Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 478 His Majesty Qingze comes to his loyal Queens District

Chapter 478 His Majesty Qingze comes to his loyal Queens District

In Adachi Ward, outside the fresh food market in Kita Senju, the smell of fish wafts in the air. For those who don't like smelling fishy smells, the smell here is extremely unpleasant.

There are also very few girls who can tolerate the smell of the wet market.

But Shinoko Hojo has become accustomed to the various smells in the air, the smell of fish, vegetables and meat, and the smell of sweat emanating from the crowds in the vegetable market in summer.

It may feel strange when you first come in, but as you slowly get used to it, you won't have any unpleasant emotions in your heart, but will feel that the place is very lively.

It's just that the hygiene of the wet market was okay at first, but as the number of people gradually increased, the roads and store entrances would look a little dirty.

In such a poor environment, Hojo Shinoko stood out, with her green-white skin and girlish green dress.

Chests that are more developed than some adults.

And the small mouth that seemed to be very articulate when bargaining made a deep impression on the vendors in the vegetable market.

"Hojo, do you want some fresh saury today?"

"No, Uncle Guangzhi, my family won't eat fish today."

Hojo Shinoko shook his head.

The old man with a stubby beard glanced at the young man behind her and said with surprise on his face: "Is this your boyfriend?"

"No, he is a senior in the school. Let's buy groceries together."

Hojo Shinoko quickly explained, and then secretly glanced at Qing Ze behind her, and found that there was nothing strange about the expression on his face.

The girl felt relieved, but also a little disappointed.

Sure enough, in Qingze-senpai's mind, she is a younger sister.

Shinoko Hojo thought about it, her expression on her face did not change at all, and she continued to walk outside carrying the vegetables she bought today.

Qingze stepped forward and said, "Xiaozi, let me treat you to a cup of milk tea."

"Senior Qingze, there's no need to go to such trouble. If you want to invite me, I should be the one to invite you. I've got you to worry about Unnie's affairs."

Hojo Shinoko already knows about the official relationship between her eldest brother and Sayuri, and she also understands that Aozawa-senpai definitely played a big role in this matter.

Qingze patted her shoulder and said with a strong attitude: "Okay, don't compete with me, a senior, about this kind of thing. What kind of milk tea do you want to drink?"

"Then let's drink bubble milk tea."

Seeing that he insisted on inviting her, Hojo Shinoko no longer refused.

If Qingze hadn't been worried about carrying vegetables with both hands, he would have raised his hand to rub her head, "You are so good, let's go and see if there is any good milk tea shop."


After delivering the pearl milk tea, Aozawa sent Shinoko Hojo to the tram home, and then he also took the tram back to Ayase Station.

The sunlight falling from the sky was too bright, making the streets seem to reflect light.

Qingze walked forward, listening to the chirping of cicadas coming from nowhere, and returned to the villa.

He opened the door and entered the entrance hall.

The Shadow Emperor's ability was activated, and the shadow falling on the ground suddenly stretched forward, and balls of slime-like liquid emerged from it, and then compressed inside, condensing into shadow people that resembled the world of Conan.

It's just that their eyes are bright red and look a bit murderous.

Under Qingze's control, the person formed by the black shadow changes. Through the different degrees of blackness and the change of the shape of the body parts, it creates a sense of sight outside wearing armor.

The shadow is no different from water and can be shaped into whatever shape he wants.

Their hands can be turned into claws, swords, or hammers. As long as Qingze wants, they can be transformed into any shape.

But Qingze doesn't need them to fight now, he only needs them to clean the inside of the villa.

There are two floors above and below, including a basement on the ground floor. The villa has three floors in total. It covers such a large area that daily cleaning is a troublesome task.

Qingze gathered fifty shadow soldiers and waved, "Clean the villa for me."

The fifty people dispersed quickly.

They move in such a way that they can run on walls, or they can turn into a bunch of shadows and move on the ground.

Qingze once again gathered four shadow soldiers and handed the dish in his hand forward, "Wash it and cut it for me."

He can command them just by thinking in his head, but he prefers to give orders with his mouth.

Shadow soldiers are quite intelligent in executing orders. They know how to clean, wash and chop vegetables, and they are quite fast.

From the time and actions they took to clean the villa, Qingze judged that they were very agile, but he didn't know how effective they were in combat.

Judging from the current performance, it is possible to destroy an army.

That's assuming the thermal weapons used by the military can't harm them.

Qingze was too lazy to walk by himself, so he asked eight shadow soldiers to carry the shadow-condensed carriage and patrol upstairs, downstairs, and even the basement.

He found that every house was clean and there was no dust at all.

The meat and vegetables in the kitchen were washed and cut by the shadow soldiers.

Qingze nodded with satisfaction. This ability is stronger than telepathy in daily life. It is definitely a necessary ability for lazy people at home. He threw the phone and let a shadow soldier catch it and put it back in the bedroom.

Then he thought, and these shadow soldiers lost their human form one after another, approaching him like a tornado.

Wrap up the whole person and merge into the world of shadow.


Invisible darkness enveloped the palace.

Since the shadows inside the palace are very light in color, shapes that can be distinguished by the naked eye are formed in this dark shadow world.

Dark flames like flames swayed between the shadow pillars.

The shadow version of the Iron Throne is on the nine steps. Qingze seems to have fallen above the throne from the dome. He is looking outside the palace, thinking in his mind, how can he use this ability to jump to other places?

Just go there directly...

Qingze made a decision in his heart and planned to use the movement method of the shadow soldiers. He would give it a try and silently turn into a beam of black shadow and rush towards the darkness outside the palace.

In the world of shadows, he kept rushing forward, unable to distinguish the direction, up, down, left, and even his own speed. Everything was shrouded in the darkness of the shadows.

When he felt that there was a distance, he wanted to emerge from the shadow, and stopped his body in an instant.

Qingze wants to try to see if he can use the ability of catalytic sensing inside to observe the situation outside the shadow.

After all, the Shadow Emperor could only allow him to enjoy the clarity of seeing things in the shadow world, but he could not directly peek outside the shadow world.

Using the ability of catalyst induction, his vision seemed to be rising, and his mind reached a height of no desire or desire.

Within a radius of one kilometer, every place with a shadow is within the range of his eyes and ears.

Qingze, who was hiding in the shadow world, could observe the outside. There were no people and no cities, just a mountain forest. He could see running animals and hear the chirping of cicadas on the trees.

where is this place?

This thought flashed through Qingze's mind, and he found that it was true that the Shadow Emperor had a global skill, but he couldn't tell the direction, and it felt like it was more convenient to use Global Travel or Schrödinger's Cat.

In other words, keep using the catalytic sensor to sneak around the shadow world?

Thinking of this, Qingze did not turn off the ability of catalyst sensing, but directly maintained this ability, and then turned into a shadow to sneak.

In an instant, countless images and sounds came in. It was when he used the catalyst sensor to see clearly outside that Qingze discovered that he was turning into a shadow and sneaking around so fast.

It can't be compared with the almost teleportation speed of Schrödinger's Cat and World Travel, but Qingze estimates that Shadow Sneak is at least forty or fifty times the speed of sound.

It also convinced him that he was running to a Chinese-speaking country, and just now he actually ran out of Japan.

It’s fine if you’re familiar with a country. If it’s a country you’re not familiar with, it’s still more convenient to use Global Travel, and there won’t be any nonsense.

Shadow Emperor does not carry language translation capabilities.

Qingze thought that he would use his ability to travel around the world and jump directly to another country to test the Shadow Emperor's combat effectiveness.


New York, Queens.

Since the new mayor David took office, various measures have been implemented in this bustling city, one of the world's leading.

Qingze used the ability to travel around the world and jumped directly to the streets of New York. He hid in the shadow of the building and observed the scenery outside the shadow world through the ability of catalytic induction.

It can be seen from the buildings on both sides that this was originally a slum. The houses are obviously dilapidated, and the windows of some buildings still have traces of being smashed.

But the ground is completely different from before.

There are no needles and garbage littered on the ground, or tents everywhere along the street. The street looks clean and tidy, like an area where rich people live.

Qingze still saw the changes here through short videos on Douyin and YouTube.

After all, New York is so famous.

Some people praise the series of measures taken by David when he took office, while others naturally feel that such behavior is somewhat unfree and undemocratic.

After all, David is not a laissez-faire towards homeless people and drug abusers. The former provide jobs instead of simply distributing relief food to them.

Those people who are notoriously lazy are naturally unhappy with such changes. They are used to not having to work, just waiting in line to receive relief food, which is not a day or two without dignity.

For the latter, David took full coercive measures to control them, forcing them to quit the habit of abusing drugs.

They even want to try to collect taxes and audit accounts of charities, and bring charities under the jurisdiction of the city hall to carry out real charity.

That series of drastic reforms, no matter how many of them are put into practice, is changing New York.

Can the experimental target be found here?

A doubt flashed through Qingze's mind, but he still decided to take a look around New York.

He didn't quite believe that in such a short period of time, David could fundamentally change New York.

Qingze took a slow speed to go around, which was different from rushing around at first. After he discovered that the speed of the shadow was very fast, he had an understanding that allowed him to adapt to the speed of the shadow.

Let him not appear in the place where he doesn't know where he is without paying attention.

Qingze had already found the experimental subject he was looking for before he even walked around New York.

 PS: As the end of the year approaches, the project for older singles is online. I’m going on a blind date today.



(End of this chapter)

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