Chapter 362
  Internationally, undercurrents are surging, and various forces are contacting and communicating with each other, trying hard to dig out the details of Vincent's incident.

In the media news, various well-informed people and relevant insiders broke the news.

It's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

Netizens don’t need to tell who is true and who is false, they only need to choose the part they want to believe, and that is the truth.

The waves of the world wash over the campus and become gentle and leisurely again.

The midday sun was blazing, and the chirping of cicadas fell from the branches of the osmanthus trees.

Qingze walked towards the club building and walked around to the side. The familiar sound of the guzheng came from the window.

It's been a while since I heard the two of them playing the guzheng.

He went to the window.

Indoors, two girls in school uniforms were sitting there, with a guzheng on the table.

They wore finger cots and plucked the strings.

Qingze did not rush to get a lunch box, but instead propped his elbows on the window frame and listened quietly to the two of them playing a piece of music.

After it was over, Yanagimachi Natsuka raised her head and said with a smile: "Senior Aozawa, do you feel that your soul has been washed by our music?"

"Xia Hua, you can't be too confident in your life."

Qingze complained that the level of playing between the two could only be said to be average, and it definitely could not be said to cleanse people's hearts.

In addition, unlike Miki and the others, Shinoko is the kind of character who breaks the casserole and asks the truth.

False praise can be easily exposed.

"Hehe, I understand, only here can I cleanse my senior's soul~"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka put her hands around Hojo Shinoko's chest, and the curves of the majestic mountains suddenly appeared.

Qingze immediately coughed and said, "Why do you suddenly want to practice piano?"

"This is the guzheng."

Shinoko Hojo corrected her, then swatted away Yanagi Machi Natsuka's hands, and stood up and said: "This weekend the guzheng club wants to hold a public performance in front of the Silver Department Store to raise funds for those who died in Washington."

Qingze showed a trace of surprise on his face and said, "Xiaozi, do you have any connections?"

"This is an excuse. I think Sayuri-senpai is the kind of caring person. We can use this excuse to ask her to help distribute flyers, and then get her and Oni to do things together."

Hojo Shinoko truthfully told her plan.

Qingze touched his chin and found that this plan was indeed feasible.

Sayuri has a very simple personality. I heard that it was a good thing to raise funds for the families of the victims, so she might volunteer to help.

"Shinoko, you shouldn't do unnecessary things, right?"

"Senior Qingze, I have studied this knowledge carefully, there will be no problem."

Hojo Shinoko handed the lunch box forward with a serious expression.

Qingze took the lunch box, raised his hand and flicked her forehead, complaining: "Don't talk nonsense, let Zheji express himself freely.

I heard from Meiji that he and Sayuri get along happily, and as long as they create opportunities for the two of them to play together, they don't have to worry about anything else.

You must not try to gain favor for Zhe Er on your own. You must be self-aware as a person. "

Hojo Shinoko frowned and said: "Senior Aozawa, I always feel that you always have old stereotypes about me and are unwilling to refresh your understanding of me.

Why don't you go to Silver Department Store on the weekend and I'll show you what I'm capable of. "

"If you say this, I will be there to monitor you."

"Senior, me."


Qingze touched her head to calm her angry mood, then turned and walked towards the teaching building.

Yanagimachi Natsuka stepped forward and asked with curiosity on her face: "How did it feel for you to have your head touched by Senior Qingze?"

"Senior Qingze's hands don't look obvious. When he touches his head, it feels like he's holding my head like a ball."

"Don't say horrible things like that."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka's mind flashed to Aozawa grabbing Hojo Shinoko's head with one hand and lifting her up directly.

The scene was a bit like a demon king.

Hojo Shinoko glanced at her and said, "I'm just answering your question truthfully."

"I'm not asking about the feeling, but whether there is something very sweet in my heart, like a dog being petted by its owner."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka put her right hand in the posture of playing with a dog, her expression and tone were full of emotion.

Hojo Shinoko looked at her expression and said speechlessly: "No, don't think about it."

"Then I'll touch your head."

"Stop making trouble."

Hojo Shinoko blocked her hand.

Yanagimachi Natsuka seemed to have found conclusive evidence and shouted: "This is the difference between how you treat me and Aozawa-senpai!
  Why can he touch your head but I can't? "

Hojo Shinoko was stunned, with a thoughtful expression on Wenjing's face.

Thinking about it carefully, apart from Senior Qingze, there is no one of the opposite sex who touches his head.

My mother used to be a pat on the head, and then she was a hairdresser.

"Is it possible that Senior Qingze will be an excellent barber in the future?"

"of course not!"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka raised her hand and patted her shoulder, shouting: "This is love!"

Hojo Shinoko frowned slightly.

Yanagimachi Natsuka smiled and said: "Xiaozi, I think you can try dating Qingze-senpai.

Maybe it's an unexpected fit. Wouldn't it be great to feel a sense of security similar to that of an older brother? "     "Don't talk nonsense. "

Hojo Shinoko refuted Yanagimachi Natsuka's words, feeling a little confused in her heart.

She feels that it feels good to get along with senior Qingze like this now. Why does Xia Hua always want to push herself forward?
  If we have a real relationship, will we get good results?
  Some people are good friends, but if they date, they may have conflicts, and then part ways, never to see each other again.

Rather than fall to that point, it's better to stay the way you are now.

Hojo Shinoko turned around and said: "Okay, Natsuka, let's continue practicing.

You don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of others, right? "


Natsuka Yanamachi ended the topic.

She really didn't want to embarrass herself in front of passers-by, so she at least wanted to play a song that people thought was good.

Instead of giving the impression to passers-by that the girl is stunningly beautiful, what on earth is she playing?

Two in the afternoon.

Shinjuku, Center Building.

The sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was like fire, illuminating the high-rise buildings like a mirror.

Jack had to close the floor-to-ceiling curtains, hold his cell phone in one hand, and listen to the woman on the other end complain.

"I don't think the CIA in the United States needs my help at all."

"Ms. Morimoto, I know something very important is happening in Washington, but the crisis has been resolved now. You don't have to worry."

Jack tried to calm the man down, emphasizing: "I'm surprised that this happened."

"I risked my life to get here. Can you just say something unexpected and smooth it over?"

"Okay, in addition to this reward, how about giving you another car, a Bugatti Veyron?"

"Who do you think I am? Can I be bribed with just a car?"

Listening to the accusing tone over there, Jack rubbed his temples and said with pain, "It's better than this. Summer vacation is coming soon. I'll give you a villa near the seaside, covering an area of ​​two hundred square meters, with The open-air bath is located on the Miura Peninsula.”

"I will pay the property tax on the house permanently, and the Bugatti Veyron will be bright red."

"Okay, I'll give you another hundred years."

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, Morimoto Chiyo did not pursue the matter. She knew very well that no matter how generous Jack was, he always had a bottom line in his heart.

Moreover, this kind of thing really cannot be blamed on Jack.

No one would have thought in advance that a brigadier general could join forces with an admiral to start such a large-scale war.

It was almost successful.

"While I was resting in this hotel, no one from the CIA came to contact me.

How long do I have to stay here? "

Chiyo Morimoto put her feet on the sofa and asked, "Is that guy Bruno dead?"

The blackmail was just a casual thing. What Chiyo Morimoto really wanted was to figure out the current situation and when she could return to Tokyo.

She hated the feeling of being closed off.

Jack thought for a while and replied truthfully: "Ms. Morimoto, the current situation is that the whereabouts of the CIA director is unknown.

Logically speaking, high-level officials like him should hide in the bunker in time.

But he was not found in the bunker. It may be that he was too late to evacuate, or he may have been kidnapped. "

"Sure enough, Vincent is not the mastermind of this conspiracy."

"It can't be said that he is the mastermind on the surface.

This time the plan was formulated and executed by him. Even the people in the Air Force relied on his personal charm to make those people choose to follow. "

Jack corrected one of Chiyo Morimoto's mistakes and said: "It's just that this incident involves too much and is quite complicated behind it. There are not only domestic forces, but also foreign forces.

The CIA, the FBI, all the intelligence agencies in the country are working.

The largest known players are the Rockefellers.

They took this opportunity to eradicate the four major families that dominated the Chicago Consortium, the Boston Consortium, the Morgan Consortium, and the California Consortium.

However, the intelligence of other consortiums was wrong and they were not killed by them.

Now that the Rockefeller family is being strangled by various families, we cannot rule out the possibility that someone in the remaining consortium knows about this plan in advance and can use it to their advantage.

Needless to say, other foreign intelligence agencies, such as MI[-] and the KGB, even the Phoenix Institute cannot avoid suspicion. "

"Why is it related to the Phoenix Academy family?"

Chiyo Morimoto was a little surprised when she heard that there was a Japanese consortium.

Jack sat on the chair and explained: "The Phoenix Academy family can be said to be the indirect beneficiary of this war.

Hu Die's opinions made Lieutenant General Oruch MacArthur firmly stand in the White House during this change.

He commanded Langley Air Force Base to respond quickly, which was highly appreciated by lawmakers. He was promoted to a four-star general, served as Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and concurrently served as Commander of Northern Command.

With the improvement of his status and the burning of many generals in the Pentagon, the influence of the MacArthur family in the military has almost returned to its peak.

He and Hu Die are as close as brothers and sisters.

The Phoenix Academy family has naturally become more prosperous, and has also participated in the division of the inheritance among the five major consortiums. "

"In your eyes, any force that benefits from this is an object of suspicion."

"Yes, we will be busy for a while, and the CIA will also need to choose a new director.

You say, what should I do? "

Jack humbly asked for advice.

 PS: Thanks to the chariot girl Varun Mengdeng for the reward.
  (End of this chapter)

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