Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 336 Qiuyue provoked the eldest lady to rebel against General 1

Chapter 336: Qiuyue provoked, but the eldest lady turned against him.

Sophia was discharged from the hospital early. Her physical condition was different from that of ordinary people. Doctors used normal people's physical conditions to judge her body, so misjudgments were inevitable.

She stood on the classroom podium with a cane, her sharp eyes swept over the students present, and then stared at the back of the head sleeping on the table.

The right hand holding the crutch suddenly exerted force and tightened it. It was not anger, but the kind of subconscious fear, which had nothing to do with will. Sophia's body had just experienced that kind of terrifying attack. When she saw the person who caused the harm, she would inevitably have some stress reactions. .

Tetsuji Hojo, who was lying on his stomach, noticed the murderous intent and quickly raised his head to see Sophia on the podium.

He suddenly felt guilty, lay down on the table again, turned his head and said, "Qingze, do you think she called the police?"

"Don't worry, judging from her expression, she should want to solve it by herself."

Qingze replied in a low voice.

Hojo Tetsuji's heart dropped when he mentioned it, and he complained again: "Miss, you really think too much."

Phoenix-in Meiji, who was sitting upright, glanced sideways, and her aura made Hojo Tetsuji shut up.

Peter and Sophia on the stage introduced their names to each other and then walked back under the guidance of the teacher.

But the two of them did not sit next to Qingze, but sat on the side near the corridor window.

"Okay, let's continue with class."

The teacher saw both of them sitting down and started class.


After class, the two freshmen were naturally discussed by the students, but no one dared to approach them.

The two of them did not move, just silently observing the group situation in the classroom.

"That woman is so tall. Are all Russian women that tall?"

"She came to school with a cane and got into fights? Or was she in a car accident?"

"She has the same last name as Peter. Are they brother and sister?"

The students whispered to each other and exchanged their opinions on the unexpected transfer students.

There are also some voices that are not discussing the two people.

"Oh, Phoenix Academy and Qingze are really close. They are definitely dating."

"Our hands have touched each other. Phoenix Academy has never been so enthusiastic about other boys."

Qiuyue Caiyu lay on the table, listening to the rumors in her ears. She remained calm and continued to stare at the vertical eraser in front of her, as if the professor was watching the topic she was studying.

Takahashi Saeko, Tsuchima Madoka, and Mihara Kaoru, who pretended to be communicating with passers-by, saw that she didn't respond, so they stopped teasing her.

Takahashi Saeko knocked down the eraser in front of Akizuki Iroha and said with a smile: "Iroha, why don't you speak?"

"If I say anything, I'll fall into your trap."

When Qiuyue Caiyu was asked, she stood up from the table and said angrily: "You guys just like to make fun of me."

Saeko Takahashi shrugged: "I'm not kidding you.

According to the news from my undercover in the kendo club, Qingze is holding a kendo match without protective gear for Phoenix Academy Meiji and the new transfer student Peter.

You have to understand that no protective gear is used in kendo competitions, and hitting the body is no joke. "

Akizuki Iroha quickly looked behind her and saw that Qingze was chatting with Phoenix Academy Meiji.

He looked fine on the outside, and during training in the morning, he didn't look injured.

She said happily: "I knew Qingze would definitely win."

"Iroha, the point is not here, it's about Qingze's protection of Phoenix Academy Princess. It's impossible for ordinary friends to do that kind of thing, which shows that there is a tacit understanding between the two."

Takahashi Saeko had to remind her, with a serious expression: "This is a woman who is more troublesome than Morimoto."

She will never share Qingze with others. Even if you want to surrender, there is no way to surrender. "

"Zezi, what are you talking about? How could I surrender?"

A flash of panic flashed across Akizuki Iroha's face, and she shook her head quickly, wanting to strengthen her determination to her friend.

Takahashi Saeko rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't pretend to be brave, do you think we can't see it?

You have long had the thought of surrendering if you can't beat him, and you have no future. "

"Coward Iroha."

Tsuchima circle lasts.

Mihara Kaoru smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I like Caiyu very much even if she is such a coward."


A shy smile appeared on Qiuyue Caiyu's face, like a golden retriever that made a mistake and was caught by its owner, and whispered: "You all know."

"I just heard it from you."

Takahashi Saeko immediately said with a straight face and a cold look in his eyes: "We have worked hard for you, but you actually want to surrender?"

Qiuyue Caiyu's aura was even weaker, like a newly bought puppy staying at home, she said weakly: "I'm sorry."

"Haha, you really believe it, don't be afraid, we already knew it."

Takahashi Saeko chuckled again, raised his hand and rubbed her head, his eyes full of endearment and said: "Oh, how can you compete with them with your IQ?"

Qiuyue Caiyu could only laugh. If she didn't laugh like this, she wouldn't know what kind of expression she should show.

Takahashi Saeko retracted her hand and said: "You lose to them in other aspects, and you can only make up for the gap between them by working hard."


Akizuki Iroha nodded repeatedly, and she knew very well that she wanted to compete with Phoenix Academy, Morimoto and the others for favor, and only by listening to Saeko and the others could she have a chance.

Takahashi Saeko patted her shoulder with a face full of relief and said: "Very good, then you go and ask Qingze now to see if he is free on the weekend.

In the name of our group, we will spend one night at the Hikawa Campground in Okutama Town on Saturday. "

"Yeah." Qiuyue Caiyu nodded subconsciously, but suddenly realized something was wrong, raised his head and said, "Eh?! Now?"

Saeko Takahashi lowered his head and said with a smile, "Yes, that's right now."

Akizuki Iroha turned her head and looked at Phoenix Academy Miji and Qing Ze, swallowed her saliva and said, "Why don't you just invite me on the phone?"

"Don't be afraid, Phoenix Academy Princess will definitely not have time to go. You boldly come forward to invite me and declare your sovereignty over Qingze."

Saeko Takahashi encouraged her to come forward.

Qiuyue Caiyu glanced at them, and after receiving their encouraging eyes, she felt her chest filled with courage.

You are not fighting alone!
  She has Saeko and the others behind her, so she doesn't need to be afraid of Phoenix Academy Princess.

Qiuyue Caiyu took a sudden breath, clenched her fists with both hands, and strode towards Qingze.


"As for comics, I saw one."

Meiji of the Phoenix Academy was planning to share the interesting comics she found with Qingze, but suddenly she noticed something strange in the air.

She didn't turn her head, almost instinctively aware that someone of the opposite sex was approaching here.

Girls have an inexplicable feeling for each other. For example, when male lions patrol their territory, they can always find other male lions invading their territory.

She stopped talking, turned her head, and saw Qiuyue Caiyu striding towards her.

Wheat-colored skin is like ripe wheat ears in autumn, shining with a pleasing luster.

Inside the white sailor suit, there are also mature wheat ears that are beyond ordinary girls, with the black bow held high.

She was dressed the same as the other girls in the class. They were all wearing school uniforms, with a five-pointed star stuck under the corner of her right eye. Her colorful hair was tied into a centipede braid, and her left earlobe was exposed with a silver ear clip. Look very fashionable.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy narrowed her eyes slightly.

The air contained the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Hojo Tetsuji continued to pretend to be asleep.

Qingze couldn't pretend to be asleep, so he could only pretend that he didn't notice the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, turned his head and said with a smile: "Iroha, what's the matter with you?"

Akizuki Iroha's originally tense mood became relaxed at this moment. With Qingze at the scene, it was impossible for Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy to stab her with a knife on the spot.

A smile appeared on her face and she said: "Aozawa, the Human Observation Society wants to hold a camping trip on Saturday at the Glacier Valley in Okutama Town. Do you want to participate?"

Qingze thought for a while and realized that he had no plans for the weekend, so he nodded and said, "No problem."

Akizuki Iroha did not leave on the spot, but glanced at Phoenix Academy Meiji who was sitting there, and said with a smile: "Phoenix Academy students, do you want to go together?"

"no problem."

Phoenix Academy Meiji smiled slightly. She shouldn't have had such a dispute, but Akizuki Iroha's attitude of deliberately asking her whether she was going or not angered her.

You don't need to use your brain to understand that this is a naked provocation.

If she refuses to participate in the camping, it is equivalent to saying that she is afraid of being in the same space as Akizuki Iroha.

This kind of thing is something that Phoenix Academy Meiji cannot tolerate.

She never ran away from anyone's challenge.

Anyway, my mother has flown to the United States.

During the weekend, she could find an excuse to deceive the housekeeper and stay in the Okutama area for one night, but she could not give in to the provocation of her love rival.


A smile appeared on Akizuki Iroha's face, but she was about to cry. Why was it different from what Saeko said?
  Didn't that mean she wasn't free?
  Thinking of the unpleasant factor of Phoenix-in Miki being suddenly added to her happy camping trip, Akizuki Iroha began to retreat.

But there was no timidity on her face.

Even if you are timid, you must never let go of your aura.

"That's great. Meet at Shinjuku Station at two in the afternoon."

Qiuyue Caiyu smiled, feeling that if she continued to stay here, the embarrassment and discomfort in her heart would become more intense, so she said, "That's it, goodbye."

Turning around, the expression on her face dropped.

What should I do?

From the expression on that face, Takahashi Saeko could clearly see this sentence.

"Zezi, you really had a bad idea."

"I'm also surprised that the eldest lady of the Phoenix Academy family is actually free to go camping with us on the weekends."

Saeko Takahashi shrugged. This development was not something she had expected in advance.

Her original plan was for Akizuki Iroha to come forward and provoke her, and then return happily.

Unexpectedly, Meiji from the Phoenix Academy agreed.

"But it's also an interesting development."

A smile appeared on Takahashi Saeko's face.

Madoka Tsuchima also smiled.

Mihara Kaoru also showed curiosity, while Akizuki Iroha had a bitter look on her face.

Peter glanced around the classroom from behind, touching his chin with his hand, as if he saw something interesting.

There seems to be some story between that girl, Qing Ze, and Mei Ji from the Phoenix Academy.

He didn't rush forward to talk just now, because he knew in his heart that it was important to make a decision before taking action.

Now, he found a breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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