Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 458 Godzilla, you are too strong

Chapter 458 Godzilla, you are too strong

The yellow sand is rolling.

Emily is somewhat accustomed to Dio's ability, which allows her to reach a distant foreign country from Kabukicho in an instant.

Her feet landed on the yellow sand, the sun shining brightly above her head, and the wind blowing on her face, seemed to be in the Eight Diagrams Furnace of Taishang Laojun.

She is Sun Monkey who was burned by the fire.

Suddenly leaving the air-conditioned room and going outside in Tokyo makes people feel very hot.

Not to mention, she went directly to the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the temperature here has exceeded 41 degrees.

"So hot?!"

Emily yelled, feeling the heat burning through her slippers to the soles of her feet, causing her to keep lifting her feet off the sand.

Sweat broke out quickly all over his body, making the vest gradually become somewhat transparent.

However, her body shape was very youthful and did not outline any eye-catching curves.

Qingze has no interest in tablets.

"Don't panic, it will cool you down soon."

"what does this mean?"

Emily suddenly felt bad. Last time Dio came to her door and sent her to the Antarctic, where she saw the Terror Emperor destroying the laws of the world.

This time I suddenly appeared in the Sahara Desert. What scene will I see again?

An idea flashed through her mind. Could it be that there is also a world law here?

If you think about it carefully, Dio did not say that there is only one law of the world. Maybe there are related laws in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Emily soon couldn't continue thinking. The heat in the air made her throat feel thirsty, and her little cherry mouth became dry, as if the skin would fall off if she pulled it.

She couldn't stand it, and her blue eyes swept across the empty desert. There was nothing here, not even the mountains could be seen, only endless yellow sand, and the high temperature that seemed to distort the space.

The desolation is so extreme that it creates a picture of the vastness of the world in people's minds.

Just as she was scanning the surroundings, she suddenly discovered that the yellow sand in the west collapsed downwards, and a large amount of lake water quickly emerged from the ground.

Water emerging from the Sahara Desert? !

Emily didn't think that such a scene was a natural scene, and it might have something to do with Dio's arrival here.

"It's coming."

When Qingze saw the water emerging, he knew it was his turn to act. He directly used the ability of element replacement to turn himself into a ball of wind, and then used Infinity.

The wind he turned into quickly grew stronger, and yellow sand flew up. Without giving Emily and Catalina any chance to resist, they were swept high into the sky.

It was at this moment that Emily knew why Dio said it would cool down in a moment.

Wouldn't it be cool to be directly lifted up to a height of 10,000 meters by this guy?


Emily screamed in terror, and her blond hair flew wildly as the wind filled her mouth.

The short limbs were like a drowning person, swinging wildly.

She tried to imitate the goshawk to fly in the air, but unfortunately, human hands could not turn into wings, so she could only continue to fall.

The only good thing was that she was thrown high enough and had enough time for Dio to catch her.

After thinking about this, Emily's frightened heart quickly calmed down and she looked at the desert below.

A large amount of clear water emerged from the desert, quickly forming a huge lake and creating a whirlpool in the center of the lake.

A huge head emerged from the whirlpool. It was a terrifying monster that did not exist in this world.

The surface is covered with dark blue skin, as hard as the surface of an aircraft carrier.

The outline of the monster's head is a bit like a dinosaur, and its body is extremely large and strong, so that its head seems a bit small.

There is a fish-like dorsal fin on the back, and a pair of short-looking claws on the front, which is quite funny.

If she just got close, Emily could guarantee that she would never laugh.

Only at high altitude can she have the kind of leisurely look at the other person's overall image.

After falling to the ground, I believe that person's claws are enough to skewer hundreds of themselves and roast them.

With a simple sweep of that thick tail, the lake had already set off a huge wave of tens of meters, hitting the desert outside.


Godzilla stood tall in the lake, raised his head and roared, sound that shook thousands of meters, as if announcing to the world that the King of Monsters has arrived.

Emily felt that her eardrums were numb from the shock, her expression was frightened, her eyes scanned the surroundings, but she did not see Dio.

Where is that person?

This thought flashed through her mind, and the coolness between her brows was suddenly hit by a heat wave.

A sun appears above the ground.

The blazing flames seemed to be scorching the clouds.

Emily took a closer look and realized that it was not the sun, but the flame giant incarnated by Dio.


She was stunned with shock. She felt that the visual special effects she had seen in Hollywood blockbusters were weak compared to the scene in front of her.

At least seven or eight kilometers, right?

It was so huge that even the unknown monster that emerged from the lake looked petite when standing in front of the flame giant.

The difference between adults and babies. Godzilla stopped roaring and his small bean eyes widened.

The creatures created by the Book of Destiny all have a certain degree of intelligence and are no different from real creatures.

Qingze can only indirectly control it with fate, but cannot directly control its mind.

Therefore, Godzilla can feel emotions such as anger and fear.

"My world doesn't need a powerful monster like you."

Qingze grabbed it with his right hand.

Godzilla raised his head and roared, but was unable to block the overwhelming flames. The hand was so big that he couldn't even see the outline of it.

Qingze held it in the palm of one hand, and the high temperature directly evaporated the lake into a vast expanse of water vapor.


Godzilla is like a puppy thrown into the flames, struggling hard but still unable to escape the fate of being burned alive.

Emily felt a little sympathy for this monster.

I don’t know how Dio captured the trajectory of these monsters appearing in this world.

But those monsters that can destroy cities and even countries are really vulnerable to Dio.

Wait, Emily suddenly noticed something was wrong. Since Dio didn't like powerful monsters coming to this world, why did he turn a blind eye to the Terror Emperor?

Dio really can't defeat the Terror Emperor?

Emily thought in her mind.

The scorching heat has cooked Godzilla, who is hundreds of meters tall, from the outside to the inside.

Qingze suddenly threw Godzilla's body up.

There was a boom, a sonic boom, and the charred corpse was lifted into the sky like a rocket. The crispy skin on the surface was blown away by the sharp wind like a knife.

Pieces of black debris flew in the wind.

He struck upwards with his right hand. Under the infinite blessing, the flame in his right hand surged again, reaching a length of seven thousand meters.

A pillar of fire, more terrifying than the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, shot straight into the sky and dispersed the clouds.

The fire fist submerged Godzilla's body, and in an instant, Emily watched the huge body turn into ashes in the fire.

The thick hot wind hit her face, and her hair and clothes seemed to be on fire. She took a simple breath, and the hot feeling rushed from her throat to her lungs.

"Cough cough."

Emily coughed loudly and was so frightened that she dared not breathe. Tears instantly filled her eyes. She did not close her eyes and discovered that after Godzilla's death, a blue gem appeared there.

what is that?

Emily flashed this doubt and found Dio's figure appearing next to the gem.

She instantly guessed that Dio's purpose here was to kill the monster and get the gem.

What kind of treasure is that?

Emily flashed the terms magic core and magic crystal in some Western fantasy novels.

Qingze turned his back to Emily and used the ability of Mark Explosion to blast the gem into pieces. Then he turned his body into a wisp of wind and quickly caught Emily and Katarina.

The ability to travel around the world was activated, and the three of them jumped directly back to the upper floor of the Big Fat Sheep Bar, and the air-conditioning air blew on Emily's body.

She quickly grabbed the unfinished orange juice and took a sip. The cold taste made her feel alive.

Emily exhaled, and the heat in her body gradually disappeared. She glanced at the blond man standing there and asked curiously: "What kind of monster is that?"


Qingze replied seriously that he had searched and found that Godzilla movies did not exist in this world.

Some of the film and television dramas here are the same as his original film and television dramas, and some are completely different.

Emily's eyes flickered and she said cautiously: "I seemed to see Godzilla dying in the fire. There was a blue gem there. What was that gem?"

"you guess."

Qingze asked with a smile.

Emily thought for a while and said, "Is it related to Godzilla's energy?"

"You're half right."

Qingze didn't say what his other half was, he just let his body turn into an invisible breeze, "I still have to take a step forward, let's talk next time."


A flash of surprise flashed across Emily's face, and she wanted to stay, but no one could be seen.

She held the orange juice in her hand and frowned slightly.

It's really strange, why did Dior take himself to see that scene twice in a row?

When it comes to improving relationships, does that person’s understanding of friendship differ from ordinary people? How can friendship be achieved in such a short period of time?

Or is it that, with Emily holding her chin in her hand, Dio wants to know where the monster is and needs her help?

Speculating from this perspective seems more believable than Dior's desire to increase emotion.

As for why her help is needed and how to help, it is probably related to choosing her as a friend.

However, why didn’t you listen to the task force’s explanation of where Hu Die was taken by Dior?

Emily frowned, she really couldn't understand what Dio had done.

But she still knew what she should do. She posted on the forum and told Chiyo Morimoto what she had experienced to see what he thought about this incident.


The phone dinged, but Chiyo Morimoto did not choose to end the call. She leaned lazily on the sofa, crossed her legs and said, "Okay, Jack, you are not a child either.

I know I'm in a hurry with you, but please calm down first and tell me, what exactly happened? "

Jack also realized that he was too panicked, but this matter was too important for him to calm down, "Morimoto, something bad has happened, the CIA's deployment map of the Mount Fuji base has been stolen!

What should I do? "

(End of this chapter)

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