Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 477 The first week of August 8

Chapter 477 The First Monday in August

Monday, August 7th.

The morning wind was a bit cool, but Qingze was not alone. He was next to Chiyo Morimoto, whose skin was as white as jade, and his even breathing from a deep sleep blew on the surface of his swan-like slender neck.

Chiyo Morimoto woke up from her sleep.

She looked at the thick ceiling, her waist was a little sore, and she thought about the utter madness last night.

The air is filled with the unique smell of youth.

"Uh." Chiyo Morimoto made a nasal sound and tried to slowly leave the bed.


Qingze muttered, and when he wanted to hug her, there was a jingling sound on the bedside, and his hands were handcuffed on the bedside.

Thinking of the police and criminals game last night, he opened his eyes and saw his superpower: Shadow Emperor.

The font seems to be written on the thick layer of white frost.

Qingze blinked, and the words disappeared from Chiyo Morimoto's chest, which also made him decide that next time he plays, he will definitely try to blindfold Chiyo and practice the wild cursive calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing that he had been staring at her, Morimoto Chiyo raised her hand and poked her forehead and said: "You know you are dishonest. Please reflect on it here."

"Hey, at least take off the handcuffs first."

"No, you are a heinous criminal, and you will be sentenced to a hundred years in prison!"

Chiyo Morimoto flicked his vital parts, and her raised lips revealed a mischievous smile.

She got out of bed, picked up some clothes that needed to be washed, and strode out without any intention of getting dressed. She threw the clothes in the washing machine and took a shower.

It feels really uncomfortable if I don't rub my whole body clean.

Qingze was chained to the bed, and he didn't think about how much his infinite ability had been reduced.

In his eyes, infinity is an ability that allows him to play Ultraman and fight monsters in remote places, and cannot be used in cities at all.

Or when communicating with Chiyo, it prompts Chiyo to evolve into the Iri form, and paired with oil, it is really addictive.

He estimated that even if the infinite ability was reduced, it would not affect the most critical ability at the end, so there was no need to think too hard.

Qingze is even more curious, what new super power does the Shadow Emperor have?

His heart began to beat, and he shouted outside: "Officer Chiyo, I plead guilty. Please unlock the handcuffs for me."

"Wait a moment~"

Morimoto Chiyo's slightly nasal response came from the bathroom, giving Aozawa a criminal impulse.

He thought about how he and Iroha returned home from shopping yesterday. As soon as they entered the door, Chiyo pounced on them and performed the famous human version of the death roll.

It was so passionate that it was beyond his imagination.

It's a pity that Qingze sighed in his heart. Next time he wants to get such treatment, he doesn't know how many days he will have to wait.


After breakfast was cooked, Chiyo Morimoto returned to the bedroom. Instead of untying Aozawa, she slowly dressed in front of him.

One piece after another, and then put on bright red fishnet stockings.

Snap, the anti-slip belt was strangled on the fleshy thigh, forming obvious strangulation marks.

"Chiyo, I want to plead guilty and go to your police station to reveal the truth!"

Qingze struggled on the bed, like a fish thrown on land, and started to jump.

The movement of the hands made the handcuffs make a sound.

With his strength, he could indeed break free of the handcuffs, but it would be pointless if he broke free like that. The prisoner's pleasure of being arrested must be retained.

Chiyo Morimoto smiled, put on the ultra-short bright red leather pants, and put on a large fiery red T-shirt.

She stepped forward, found the key from the drawer, and opened the handcuffs for Qingze. Qingze immediately wanted to hug him, but Chiyo Morimoto pressed the M500 against his chest and said slowly: "If you dare to attack the police, I will shoot you." .”

"Chiyo, are you willing?"

Qingze smiled.

Chiyo Morimoto withdrew the gun, flicked his forehead and said: "Okay, don't stay here any longer.

For such a big man, he was still naked, so he quickly got dressed, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and ate. "

"it is good."

Qingze replied, stood up and walked outside.

Chiyo Morimoto also turned around and walked out of the living room. Her time to practice yoga has been changed.

Instead of waking up in the morning, Chiyo Morimoto chooses to do yoga while working in the office.

Although there are many daily matters in the intelligence department and task force, as long as they boldly delegate power to the right people, leaders do not actually need to deal with many things.

Chiyo Morimoto is the kind of leader who accurately delegates power to his subordinates.

This allowed her to win the hearts of many senior assistants and deputy assistants of the Intelligence Department in a very short period of time.

Everyone hopes to have a leader who is willing to use their talents and take the blame.

In a way, Jack is also this kind of person.

It's just that unlike Chiyo Morimoto, Jack's decision to delegate power was because he realized that he really didn't have that kind of management ability, rather than because he was able to manage the CIA and still chose to delegate power.

Secondly, Jack's character is too soft, that is, only when he meets someone like Chiyo Morimoto who knows how to be satisfied will he really do things for him.

If you meet such an ambitious person, you will probably sell Jack and ask him to say thank you.

Chiyo Morimoto knows how to delegate power and establish authority. She is well aware of the serious consequences of having power without authority.


Today's breakfast is sea cucumber, scallops and shrimp porridge, steamed crabs, and a plate full of scallops.

"Eat more to replenish your body."

Chiyo Morimoto gave him a scallop.

Qingze said with a smile: "I still need to make up for it, Chiyo, have you forgotten who fainted first last night?

It's you who should make up for it. He put the scallops in Morimoto Chiyo's bowl and smiled: "Should we continue tonight?" "


All the thoughts that Chiyo Morimoto had previously accumulated disappeared last night, and her whole person became refreshed.

The next time you want to take action, it will be at least seven days later.

She led the topic to other things, such as the gold store robbery reported on the news and the popular video on Douyin.

After the casual chat over breakfast, Chiyo Morimoto put down her chopsticks. She took out a napkin, wiped her mouth and said, "You stay at home and have nothing to do. Remember to clean the floor and the yard for me."

What food to buy tonight, I will send it to your mobile phone. "

Then, she took out the money to buy groceries and said with a smile, "Go with your sister."

"Chiyo, please don't speak so ambiguously."

Qingze rolled his eyes and took the money.

Now that he is back in Tokyo, he naturally has to fulfill the agreement he made with Shinoko and go to the wet market to buy food later.

After all, if you go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables in the morning, you can buy fresher vegetables, but it will seem a bit late in the afternoon.

If she didn't have any plans, Hojo Shinoko would always go shopping in the morning.

Chiyo Morimoto smiled, stood up and walked towards the door.

Qingze put away the dishes and chopsticks on the table, wiped the table with a cloth, and left in no hurry.

When he noticed that Chiyo's defensive force field left the house, he directly grabbed the bowls and chopsticks with his telekinesis and went to the window where the food was served.

He opened it with his hands, put the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher, and pressed it to start.

With telepathy, Qingze didn't need to go to the kitchen, the dishwasher was already running.

Mind power can provide a lot of convenience in daily life.

He took a look at the time and decided to test his new superpower first before going shopping with Shinoko.

Qingze uses Shadow Emperor.

In an instant, he felt the coolness of the water covering his body from the top of his head, but what he saw was not water, but a liquid-like shadow.

It covers the entire person from head to toe, and gradually spreads around to form a circle with a diameter of half a meter.

He melted into the shadows.

It's like falling into water without feeling suffocated.

Qingze was able to breathe normally in this darkness, as if he had turned into a fish.

The surroundings were silent and dark, and Qingze didn't feel blind at all. On the contrary, he felt like he could see very clearly.

This is the side of the world, the real shadow world.

The Shadow Emperor's superpower allows him to sneak into shadows and control them.

All the shadows in this world are under his control.

The Shadow Emperor actually has a global superpower!

Qingze realized this, raised his hand and said: "Palace."

The emperor said that there must be a palace, so the shadow world has a palace. The emperor said that there must be dark fire, so there are dark fires on both sides of the shadow pillar.

Qingze looked at the palace unfolding like a three-dimensional image. It was still dark, but it was thinner than the darkness in other places.

Dark lanterns like flames rippled above the shadow pillars.

The shadow around him resembles the loose toga of a Roman emperor, with a part of it trailing on the ground at the back, without looking clumsy, as if it were a constantly flowing wave.

Qingze, clad in shadow, walked up the nine steps, above which was the Iron Throne made of shadow.

The chair back made of shadow blades exudes a grand and epic feel.

"Oh, good."

Qingze turned around and sat down, a bit like sitting on jelly, not hard and very comfortable.

He looked ahead, and another idea came to his mind. On the shadow-shrouded dome, liquid fell down.

After each ball of slime-like liquid fell to the ground, it quickly condensed into a person.

It was completely dark except for a pair of red eyes.

One after another figures appeared in the hall under Qingze's thoughts. He wanted to see how many shadow soldiers he could control.

The conclusion is one hundred thousand!

He looked at the seemingly boundless military force and stared at the emperor on the throne with his red eyes.

"Your Majesty!"

Qingze gave the order and they all knelt down, but no one could make a sound.

The soldiers formed by the condensed shadows are like robots, without any thoughts or emotions, nor can they speak, nor can they breathe.

They simply obey the emperor's orders unconditionally.

Depending on the command, decide whether it is a killing machine or an everyday machine.

"It's really interesting, you all have to kill yourself!"

Qingze issued the first order, and the dark shadow soldiers all hit him in the chest. After their death, they turned into wisps of black smoke, trying to return to the dome.

With a thought in his mind, he raised his hand and grabbed the void. All the dead shadows condensed in his palm and turned into a sword several kilometers long.

Holding the sword, Qingze didn't feel heavy, as if it had no weight at all.

How powerful it is, you need to find someone to test it.

Before that, he had to go shopping with Xiaozi.

(End of this chapter)

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