so slow.

The Spleen Pig is dominated by outright greed. Its belly is bulging to be larger than its torso. The unable to move Spleen Pig is chewing its own front legs with relish.

Seeing this twisted K-type scene, Uchiha Yu took a breath and stuffed K-kei into his own spiritual world. It was indeed an unthought-out adventure.

The existence of the spiritual monster not only disrupted the original balance of the three hearts, but also caused hair-raising distortion and pollution. I don't know if my meditation bell can clear this effect.

Facing a messy spiritual world, Yu Uchiha could only summon up natural energy, vibrate his dantian and send out shock waves like a bell, and clean up his inner demons bit by bit.

Under the suppression of the dantian bells, the three hearts gradually returned to normal, changing from the grotesque and ghastly appearance to cute again, with all kinds of suspicious hair and flesh falling to the ground.

The spiritual world digested the heart-shaped fallen hair and flesh as usual, and Uchiha Yu immediately felt some kind of excitement.

There seemed to be some kind of "impurity" mixed in the new-born mental power, or some kind of purest spiritual idea, which made Uchiha Yuu unable to calm down and produce various instinctive impulses that were difficult to control.

As a cultivator, what he pursues is promotion in the level of life. Before reaching the other side, his body is the foundation for him to survive all adversities. Uncontrollable changes in his body are dangerous signs that cannot be ignored.

He carefully felt his own changes and used his brain to analyze the source of the instinctive impulse.

Soon Uchiha Yu ruled out the possibility of abnormalities in the body's endocrine, hormones, natural energy and chakra, and pointed his target at Xiao Ke in the spiritual world.

The madness and distortion exuded by Xiaoke were absorbed and transformed by the heart shape, and finally purified in the spiritual world and became pure spiritual power.But no matter how powerful the purification is, it only removes the harmful parts. The ultimate desire for survival is the most basic instinct of life and cannot be removed.

Uchiha Yu absorbs such mental power, which has only advantages and no disadvantages. Such a pure desire for survival merges into Uchiha Yu's spirit, greatly activating the origin of his life.

As for instinctive impulses, they are just the desire for reproduction that naturally arises after the safety of life is basically guaranteed. These can be restrained.

If that doesn't work, you can divert your attention.

The simplest way is to perform extreme training, exhaust your physical strength to the limit, and put your body in a state of energy deficiency, and the urge to reproduce will naturally disappear.

Uchiha Yu shook his head. If he were in Konoha Village or on vacation, he would naturally be able to use this method, but now he is in the frontline camp of Yuno Country, with threats from Kirigakure Village, Kumogakure Village, and Konoha Village. Fights can occur at any time and at any time, and you must never be in a weak state, otherwise it will be a recipe for death.

Is it possible to use other methods to divert attention, or to resist forcefully?
Uchiha Yu sighed, "preserve nature's principles and destroy human desires". This kind of behavior that goes against human nature never ends well.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. The legendary ascetics had a sect that abided by precepts and disciplines. How did they solve the problem of instinctive impulses in endless time?
Refined gas.

Ah~~~, this sentence represents the first step in cultivating immortality, which is to curb the body's essence loss and transform it into extraordinary Qi. As long as you embark on the path of cultivation, you can freely control your body's desires.

Unfortunately, this is an orthodox Taoist cultivation technique, and Uchiha Yuu...can't do it.

But again, if you don’t know how to learn, then create your own. As long as the direction is correct, there is no reason why you can’t succeed.

What Uchiha Yuu follows is not some immortal method, but the Tao method. The Tao method seeks the Tao. There is a natural way to achieve the Tao, and there is a natural method to achieve the Tao.

How to seek the truth?
Live a good life and observe carefully every day. When the world changes, discover the changes in time, study the changes, and then naturally gain enlightenment.

It sounds similar to scientific research, but it’s actually the same thing.

Practitioners who recite Taoist scriptures over and over again and dare not go beyond the Taoist precepts are just like those who regard the current scientific results as golden scriptures and denounce all non-conforming phenomena as unscientific. The final result can only be Nothing is accomplished.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu did not care about the abnormalities caused by Xiao Ke, and continued his normal training life, interacting with Miwa Masashi.

His biggest change was to stop daily physical training and use this time to study Xiaoke's influence on the spiritual world and the impact on the shape of the heart.

While sleeping, Uchiha Yuu studied the movement patterns of the body and looked for the focus of refining Qi.

No one noticed anything unusual about Uchiha Yuu, but Miwa Masayo, who spent time with him day and night, naturally discovered it.

She really likes the shit shoveler who suddenly becomes silly.

Reminding Uchiha Yuu of forgotten things from time to time every day gave Miwa Masayo a strong sense of accomplishment and felt that his intelligence had improved by leaps and bounds.

Even though she knew it was an illusion, it felt really good.

Today, Uchiha Yuu waited for the final conclusion of the village. The Third Hokage used the rules to reasonably deny the vacation, mission records, and mission bonuses he was looking forward to. Naturally, he was no longer polite.

Uchiha Yu stood up and said to Miwa Masashi: "Let's go. If the Third Hokage doesn't give me a holiday, I will go on a holiday mission."

"Is there such a good mission? Won't others get it first, Meow?"

"Some tasks are hellish torture in the eyes of others, but in my eyes they are holidays worth enjoying, because you and I are stronger than them."

"In the ninja world, as long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want!"

The frontline camp of the ninja army in Konoha Village is completely different from the military camp in the previous life. There are no solemn guards and patrols here, and there is no strict military appearance and discipline.

Because there are four to five thousand ninjas concentrated in a small area, there are more ninjas in the center of the camp than in the village. They come and go in small groups, talking to each other lively, and what stands out is freedom. .

Uchiha Yu walked through the crowded group of ninjas. As the latest celebrity, both the ninjas he knew and those he didn't know recognized him and either nodded or stretched out their hands to say hello.

He naturally responds to everyone's kindness. Being polite is a habit engraved in his bones in his previous life, and there is no need to make enemies for himself in trivial matters.

Not everyone expressed kindness. Some ninjas inadvertently showed hostile looks after seeing Uchiha Yu.

Although they dodged quickly enough, Uchiha Yu saw them very clearly, and remembered each of their names along their faces.

[It turns out they are ninjas from the Sarutobi family and the Shimura family, so it’s not surprising. 】

He didn't take these things to heart. He entered the mission center and quickly found the mission he had already chosen, and directly took down the mission sign.

The administrative ninja recognized him, looked at the chuunin vest on his body, and stopped him: "Master Yuu Uchiha, the requirement for this mission is to be a jounin, you are not a jounin..."

Uchiha Yu immediately interrupted him and explained: "Senior, if you know me, you must know that I was announced and commended by the Third Hokage, and there is absolutely no problem with my strength."

"That's not what I said..."

Uchiha Yu opened the Sharingan, pointed with his finger and said: "Look, I am an Uchiha who has awakened the three Magatama Sharingan. This is the unique power of an elite Jonin. You should think of me as a Jonin." ”

"It can be stipulated..."

Uchiha Yu closed his Sharingan, took out the commendation book from his arms and showed it to the administrative ninja: "Look, this is the commendation book issued by the Third Hokage."

"The Third Hokage himself said that I will be promoted to a jounin soon. I can be considered a quasi-jounin anyway. My current level may be half a level higher than a special jounin." "..."


Uchiha Yuu's brain is a little hard to use now, but his tongue, which he has trained with old men and women over the years, has not been damaged, and his ability to mess around and get rid of others has not been compromised at all.

He threw out excuses one after another and soon confused the 30-year-old administrative ninja.

The administrative ninja who fell into the trap of words could no longer understand the logic of Uchiha Yuu's words. He was confused and persuaded by him. He signed the task without knowing it and handed over the task letter.

Uchiha Yu immediately held the opponent's hands with both hands, shook them up and down excitedly, and thanked him repeatedly: "Senior! Thank you for your trust, senior, and entrusting this heavy responsibility to me!"

"I will definitely not live up to your expectations, the Hokage-sama's award, and the hopes of the 20 villagers of Konoha Village. I will resolutely complete this arduous task!"

Then he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Everyone has disappeared, and the last half of what he said is still echoing in the air: "Please wait for my good news..."

The stunned administrative ninja was stunned for a long time, and then he was awakened by a burst of laughter. The man in his thirties was made blushing.

The laughter even alarmed the new commander not far away, and Orochimaru walked over calmly.

There was a cold aura around Orochimaru, and no one would smile playfully in front of him. When he appeared at the mission center, his laughter completely disappeared in an instant, and he fell into a state of absolute silence.

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek. After scanning everyone present, he looked at a middle-aged ninja in his 40s and asked: "Although the discipline of the ninja army is very average, such loud noises It’s too much, tell me, what happened here?”

After listening to the middle-aged man's report, Orochimaru said calmly: "Oh, it turns out to be Yuu Uchiha, the youngest three-magatama Sharingan in the Uchiha family."

"Show me the mission he received."


After reading the mission stub at a glance, Orochimaru handed the information back and left the mission center without saying anything.

Soon the mission center returned to normal, but the impact of Orochimaru's presence would not disappear for a long time. Everyone subconsciously lowered their voices when speaking, as if they were whispering.

After leaving the sight of the ninjas, a meaningful smile appeared on Orochimaru's face. He looked up to the southwest, which is the direction of Konoha Village.


Miwa Masashi lay on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder and turned the mission book over and over several times, but couldn't see why this mission was a vacation mission.

The civet cat asked Uchiha Yu about this question.

Uchiha Yu opened the folder of the mission book, pointed to the detailed items and said: "The detailed rules here are the real vacation."

"The patrol scope is the waters of Yushan Peninsula on the east side of Yuno Country."

"Monitor the activities of Kirigakure ninjas at sea within the patrol range."

"Hunt Kirigakure ninjas, and warn a large group of enemies in time."

"The Tangshan Peninsula sea area is such a big sea area, with a coastline of more than 400 kilometers!"

Miwa Masashi asked in surprise: "With such a large area, running around every day would be exhausting. No wonder the Jonin are unwilling to accept this task. Where do you have time to rest?"

Uchiha Yuu pointed his hands together, forming a cross seal, and the chakra suddenly split into a large piece, and another self emerged in a burst of white smoke.

"Shadow Clone Technique!" Miwa Masayo praised in surprise, "You finally mastered this technique, it's really not easy, nya."

Uchiha Yu sighed with lingering fear: "Who would have thought that my special chakra operating state would encounter such big trouble in this ninjutsu."

"Before I got the scroll, I never thought that the shadow clone technique uses oneself as a template to imprint the shadow clone's chakra circulation system and naturally copy one's own physical clone."

"The problem for others using the Shadow Clone Technique is that there is not enough chakra to fill the structure of the technique, but my problem is that there is no chakra in the meridians, so I can only outline the chakra route myself."

"However, no matter how difficult the shadow clone technique is, it is still simpler than the Warring States Period ninjutsu I mastered. And with this technique, I can use the shadow clone to patrol the entire sea area, and I can find a suitable island to rest peacefully."

"I've prepared the grill, spices, tea and wine, so let's go now!"

"That's great, meow."

One person and one cat received the mission letter, and excitedly took their packed luggage and left the camp of the Konoha Ninja Army and ran all the way to the southeast.

By the afternoon, they had arrived at the Yushan Peninsula in Yuno Country and set out to sea from the easternmost location in Yuno Country.

In their anxiety, they didn't even bother looking for the ship. They ran across the sea using the technique of walking on water and directly arrived at an uninhabited island marked on the map.

At this time, the sky was completely dark. Uchiha Yu found the beach at the harbor, collected firewood and lit a bonfire. He punched a hole in the coconuts he collected and threw them into the fire. Then he and Miwa Masashi sat beside the bonfire under the long pine trees. Take a breath.

Until this time, he felt that he was freed from the ties of Konoha and no longer needed to carefully suppress the natural energy. At the same time, he had to extract the chakra from the cells of his body and deliberately disguise the flow of chakra.

In the ninja camp where Byakugan monitors are everywhere, if he doesn't pretend like this, he will definitely be spotted by the Hyuga family's clairvoyant eyes.

The ninja profession has high attack and low defense. Under the threat of high mortality, the ninja's vigilance and vigilance can be called pathological.

The ninjas of the Hyuga family will never let go of Uchiha Yu's flaws, and they will report abnormal situations to their commander as soon as possible.

The commander who has just been replaced is "Cold Lord" Orochimaru. This shadow-level ninja, known for his suspicion, cruelty, meticulousness and calmness, is the person most likely to see through his secrets in the current ninja world.

Uchiha Yu didn't want to appear in Orochimaru's sight. Even if he was just starting to become famous, he hoped that this guy wouldn't take him too seriously.

Otherwise, many things will be difficult to operate in the future.

Being able to escape from the Yunokuni continent, where the density of Byakugan is extremely high, and come to an uninhabited island where no one will monitor him, Uchiha Yuu felt relaxed both physically and mentally.

He stretched out greatly, lay directly back on the sand, and said comfortably: "It's so comfortable."


But Uchiha Yuu's idea is doomed to fail. In his previous life, he worked as a low-level police officer for 20 years. In this life, he has been in the low-level ninja circle. He does not have the vision and thinking habits of a high-level person.

He was completely unaware that what he had done in the Uchiha family was more dazzling than the sun in the sky at noon in the eyes of Orochimaru, who had been educated by the Hokage since he was a child and considered himself the heir of the Hokage.

His cover-up of personal strength could not prevent Orochimaru from staring at him. The two of them focused on completely different areas.

Orochimaru's vision is so sharp. He valued Uchiha Yuu because of his political wisdom. As the observation time increased, he soon discovered the anomalies in Uchiha Yuu's strength, and then began to trace past achievements.

Just when Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi shared the hot and sweet coconut juice, Orochimaru found the body that Uchiha Yu had killed ten days ago and began to conduct the most detailed autopsy.

As these stinking corpses were peeled off layer by layer, Orochimaru's eyes became brighter and brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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