Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 459: Overcoming Traditional Skills

Chapter 459: Overcoming Traditional Skills

In the large, elegantly decorated office, the warm lights were bright. Jack had shaved the beard on his cheeks cleanly, but his face was not as radiant as before, revealing haggardness and anxiety.

Now, he is like a carp soaked in 100-degree boiling water, wanting to jump out of the fish tank immediately.

The CIA was asked to keep military deployment maps, which was also used to check and balance the US military.

After all, between the two systems of the US military stationed in Japan and the CIA stationed in Japan, the people above trust the CIA more.

Domestically, that would be the FBI.

These two institutions have always presented themselves as the president's hawk-dog image, treating both internally and externally equally.

But such trust can sometimes lead to bad things.

Especially when Jack is unable to control the CIA branch, too much trust from above will lead to some minor problems in the CIA branch.

"Someone stole the deployment plan from your office?"

"Morimoto, my office is impregnable, but the relevant documents are placed in the safe of the intelligence section chief.

I'm just a branch chief. "

Jack said this, not to mention how depressed he felt.

As the chair turned, he looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows to Shinjuku, where neon lights and darkness intertwined.

The whole person gradually regained his composure in that gentle voice.

In other words, the whole person was completely ruined.

"Sure enough, controlling tens of thousands of people in the CIA branch is still beyond my ability. It is easier than controlling dozens of people in the task force."

"Don't try to mess things up as soon as you encounter a setback. First, give a strict order to the intelligence section chief and ask him to quickly find out who did it."

"I gave the guy a good beating and told him to find someone."

Jack answered truthfully, with a somewhat hesitant expression: "I just don't know whether I should report it to the higher ups now.

Once reported, my role as director will come to an end. "

He sighed again, knowing very well that the meteorite matter was related to the United States' grand strategy.

The above want to use the meteorite intelligence to force the other two major powers to negotiate with the United States, and even let the United States occupy a dominant position.

This is also the way the United States has always behaved.

They really want to negotiate with the other two major countries, but their negotiation methods are different from the negotiations that the world knows. In the negotiations conceived by the United States, the two major countries only need to follow the well-intentioned suggestions of the United States.

Naturally, the two big countries are not willing to just listen to the United States' well-intentioned suggestions and act as little brothers.

Especially the one in the East, in terms of global strategy, it goes against the United States in every aspect.

The United States wants war and exploitation, while they want peace and development and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Another big country had no problems for twenty years, but now it is heartbroken by the United States. It is estimated that it is impossible to trust the United States.

Based on this foundation, meteorite information is particularly important.

If he reported to the superiors, Jack could imagine that both himself and the intelligence section chief would be kicked off.

The superiors will not care about those reasons.

If you can do it, do it; if you can't, get out. There are a lot of people willing to grab the position of CIA director.

"If that's the case, then you should quickly call Yokota Air Base and ask them to send fighter planes to patrol the skies above Mount Fuji base.

With absolute air superiority, the enemy will do nothing if they get the deployment map.

You take advantage of this time to quickly adjust your deployment. "

When Chiyo Morimoto said this, she sighed inwardly and understood why some people like to hide it and not report it whenever something goes wrong.

If you report it, your position will be lost. If you try to save yourself, you may still be able to keep your position.

For example, the best way at the moment is to report to the superiors immediately and mobilize military forces.

Or mobilize the strength of the CIA branch to protect the Mount Fuji base.

However, when the operations section chief got the news, he might not report it to John immediately.

As long as the above receives the news, Jack will lose his position as CIA director.

Chiyo Morimoto could only choose another stupid method to see if he could keep Jack's position.

Jack suddenly understood, nodded and said: "Okay, you are right, I will call Yokota Air Force Base right away."

Having said this, he picked up the landline and dialed the number of Yokota Air Force Base.


Lake Kawaguchi is one of the famous Fuji Five Lakes.

Before Mount Fuji was flattened, this place could be called a tourist attraction.

It is undoubtedly a pleasure to go boating and look at Mount Fuji from here.

Today, Mount Fuji is gone, and Lake Kawaguchi has lost its aura as a tourist attraction and has become an ordinary lake.

A large number of hot spring hotels were sold off.

Bruno took possession of seven hot spring hotels and transformed them into outposts for his attack on the Mount Fuji base.

To be honest, his fighting skills are definitely not bad, but his hacking level is even higher.

In this operation, he was responsible for the long-range attack on the base.

Drunkard and Curtis were directly involved in the action.

He sat in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard with both hands, and under his control, a large number of drones flew to the base of Mount Fuji.

After receiving the base deployment map provided by the Phoenix Academy, they did not hesitate at all and immediately chose to take action at night. It is said that a soldier has great speed.

A soft beeping sound came from the headphones.

Bruno pressed a button, and Jack's voice came from the earphones, "I am Jack, Director of the CIA. I have urgent matters that I need to discuss with the Commander of the Fifth Air Force."

"Sorry, Chief Jack, the Commander is off duty and said no one is to disturb him."

Bruno replied softly. He had already calculated that Jack might contact people at Yokota Air Force Base, and through the connections of the Iwasaki family, he had asked employees within Yokota Air Base to plant the virus.

All calls made there through internal channels will be forwarded to him.

It would be nice to have local snakes to help.

After all, in Japan, the US military inevitably needs to hire local people to do things, which gives the six major consortiums the opportunity to reach inside.

However, exploration deployment cannot be done.

Because within the military base, Japanese employees are limited to one area, and the complete deployment map is not kept by the base's senior management, nor is it in the system.

But they can put viruses into the system.

In a short period of time, no abnormalities will be discovered.

"I told you that there is an emergency. Send your fighter planes to the Mount Fuji base to patrol."

"I'm sorry, we can't move out at will without the commander's order."

"Then quickly call your commander over to answer the phone!"

"I'm sorry, the commander is off duty."

Bruno answered slowly, like a robot customer service, without any emotion mixed into his words.

While he was chatting, his hands did not relax the control of the drone.

Screens were displayed on the computer screen, indicating that the drone was approaching the base of Mount Fuji.

He hit the enter key.

At the moment of the drone attack, the virus inside the Mount Fuji base exploded, cutting off external communications.

For the next time, that base will be cut off from the outside world.

The action begins.


The drunkard was hiding in the tree, still drinking vodka in his hand.

He is waiting.

After the drone takes the lead in attacking the military base, attacking the ammunition depot, attacking the communications headquarters, and carrying out a round of precise strikes on the U.S. troops in the base, he will rush into the base and start a killing spree.

I have to say that in modern warfare, drones are really useful!

The cost is low, and the lethality is also good. If it can produce that kind of damage at such a cost, there is nothing worth complaining about.

"During the attack, were you still drinking like this?"

Curtis stood under the tree and couldn't help but complain.

The drunkard laughed and said: "Hey, wine is a good medicine, how can it affect your actions?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his ears moved and he heard the sound of the drone and raised his head.

Taking advantage of the dim night, lightweight drones carrying bombs flew overhead and flew to the military base not far away.

There was no early warning from the radar, and the drunkard knew that before the drone attack, the network attack would first attack inside the base and paralyze their system.

It doesn't take long, you just need to buy time for the drone.

Bruno is such a scheming guy, the wine baron muttered to himself, threw away the empty wine bottle, and jumped under the tree.


"Huh, what is that?"

The sentry on duty discovered the drone and wanted to sound the alarm, but blood exploded from his head. A sniper attack from a distance made him collapse.

The sentry hidden in the dark immediately sounded the alarm.

Drop drop!

Shrill sirens rang throughout the military base.

Brigadier Tolu, who was still sleeping, quickly sat up. He is 1.95 meters tall, has blond hair and blue eyes, and has a standard white appearance.

The chest has very lush chest hair.

"what happened?"

He shouted outside, suddenly aware of the danger in his heart, and quickly jumped through the door. As soon as he landed in the corridor, he heard a roar in his ears.

The self-destructing drone crashed through the window and landed on the bed. The impact of the explosion spread the shrapnel around like a goddess scattering flowers.

Tolu held up his hands and quickly turned around and landed on the wall to avoid the shrapnel attack.

He looked at the shrapnel embedded in the wall at the door with a cold expression. Is it a coincidence that the other party was able to directly find the position of his brigade commander?


A louder sound came, and even the ground felt like it was shaking.

Just by listening to the sound, Toru could already tell that the ammunition depot was doomed.

The enemy's ability to accurately strike at key points is obviously due to the intelligence they have here.

"Farke, those losers from the CIA, I know they are unreliable!"

Tolu's face was full of anger, but his eyes were bright.

Since he was sent to guard the meteorite from above, he was certainly no ordinary person.

Among the U.S. troops stationed in Japan, he led the 14th Infantry Brigade with a total strength of 3,600.

From top to bottom, they are the most elite soldiers of the US 7th Division.

He is also the most fanatical and radical war fanatic. He believes in doomsday war more than any other general, and he is also a radical hawk who promotes doomsday war.

"Boys, let's go to the meteorite and kill all the intruders without leaving a trace!"

Tolu didn't want to preside over the overall situation. The enemy was well prepared. Slowly organizing the troops would only allow the enemy to achieve their goals. It was better to lead his own bodyguards and go straight to what the enemy wanted most.

(End of this chapter)

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