Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 396 Do you expect the Holy Lord to keep his promise?

Chapter 396 Do you expect the Holy Lord to keep his promise?

Outside the classroom, the students seemed particularly excited and chatted.

Listening to those people's voices, Qingze couldn't help but sigh that this is youth.

He walked towards the club building. Instead of entering through the main entrance, he turned to the side and walked around to the side.

Qingze likes to take shortcuts.

When I arrived at the window of the guzheng club, I could hear Yanagi Machi Natsuka complaining, “Ah, I wrote the wrong question just now.

hateful! "

Obviously, Natsuka Yanamachi is debating the answer with Shinoko Hojo.

Qingze stepped forward and glanced at the guzheng club's activity room.

On the tatami, there were different soles of feet wrapped in white and black silk.

The curves of the girl's legs are clearly visible in summer.

"Xia Hua, you did poorly in the exam, isn't that normal?"

"Senior, you don't understand anything!"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka glared at him, then quickly picked up the wooden board she brought from home, rushed forward and said: "Hey, let me see if senior is bragging?"

She raised the wooden board high and stacked it three layers in total. Her bright eyes were full of expectation, as if she were a fan waiting for the singer to hold a concert.

Qingze shook his head and said, "Don't hold the wooden board. What if I punch you and the fragments of the wooden board fly to your face?"

Set it here. "


Yanagi Machi Natsuka placed the wooden board on the window frame, took two steps back, and shouted: "Senior, you can start, ah, wait, I will take photos and videos, and upload them to the group to show off later."

"What group?"

Qingze was a little curious.

Yanagimachi Natsuka replied casually: "Nian Shangkong Qun, if they know that I have a senior with such a strong arm, they will definitely be envious."

Qingze pretended to be horrified and said, "You are not interested in me, are you?"

"Haha, senior, don't be joking."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka waved her hand, started recording, pointed the camera at the board and said: "Senior, you can start."

"it is good."

Qingze raised his right hand and slashed down.

Bang, the three-layered wooden board shattered directly from it.

"Wow, that's amazing, senior!"

After saying this, Natsuka Yanamachi ended the video, picked up the broken board with her right hand, looked at it, and exclaimed: "It turns out that human hands can really split the board."

"As long as the force is strong enough."

Qingze took back his hand.

Natsuka Yanamachi said shamelessly: "Senior, can I squeeze your strong biceps again?"

"Xia Hua, don't harass senior Qingze."

Shinoko Hojo was no longer silent, stopped her friend's perverted behavior, then handed the lunch box forward and said: "Aozawa-senpai, today is a tuna lunch box. I'll give you a brain boost. You need to work hard for the exam in the afternoon."

"Well, I will definitely try my best."

Qingze took the lunch box and said with a smile: "Xiaozi, you have to come on, Xia Hua, please come on by the way."

"That's too much. How come I'm just a drop-in?"

"You seem to be the type who doesn't do well in studies. You can't even try to improve."

As soon as Yanagimachi Natsuka heard this, she couldn't bear it anymore. She put her hands on her hips and said: "Senior, I won't pretend anymore, I am the second in grade!

If it weren't for Shinoko, I would be number one in my grade. "

Qingze was surprised and said: "Xiaozi, are you the first in your grade?

That’s awesome, I’ve never heard you mention it before. "

"When I say I am number one in my grade, I always feel like I am bragging a little bit."

Hojo Shinoko explained: "I didn't mean to deceive senior."

"Hey, the point is me! Second in grade!"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka patted the window frame, strongly expressing her inner protest and at least praising her a few times.

"Okay, you're second, what next?"

"Cold violence, senior, you are using cold violence on me!"

Natsuka Yanamachi crossed her arms and her cheeks bulged with anger. She was very dissatisfied with this differential treatment.

Qingze smiled, raised his hand and touched her head and said, "Okay, you are very powerful."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka quickly slapped his hand away, covering her head and said: "Wow, you are so frivolous, how can you touch a girl's head casually.

Senior, are you not interested in me?

Oops, I feel danger. "

"You are such a troublesome guy, I'm leaving first."

Qingze waved goodbye. After dinner, he planned to go to the ammunition depot of the US military stationed in Japan to test his new ideas.


Yanagi Machi Natsuka waved her hand, looked sideways at Hojo Shinoko next to her and said, "Are you jealous?"

Hojo Shinoko nodded and said, "It feels a little sour."

"Hey, don't worry, I won't compete with you."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka smiled and said playfully: "If you don't act, maybe I will snatch it~"

"Xia Hua, sometimes I feel that being too confident is not a good thing. Are you sure you can compare to the seniors of the Phoenix Academy?"

Hojo Shinoko's face returned to calmness, revealing a poetic and peaceful beauty.

Yanagimachi Natsuka smiled and said, "How can you know the answer to this kind of thing if you don't go all out?"

“Why try it when you know it’s a bad answer.”

Hojo Shinoko shook her head. She thinks it’s good now, being able to meet Qingze-senpai in real life and chat on the phone.

Make lunch for him every day.

To be a human being, you must know how to be content, but also know how to behave appropriately.

No matter how much she thought about it, Hojo Shinoko never thought that she had a chance to defeat the Phoenix Academy senior.

Rather than embarrass everyone, let it be.

She just needs to be her friend's sister.


Ikebukuro, the second floor of a Chinese restaurant.

Drop drop drop.

The landline at the desk suddenly rang, and the man answered.

"Mr. Mitsui, it's about Mingfeng Real Estate."


A simple and straightforward roar erupted from the man's mouth.

Mitsui Arasaki knocked on the desk hard and said in an impatient tone: "Didn't I say, now! Don't disturb me with anything!"

What do we need you people for?

Is it possible that all I raise are a bunch of trash? "

After he finished ranting, he hung up the phone. He was full of panic and had no idea of ​​handling the company's affairs.

Amat's mysterious disappearance may be related to Higashiyama Jiro. Was it Dio's doing?

He doesn't know that there is more than just Dior in Tokyo now.

In the secret, there are probably other visitors from other worlds who do this kind of thing.

Dragon Man can get here, Dio can get here, there is no reason why others can't get here.

Any kind of imagination can find supporting thoughts, but there is no evidence to prove that one's imagination is correct.

Mitsui Arahisa was panicked. He was afraid that he would publicize the competition so widely that the servant of the new apostle would see the competition, and then the person he handed over would not be the strongest Amat on the planet.

Is it really okay to use someone else to fool that person?

Mitsui Arasaki loosened his collar and felt his mouth was dry. He was even more nervous than when he faced his father's assessment for the first time.

At least at that time, he knew that all he lost was power, but he could keep his wealth.

But now he is likely to lose both his power and his life.

Mitsui Arasaki poured a cup of tea anxiously and took a sip, scolding Iwasaki and the others in his heart.

When it is beneficial, they stick together one by one, but when faced with danger, they can run faster than anyone else.

If he really wanted to die, he would definitely drag them with him before he died.

Mitsui Arasagi thought in his mind, his eyes glanced at the person lying on the sofa.

Naturally, it is impossible to choose the original top eight. We must find another martial artist who has not shown up. Lie that this martial artist killed Amat, and maybe we can deceive the apostle.

Mitsui Arasaki was thinking about the excuse he should give later, and suddenly found that the space in front of him was wrong, and an oval-shaped entrance appeared in the office.

It looks similar to a clam.

His heart trembled.

Immediately, a familiar tall figure stepped forward and stood in the office.

Those red eyes seemed to be emitting evil light, and the dragon's tail swayed slightly.

"Three days have come. Where is the person I want?"

Mitsui Araju swallowed his saliva, quickly pointed to the martial arts master on the sofa, and said with a smile: "That's him.

This one must meet your requirements. "

Qingze glanced at him and saw that the martial arts master was tall and wearing a pair of boxer briefs. The muscle outlines of his arms, thighs, and abdomen could prove his past training.

However, his voice was obviously incomparable to Amat's. At most, it was the voice of this building.

"I heard that you are holding the strongest martial arts competition on earth. Where is the champion?"

Qingze's question made Mitsui Araju shiver. He bent down unconsciously and said with a flattering smile on his face: "Actually, the champion disappeared suddenly and was probably killed by Dio."

He changed his strategy and chose to tell the truth, hoping to use less tricks and impress this person with sincerity.

Qingze growled: "Don't make excuses for your incompetence. Failure is failure. You let me down."

Having said this, he kicked the martial artist outside, which seemed to be a rough treatment, but in fact it was to prevent him from being involved in the next attack.

In front of his office in Ikebukuro, he detonated a missile stored at the US military base and captured the sound of the missile.

He wanted to try to see if when he released the sound, captured the sound, and then released the sound again, he could create a cycle of destruction.

As for the agreement with Mitsui Arahisa, he had no intention of fulfilling it from the beginning, and he was not worried about the negative impact on future attempts to use the consortium.

The status between him and the consortium was originally seriously unequal.

Thunder, rain, and dew are all gifts from God.

The next time he appears in front of another consortium as the Holy Lord, that person will probably scold Mitsui for his undeserved death, for actually daring to live up to his expectations.

"No, no, sir, please give me another chance!"

Mitsui Araju's face turned pale with fright. He forgot about trying to trick everyone into being and begged loudly for mercy.

Qingze just wanted to see if the booming sound could loop infinitely, so he punched the air directly.

The missile is released with a sonic blast.


There was a loud noise, and the flames exploded directly on this floor with the impact, bursting out from the window, and the sound echoed throughout Ikebukuro.

The two-story house fell down, and the sound caused the surrounding windows to break.

Qingze twitched his hand and found that he could actually pull back the sound produced by the explosion, which showed that there was nothing wrong with using the sonic boom repeatedly.

He used elemental replacement and turned into a gust of wind to leave the scene. He didn't worry about hurting others. There were no ordinary people around this street.

(End of this chapter)

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