Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 361 Why do you know so much?

Chapter 361 Why do you know so much?

Ding dong.

The clear ringing of the end of get out of class bell rang in the school, sending off the teachers on the stage. Phoenix Academy Meiji reached out to take out her phone from the drawer and unlocked it.

During class, she noticed that a message had been sent to her. She had only a handful of friends on her LINE account.

Qingze and others can be eliminated, then there is only one candidate left, mother.

Phoenix Academy Meiji clicked on the software with her index finger and saw the message from her mother.

"Something special happened in Washington today. I'm fine. It's just that I may be able to return to Japan later, or I may return earlier."

Seeing this sentence, a trace of doubt flashed in Phoenix Academy Meiji's mind, what happened in Washington?


Shocked voices rang out in the class, and Terao Mikio, who always liked to make noises, shouted again, "An unprecedented riot is happening in the United States?!

Preliminary estimates caused more than [-] casualties! "

This sentence quickly attracted the attention of the classmates.

Phoenix Academy Meiji also opened the YouTube channel immediately, and the video pushed above was of Washington in flames of war.

The time, place, and specific events are all written on the surface of each picture.

"Vincent Hancock."

Phoenix Academy Meiji read out the name of the mastermind of the rebellion and stared at the photo. The man had a short haircut and a resolute face. He looked like a ruthless person with a strong will.

The picture quickly switches again. The top is the complete Washington, and the bottom is the ruins destroyed by the war, forming a sharp contrast.

There are also mosaic bodies.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji took a breath, turned around, occupied Qingze's desk, and naturally pushed the pencil case into the corner, "Qingze, did you see it?"

"I saw."

Qingze replied, and used his mobile phone to reply to Chiyo's message, sending a big shocked emoticon, and then texted "Just be fine."

Before Phoenix Academy Princess could speak, someone else said in an exclamatory tone: "The rest of Washington has been reduced to rubble.

But the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument, there is nothing going on at all. How amazing! "

“Is this Lady Liberty protecting?”

After hearing this discussion, Qingze's hand stopped typing.

He didn't pay attention to the situation in the Capitol or the Washington Monument, but he was still very clear about the situation in the White House.

Not even a tile could be left in place, and the ground was cleaner than a plate washed seven times.

“Is the White House that strong?”

Phoenix Academy Meiji was curious, flipping through the videos, and found the video that the boy saw.

She saw buildings that had been reduced to ruins, and she saw an undamaged palace among the ruins.

The ruins and the majestic palace reflect each other, and the natural filter caused by the sunlight makes the palace look divine and beautiful.

The number of views of this video is as high as [-] million, and the number of messages in the comment area is tens of millions, and it is still soaring. They are all kinds of exclamation, shock, and praise.

The United States ranks first in the world in science and technology, far ahead.

Any doubts were quickly drowned out by praise and passers-by.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji blinked and said with some confusion: "Is it fake?"

The surrounding area was blown up to look like that. Looking at the video, even the grass in the White House looks green.

"Indeed, it looks very much like a video faked by AI."

Qingze answered casually.

Those people probably believe that if the truth is known to the world, it will undoubtedly damage the image of the United States.

The occurrence of that kind of thing has already proved that there are problems within the United States.

However, such external propaganda will surely deceive many people who are not in Washington.

This is the advantage of controlling public opinion.

"Why do you know so much?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji glanced at the White House in the video, and there was no trace of AI at all.

Although she is not a professional, Qingze who follows is also not a professional. Why can this person be sure that the video was produced by AI?

She turned her big eyes and searched for any abnormalities in Washington.

It’s okay if you don’t check, but if you check, the YouTube is full of names, Godzilla appears in Washington, and Tyrannosaurus appears in Washington.

American heroes come to Washington.

God appears.

Phoenix Academy Meiji clicked on the video of Godzilla. The technology was very good, as if she was watching a Hollywood monster movie with hundreds of millions of dollars invested.

Let people see for themselves how Godzilla destroys cities.

Some people in the comment area called the special effects awesome, while others cursed and said it was disrespectful to the deceased, and attached various miserable photos.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji flipped through those short videos, some were well-made, and some were spoof with special effects worth thirty cents.

Let her think of ways to cover up the news. If she can't suppress the news, she will get involved and push it up like crazy.

Or put out other breaking news to cover up the truth.

"Tell me, will Dior show up in Washington?"

"I do not know."

Qingze replied and put the phone under the desk.

He used the ability of catalyst induction, and his mentality changed to a state of having no desires or desires, and all he could see was the beauties of the Phoenix Academy.

His hands were tapping the phone screen below, replying to the messages sent by Chiyo, the monitor, and Iroha.

What happened in the United States this time is really huge, and there are so many topics for people to talk about, which is very interesting. Qingze became busy.

"I guess Dior must have appeared in Washington to let the videos of these monsters be released there."

Phoenix Academy Meiji said in a very affirmative tone, wanting to discuss further with Qingze.

Nomura Manami and Yoshikawa Sayuri walked up together, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Miki, do you want to go together?"

"it is good."

Phoenix Academy Meiji quickly gave up questioning Aozawa and left with Nomura Manami and Yoshikawa Sayuri.

Tetsuji Hojo, who was sleeping on his stomach, woke up, turned his head and said, "Aozawa, Sayuri came here just now, why didn't you call me?"

"Please, they are going to the bathroom, should I ask you to get up and follow them?"

Qingze replied angrily, disabling the ability of catalyst induction.

Without Phoenix Academy Meiji by his side, he didn't have to pretend that he was only talking to the eldest lady, and could freely cast his gaze on the screen.

Hojo Tetsuji was stunned, this sounded reasonable.

Damn it, why can't boys enter the girls' bathroom?

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, reality couldn't work, comics could!

"Hey, partner, don't pay attention to those things that make children happy. The major events happening in the United States are more worthy of discussion by us boys."

Peter stepped forward quickly.

Hojo Tetsuji slapped his hand away angrily and shouted: "Who is your partner? Don't bother me!"

"Don't be so cold. We have slept in the same tent."

With a smile on his face, Peter began to talk about what happened in the United States.

Qingze lowered his head and concentrated on chatting with them on the software.



Inside Air Force One, Hu Die stayed in the reception room and could hear the constant footsteps outside.

She didn't need to be personally involved to understand that various orders were being conveyed to the following as quickly as possible.

There are too many things that need to be dealt with, including external relations, internal handling, and the manipulation of public opinion.

Uncle Yade really left a mess before his death. No, it should be said that the higher-ups were too conceited and dared to carry out such a huge plan when they changed generals at the last minute.

Hu Die felt both happy and worried.

The door suddenly opened, and the Secretary of State entered the room with strong steps and said with a smile: "Mrs. Hu Die, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Hu Die quickly smiled and said: "Your Excellency, Secretary of State, it is an honor for you to take time out of your busy schedule to meet me."

“For me, being able to be in the same room with such a beautiful lady like my wife is undoubtedly a pleasure.

Those boring documents are a real pain in the ass. "

The Secretary of State picked up the teapot and poured her a glass of water.

Such an attitude did not make Hu Die happy, and her heart sank.

When discussing things, once the other party shows a reception that exceeds the specifications, it undoubtedly means that the negotiation of the matter will be difficult to make good progress.

"We discussed the matter of deregulating Japan's arms and decided that this time is not suitable for release. I hope you can suspend Gao Tianyuan's plan.

In other words, you can change the name.

The venue was moved here to the United States on the grounds of supporting post-disaster reconstruction. "

The Secretary of State said what he meant.

Today is different from the past. If they release news and relax their control over Japan at this time, it will undoubtedly send a wrong signal to the outside world, that is, they are too weak to even control Japan.

This kind of thing will greatly shake the image of the United States as a world hegemon.

The image of the United States as a world hegemon was established after the end of the Cold War. Only after the fall of another superpower that could rival it did it truly gain the throne of global hegemony.

No matter how famous they are now, they are invincible in the world.

But if we look back a few decades, we have a good idea of ​​what is going on in our family.

The Secretary of State must maintain the myth of being powerful and hold down the country's challenge to the country below.

The prestige of a world hegemon cannot be weakened.

Hu Die didn't think so and said with a smile: "Dear Secretary of State, I think it's better not to cause you any trouble at this time. Gao Tian's original plan is put on hold for the time being."

"I heard that your preparations are pretty much the same. Wouldn't it be a pity to give up now?"

The Secretary of State was unwilling to let her go and picked up the tea with a look of leisure on his face.

He is proficient in diplomacy and knows that at this moment, he must show a calm and unhurried attitude, and must not be a little weak.

Hu Die sighed inwardly and said with a smile on his face: "How about, in the name of aiding reconstruction, we allocate part of the funds to the United States and withhold part of it to conduct some experiments here?"

There was a hint of satisfaction in the eyes of the Secretary of State. She was indeed a woman who knew current affairs. He put down the tea cup and said: "Since you are so sincere, we naturally agree.

By the way, CIA Director Keith disappeared, did you know? "

"Is there such a thing?"

Hu Die had a look of astonishment on her face.

The Secretary of State examined her expression and said with a smile: "I don't know who did it at the moment.

Hey, it's getting late, I have other things to deal with, so I'll say goodbye first. "

"Okay, I have to go back and discuss it with them."

Hu Die nodded, a chill rising in his heart. It was not clear who did it for the time being, which meant that anyone could have done it.

Why didn't this old fox die in that turmoil?

(End of this chapter)

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