Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 407 The King of Hell Wants You to Die 3 More Times

Chapter 407 The King of Hell wants you to die at midnight

Cordis knew that he was going to die. This was not a vague feeling, it seemed like he had gained the ability to predict the future.

He knew clearly that the clock had reached seven o'clock in the evening.

He will die.

His thoughts were suddenly separated from the old butler's report on Nate's situation, and his right hand subconsciously clenched the crutch.

The lion's head made of gold is on top of the crutch and is not suitable for holding.

Every time he tightened his grip on the crutches, he could always feel a slight discomfort.

This slight discomfort reminded him all the time.

There are some things in the world that you cannot follow your own will. As a human being, you must think more and more.

The discomfort in his palms brought him back from the premonition of death, and he said, "Bring me the lawyer."


The old butler bowed and did not ask for the reason. He just faithfully followed any of the master's orders and exited the room.

Cordis sat there, thinking about the feeling of death, not the end of life, but more like an accidental death.

Could it be that he has awakened his superpower?

This possibility flashed through Cordis's mind and his eyes lowered.

The two girls who could be his granddaughters clung to their master like cats and dogs, clinging to his legs as dry as tree bark.

There is no covering clothing on the whole body.

He likes young girls.

Touching the girl's tender skin can make Cordis feel like he has regained his youth.

"Stand back."


The two girls nodded and left his feet.

Years of training have already caused them to lose the spirit of resistance they originally abducted, and they can no longer disobey any of Cordis's orders.

If Cordis wanted them to live, they would live; if he wanted them to die, they would die.

This is what Cordis likes to do, suppress his enemies who resist him, deprive them of their daughters, and tame them into dogs at his feet.

At this time, Cordis can best experience the beauty of power.

The girl left the house.

The lawyer came over.

A big family like his always maintains a top team of lawyers to serve him 24 hours a day.

"Mr. Cordis, do you have any orders?"

The lawyer stood in front of him, his face full of respect.

Cordis said: "I want to make a will, and after my death, 65% of my property will be donated to the McCain Charitable Fund.

The remaining thirty-five percent is donated to the Todt Charitable Fund. "

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you right away."

The lawyer nodded, turned and walked out of the room.

Cordis donated his money to a charitable foundation. Naturally, he did not really want to do any charity, but just adopted this method to avoid the huge inheritance tax.

Secondly, such behavior, for those who have received happiness education and do not understand the ways, what Cordis did is undoubtedly an act full of kindness.

Look, Cordis of the Dupont family is so selfless. When he dies, he will not leave any money to his children, but donates it all to charity, dedicated to saving poor families in the world.

Good for the DuPont family and his reputation.

This is why the DuPont family has many charitable foundations under its name.

Cordis stood up, walked outside the house and said, "Call the doctor over. I want to do a full body examination."

In his opinion, the accidental death was probably related to the awakening of superpowers.

According to the case study from Japan, awakening superpowers is risky.

Those who fail will die.

He wanted a full body checkup to see how he was doing without leaving Dupont Manor.

DuPont Manor has the world's most advanced medical equipment and top doctors, as well as the world's most comprehensive department store.

Whatever he wants to buy can be flown in from all over the world with just a phone call.

Lobster from Australia, snails from France, Kobe steak from Japan, etc.

No matter when and where he wants to eat, it can always be delivered to him as soon as possible.

This is his power.


I made a will and checked my body.

Cordis came to the balcony of the manor. Some tests required careful observation and discussion by doctors before they could draw conclusions.

He sat on a chair and watched the setting sun from a distance rendering the sky red.

Dupont Manor is far away from the big cities. It is his land within a radius of ten kilometers. There are mountains, forests, and clean lakes. The forests are home to deer, tigers, bears and other creatures.

The outermost perimeter is surrounded by high walls and electrified barbed wire.

Six hundred heavily armed security personnel, four tanks were on standby inside the manor, and a large number of drones were deployed outside.

Anyone seeking to enter will be swiftly dealt with, and private U.S. territory is sacrosanct.

Sometimes, when he wanted to kill someone, he only needed to tie that person from outside into the manor, and then he could legitimately beat him to death.

Heavy machine guns were placed at the entrance outside the villa, and the tight firepower and defense allowed Cordis to guarantee that unless Dio came over, he would never be killed.

It couldn't be that the guards wanted to kill him.

Guards, servants, their fathers, and their grandfathers all work in the Dupont family and are absolutely loyal.

Cordis thought about the possible accidents he might encounter.

After much thought, he believed that there were only three types.

One is that a monster from another world suddenly appears, the other is Dio, and the third is that he fails to awaken his superpower.

This requires waiting for specific inspection results.

Cordis held his crutch tightly in his hand and stared at the sunset in the distance.

He really wanted to appear calm and fearless.

But human instinct clung to him.

Death stripped him of his power and wealth, reducing him to a struggling monkey in the swamp, no different from anyone else.

This made Cordis very annoying, but there was nothing he could do about it. If he was young, he would only express disdain and ridicule towards the inexplicable feeling of death, and then use the most violent attitude to resist.

At that time, he was never afraid of death.

It’s just that as time goes by, the strong body becomes weak, and I can’t run more than ten kilometers every day, and I can still wipe my sweat and continue working.

Now, he needs crutches to even walk. No matter how reluctant he is, he can't deny his aging. He has become afraid of death and wants to survive at all costs.

"Human beings are really ugly."

Cordis murmured to himself, his tone full of helplessness and sadness.

He can control the life and death of others at will, and in the end, he will become the plaything of the God of Death.


The time is approaching seven o'clock.

The space of the sunset is getting smaller and smaller, and the dark blue night gradually suppresses the brilliance of the sun in the corner.

The full moon can't wait to reveal its outline.

The stars are waiting for their moment to appear.

There are no factories around the DuPont estate.

Cordis knows better than anyone the dangers of factory emissions.

So he left those for ordinary people to enjoy, and kept the most beautiful things for himself.

An unpolluted sky, an unpolluted water source, and always fresh and healthy food.

This is the utopia he created.

"what time is it?"

Cordis asked.

The old butler next to him glanced at his watch and said softly: "Sir, it's already six fifty-seven."


Cordis murmured, his hands were shaking, and the premonition of death became clearer and clearer in his heart.

Let him know clearly that seven o'clock is the day of his death.

Monster? Dior? Or superpower?

Three options kept wandering in his mind.

The old housekeeper had never seen his master show such an expression before, and even his hands were trembling. He couldn't help but said: "Master, you must be fine."

"Tal, you don't understand. I have clearly predicted my death at seven o'clock."

Cordis showed a pained expression. The feeling of knowing that death was approaching but that he couldn't do anything was really terrible.

He has control over everything except his own life and death.

The old housekeeper fell silent and did not say anything further.

At this time, the bodyguard guarding the balcony stopped the doctor.

The doctor waved the film in his hand and shouted: "Mr. Cordis, your report is out. There is indeed a problem with the heart."

"what is the problem?!"

Cordis was shocked and his hands and feet almost turned cold. Sure enough, it was the cause of his death that failed to awaken his superpower.

Is it impossible for him to awaken his superpowers despite his willpower and status?


Cordis felt strong unwillingness in his heart.

The doctor shook off the blocker and entered the balcony. He handed the film to Cordis and said, "Please look here."

Cordis was attracted to the direction he pointed, and seemed to be able to see something up there.

"what is this?"

"It's your fault, Cordis!"

The doctor suddenly removed the blur, inserted a small needle into his throat, and then pulled it out.


Cordis's eyes widened and he realized that breathing had become extremely difficult.

“Twenty years ago, in order to occupy the town of Ayton and build a manor, you ordered people to set fire to the town and burn it down. Hundreds of people died in the fire.

My parents were also burned alive by you. I investigated the truth and pretended to accept your relief just for this day! "

the doctor yelled.

Cordis's eyes widened. He never thought that he would die at the hands of this inconspicuous little man.

He has long forgotten what happened twenty years ago.

There does seem to be a small town before Dupont Manor.

Cordis raised his hand.

Compared to the fear and pain of death, his face now was full of anger.

He is the head of the Cordis family. He has traveled across the United States and stirred up the world for decades.

Cordis can accept death caused by alien monsters or Dio, or even failure to awaken superpowers.

But he couldn't accept that he was killed by an ant under his feet.

How dare you, a despicable guy? !

He pointed at the man, but at this moment, he heard the chime of the clock in the living room.

seven o'clock...

Cordis thought in his mind and his head dropped.


The old housekeeper just realized what he was doing and was about to take out his gun and kill this rebellious guy.

Boom, the ground trembled, and the entire manor, the ground, and even the air seemed to tremble from the rumbling ground.

The strong shaking made the old housekeeper almost fall.

"The earthquake is coming!"

Amidst the roar, the bodyguards started running, and the doctor also took advantage of the chaos.

The housekeeper also wanted to take aim, and the earthquake-resistant balcony was directly shattered.

The whole person fell down.

Bang, there happened to be a steel bar underneath that penetrated his brain.

(End of this chapter)

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