Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 454 Qingze: I always do my duty honestly

Chapter 454 Qingze: I have always been honest and honest

What happened on the other side of the ocean quickly brought Tokyo's top executives together.

Six major consortiums and Phoenix Academy Hu Die gathered in the top-floor office of Iwasaki Group.

They are so concerned about the incident on Paradise Island. On the one hand, they speculate that it may be related to another world.

On the other hand, I am also worried that Nate really wants to attack Hunter.

Although they have been instilling freedom, democracy, exporting individuality, and trying to encourage the people at the bottom to disperse their work and not trust others, as long as they live well, there will be no problem.

But they know better than anyone else that family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs are all closely related.

It's just that most people don't have the cognitive ability at all. They do, and they know very well that the best way to deal with a crisis is to unite.

The power of an individual is always very small, even the chaebols are no exception.

Only when they unite as one can they exert great energy. If they are indifferent to Hunter's experience today, then he may be the one who encounters that kind of experience tomorrow.

As a mere president, what authority does he have to attack Hunter, who is the leader of the consortium?

Unless it involves something from another world.

Then they don't need to use the power of the Silver Hexagram to target Nate, they just need to understand the details and know who did it.

The new Apostle or Dio?

Information about other worlds is also worth bringing Hu Die and others together to discuss.

In today's world, whoever has more information about other worlds will have more bargaining chips.

The United States wants to monopolize meteorites because meteorites have value that allows them to monopolize them.

Hu Die and others were plotting secretly because the value of the meteorite was so great that they were willing to take risks and go against the US military.

After a series of phone calls, several people pieced together the information obtained through their respective channels, and the Paradise Island incident came to a conclusion.

"It seems that he is related to the apostle from another world."

Izo Iwasaki breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that it was the work of another world, so there was no need to worry too much.

Because there is no ability to stop it, there is no point in worrying.

If it was Nate who did it, that would be different, and it would mean that the existing tacit understanding between capital and politicians is shaken.

That was very dangerous, and it was also a signal that he could suppress in advance.

"Relevant information has been blocked by the above, and those victims who showed up are probably not real people."

"They cover up whatever happens. The United States really doesn't regard us as an ally."

"I heard that they are planning to contact their neighbors recently, and they also want to meet with the one in the north. Do the three families want to join forces?"

"It's not that easy. Now only well-informed people are releasing the news."

Hu Die shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it will take some time if we really want to meet."

Meetings between the top leaders of ordinary small countries, let alone the three major countries, take time to prepare.

In particular, the relationship between the two major countries is very bad, and they are only one step away from a head-on conflict, so there is no need to rush to seek a meeting between the two sides.

If one side offers an olive branch, the other side gives him a backhand slap.

The party that extends the olive branch will become an international laughing stock.

Hu Die predicts that the meeting between the three major countries will mainly depend on what role the neighboring countries play in it. If they really contribute, relevant alliances will be promoted.

"Hu Die, how is your deployment map acquisition going?"

"I'm going great, don't worry."

Hu Die replied with a smile.

She has set the trap step by step, just waiting for the other party to expand his ambition and bite the bait.

Hu Die believed that the other party could not resist the upward temptation.

"That's good."

Izo Iwasaki took the opportunity of this meeting to tell some of the experimental progress Gao Tianyuan had planned, and added at the end: "We should also pay a little attention to the matter of No. 9.

If the public knew that we were doing that kind of experiment, it would cause unnecessary trouble. "

"Number 9 won't live long."

"Indeed, we don't have much energy to pay attention to his affairs now."

Although Iwasaki Izo has a high seniority in the six major consortiums, it does not mean that others must listen to him in everything.

Izo Iwasaki didn't want to use his position on such a matter, so he changed his words and said: "That's right, the rejection is getting worse, and he probably won't live long.

We needed an extra layer of insurance regarding Bruno's cooperation, lest he sell us out like he sold MI6. "


They again discuss plans to obtain a complete picture of the meteorite.


It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

Qingze did not continue to play outside. He used his ability to travel around the world to return to the inside of the villa and put his feet on the ground.

He raised his hand to smell his body and found a hint of sea smell. He opened the door and window of the living room, then ran to the bathroom and rinsed his body quickly.

No bath.

Qingze doesn't like taking warm baths when the weather is hot, and it's not winter.

He just rinsed the seawater smell off his body and threw his clothes into the washing machine.

"My baby~" Qingze hummed, without even wearing a bath towel, he casually walked to the bedroom, put on his boxers, and then returned to the living room.

The cold air from the air conditioner blew on his strong body. He jumped several meters, somersaulted in the air and landed in front of the refrigerator. He opened it and took out Haagen-Dazs.

He did a backflip onto the chair next to the table and landed firmly on his feet.

Qingze turned around, sat cross-legged, scooped the ice cream with the wooden spoon provided with one hand, and picked up his phone with the other hand, unlocked it and read the messages. To his surprise, the eldest lady did not send a message.

Iroha, the squad leader, and Shinoko sent messages at different times, and they said completely different things.

Iroha shared the desserts she, Saeko and Kaoru had at the dessert shop, and complained about Madoka not attending the party and choosing to date her new boyfriend.

The news sent by the squad leader is related to international events, that is, the Paradise Island incident.

Shinoko shared the plot of Tetsuji Hojo's manga and asked him if there were any problems in it.

This part-time job at the theme cafe has ended, and she has now officially become Tetsuji Hojo's professional assistant, helping with storyboarding and some plot discussions.

There is no reward.

If I have to talk about rewards, it would be to allow Tetsuji Hojo to concentrate on thinking about more plots and create time to play outside with Sayuri Yoshikawa.

Shinoko seems to be afraid that if Tetsuji Hojo misses this opportunity, he will never be able to leave the single family, which will lead to the loss of the Hojo family.

Qingze couldn't understand this inexplicable worry, but considering her unique brain circuit, he didn't want to persuade her.

He began to reply to the messages from the three girls, using different methods and excuses, such as sleeping, concentrating on summer homework, not paying attention when going out, etc.

After clicking send, Qingze exited the software and searched for the Paradise Island incident online. He directly clicked on the short video with the highest views.

In just one minute, he learned about the Paradise Island incident and how the United States covered it up. Neither the Red Dragon nor the Thunder Giant appeared. Only the brave and fearless American soldiers crushed the evil forces.

Qingze clicked on the comment area, and there was a chorus of praise.

Ding, he scrolled down and entered the chat interface with the monitor.

"Well, I'm almost done with my summer homework, have you seen the short video?

I think this action by the United States reflects judicial fairness. The separation of powers is really not an exaggeration. It would be great if the country could follow suit.

Such a big accident happened in Fukushima, but TEPCO concealed it and was not punished. "

"Monitor, it turns out you are pro-American."

"I just think the United States is very good, there are no troubles in interpersonal communication, unlike in Japan, where everything is very troublesome.

Hey, I get a headache just thinking about my future job after graduation. "

"Those who say that the United States has no sophistication and is just trying to keep things past has not reached that level. They can't expect sophistication from such a transparent person."

"Qingze, you have never been abroad, how do you know the environment abroad?"

Rena Arakawa is very aggressive online and dares to say anything.

When Qingze and she were discussing politics, they often had tit-for-tat confrontations because of their different opinions, but this did not affect their friendship.

Key politics, the views are the same, but there is no fun in bond politics.

"There must be a conspiracy behind it."

Qingze clicked to send. The United States is really good at propaganda.

Even if bad events occur, they can use the power of public opinion to cleverly reverse their own image.


Arakawa Rena sent a proud emoticon, proving that the attack power of the sentence just now was infinitely close to zero.

Qingze searched for cases of judicial corruption in Lao America and prepared for a new round of counterattack.


The sun was shining brightly in the courtyard. Chiyo Morimoto had already returned home from get off work. When she opened the door, there was no young man greeting her at the entrance.

But it gives me the magic of love that I can persist in every day.

She mentally complained about someone's laziness, took off her shoes, put them in the shoe cabinet, and walked to the living room.

Qingze was sitting on the sofa, typing quickly with his hands.

"Who are you talking to?"

"The monitor and I discussed the environment in the United States."

Qingze replied, sending his own thoughts.

Seeing that he was chatting enthusiastically, Chiyo Morimoto said nothing and walked towards the kitchen.

She looked at the empty chopping board and tabletop, opened the food delivery window and said, "Where are tonight's dishes?"

Qingze was stunned for a moment before he remembered that he was still responsible for buying groceries.


He hit his head, trying to calm down that he forgot to buy groceries.

Chiyo Morimoto slammed the food delivery window shut, followed by thumping footsteps running over.

Qingze stood up quickly and defended: "Chiyo, calm down, I'm calling to order takeout now."

"It's too late!"

Chiyo Morimoto rushed in, raised her hand and hit him on the head, then grabbed his ears, walked up to him, sniffed him and said, "You took a shower today. You washed very diligently. Did you secretly meet with the little beauty?"

"Chiyo, what are you talking about? It's just that the weather is hot, so I need to take a shower in advance."

Qingze retorted, exited the chat interface, and planned to order pizza.

Chiyo Morimoto let go of her hand and said angrily: "It's better for you to take a shower in advance because it's hot, instead of doing something shameful without telling me and deliberately taking a shower to cover it up."

At this point, she poked Qingze's forehead and said, "There's no need to order takeout. Let's eat out tonight."

"it is good."

Qingze nodded obediently.

 PS: Thanks to Lumierees for the tip



(End of this chapter)

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