Chapter 406 Breaking News

Air Force One is called the mobile White House. What can be done in the White House can also be done on Air Force One.

There is also a press conference room here.

"Hi~ Good afternoon everyone, I am your cute little reporter Erin~ Today is the first press conference held after the incident in Washington."

Erin, a local media reporter from Florida, held up her phone and started recording video.

He panned the camera over the scene in the press conference room and then over his plump chest, and said with a smile: "Look, there are a lot of reporters here.

This press conference does not restrict the participation of foreign journalists. You can see that there are many foreign journalists in the back row.

There are also mainstream media in the United States, reporters from the Associated Press, Fox and CNN, etc. "

The camera panned and she recorded the reporters looking for their seats.

There are stipulated positions at the press conference, with mainstream media sitting at the front, then local media, and finally foreign media.

Not everyone has the opportunity to ask.

Local media like Eileen have little chance of getting questions because their state and the Democratic Party are not dealing with them, and they spend most of their time listening to questions from other reporters.

Her only role here is to record the scene.

"When something big like that happened some time ago, I believe there must be reporters asking tough questions, and I don't know how they will answer them."

Eileen showed a smile that was not too big to watch.

"Everyone, please find a seat and sit down."

A White House staff member came forward and asked them to find their seats and sit down.

The machines of the four major TV stations were set up to broadcast the press conference live.

Erin continued to focus the camera on herself, with a smile on her face and said: "Everyone, please remember to click subscribe."

The account she runs is the company's official account, not her personal account. If she resigns, the account can still be hosted by another reporter.

Erin hosts such a program at such a young age, naturally because she has a good father.

"I will be silent for now."

She whispered, and the scene fell into silence. Under the expectant eyes of reporters, Nate appeared on the stage in a suit, and Karin had already thrust the relevant speech scripts into his hands.

Even if it is a press conference held by the president on the spur of the moment, what questions should be asked and how to answer them have all been planned by the people below.

For problems beyond the plan, you can use the transfer method or simply ignore the other party.

Nate stood up at the podium.

The reporters at the scene stood up to show respect for the president.

Even Erin is no exception.

If you don’t get up at this time, the problem is very serious.

Nate lowered his right hand and said, “Everyone, please sit down.

I held this press conference today mainly to explain to you. "

After a pause, you could hear the needle drop at the scene. Someone from the newspaper office was ready to write down all the questions asked by the president and reporters this time.

Erin focused her camera on Nate on the stage.

Nate glanced down at the speech.

"Answer some of your questions."

After hearing this, many reporters present raised their hands.

According to usual practice and questions in the speech script, he should name those mainstream media reporters.

But instead of doing that, Nate lost the floor to a foreign media outlet.

The president's press conference, the first opportunity to speak to foreign reporters?

This move surprised Erin, and she quickly moved her phone towards the reporter who raised his hand.

Erin recognized the other person as Al Jazeera’s US-based correspondent.

The other party was also confused. He originally agreed with the atmosphere and raised his hand casually, without even thinking about being chosen by the president on the stage.

But he quickly realized that this was an opportunity and quickly stood up and said: "Dear Mr. President, I would like to ask, if the White House claims that there is nothing wrong, why do you want to stay on Air Force One?"

Nate answered truthfully: "Because it seems safer for me to live here and avoid monsters from other worlds from attacking me to the greatest extent."

Nate's answer left the reporters stunned.

Erin's mouth opened wide. Did the lizard man her father mentioned really exist?

The reporter who asked the question still wanted to speak, but Karin finally reacted and shouted: "Turn it off!"

The surrounding Secret Service employees rushed forward and immediately interrupted the live broadcast of the TV station.

Karin glanced at the reporters present and said with a sullen face: "Everyone, please turn in your video equipment. Please stay here for now."

Nate looked at the shocked and speechless expressions of the reporters in the audience, and seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing.

Karin couldn't help the anger in her heart and said softly: "I think you need to go back and rest."

"you're right."

Nate nodded.

Qingze looked at the press conference hall, which was like a powder keg, and sighed in his heart that the ability to weave fate is indeed very powerful. He just wrote a simple sentence on it.

Nate will be interviewed by the media today and did not follow the rules and answer a foreign reporter's question truthfully.

Then, the book named Destiny drove Nate to hold a press conference, and also drove Nate to answer the questions, but was stopped by the person next to him.

If you look at it this way, the vague plots he writes on fate will be supplemented by fate in a way.

Next, he can try to write down the events that a person experiences in detail within an hour. Will each experience come true?

If it is some outrageous experience, will it come true?

Qingze became very interested.



Tokyo, Setagaya Ward, the living room of the Phoenix House.

The holiday life of Phoenix Academy Princess is very full, but there are occasional exceptions, and that is news about world events.

As the heir of the Phoenix Academy family, Phoenix Academy Meiji must always pay attention to the direction of the world. She must not be like ordinary people, shrinking in the information cocoon woven by others.

Therefore, when she received the news that Nate was going to hold a press conference, she was pulled over by Sanwa to watch the ABC live broadcast.


"Turn it off!"

After a shout, the screen went black, and Phoenix Academy Mei Ji showed a trace of shock on her face.

Her first reaction was that Nate was so stupid that he even dared to say such a thing in public.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji quickly picked up her desktop phone and opened Douyin. To her surprise, a blogger immediately reported the news on the short video.

The title is: The president personally confirmed the existence of another world and that monsters are threatening the world.

The title of the next article is: Nate is too old and confused.

The next video is a shocking hoax by the White House that is comparable to Star Wars. Eighty-year-olds should not underestimate it.

Even if Nate said it himself, some people choose to believe it, and some people choose not to believe it.

As long as the latter occupies the majority, the people at the bottom will not cause much reaction. The key lies in the leaders of those countries.

If they can conclude the existence of alien worlds and monsters through Nate's speech.

Tokyo is about to get even busier.

Phoenix Academy Miki can think with her toes that any country with the conditions will want to try to dig out relevant secrets in Tokyo.


Caracas, Venezuela.

In a small study at the top of the Tower of David, Paul watched the interrupted live broadcast with a thoughtful look on his face.

Is the monster from another world Nate's old fool, or is he saying the other person is old and confused but inadvertently telling the hidden truth?

Did the press secretary urgently cut off the live broadcast to interrupt the president's muddle-headed performance, or to prevent the president from revealing more true content?

Paul frowned slightly, there was too little news available at the moment.

While he was deep in thought, the door to the study was suddenly opened, and only Ramon could enter and exit his study at will.

"Paul! Your Excellency summoned me and said that he had something to do for me. What do you think it is?"

Hearing Ramon's words, Paul frowned slightly. It was almost certain that the summons of that person was probably related to the TV speech just now.

Not long after the live broadcast ended, he reacted like this.

A suspicion flashed through Paul's mind, and he said in a deep voice: "It may have something to do with monsters from another world."

Ramon blinked and said, "Ha, what did you say?"

"At the press conference just now, Nate admitted in public that he lived on Air Force One just to avoid alien monsters."

"Haha, that's just him being stupid."

“Whether it’s true or not, when someone of his stature says something like that, all countries have to figure it out.

Ramon, this is our chance. "

A glimmer of ambition appeared in Paul's eyes, and he whispered: "If it were normal, it would undoubtedly take a long time for you to get close to the highest power.

Things are different in troubled times. We will quickly approach the center of power. "

Speaking of which, Paul asked: "Do you remember the Dior National Salvation Committee a while ago?"

"Didn't you already refute the rumor that it was a fake video?"

"If your Excellency is really looking for you for another world, then you must firmly believe that the video is real."

"Oh, I know what you mean!"

Ramon didn't read much, but he was not that kind of stupid person. He slapped his forehead and said, "Only by admitting this can I make you rely on a person with strong fighting ability like me."


Paul nodded, feeling that he and his good brothers were standing at a turning point in history, like the bottom of the market in history books, pushed to the top of power by turbulent fate.

 PS: Rewards from book friend 20180908125915741 and book friend 20210505141722200



(End of this chapter)

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