Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 397 The eldest lady is a saint

Chapter 397 The eldest lady is a saint


There was a sudden loud noise in the streets of Ikebukuro, which startled pedestrians three streets away. They looked up and saw a line of black smoke rushing into the blue sky.

Okayama Taketa looked through the telescope and saw the two-story building collapsing rapidly, as if it were a sand castle that had been stepped on by an adult, without any strength of reinforced concrete.

There are no ordinary people around that street. They are either people from the six major consortiums and the Phoenix Institute, or they are the task force and CIA agents.

"Bei Zhiwu, quickly seal off the scene. SAT takes action to collect the rising smoke. Be careful, it may be highly toxic."

Okayama Taketa issued an order. The smoke was caused by the opponent's attack and has certain research value.

Rather, everything about the other world, even a blade of grass or a piece of soil, is a treasure with research value.

At that time, they did not dig up the soil and bring it back. It was simply that the impact of the alien world and the information about Dior were too big, so they forgot about it, and they were once criticized by the superiors.

But Okayama Taketa believes that they can talk while standing without pain in their backs.

Machines all have operational errors, let alone people.

Okayama Taketa picked up the communicator and reported what happened here to Chiyo Morimoto through internal channels.

"Morimoto, Mitsui was killed by that person, and the whole building collapsed. I have asked people to collect the rising black smoke and seal off the scene.

It was a wise decision for us to send ordinary people away early. "


Morimoto Chiyo responded softly, his eyes scanning the hall.

The accompanying officials who had previously competed with each other word by word and refused to let anyone down seemed to be very harmonious during off-duty hours.

Sitting with each other, eating and chatting.

From interesting things that happened during the trip to things that their children have done, relaxed topics come out of their mouths.

The leaders of the seven countries also sat together to enjoy luxurious Western food and sushi.

When it comes to entertaining, An Daoxiong San sets out to the highest standards. It's not a staged photo shoot, but a real luxurious meal.

The fragrance filling the air made Chiyo Morimoto a little hungry, but it wasn't time for her to eat yet.

She walks up to Jack and reports what happened in Ikebukuro.

When Jack heard this, he scolded the CIA agent in his heart for not reporting as quickly as the people on the task force.

He cursed in his heart, but without hesitation, he walked directly towards Nate.

Ignoring the leaders of the other countries, Jack bent down and whispered in Nate's ear what was going on in Ikebukuro.

Jiya took a sip of champagne and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. President, if you have anything, you can deal with it first."

Nate smiled and said: "This kind of thing is not worth interrupting the meal with friends, just let the people below handle it."

Jack withdrew and returned to Morimoto Chiyo and said, "I'm going to go out and deal with things over there. Who else can I rely on in the task force?"

"Okayama Taketa."

Chiyo Morimoto said this name, "When I am away, the task force will be led by him. Alternatively, you can also talk to Emily."

"It's not a good time to find Emily."

Jack shook his head, worried about the person meeting Dio, so he decided to rely on Taketa Okayama to handle related matters and let the CIA agents on the scene do their bidding.

Although Jack rushed to the scene, he couldn't do much, but since the higher-ups had spoken, he naturally had to rush to the scene in order to express his importance to the president's order.

To put it into perspective, he wouldn't like a subordinate who didn't take his orders seriously.


The afternoon exam is over.

The teacher who invigilated the exam left the classroom, and there was a sigh again, followed by the students chatting.


On the desk at the back door of the classroom, Peter slapped his left hand without a plaster on the table and said loudly: "Students of Class 2-C, after the exam is over tomorrow, I invite you all to go to Tokyo Disneyland. Please be grateful!"

"Oh! I've never been to Tokyo Disneyland!"

"I want to go!"

There were echoes one after another.

Peter's real purpose was to invite a few people, and the rest were incidental, so he scanned those people at the first opportunity.

Sayuri Yoshikawa raised her hand, very good, Tetsuji Hojo will definitely participate.

Qiuyue Caiyu also looked happy, and Qingze couldn't run away.

His eyes turned to Phoenix Academy Meiji.

With her long blond hair hanging down her back, the girl ignored the lively sounds around her and put away the stationery on her desk, preparing to leave.

"Meiji, would you like to help me today?"

"I reject."

Phoenix Academy Meiji decisively refused, turning her head with a disgusted expression and eyes, just like looking at a cockroach in the trash can or a rat in the gutter.

"Do you think you can fool me again with the same trick?"

"Mei Ji, I never meant to plot against you."

Qingze retracted his hand and said with a serious expression: "I just want to swim in the ocean of knowledge with you from the bottom of my heart.

Try to spend more time with each other before the summer vacation and bring the three of them closer together. "


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji chuckled, blinked and said, "Were you scared by me just now?

Relax, I just teased you, I have important things to do today.

My mother asked me to go home early and not even participate in the comics club activities. "


She waved her hand, took her schoolbag out of the drawer, and strode outside the classroom.

Freely switching between disgust and smile, Qingze couldn't tell whether this person was really joking or expressing his inner dissatisfaction in the name of joking.

I'll look for a chance to see Mei Ji later.    Now, he needs to face another problem.

Qingze glanced towards one end of the classroom, where the wheat-skinned girl was excitedly discussing Tokyo Disney with her friends. Catching his gaze, she secretly sent another message.

"Qingze, please give me some advice today~"

Looking at Caiyu's bright smile, Qing Ze suddenly felt a huge headache. He knew in his heart that his blood pressure would rise later, but he did not refuse.

He can only do some psychological work for himself in advance. He must not get angry and must be patient.

Qingze also started to pack away the stationery on the table.

Next to him, Tetsuji Hojo muttered: "Damn it, that guy Peter definitely wants to pursue Sayuri!"

"I think you can rest assured."

Qingze complained, looking at the energetic Peter at the back door of the classroom.

This guy was lucky. He met Wang Long in the quarterfinals and avoided the male-on-male situation. He only had his right hand broken.

However, yesterday's failure did not affect his confidence at all.

Qingze took out his schoolbag and walked towards the classroom door.


Setagaya District, Phoenix House.

She changed into a dress and took the Bentley to the tarmac.

Miwa Ichi turned off the engine and took the initiative to get out of the car and open the door for Phoenix Academy Mei Ji, "Miss, please get out of the car."

The girl stepped off, ignoring the huge private plane, and instead set her sights on a helicopter.

Hu Die stood in front of the cabin door, wearing a dark blue dress, a ring and a necklace, with long black hair tied behind her head.

A strand of hair on the left side of her temples was deliberately left hanging down on her fair shoulder.


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji walked forward with a somewhat puzzled expression: "Where are we going?"

"Prime Minister's Residence."

Hu Die smiled and said: "I will take you to see the big scene, and I will talk with Iwasaki and the others.

You just need to listen, don't speak at will, do you understand? "


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji nodded and walked onto the helicopter with her.

From here, we flew to the Prime Minister's Official Residence. On the way, we also checked the code with people at Yokota Base to confirm that it was a helicopter reserved in advance to avoid the other party sending fighter planes to intercept.

Phoenix Academy Princess glanced down through the window. A large number of police officers were deployed around the Prime Minister's official residence.

There was also a heavy machine gun placed in the middle of the street, giving it a completely guarded look.

Think about it, the leaders of the seven countries are gathered here. If the defense is not tight, it may attract gangsters and cause a major diplomatic incident.

She watched the helicopter land on the roof of the Prime Minister's residence, which has a large landing pad.

"Mei Ji, this is your first time experiencing this kind of scene. Don't be nervous and don't look at others casually. Do you understand?"


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji nodded again, and Hu Die stepped off the helicopter, gathered people from the six major financial groups, and walked towards the interior of the official residence.

What makes Phoenix Academy Meiji strange is that even Izo Iwasaki was present, but Mitsui Arasaki did not come. Instead, a young man who looked to be in his twenties was allowed to attend the party.

Are you still waiting for that apostle?

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji thought about it and thought this explanation was reasonable.

She followed everyone into the mansion.

Three steps to a post, five steps to a sentry.

The internal defense is also hard to fault.

Everyone came to the grand banquet hall.

What makes Phoenix Academy Meiji a little disappointed is that the leaders of the seven countries are not here.

To be honest, her impressions of the Prime Minister and the President were all from TV and she had never seen them in person.

But six officials replaced their respective leaders and chose to discuss matters here.

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy stood obediently behind Hu Die, listening to them talk about various trade, investment, environmental protection and other issues.

The current global economic environment is not very good, and countries need foreign investment to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

Like the Phoenix Institute and the six major consortiums, their overseas investments can create another Japan.


The two sides talked for a long time and only drafted a preliminary framework.

The meeting ended immediately.

"Italy is not good. The prime minister wants to let us in to increase her political achievements, but he can't come up with anything good."

"I value France more. Their places in Africa are worth investing in."

In the corridor, everyone exchanges ideas with each other to ensure that the problem can be viewed from all aspects.

Phoenix Academy Meiji followed behind and suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance.

She looked towards the aisle on the left. The police chief with a single ponytail was leaning against the wall, seemingly talking to someone.

Morimoto Chiyo...

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy narrowed her eyes slightly.

Sensing the strange gaze, Morimoto Chiyo subconsciously turned her head to meet the girl's gaze.

She was stunned for a moment, then recognized the other person, then raised a charming smile and mouthed silently: "Qingze's is huge~"

Phoenix Academy Meiji understood her mouth movements and was furious in her heart. She didn't show a trace on her face, but replied with her mouth words, "Goodbye, Obasan."

(End of this chapter)

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