I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 102 Greed always makes people reap the consequences

Chapter 102 Greed always makes people reap the consequences
The four root ninjas were monitoring Uchiha Yu with sweaty palms, but the surrounded Uchiha Yu just stood there, seeming to appreciate the root ninjas killing each other.

But in fact, he has already taken action.

In the violent mental shock, 13 root ninjas saw a pair of three magatama sharingan at the same time, and then forgot about it in the next moment. The momentary forgetfulness caused their vigilance to be suppressed.

Then there are rounds of exactly the same operation.

In just three seconds, Uchiha Yuu repeated 16 rounds of Sharingan stares and forgetfulness, and the repeated "wolf is coming" numbed the vigilance of the root ninja.

In just three seconds, two living weapons of special Jonin level were chopped down by random swords. In order to prevent the weapons from self-destructing, the root ninja first chopped off their hands and feet.

With only one life and one arm, the nine root ninjas eliminated the hidden dangers. They couldn't help but feel that the task was not too difficult, and the tension and alertness in their hearts dropped from their peak.

Humans are not machines. Even ninjas who have undergone brutal training have ups and downs in their mental state. Especially after a round of intense battles, relaxation is inevitable.

This was the opportunity Uchiha Yuu was waiting for. Taking advantage of their involuntary relaxation, Uchiha Yuu launched his own illusion attack, a real illusion attack.

Uchiha Yuu opened his three Magatama Sharingan eyes, and the surging pupil power poured into both eyes without hesitation. He also used the natural energy of the wind attribute to twist the light, pointing his gaze at 12 pairs of eyes at the same time.

Sharingan·Genjutsu·Tight Binding Technique

The hint seeds in the hearts of the 12 surviving root ninjas were detonated, and when their brains were in chaos, their central nervous system was invaded by Uchiha Yu, sending out wrong nerve signals.

The muscles of the root ninja's body were tensed to the limit, and then never relaxed again, fixing each ninja's movements at the moment when the illusion was activated.

The battle is over.

Apart from opening and closing his eyes, Uchiha Yu won the battle without making any move at all.

Miwa Masashi lay on Uchiha Yu's shoulder from beginning to end, lazily watching the root ninjas kill each other, watching them all be knocked down by a genjutsu.

She opened her mouth and yawned widely, and said, "Yu, you are becoming more and more fond of using illusions, nya."

Uchiha Yuu smiled and replied: "Well, illusion is very powerful. When dealing with more than a dozen enemies, it is more suitable than large-scale ninjutsu."

"Besides, using illusions to kill people is very stylish..."

He raised his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.

The hearts of the 12 root ninjas who were unable to move suddenly jumped. Their myocardium received the signal to exert force and at the same time blocked the safety life limiter signal.

The myocardium that broke through the life limiter, with the help of high-concentration adrenaline secreted in advance, exploded with a force thirty times stronger than the heartbeat, mincing the heart alive.

Because the nerves have been taken over, root ninjas cannot feel the pain of the heart, but as living beings they can still feel the approach of death.

Death is the greatest pain.

Although the expressions of the root ninjas, like their bodies, could not change at all, their despair and pain were still conveyed to Uchiha Yu.

This made him discover that there was a root ninja who was not in the right mood, and he was unusual in not being desperate.

Are there people in the world who don’t despair when facing death?
Uchiha Yu was extremely curious. He walked up to this unique ninja and waved his hand to release part of his nerve control, allowing him to control the upper part of his neck and some of his intercostal muscles.

Uchiha Yu: "Why don't you feel desperate?"

Root Ninja: "How dare you kill the ANBU Ninja of Konoha Village?"

Uchiha Yuu: "..."

Uchiha Yu: "Don't you die from a broken heart?"

Root Ninja: "Aren't you afraid of Mr. Danzo Shimura's investigation?"

Uchiha Yuu: "..."

"Bah! Dog%###, I'm beep - beep - beep beep beep -"

The furious Uchiha Yuu used a rare curse word, and even spat at the root ninja who was frozen in place.

"I'm afraid of being held accountable for living in the wilderness!"

Miwa Masashi was amused, she patted Uchiha Yuu's shoulder and gave a sweet and crisp "meow meow meow".

Uchiha Yuya looked at the sky speechlessly, cut off all the nerves of the root ninja again, and directly examined his body to see what caused him to face death without despair.

The tabby cat, whose whole body was weak with laughter, climbed on top of Uchiha Yuu's head to avoid the splashing blood, and asked: "After killing so many root ninjas, do you really not have to worry about Shimura Danzo being held accountable, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu was busy with his hands, staring closely at the root ninja, checking his body carefully, and replied smoothly: "Don't worry, I will rush directly into the commander's tent when I get back and hand over the order in front of everyone. and the corpses were spread out, reporting that the mission was abnormal and the team members had rebelled, and requested an inventory of the mission process."

"As long as the matter is made public and the fuss gets bigger, it will be Shimura Danzo's turn to be in a hurry."

"But what you said, nya, the Third Hokage is standing behind Danzo Shimura. If you do this, he won't be able to cover it, nya?"

"Well, at least there's nothing we can do about it now."

"In Konoha 43, the Third Hokage of Konoha Village was still far from being able to cover the sky with one hand and control all the ninja clans wantonly."

Danzo Shimura's conspiracy had a flaw that even the power of the Hokage could not remove.

That is, if Uchiha Yuu's power is strong enough and the root ninjas try their best to encircle and kill him, but are counter-attacked by the besieged, this conspiracy will be directly exposed to the sun.

The initiative in the entire incident will automatically be transferred to Uchiha Yuu's hands, and the mission letter in his hand is the most fatal evidence.

As long as he publicly displays the mission statement, the imprints, badges, and numbers are all complete, which is enough to prove that the unidentified ninjas at the root forged the real mission statement and were able to sneak into the ranks of Konoha ninjas.

This is a violation of Hokage's rights and responsibilities. If the Third Hokage does not want to stand up and plead guilty, Shimura Danzo must stand up, bear the blame with his head, and receive a certain degree of punishment.

Of course, Danzo Shimura will not suffer any serious losses other than his reputation, and may even suffer no substantial losses at all.

But Uchiha Yuu can take this opportunity to gain huge fame, and will not be harassed by Shimura Danzo for at least the next year.

There's a lot more to it than just a period of security.

As long as he operates well, he can describe all the root ninjas here as "unknown enemies", and not only get an A-level mission record, corresponding bonuses, and even a long vacation.

With these as compensation, it would not be so uncomfortable to be disgusted by the root ninja.

During the war, Yu Uchiha was able to live a leisurely life with Masato Miwa. How happy this was.

He even thought about leaving the cold and windy Yuno Country and going to the south to find a place facing the sea where spring flowers bloom, preferably an uninhabited island, and build a thatched house to live in.

I have to go out to swim in the sea every day, enjoy fresh seafood, carefully reflect on the gains from teaching in recent months, and try to break through the fourth stage of the foundation building period.

Uchiha Yu felt happy just thinking about it.

Miwa Masashi thought for a while and nodded in agreement with the shit shoveler: "Fortunately, the Third Hokage doesn't have that much power yet. As long as this matter is made public, this crude conspiracy will be useless."

Uchiha Yu paused for a moment. He looked at the tabby cat and said in a leisurely tone: "It's actually a good thing that he can't cover the sky with one hand. If the third generation really does it, he will not be far from death."

In the original history, a few years later, when Hiruzen Sarutobi tricked Namikaze Minato and his wife to death, unjustly killed Hinata Hizashi, and exterminated the Uchiha clan without receiving any substantial punishment, that was when his power reached its peak, and in Konoha The moment when the village covers the sky with one hand.

During that period of time, Yuu Uchiha, not to mention killing 15 root ninjas, could not fight back even if he was surrounded by root ninjas. Otherwise, he would be treason against the village and the country, and treason against the ninjas!
But after all, the ninja world is an extraordinary world where fists decide everything. As long as Sarutobi Hiruzen's strength does not reach the level of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, and as long as he is not capable of suppressing Konoha Village alone, he is not qualified to be in Konoha Village. Act wantonly.

In fact, the genocide of Uchiha was the last weight, triggering the backlash against the Third Hokage in Konoha Village. A few years later, the Konoha ninjas tacitly used Orochimaru to give Sarutobi Hiruzen a decent funeral.

Suddenly, Uchiha Yu pointed at the chest of the root ninja and exclaimed in surprise: "It's like this, it actually has two hearts!!"

Miwa Masashi looked over.Sure enough, in the chest of the root ninja, there was a soft heart with several holes on the left side, and a complete, weakly pulsating heart that was obviously one size smaller on the right side.

Uchiha Yu kept shaking his head and making exclamations and compliments one after another:
“The choice of location…perfect!”

"The suturing of blood vessels... is exquisite!"

"The nerves are actually connected like this...a genius' idea!"

Uchiha Yuu immediately thought of a person: "Orochimaru, this must be Orochimaru's handiwork!"

"Oh, oh, oh, let's do the math. Yamato Muden should be seven years old this year. The Mudun awakening plan is over, and Orochimaru will be able to free up his hands to do other things."

"It seems that the kind of root ninja I am most familiar with is about to appear."

Miwa Masashi circled around the root ninja several times. After hearing Uchiha Yu's words, he couldn't help but ask: "Yu, will Orochimaru have any impact on your plan?"

"Of course it doesn't matter."

Uchiha Yu said confidently: "I just want to control the Uchiha family. As long as I follow the development of the situation and execute the plan, I can steadily move towards the final victory. There is no need to worry about such trivial matters with Danzo. Fight for the duration of the moment.”

The civet cat remembered that when Uchiha Yuu evaluated Uchiha Fugaku, he criticized him for not caring about the study meeting, so he asked: "Why are the new root ninjas just details? Isn't this a major event that changes the balance of power from the foundation? ?”

Uchiha Yu replied: "It's different, the goal is different. If you are fighting for the highest power of an independent organization, the basic strength is the foundation of everything. But the root is not an independent organization, it is the power system of the Hokage of Konoha Village. It is a part of the company and does not have any independence.”

"The danger of the root is not how strong the root ninja is, but that Danzo Shimura can freely borrow the authority of the Hokage without having to bear the responsibility of the Hokage."

"No matter how strong the root ninja is, it is only at the level of a jounin. Occasionally, there will be a few elite jounin."

"The Uchiha family can almost always maintain more than thirty three magatama sharingan. This is the level of elite jounin."

"The power of the root is nothing compared to the power of the Uchiha family."

Uchiha Yu quickly packed up the body. He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everything is packed up. Let's go."

Miwa Masashi knocked the shit shoveler on the head and asked: "Don't you care about the corpse?"

"Just leave it here and wait for the follow-up investigation by the Konoha ninjas. They are enemies. I can't prove anything with my empty words. There must be some evidence for others to investigate."

Miwa Masato was lucky, and used all his strength to hit the shoveler on the head again, and asked loudly: "Yu! Is your brain flooded, nya? In such a clean battlefield, won't you be exposed?" Illusion meow?”

After receiving a severe blow, Uchiha Yu seemed to be woken up. He looked around without saying a word.

The civet cat couldn't help but worry that he had exerted too much strength, and asked with concern: "What's wrong, meow?"

"Thank you for the reminder. I don't know what went wrong. I can't even remember that I need to hide my information."

Uchiha Yuu slapped his forehead repeatedly to keep himself awake.

Then he began to carry out ninjutsu bombing on the entire valley. He used fire escape to cover a small half of the valley bottom, covering all traces of his battle and destroying several corpses.

The destroyed corpses included the root ninja with two hearts, as well as the two root living weapons, covering up the traces of Uchiha Yu dissecting the corpse and ingesting the mind monster.

After several inspections by Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yuu, they confirmed that there were no more flaws left on the battlefield, and they left with peace of mind.


Just as Uchiha Yu thought, when the incident got big, word spread quickly, and no ninja could accept it. The mission he accepted was a trap used to kill him.

What is even more unacceptable is that ANBU, a unit directly under the Hokage, actually mobilized 15 ninjas to surround and kill a Konoha ninja who was performing a normal mission.

Did the Third Hokage betray the will of fire he preached, or was the Third Hokage incompetent and lost all confidential information so that the enemy could successfully issue impeccable formal orders?
No matter what, this is all the fault of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, unless...

Unless, Danzo Shimura, the person in charge of the Roots, stands up.

He announced that he had made a mistake at work and lost a complete set of confidential documents such as the password and seal of the mission statement, which led to this terrible accident.

The Third Hokage was furious and dismissed Shimura Danzo from his position as Hokage Advisor and asked him... to go home and reflect.

As a victim of this accident, he single-handedly killed 15 unknown enemies. Yu Uchiha received a public commendation from the Third Hokage, and for this credit, Yuu Uchiha was included in the next round of jounin promotion. List.

Uchiha Yu looked at the Uchiha family ninja who came to inform him excitedly, helplessly spread his hands, and asked: "What next?"

Uchiha Jin was confused and asked: "What then?"

"Apart from the certainty that I can be promoted to Jonin in the next round of promotions, is there no other reward?"

Yuu Uchiha counted on his fingers: "When I was ambushed, I killed 15 enemies, a total of 15 enemies. Shouldn't I be given an A-level mission record? What about the mission bonus? Where about vacation?" "

"No, no..."

"Tch, the Third Hokage is really stingy."

"You can't say that. The third generation gave you a public award. All the ninjas and villagers in Konoha Village know your achievements. You are famous all over the world! Brother!!"

Uchiha Yu looked at Uchiha Jin. He knew that the guy who was recruited together with him was from the Dove faction, but he didn't expect that he was actually from the Hokage faction.

He shook his head and stopped talking to this guy with unequal values.

After Uchiha Jin left, Miwa Masayo came out of the hiding place, looked at Uchiha Yuu with her big beautiful eyes, and asked with a smile: "My contractor, where is the holiday you expected?"

"Ahaha, I was wrong."

"I caused such a big loss to his old man, how could he give me a real reward?"

"The Hokage's public commendation and promotion to Jonin are not rewards, nya?"

"Hey, I killed 15 enemies in one battle. This is the best record among Konoha ninjas this year. The matter has become big and my reputation has already spread. The Hokage's public award is at best a formal proof. It’s not even the icing on the cake.”

"As for the jounin promotion, it has already been determined. The Hokage just announced the news in advance."

"Clan Chief Fugaku personally told the Third Hokage that I have awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan. Rika-chan, from the Uchiha family of Konohagakure, how many of the ninjas who have awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan are not jounin?"

Uchiha Yu pointed at his nose with his thumb, opened his mouth and said, "It's just me."

"Thinking about it now, I didn't consider at all that the 15 root ninjas I killed could be regarded as the Anbu power of the Third Hokage if rounded up."

"It's rare, meow, that you, Uchiha Yu, sometimes make mistakes in your predictions. Is there something wrong with your brain or your ability to predict things, meow?"

Uchiha Yu pointed at his heart and said with a wry smile: "There is something wrong with my heart."

"Those who play with time will eventually be played with by time, and it is natural that a guy like me who plays with people's hearts will fall down on people's greed."

After Uchiha Yu got Xiao Ke from the living weapon at the root, he couldn't find a suitable way to store it. Seeing that this strange life form was about to dissipate, he stuffed Xiao Ke into his spiritual world in desperation.

Uchiha Yuu had a problem at that time.

After the battle, he was so focused on the loot that he forgot to clean up the battlefield.

When considering the follow-up questions, he also focused on the possible rewards and forgot to take the Hokage's interests into consideration.

This is no small problem, and at the right time, such a mistake can even be fatal.

(End of this chapter)

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