Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 455 Xiaozi cannot be contacted without reason

Chapter 455 Xiaozi cannot be contacted without reason

Thursday, August 3rd.

early morning.

Hojo Shinoko woke up early.

She never sleeps in during the holidays and uses a fixed alarm clock to wake herself up at 6 am on time every day.

The air in the bedroom was slightly cool, so she took off her pajamas, revealing blue and white underwear, opened the closet and put on a light blue suspender dress.

She walked to the mirror and simply combed her hair.

Hojo Shinoko is not like other girls who like to have long hair. She belongs to the short-haired group, but she is in the minority among the short-haired group.

Her short hair has nothing to do with beauty, it is simply that short hair is easy to take care of and easy to wash.

Hojo Shinoko put down her comb, turned around, left the bedroom, went to the kitchen, and started working on today's breakfast.

Even during the holidays, her mornings are the same as going to school. Her parents are at home, preparing breakfast for her parents and eldest brother.

My parents worked overtime and slept directly at the company, only preparing breakfast for my eldest brother.

Hojo Shinoko does these things at the age of a young girl, and she doesn't feel tired. On the contrary, she likes this kind of work very much.

My parents work hard, so it's nice to be able to help.

If there is anything she regrets about the holiday, it is undoubtedly that she was unable to prepare a lunch lunch for Qingze-senpai.

Since the summer vacation, the two haven't seen each other for a long time. They only chat about comic plots through mobile phone chat software and occasionally share what they are doing.

Hojo Shinoko sighed softly, feeling a little irritated for no reason, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Who said that she and Qingze were just seniors, or in other words, sisters of good friends.

If no reason can be found, the two parties cannot meet during the summer vacation.

Even the chat needs to start with a cartoon about Big Brother, otherwise, it will be difficult for her to press the button to send a message.

Hojo Shinoko was a little envious of Phoenix Academy senior. She must have had nothing to worry about during the holidays and could see Aozawa senior every day.

She turned the omelette over and started frying the sausage again.

The breakfast at the Hojo family is very simple, leaning towards Western style, with fried eggs and fried sausages, and finally a glass of warm milk.

Hers and her eldest brother's were served on plates and cups.

Her parents' share was not available, so she chose to put it in a disposable paper bag and pour the milk into a thermos cup.

She went on to make her parents' lunch lunch.

After finishing, she placed the breakfast and lunch boxes on the table. After calculating the time, she heard the thump of footsteps coming from the stairs.

"You're going to be late!"

The student whose father seemed to be about to be late let out a shrill wail, while his mother complained: "I told you not to sleep anymore, why don't you listen to the alarm clock?!"

"You still have the nerve to accuse me, but you also said, let's sleep for another three minutes!"

While bickering, the parents quickly put their clothes in order, washed their faces and brushed their teeth.

"Xiaozi, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, Father, Mother, this is today's breakfast and lunch."

She smiled and handed over their breakfast and lunch.

"Thank you~"

"My baby girl is so considerate and different from brats. I am immediately motivated to work today!" "Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!"

The woman pushed her husband towards the door.

After many years of marriage, the relationship between the two is still very good, just like when they were passionately in love.

Hojo Shinoko was very envious and really hoped that she could be like her mother and find a partner like her father in the future.

She turned around and walked to the bedroom on the ground floor, knocked on the door and said, "Ernie, it's time to have breakfast."

After three consecutive beeps, a response came from inside, "Okay."


Breakfast was quickly taken care of. Tetsuji Hojo wiped the oil and milk from his mouth with a tissue, and a trace of hesitation flashed on his expression: "Shinoko, are you really okay by yourself?"

"Unnie, don't worry, leave the coloring to me. You just need to work with Yoshikawa-senpai to draw the manga."

Hojo Shinoko put away the plate and took over the coloring task today.

Tetsuji Hojo scratched his head, his expression still a little hesitant. Yesterday, thanks to Aosawa's suggestion, he was inspired and drew sixty-five comics in one breath.

Although it is a black and white comic, the black parts must be painted black, such as hair, blades, tree shadows and the like.

His comics can be serialized to this day because of his carefulness.

But Tetsuji Hojo made an agreement with Yoshikawa Sayuri in advance to draw manga material today, but yesterday he was so inspired that he drew so much in one breath.

Most of the characters in his comics have black hair, and only the characters based on the eldest lady do not need to have their hair blackened.

This resulted in an unusually heavy workload for coloring his comics.

"Shinoko, is it really okay?"

"I told you to leave it to me, so Ernie can go on a date with peace of mind."

"This is not a date."

Tetsuji Hojo defended with a blushing face, and sighed: "It's just the agreed manga material."

After explaining this, he stood up and left home.

“Have a nice trip~”

Hojo Shinoko waved, and she was alone in the house again.

She washed the plate, put the dishes and chopsticks away, wiped her hands with paper, and did not rush to paint, but scanned the inside and outside.

After making sure that the environment at home was clean, she took out the stack of comics and placed them on the table in the living room.

Ink and brushes laid out.

Shinoko Hojo is going to color these manga manuscripts, dip her brush into ink, and carefully apply hair color on the manga manuscripts.

This is a job that requires patience. If you accidentally get the ink on the outside, the original document will most likely be lost.    She did it very seriously.


Ding ding~

The crisp sound of the doorbell rang, and Shinoko Hojo felt a little surprised. She put the brush next to her, got up and walked to the door, "Here it comes."

She walked to the entrance and asked aloud: "Who is it?"

"Little Red Riding Hood, please open the door. I am the Big Bad Wolf."

Hearing the familiar voice, Shinoko Hojo showed a hint of surprise on her face, quickly put on her shoes and opened the door.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and a handsome young man stood at the door. He was wearing a white T-shirt and black casual pants. He raised his hand and said, "Good morning, Xiaozi."

"Senior Qingze, why are you here?"

"That guy Zheji was begging me to help with the coloring. Seeing how pitiful he said it, I came over to help him."

"I'm really sorry. I told Ernie that there will be no problem if I am alone."

Hojo Shinoko bowed, a look of apology flashing across her face.

Qingze said with a smile: "Zhe Er said that you are stubborn. If I leave it to you alone, you will have to color it all. How can one person do the workload of two people?"

"Senior Qingze."

Hojo Shinoko also wanted to politely refuse his help.

Qingze patted her shoulder.

A broad palm fell on the skin of the shoulder. It was almost as if there was only a sling.

Hojo Shinoko's body trembled, her earlobes felt a little hot, as if she was standing naked in front of her senior.

"Zheji and I are good friends. You don't have to be so polite. If you encounter difficulties, you can ask me for help."

"But coloring comics is not something that a layman can do..."

Hojo Shinoko murmured in a low voice, fearing that this person would become more helpful.

Qingze had an awkward smile on his face, patted his chest and said, "Don't underestimate me, just coloring won't trouble me at all."

After that, he walked in and took off his shoes at the entrance, walked into the living room, saw the brush on the table, and asked, "Where is Tetsuji's brush?"

Hojo Shinoko closed the door and said, "Senior Aozawa, please sit down first while I go get the writing brush."

"it is good."

Qingze glanced at the living room and found traces of cleaning on the floor, "Are you responsible for the hygiene at home?"

"Well, I have nothing to do in my spare time."

"Xiaozi, you are really virtuous and do all the housework."

Facing Aosawa's compliment, Hojo Shinoko walked into her eldest brother's bedroom and replied: "It's just a small matter."

She picked up the brush on the table and turned towards the living room.

Qingze picked up the comics on the table and looked at them, thinking that Tetsuji Hojo trusted him very much.

How dare you ask him for something like this.

In other words, aside from him, Hojo Tetsuji has no friends he can rely on.

These manga manuscripts were handled by Shinoko alone, which was obviously an overload of work.

Hojo Shinoko returned to the living room and asked: "Senior Aozawa, do you want some tea?"

"No, I'm here to help, not to come to your door to enjoy your services."

Qingze shook his head and said: "You color it first and let me see it. I will learn it after just one look."

"it is good."

Shinoko Hojo put the brush on the table, sat down, and began to explain: "When coloring, seniors must pay attention not to paint outside the lines of the hair, but to paint accurately within the frame.

Apply color carefully and slowly. "

As she spoke, she carefully painted the protagonist's hair black with a brush. She moved gently, like a breeze blowing across a person's face, but without moving a single hair.


A hint of surprise appeared on Qingze's face as he said, "Xiaozi, you are really attentive."

Hojo Shinoko shook his head and said: "It's nothing, Senior Qingze, remember, be careful and don't be in a hurry."

"give it to me."

Qingze sat down, took a comic manuscript, and then dipped his brush into ink.

Hojo Shinoko watched his movements nervously. Coloring was not an easy task.

Especially for beginners, it is normal to accidentally drip it outside.

She really didn't know why the eldest brother thought that senior Qingze could do such a thing as soon as he came up.

Isn't this adding to the chaos?

Hojo Shinoko sighed softly.

However, Qingze did not make any mistakes. His strong physical fitness combined with willpower allowed him to accurately control the movements of his hands, ensuring that there would be no trembling. He was as precise as a platinum star, applying black to his hair without a drop. Sprinkle outside.

"Senior Qingze, is this really your first time doing porn?"

"Kendo and coloring are very similar. I'm not the impetuous type."

Qingze replied with joy and said with a smile: "Can I help you now?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you just now. I even thought in my heart that you were here to cause trouble."

Hojo Shinoko bowed and apologized.

Qingze pretended to be majestic and said: "Cook me a delicious meal for noon. If I am satisfied, I will forgive you."


Hojo Shinoko responded with a heavy nod, taking the joke seriously. She decided to go above and beyond and cook her best dishes to make Aozawa-senpai happy.

(End of this chapter)

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